Far Pangaea 88 : Celestial Assignment


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"Desert again?" The elder James Ian realizes his new Host by seeing his reflection in the eyes of the Grey, "Whoa! Hey Buddy. Who are you?"

"Miguel." The boy hearing the voice presumes it to be the alien lifeform until its own voice entered the conversation.

"Milo." The Grey winced in pain.

"Holy crap. Milo it's me James Ian. I met you once before as a baby. The day I met God. The day I was inside the body of Jesus Christ."

Milo had no recollection. He was a baby after all. For all intents and purposes this was officially their first meeting. Agony floods Miguel's thoughts. The boy trying to comfort the little man as best he could.

"Miguel? Where are we?" James asks as the boy replies with, "Corona New Mexico."

"June 14th 1947?"


"Holy crapola. That means the U.S. Army will be coming soon. I have to get you to safety Milo." Miguel luckily had enough strength to pick up the alien. Using his buttoned down shirt to drape around Milo's body James guides the boy to carry Milo. In doing so the boy runs in all directions as recommended by James. He knew the Army could track foot prints. It was better to confuse them as much as possible. In a sprint Miguel headed for the family truck. The sounds of helicopters in the distance. In reaching the trucks bed Miguel's Father Carlos had just loaded up the corpse of a large sheep that had been attacked by a Coyote and killed. Rescuing the remainder to bury Carlos brought it home. It was a miracle that Carlos had the strength to even drag it back.

"That does not look like the lamb, Miguel." Carlos wipes the sweat from his brow then puts his straw hat back on.

"No Father. We must hide him. The Army is coming to take him away."

"What is this you hold?" Carlos unwraps the boys shirt and pauses to respond by a swift signum crucis or better known as the sign of the cross. It was then that James took over.

"Carlos? Please do not assume the worst. I am not some demon possessing your son. My name is James Ian. I only speak through your son Miguel to convey what God needs of you. This man...yes man, although not of this world must be hidden from the Army. If they find him the Earth will be at peril. Miguel, your son is a Reflection of God, like myself." He wanted to mention that the letters ME were part of Miguel's name but knew it would only confuse them more, "Please Carlos."

In the distance a dust cloud rises up. Military trucks were coming. Choppers were already discovering the crash site over the hill a quarter mile away.

"How may I help My Lord?" Carlos panicked.

"Your knife. Cut open that sheep. We're going to do a Skywalker save. Bantha style." A quick slashing motion removes guts and organs. Once the cavity is deep enough Miguel as guided by James burrows Milo inside the gutted sheep. Guts stuffed around poor Milo. He would be haunted by this forever. Carlos observes Miguel's bravery and smiles. Five minutes later the Military transport reaches them. As a pair of Soldiers reach the truck they stop and get out. Cautiously they approach and look at all the blood on the bed of the truck.

"What's going on here?" The Soldier questions.

"Our sheep escaped their pen. Coyotes attacked it. I scared them off." Carlos defends with steely nerves.

The other Soldier prepares to look more closely at the Sheep. The second he leans over the side of the bed he hears barking and the sounds of a lamb. The collie had encouraged the lamb back to the Rodriguez truck. Seeing the lamb Miguel races to tie a noose collar about its neck. Patting his dogs head with praise.

"Good Xander." James hearing the dogs name smiles within. Some things were just too perfect. He missed his own Xander.

"Alright!" The first Soldier motions to his partner, "We need you to go home and stay there. The Army is going to do maneuvers in the area. It's not safe here for civilians."

"Si. Come Miguel let us be going." Carlos lifts the lamb on board the truck then tying the rope to a bed ring. The Soldiers return to their jeep and watch the family depart. As the truck heads away toward their farm Miguel turns to Carlos.

"Thank you Carlos. You are a good man. Hide Milo away on your farm. His people will come for him. Tell them James will be in contact." He takes a brief moment to honor his concealed friend, "Remember me in a few years Milo. James Ian Pryce. We were best buddies. I was always better at Grand Theft Auto than you. Rematch someday." His voice then turns to thought, "Bless you Miguel. It was an honor to know you." James fades onward toward the Future.

In the night Milo vanished from their barn. His co-pilots discovered on the desert as all of the debris field was collected. Both Grey's taken to Ohio. Then, Nevada much later. We all know the story. Even if the Government told us different.

Miguel Rodriguez passed away two years later. Trampled by a horse that he attempted to break. Carlos held on to his faith. He knew his son was in a better place.

Pangaea. The Ganthorian Hilton early morning.

Malcolm had communicated his needs to Antonaeus Gaicazar and Greta Winston. Planning out his return to the Pyramid site. He just hoped that Animahni had not eaten the second apple. Little did he know the fruit instead went to the Osirian Deity Osiris in order to refuel his life force. A cruel well orchestrated trick. Somehow his mental ties to the alien Briar used her kindness against her. Calling her from a great distance. She was on her way across the desert with no true knowledge that she was being manipulated. Being a child in a sense the human emotions around her sought connections. Naïve she fell for the God's call. She knew no better.

"We head back out as soon as Ruby links up with us." Mal conveys as he leers around him in all directions, "Anyone seen Madigan since her ordeal?"

"Last I saw of her she went back inside the Hilton." Greta cleaning her Winchester nodded.

"Alright. I'm gonna go make sure she's alright. I owe her my life I can't take off without knowing she's gonna be fine."

"We will await thee Friend Malcolm. It is good to have thee back."

"Thanks Anton."

As Malcolm collects his thoughts he heads inside the X'Hal. Moments after, the Roman Centurion Gaicazar senses a disturbance at his hip. Glaring down he unsheathes his sword, Heaventide. The blade was glowing white hot. Brighter than ever before. He and Greta marveled at its intensity.

"What in the world?"

"Aye beautiful Greta. What in this world indeed. Methinks my swords forger has arrived on Earth once more."

Greta bulges her eyes, "You mean to tell me...God is here?" Looking around she swallows, "Ya'll think I should put on my Sunday Best?"

Without acknowledging her comment he lifts the sword and points it in all directions. Wincing at the glows intensifying he suggests, "It seems that God has decided upon Eden."

"Makes sense. Are you sure he's really...here? I mean ain't God always with us?"

"In our souls yes. But, Methinks God himself has decided to walk amongst Man."

"Must be important."

"Aye. I must go to him."

"What about our mission? Wouldn't God want us to rescue our friends?"

"He would. I fear it is God that also needs our assist."

Eyes never once leaving their flared dynamic Greta holds her chest as if unable to breath, "Ummm, Anton? If God needs our help what are we supposed to do? I mean he made this place. He made us. He made all that up there...out there. What could we possibly do that he can't?"

"Answers I am denied. Go with Friend Malcolm. Do what is needed. I will join you there as I can." Antonaeus sheathes his blade containing the light even as its sheath displays tiny points of light along its threading. Leaving her to march out into the desert he trails where Briar had journeyed. At a quarter mile out Greta who observed him with a blank expression hears the roar of an engine firing up. From behind the cargo wall ripped a dust cloud. Startled she gets up and jogs toward the opening to witness Cameron Scott's '71 Charger coming to life with detailed lighting effects similar to the swords reaction. Tearing a track of diamonds in the desert floor it raced out toward Gaicazar.

Hearing it's arrival the Centurion stops and awaits it. As it reached him the drivers side door swings open. Puzzled Gaicazar removes his sword and carefully crawls behind the wheel. He had never driven anything but a chariot in his time. Today would be no different. The car had a life of its own. In moments Greta was left alone and worried.

"God is here." She puffs her cheeks and gazes toward Heaven, "Welcome home."

Inside the Hilton, Malcolm had finally located Madigan. She had escaped to Sophia's meditation room. Essentially a containment area remodeled a bit to suit her tastes. It was the only place Madigan felt safe. She had no real idea why. Peace perhaps.

"So this is where you're holdin' up. You okay Maddy?" Mal opened the door to locate her floating amid the stored containers.

"I will be. I just needed time to myself. I know I'm being silly. Come on Malcolm, I've been dead for a good while now. Even if I felt like I cheated death by being able to assume my living breathing body for short amounts of time. Giving up that ability is going to take a bit to get over."

"James brought up a valid point. You touched one of my runes and your body came back to you. Might be we can do that again."

"What would that do to poor Briar? She has just achieved her freedom."

"Cross that rainbow bridge when we get to it. I'm more concerned about you. Once I get home with Cam and Elle let's try it and see what happens."

"I...will consider that. I don't want to break my deal with Briar. She saved you as much as I did."


"She was in need. I cannot blame her."

"She took off early morning. Looks like she's headed for the Pyramid. That can't be good."

"Why would she go there?"

"Trying to help save our family?"

"She does not know them."

"Gotta be a good reason."

"When you get there stop her. Learn the truth."

"Wanna go along?"

"No. With the Elder James Ian back I feel I need to stay near Sophia. She can be a tad brash in her ability to make bad decisions."

"Heard that. Considering this place is where she showered with those Tyrant Tears. Alright. I'll be back as soon as I can. Long as I don't run into that Atum guy who stole my body the mission shouldn't be any problem."

"Be safe Malcolm."

"I will be back for you Madigan." He hesitates to offer emotion. He wanted to share his true feelings but resisted. Too much under the circumstances. She could relate as she kept silent as well. Until Malcolm had left her. It was then that her thoughts offered, "I love you too, Malcolm Brand."

He felt the same if not spoken.

Across the grounds on the X'Orr Ruby Goddard escorted young James Ian to greet his older self. In hopes that seeing each other might trigger the Elder's thoughts, foregoing the amnesia he seemed to have. Little did she know that Orin Ridge had assumed the Elder's dead body and reinvigorated its cells into functioning as it normally would. Puppet body on a Mastermind's strings. He had a good number of other puppets already dangling. Half of the Ganthorian crew had no concept of his deeds. They would merely follow his mental commands without ever knowing what they were doing. Orin's infant body holding his sitter captive within. Poor Ganthorian K'Vyn lost his ability to try and warn anyone else. Orin's mind control took care of that. Amazing what their science could mistakenly provide. His time on the Home world of Ganthor led to tapping into his brains telepathic centers. Illegal science performed on both he and Harpea. With James Ian's highly evolved centers increasing his own Orin was mastering the talent ten fold.

"This is going to get weird Mom."

"He's back to calling me Mom. Yay!" Ruby pats her son's shoulder as they reach the door to Orin's quarters.

"You're right. Even if you turn out to not really be my Mom you're the closest thing I have to her. I mean come on you plan on naming the baby me Noble. That kind of tells me I might not be him."

"You're Noble enough. Like I said I've come to accept you as my son. Let's not ruin that. I'll admit this whole dimensional womb thing has me scared shitless. What does that even mean?"

"It means you're carrying babies that should be carried by someone else. Cross pollination so to speak."

"Who was the someone else then?"

"We may never know that."

"Right. Topic for another day. Let's chat with your older self first. I need to get out there to that Pyramid."

"I'm ready."

"Good." Ruby opens the rooms door and marches them inside. Entering led to unexpected things. Finding K'Vyn's body holding the baby and mumbling a children's tune from his home world he appeared withdrawn. Behind him on the bed an even more distressing predicament. Sophia Ridge was riding James Ian. Her moans deafening. She had been allowed this freedom by relocating her Tyrant Tears to the bottoms of her feet. Compressed there mentally to give her the opportunity to live a life. It was glorious.

"He hasn't forgotten how to use certain things." James wheezes.

"I can see that. Sophia? We need you to contain your appetite before you hurt James."

"Almost there. Wait your turn." Sophia grunts nearing an orgasm, "You know what I mean."

Young James Ian swallows dryly. His crush was fucking him. Yet not him in the sense. It still gave him the chills. He decided to look away to avoid any lust he might want to give in to. It was for the best. As Sophia lets out an earthshaking squeal of release she climbs off of her lover and rolls over to his left side. Laying there she realized her feet had eaten half of the blankets in her rustling about. A miracle she didn't harm her Man.

"All yours Ruby." Sophia huffs catching her breath. In her controlled bodily functions she appeared normal as long as the Tyrants didn't comprise her entire body. Therefore she needed to breath like the rest of them.

"James? I brought your younger self here to meet with you. I hope we can bring your mind home by the two of you joining forces."

Orin Ridge held his eyes closed. It was difficult maintaining his cloak of secrecy from the boy. He could tell James was trying to pierce the veil. If he discovered the truth his game would be over. That was not in the cards.

"My...younger self?" Orin portrays James as lost to his thoughts.

"Hi, Me." James hesitantly waves still not looking at him directly. A good thing as Sophia lay back teasing herself in the throes of her lingering emotional state. She wanted these feelings to last a lifetime. Being embodied with the Tyrants she lost all bodily sensation save for pain. Should the agony be more than the Tyrant Tears could harness.

Ruby herself had to turn away. Seeing Elder James massive beast still fully arrogant just did not seem appropriate for a Mother. Noticing both of them turning their gaze made Orin want to burst out with maniacal laughter. This was too good. Not only had he taken his hot ass Granddaughter for multiple rides proving just how vile he truly was but he now managed to mess with the heads of his Host's Mother and his younger self. This charged Orin's thoughts enough to continue the illusion.

"How can I be you?"

Young James shrugs, "Different times in our lives." He really wanted to watch Sophia play with herself but for once nobility took its rightful place. Maybe he was baby Noble after all. Three versions of himself in the very same awkward position. As he considered that possibility Ruby's belly fires up the letters N and O. Followed by M and E. Ruby sensing the flare looks down to capture the alphabetic characters.

"NO ME? What does that mean?"

Orin lost his color suddenly. He had not factored in the babies. He was still learning about them. Somehow they had evaded his notice until now. He had heard mumbles from the Ganthorian crew about the Colonel carrying the Reflection of their own Ganthorian line. He thought it bull due to their inter species regulations. No cross breeds would ever be accepted. Yet, they had lost their line after Kym'Ani had disappeared. Interesting indeed. Orin would tread lightly.

James shares in her bewilderment. Thinking about it James considered that maybe his brother and sister of sorts, or his infant self if that were the case were trying to offer them a clue as to what was going on. Looking at Ruby's belly which had finally developed in size he closes his eyes as if to communicate with them as Harpea had established. This would be his first direct talk with them.

"Hey guys. It's James. Your big brother."

"We know." The two babies speak as one.

"What did you mean by NO ME?"

"It means I am not you." Noble offers.

"Wow! I hadn't expected that. So if I'm not you then who am I?"

"You are James Ian Pryce. Moe is right. You are dumb."

"HEY! Don't make me come in there and wash your mouth out." James grimaces as Ruby realizes he was off in another world. She chose to let him and returns to elder James.

"So, I guess you two remember each other pretty well to be having sex."

Sophia with her feet in the air sighs heavily, "I think I got through to him. He sure knows what he did to me. AND HOW."

Orin narrows his eyes, "Did I do something wrong? I only gave her what she wanted."

"Wrong?" Sophia reaches over to clamp her hand over his mouth, "Never say that. What we have is a beautiful thing James. I want it to last forever. I know deep inside you do too."

Orin could only lay there using her hand to mask his amusement. His Granddaughter was the dumb ditsy blond he thought her to be all along. She was in love. Perfect. He would play along until he didn't need her anymore.

"I...I'm sorry. What was your name again?"

"Sophia. I forgive you. Please come back to me James. I can't live without you."

Younger James hears her plea and mumbles, "Right here." While his thoughts pursue further information from Noble and Kym, "Is that man with Sophia Me? His spirit went into the future to find a way to rescue us from Pangaea. How did he return?"

"The body never left. Only his mind. The man before you is dead." Kym acknowledges.

"Looks pretty alive to me. He just...goofed off with my girlfriend."

"She is not your girlfriend. Whatever that might be." Noble adds.

"Okay. So who is inside my older body if that is not me?"

Suddenly, their voices ended. Not even their flaring up letters upon Ruby's person could react. They severed contact. Was it they?

"Terrible two's? Where did you go?" James tilts his head listening. For the briefest second he heard someone else crying out, "HELP ME." He had never heard the voice before. He never would again. Orin Ridge would make certain of that. K'Vyn would now be locked out of his body permanently. Orin's infant body would lie brain dead until he returned. Sad but necessary. Orin could not let his ruse be discovered. This meant he needed to put space between he and they.

"Time to step up to the plate Ridge. We need to get away from these people."

While Orin pondered things Malcolm Brand and Greta Winston interrupted their chat. Malcolm had to cover his eyes seeing elder James erection.

"I did not need to see that." Mal shivers, "We got a problem Colonel."

Greta jumps in with, "Anton took off in Cam's horsey mobile. He says God is here. In Eden."

"God?" The word surrounded the room. Even Orin in thought heard and questioned it.

"Eden? God? Say what?" Orin looks haunted, "This just gets better and better."

Ruby nods trying to process things, "Okay. We divide up. Greta? You and Malcolm head out to the Pyramid. Find the others. I'll ride over to Eden and find out what's going on." She then leers at James, "You stay here and try to reach your older self. Sophia? Stop thinking of yourself at this time. Your Mom gave up a lot to save Malcolm. Go spend time with her. Let her know you care."