Far Pangaea 83 : Busy Body


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Even in his spirit form James conceived the notion of goosebumps. As the rock on the door eases open to offer entrance. A tall woman enters and stands there in the shadows. His vision allowing perfect sight he bears witness to an unexpected source. "Lilith. Holy crap. I should have realized that even Vampires hung out in this part of the world. Is she here to drink the blood of Christ?"

Lilith ponders just that until she notes something strange. Someone strange. Like Satan she senses James within.

"How intriguing. A passenger. Who might you be?"

"Real Estate Agent. I bought the home you're too late. Not for sale." James rambles.

"Tainted. How unfortunate." She smiles darkly. Suddenly, a voice snarls behind her. She boldly stands uncaring. Fearless in her contemplation.

"How dare thee desecrate the resting place of Christ. Who art thee Intruder?"

"I would ask you the same Roman."

"Whoa! Gaicazar caught Lilith. You go Anton." James excitably states.

Lilith turns her profile as if realizing something special about him, "Mmmm! What is this I smell? The blood of immortality? It courses quite valiantly my handsome Soldier."

"Vampyre! The rumors are truth. Here to dine upon the Holy." He withdraws his blade from its sheath illuminating instantly. The light blinding Lilith. Her hisses bring forth three more vampires in her defense. Gaicazar pummels them with an unexpected strength. His sword ending their unliving reign of existence. Ashes upon the stone floor. Lilith in her stress abandons the tomb in a blur. He lets her go knowing he could not keep up. Prepared to take his own leave the Roman removes his helmet deciding instead to kneel beside Christ. Speaking of his confusion in belief. Promising to forever defend his honor. The swords light shining brighter with his commitment. It was then that James realized something. It was the light upon the burial shroud covering the body of Jesus that burnt the true image of the Messiah upon its interior. Amazing.

As Gaicazar rises he swears to track down and end the Vampire Queen once and for all. Making it his mission. As Antonaeus left the tomb sealing it once more James never saw him again until Pangaea. Weeks later Antonaeus and a platoon of Roman soldiers gave chase and fell victim to the purple storm as the Angels had. The rest as they say is Pre-History.

On the third day of occupation James feels strange. The body of Jesus rising up carrying him along. All he could think of was the Walking Dead television show. Jesus smiled, "Join me my reflection."

"Whoa! God?"

"I am He. It is time."

"Your Angels flew the coop."

"Curious indeed. I shall make my own way home. Let me make my final statements to my adoring fans and we can go."

"You sound more modern than I expected."

"Of course. Did you think I would speak like George Burns?"

"You know?...right...YOU KNOW ALL. Gotcha. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Make it fast. I'm on a schedule."

"Is Satan bad or not? Why the need for celestial reflections throughout History? What is my purpose?"

"In order, He has his moments. A constant reminder of who I once was. Your purpose is to protect my designs."

"Designs? Oh, you mean each world has a Protector? Who you once were? Don't you mean are?"

"Am. Even I need reminders. I can get quite lost in my work. As my erstwhile Son has stated. Stan was always an unruly child."

"Stan? You mean Satan?"

"I do not make mistakes. Well, I did with my children. His name is Stan. I know. It was his Mother's idea."

"Speaking of Mother. Mothers. I never knew you were married."

"Never married. She had the most beautiful glowing blue eyes. Quite entrancing. How unfortunate that I was never enough for her. We went our separate ways. She...served a purpose."

"Dude that so goes against your Commandments."

"My commandments? Whatever are you talking about? A foolish..."

"Sorry to cut you off Sir but come on I was Moses in a past life. I saw the burning bush. I brought down those heavy ass tablets you branded."

"Not I. My son Zayeus. Ever the joker. Live as you wish."

"Zayeus? You mean Zeus? No way. Come on now. You just spent your life in Jesus trying to set people on the right track. How can you say that?"

"Rings of truth. Of course I want nothing bad to happen to my flock. I only inhabited Jesus to relive what I once was. A moral compass if you will. Every billion years or so I cosplay to keep my sanity."

"You know about cosplay? Whoa! I know I say whoa a lot. I can't help it. Awestruck."

"You are a good reflection James Ian. Thank you for your service."

"Why the whole reflection concept anyway?"

"As I said. While not inhabiting another as I had Jesus I needed a way of keeping not only my sanity but my humanity. Through my reflections I see all. Hear all. Know all. A bit of miracle goes a long way."

"So we're like recording History for you? What about the Magic aspect keeping some reflections alive longer than others?"

"Moses? Thoth? Mozart? Yes I knew Mozart long before I created him. I needed a bit of music to pass the time. Just as I know the End of Days. In the year 3333."

"Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?"

God chuckles, "Ask Stan about that nonsense. Toy horsemen he used to play with as a child."

"I saw the Osirians in Ancient Egypt. The royal family."

"Troublesome Bastards those Osirians. They evolved beyond my machinations. One day I'll have to set them straight. Always trying to steal my thunder."

"Unreal. How could you let such evil creations get out of hand? Lilith? Verago? Stan? Who knows what else."

"I create I don't supervise. The outcome of all worlds lies in what my creations do. How they learn. Adapt. Evolve. Destroy."

"I'm not sure how I feel now that we've spoken."

"Does it matter? Live James Ian. Be heroic."

"3333? That's the End of Days? Stan out to destroy you?"

"Stan?" God laughs, "Bright boy but not that bright. No James the year 3333 is this worlds reflection. Like you are my reflection. Each world I design has a reflection of Heaven. If not identical. A reminder of Home. As one mirror shatters another mirror captures. Nothing ends."

"So if nothing ends how can 3333 be the end of Earth?"

"Born again." God wiggles his eyebrows as a separate spirit from James' leaves Jesus. It freaks the reflection out.

"Officially confused. I feel like throwing up and I know I can't because I'm a spirit."

"You have a long road ahead of you James Ian Pryce. To save Earth and your friends requires you to reach 3333."

"Did you create the time waves that trapped us in Pangaea?"

"Pangaea? I love that name. I just called it Mud. To answer your question no I did not."

"If you created all that is, how could you not have created the time waves?"

"Paradox. One world ends another begins. The more things change. Evolution revolution."

"Dude! Explain it in English."

"Time is ravenous. It feeds on what is required to sustain itself."

"So Time is sentient?"

"Oh yes. It devours itself and gives birth to something new each day."

"Birth? Is Ruby my real Mother? I mean I believe she is but these paradoxes are a bitch."

"She is. The Mother of many." God grows grim suddenly. A memory flooding his expression. One of suspicion but uncertainty.

"How could she carry a Ganthorian baby too?" James pauses with a confused expression, "How did I know...?" He had not known of baby Kym'Ani before leaving Pangaea on his celestial journey. The news had suddenly caught up with his mind.

"Troublesome. As I said a paradox. Something new was added. Any future goes uncertain. A leaf falls and dies. Another replaces it."

"You don't know do you?"

"Of course I...don't. The very reason for my reflections are to help me discover the answers."

"No offense but you're making this harder than it has to be. So, you're saying that some things are beyond your control? You're God. The Master Builder."

"Be still my Reflection. Now you understand my need for your line. My second thought. Your views are mine to sort out. I might know the past, present, and future but even I can overlook things. Such things that alter Time."


"Yes James Ian?"

"Just a thought here. Probably nothing."

"I'm listening."

"Is Time Me? I mean like most things even the word Mean and meaning for that matter has the word ME and EAN which could be Ian. Look at tiME. It has Me in it too. Sounds silly but there's a link in almost everything. You know that though, right?"

"Word play at best James. I admire your merit."

"Merit has ME in it too. Your Angels got caught up in a time wave disturbance. Right after being exposed to Me. My travels from the past might have started a chain reaction. Like maybe Time...this sentient beast you created is following me. Claiming anything that I come into contact with." James looks at God with flaring eyes, "What if I get you caught in time?"


"Food for thought Sir?"

"Considered. I must go. My ride is here."

"More Angels?"

"Hardly. Dear Friends. Uber if you like."

"He knows Uber." James laughs.

With a wave of his shimmering hand God in the image of Jesus rolls the boulder away from the tombs entrance. Daylight enters. Basking in the moment God steps outside. Turning slightly, "Join me a moment longer my Reflection."

"Sure. But, how?"

"Take my hand."

"Walking into the light?"

"No you moron. Well, into the daylight. Good grief Boy."

"Sorry. I ramble when I'm nervous. Come on I'm taking a walk with God."

"Relax. Let me greet my flock then we can go."

Outside the tomb people gathered to witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ. James invisible to their eyes perception. In the spirit form of his Son, God spoke out. Only some of his words reach the written Gospels. Others created by Man in his overzealous nature. Still the points are taken. God was indeed Good. Praise was strong. James felt their admiration coursing through his soul. Funneled through the disguised visage of God. Then, inexplicably James felt a sudden tug in his being. Something felt wrong. Was it God? Was it an outside influence? He had no clue.

James literally forgets everything he still needed to ask God. Was Jack Ramse his real Father? What was it that Lucas Dorsey was after? How does he beat Dorsey? How could he have rescued his friends and returned them in 2027 knowing nothing of Dorsey's true intention? How did REGION know of their return in time to capture everyone? The Beautiful Dreamer project. How could multiple Reflections co-exist at the same time? What were the rabbits? Hundreds of more questions he had thought of escaped him in the moment.

With a blinding light from above brighter than the sun Jesus was gone to mortal eyes. Rising toward the Heavens. With him follows the soul of James Ian. He too unable to pierce the light. After a few moments the light fades and James Ian stands alone. Gloomy now. Inside something new. Something technologically advanced.

"Where am I? God? Where did you go?" God had vanished. James was now on his own. He realized the tech around him. As his soul hovered without a host he couldn't understand how that was even possible. He needed a host. Not a ghost. Traumatized he looks over his own soul as if checking for bodily harm. The second he looks up he realized he had company, "Ohhhhh man!"

All around him stood small alien Grey's. Each able to actually see him in his astral form. Bulbous eyes observing him with curiosity.

"Uhhh! I come in peace. Take me to your Leader." He winces as he watches them bow before his form. Shocked by this revelation he hears a voice. Better yet a babies cry. Looking left James eyes a female Grey cradling her child. A glimmer in the infants eyes gives James hope. Floating closer James cautiously reaches out as if to touch the babies extended hand. It was trying to reach him. Grinning James coughs up, "High five?"

James knew he couldn't actually touch the baby but it was cute to try. To his surprise he felt actual physical contact. Blown away James lifts his chin to look at the Mother. As if recognized the Mother smiles.


"Reflection." She offers in telepathic verse as she tilts her head to the right. The others of her kind pointing between the baby and James himself. Connecting the dots James understood. This baby was just like him. A celestial reflection from their world.

"So cool. What's his name?"

"His name is Milo."

"Milo? No way." Shocked James only had a second to process it. In that instant James Ian faded away. His journey continued on.

God smiled. From somewhere out there. As did a Devil named Stan. Reason unknown.


The Ganthorian Leader Harpea stood vigilantly over the entry point on the wall of the X'Hal that Ruby Goddard and two others had gone through. Into a pocket dimension searching for young James Ian Pryce and his reflection Ancestor Moe. Their time running out and the risk of being trapped imminent. Beside her stood Madigan Ridge biting at ghostly nails worried in two directions at once. Her daughter Sophia had joined Ruby on her mission. Her friend and romantic paramour Malcolm Brand off on a rescue mission of his own. To save Cameron Scott. The waiting was horrible.

"How much longer do they have?" Maddy darts her eyes between the wall and the beautiful Harpea.

"It is unpredictable. If this portal has opened many times before it may yet again. Ordinarily an Earth hour or more. What goes on within the dimension could be days. Time flows much differently within pockets."

"It feels like days out here. I should never have let Sophia go along. She's too dangerous to others. Impulsive. What if she acts up and alters History?"

"Is it not too late? You can only hope that she does not."

"Would that even effect us here?"

"Yes. You might never exist. Or have met her Father. Or, have taken another flight as I understand it."

"Great. We're doomed."

"You have no faith in your daughter?"

"Would you? Her Tyrant Tears don't help matters."

"Understood. Perhaps we are doomed. If so, it was quite enjoyable knowing you Madigan. For what little time we had to explore the other."

"It's Dawn." Maddy timidly smiles at Harpea uncertain what to say to someone not so trustworthy, "Malcolm hasn't called in. I wonder what's going on out there at the cavern entrance?"

As if something stabbing her in the head Harpea flinches, "I believe he has returned. I can sense his thoughts. He is in great pain."

"Pain? What? He's here?"

"Yes. The Hybrid brings him home. Hurriedly. Go to them. I shall remain here for the Colonel's return."

"Anything happens to them in that dimension and I find out it's because of you I'll..."

"There is no need to threaten me Madigan. My...niece is also within this pocket dimension. I will not move nor cause harm."

Doubt eases hearing her sudden concern, "Okay then." Maddy takes her leave floating on air toward the ramp across the X'Hal. Drifting downward past a Ganthorian male and literally through his body she reaches the crop area below. There stood Antonaeus Gaicazar peering out across the dawn sky.

"You know they're coming don't you?" Maddy calls out to him.

"Aye. I sense an arrival. Where is Greta Winston?"

"She joined Ruby and Sophia on a mission."

"A mission?"

"Yes. Within the wall that Ruby got drawn into before our adventure below ground. They went to rescue James Ian and Moe."

"I should have gone with them."

"We might still need you to if they do not make it back soon. Conserve your energy."

"I do not tire."

"THERE!" Maddy points at a glowing streak of engine exhaust. Both of them observing its erratic trajectory. Almost as if someone were flying drunk. Reaching them took a few minutes longer as the Hordakian Technoride glides lower unstable in its wavering path.

Maddy cringes, "Is that Animahni driving? She's going to wreck."

Gaicazar bolts toward the Technoride as it comes in fast. Predicting its contact point with the ground the Roman sinks his boots in for leverage and awaits the bike. Dust kicking up as its belly scratches the ground Anemone guides it the best she can. In an eerie scraping noise the last thing Anemone saw was a mighty Roman poised for impact. A sudden jolt ends her travels as the limp body of Malcolm Brand collides against her back. Looking up from her slumped torso she sees the dust settle.

Antonaeus Gaicazar stood there with arms wide encompassing the cracked front glass. His strength enough to rescue the weary travelers.

"That was amazing Antonaeus." Maddy hurries to their side. As the cockpit shield rises Maddy's facial expression fills with fear, "Malcolm? What happened to him? He looks anorexic."

Anemone allows Gaicazar to reach in and lift Malcolm off of her, cradling him to the ground beside them. Maddy switches to her human form and kneels beside him probing Malcolm's features for signs of life.

"His breathing is shallow." She looks back at the Ganthorian male she had passed through earlier, "Help us. He needs medical attention." The male shuffles toward them and crouches low with a recorder examining his body.

"Your friend suffers from malnutrition."

Anemone crawls next to them, "He was in his giant form. He ripped open a section of the pyramid and some type of fog took over his body. I do not understand how but Malcolm purged himself of his giant form. He fell toward certain death from a great height. The white woman with wings caught him before he fell."

"White woman?" Maddy eyes Gaicazar, "Sabbath maybe?"

"Yes." Anemone nods with teary eyes, "Elle is still within the pyramid. With the alien pilot."

"Malcolm?" Maddy pats his cheek for reaction. Stirring his consciousness just enough for him to say one word. She hears the whispered word as, "Apple." In response she looks up at the Ganthorian scientist, "He ate an alien apple from the X'Hal's interior garden. There was something living in there that they locked in out of fear. We have to go back in and obtain another apple for him or he's going to die."

"I shall go." Gaicazar growls hissing at the thought of once again entering the X'Hal. He hated the confinement of its walls. Like a coliseum he recalled. Claustrophobia a brute. He still wonders how his sanity survived while captured by the Vampires and held within a ship. Yet, he would dare his sanity for his friends.

"No. I'll go. I can phase in and out quickly. I know which fruit it is I've seen it up close. If there is anything dangerous in there it can't touch me." Maddy immediately stands and starts away, looking back only long enough to bark, "Stabilize him. Feed him something else for now. Just keep him alive."

Malcolm groans in his feverish weakness. His thoughts in tune with his former body. Hundreds of miles away now his gigantic form now possessed by an Osirian God named Atum. Still, the link was fresh in his mind. Insignificant to Atum on his journey. Malcolm's old body was merely a host. How Malcolm could be two separate bodies was a mystery to be solved. He was just glad to have escaped. With his life to be determined. His last bit of awareness finds him in a medical lab on board the X'Orr. Anemone beside him. Scientists examining his vitals. Darkness followed.

Five rooms away in the newly christened Nursery. Orin Ridge since his bathing in the Tempora Grotto's Mercurio pool five miles below had miraculous been de-aged. Now trapped inside the body of a fragile baby his adult mind still in control. Unknown to anyone else at this point. Biding his time letting others pamper him. He had just been fed.

"Get that tasteless protoplasm crap you call baby food away from me." He fussed against his appointed Male Nanny known as K'Vyn and his many attempts to continue refueling the tykes belly. Orin couldn't take it much longer. He needed to make a move. With siphoned telepathic talents from both versions of James Ian Pryce redeveloping his own brain he now had increasing mind control. His impulses within connecting dots each day he lay there in his gravity crib. With all of the chaos around him there would be no better time to strike. James Ian was off in another dimension. The Colonel pregnant with the boys fetal self went off in search of him. Therefore her baby could not warn her of Orin's movements. Orin's cow of a great, great daughter-in-law was frantic at the moment to save another. His only threat was his former comrade Harpea. Her telepathic abilities would possibly detect his movement. Until now. Orin felt confident his own ability could block her senses. She was busy after all on another ship next door. He might just have enough time to put his plan in motion.