Fateful Accident


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"You're mine, Trix!" she yelled. "Mine!"

"Yes!" I squeaked, despite feeling dizzy from the lack of air.

"Say you're mine! Say you're my slut, only. Your body belongs to me!"

"Your - slut!" I panted. "Only - yours - ever!"

"Mine..." she whimpered

"Yes!" I screamed.

Then we came. Together. Hard and forceful, but it also brought us closer together again. Misha was crying as hard as I was and after letting go of my throat and pumping her load into my pussy, she climbed up and embraced me desperately. She stayed hard and even kept fucking me, but it became lovemaking once again and we went on with it for hours without end, confessing our undying love for each other over and over.

In a corner of my mind, I was aware that my lover had grown violently possessive. It didn't sound any alarms inside of me, though. I felt quite the same way for her. I wanted this and I wanted her to treat me this way... occasionally. Maybe, I was only submissive with the right person, maybe it was just destiny. I didn't care. I'd let her kill me and I guess she felt that. It may have helped her to find her trust in me again.

Now, this episode wasn't completely over after that day, of course. The tensions stayed a bit higher than usual for a few days, because of the unanswered question of my pregnancy. Misha took blood samples and did tests she was willing to explain to me, but I wouldn't understand most of it.

Long story short, she somehow could find my unborn baby's DNA inside of my blood and run paternity tests. It probably shouldn't have come as a surprise that she found out who was responsible for my pregnancy quite easily. When she came to tell me, she was very, very meek and apologetic.

"I'm sorry, love," she told me and embraced me from behind after leaving her home lab.

I'd been working in the kitchen and her tone made me tense from anticipation. She was in tears and still sounded incredibly touched.

"What's wrong," I whispered.

"I-it's mine," she confessed. "I shouldn't have ever doubted...

"Y-yours?" I gasped. "Really?" I had to turn around then and embrace her, but before I did anything else, I needed to hear it again. "Really?"

I read the answer from her eyes, but she still nodded to confirm it. Her desperation lightened visibly, because I was immediately beaming. My baby was her baby! How awesome was that? I didn't fucking care for any scientific explanations she might have been able to give me. She had impregnated me, for fucks sake! I was in heaven!

"Misha that's..."

I didn't get any farther, for I just had to kiss her passionately. Words weren't enough to convey how happy it made me. I had silently hoped for this, of course. She'd been the only one I had sex with, after all. I had also known that it wasn't possible, though. I mean, I had drunken loads of her girl-cum and it was just that - female liquid lust.

I wouldn't argue, though. She tested it, she knew. My baby was ours. Truly ours.

I didn't let go of her for half an hour or so. Only then did she get another chance to breathlessly apologize for her jealousy. She was still almost crying, but I could only see the flushed face of my child's other mother and not the face of the person being unfair to me. Still, it wasn't below me to capitalize on the situation...

Instead of answering her pleas to forgive her, I turned us around, so that she was standing with her back to the kitchen island. Grabbing the hem of her shirt, which also happened to be the only thing she was wearing at all, I interrupted her.

"Shut up," I demanded, and she obliged and stared at me wide-eyed.

She didn't try to speak when I undressed her and myself. It took less then half a minute anyway. She was silent, but her body was speaking to me. She trembled, cried and... was rock hard. Oh yes, she knew that I wasn't nearly as mad at her as she had been. She knew that I was about to get payback in a way that would drive both of us crazy. She just didn't know how it would happen.

"Up," I commanded.

She complied and jumped up onto the counter. I followed suit and climbed over her, forcing her to lie back into all the stuff I had needed for cooking. The only thing I took out of the way - by pushing it over the edge and letting it fall to the ground - was the kitchen knife. Everything else was perfectly where I wanted it.

Now, Misha was an orderly person, while I had a pretty sloppy streak. It wasn't a big deal, but she could always mutter about the state of rooms I had done something in. She was the kind of girl who did the cleaning even before the cooking was finished. I was the kind of girl using twice as many cups and utensils as needed, even if I only made omelets. Most importantly though, Misha was a bit squeamish. Not with sexual fluids, at least not with me, but with most other things. Probably something she picked up on her job...

It wasn't bothering her too much when I straddled her and rubbed my wet pussy against her hard-on, of course. She was able to adapt and staring up at my beaming face and my boobs probably helped her to forget that she was a little bit uncomfortable. I wasn't nearly finished, though. There was one thing I sometimes fantasized about and I had brought it up once. Her expression of disgust alone had kept me from pressing the matter. Until then...

"You're mine, too," I said softly.

She nodded, still staring at me wide-eyed and with an amazement that warmed my heart.

"And you knocked me up," I went on. "It's only your fault that I'll be fat and ugly very soon. I didn't ask for that, y'know..."

She wanted to answer to that, but I put my finger on her lips. She knew I was mostly fucking with her, but she still wanted to comfort me. She was my perfect girl, after all. I wouldn't have expected less from her.

"Didn't I shut you up?" I reminded her.

She swallowed and nodded lightly.

"So, you know that I'm gonna be terribly moody very soon," I mused. "I guess we should rehearse a bit to make sure you are perfectly accustomed to follow my every whim..."

Yeah, I was teasing her and it's safe to assume that she wasn't exactly terrified. She still gasped and whimpered when I picked up an egg, though. She was about to shake her head, but I nodded and she twitched - the latter, because I slid a bit forward, changed the angle and took the tip of her dick into my steaming pussy.

She yelped when I cracked the egg beside her head and opened it right over her beautiful breasts. Her back arched a bit and her nipples hardened completely from the cold. A hint of disgust passed over her face, but when she saw me biting my lip it faded again. I can't easily explain how much it turned me on to make a mess like that - or why. It did, though. She probably felt quite clearly how much more wetness I immediately produced.

"One shower won't be enough to wash away the mess I'm gonna make," I whispered.

Then I put my hands into the slimy stuff on her boobs and spread it, while I groped her. She couldn't suppress a moan and my heart started racing when I saw her bite her lip, too. This was another form of the game of dominance and now that I had forced it upon her, she obviously started to enjoy it at least a bit.

I cracked a few more eggs and stored the contents on her flat stomach, before I started to spread the stuff. With every egg, I took her a little deeper, until she was fully inside of me. Without doing anything, my insides already massaged her. The more I messed her up, the more aroused I became.

Misha didn't put up any resistance. She let me spread the slime all over her body - and over the whole counter. She didn't even protest when I dug my slimy fingers into her hair and bent down to kiss her passionately. Instead, she moaned louder and deeper and returned my embrace as well as my kiss. She seemed to get really into this, which made me quite happy.

When I was upright again, she even caressed my own, slimy boobs. I absolutely loved the way she stared at me with eyes full of adoration and love, yet glazed over by lust. I couldn't resist to get her messy all over and I didn't mind the least to feel her hands return the favor. I was having a blast, because she fully submitted to play this game with me.

What I then did with her was a little more complicated, but it still happened quite naturally. We had experimented with different positions already and having her atop the counter looked promising. I turned my back to her and made her pull her legs up, so that her lower body rose. Then I knelt down in a way bringing my butt against her upper back thighs. It was possible for me to take her in by bending her hard-on a bit and I could push her farther back and make her lower body rise even more.

The sole purpose of that was to have her juicy pussy and her always moist, twitching sphincter accessible, of course. I couldn't really ride her this way, but I could easily use my perfectly slippery hands to penetrate both of her holes and make her scream in ecstasy from the thorough filling she received. Once in, I could lean forward again and enable her to move her hips at least a bit, while I could gyrate mine. I wanted to do something like that for quite a while, but it hadn't really worked out on the bed.

I turned me on like crazy to have my lover underneath me like that. She was panting rapidly and whimpering constantly. I even felt her dick swell somehow from the stuffing she received. It didn't matter that I made her cum easily with that. She wasn't exactly a guy and she could go on after the first one. As we found out, she could even cum again shortly after the first orgasm.

I didn't have absolute control over the situation, though. I found out about that when Misha changed from digging her nails desperately into my butt to slipping two fingers into my butthole. They were perfectly lubricated by egg-slime as well and I was close to the peak, which made my sphincter twitch already. Now it was my turn to scream and drench her body with my cum, while my world shattered and reassembled again.

"More!" I pleaded without really thinking about it, while I worked with my hands to repay her.

This game continued for a really long time. For every additional finger in my butt and every orgasm that brought me, I made Misha cum in return. We didn't fuck as much as we drove each other to the limit. It wasn't even necessary to move her dick inside of me. It jerked from my penetration of her pussy and ass and her finger fucking of my butt made me feel it more and more, while my insides rippled like crazy.

I don't even know if we could have stopped, for we weren't exactly reasonable anymore. It was an orgy with countless orgasms and it only slowed down after I had a whole hand in my poor butthole for the very first time in my life. In my not supernaturally elastic sphincter, mind you. In a hole that shouldn't be able to accommodate such an intrusion. God, it was glorious!

We were so totally entwined and united that we couldn't let go of it and stayed connected for even longer, although we tried not to move a muscle. It didn't prevent us from cuming, though. That still happened repeatedly. And Misha, that minx, almost killed me when she finally took control of one of my feet and taught me a lesson about how much I fucking loved toe sucking. That threw me off so violently that I actually blacked out and only came to my senses in the bathtub again.

"I can't believe that you did this to me," she whispered into my ear when I stirred again.

She was lying in the tub and held me in front of her body. It was... wonderfully cozy and comfy. I felt like flying and my body still shook lightly from all the climaxes.

"Me neither," I sighed.

"Next time we'll use cream," she decided.

"You... you'd do this again?" I gasped.

"Well... I'll make you lick me clean from head to toe in the end, of course," she answered.

As if that could be have been considered a condition... It was more like an invitation...

"Alright," she muttered dramatically. "I'm gonna lick you clean, too. Now, stop bargaining..."

"I love you so endlessly," I just sighed.

"And I love you... mommy," she replied and kissed my hair.

Yeah, I was going to be a mommy. That wasn't the only wonderful turn my life had taken, but it was a remarkable one. My daughter and my love were my whole world. I didn't care for anything else anymore. I was happy. We were happy. And no matter what challenges we later faced, we never regretted that one, single fateful lab accident that had become the entrance gate of our personal paradise.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great Story

Loved it. Great Story. Really hot. Loved it. Make a sequel about after the kid has grown up. Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago


That was really great, I definitly wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if you haven't put romance and chemistry into the characters.

Hot damn, a fineass job. Keep up the good work!

MikeyStoneMikeyStoneabout 8 years agoAuthor
To answer year old comments ...

@ Anonymous

Thanks a lot! Yeah, thy typos are real. I'm still working on improving and will occasionally get back to old stories to work them over. Maybe I'll see the day I have a story that doesn't have any typos at all.

As for experimenting on best friends gone lovers ... Maybe they're quite fine with how things are. You know what they say, too many dicks can mess things up and get in the way, or so. ;-)

@ BurhanDanger

Thank you! Happy that you enjoyed it. I don't think that there will be a sequel, but as it turns out, it's not going to be my only visit to Futa-Town. ;-)

BurhanDangerBurhanDangerover 8 years ago

Wonderful story. Liked the freaking accident. Sad that it ended

. Maybe there'll be a sequel. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

quite an accident. Ithroughly enjoyed the depth and develoement of your story..a few typos in spellng but did not tak away from the story.You idea is interesting to say the least. Surpriised trixie didn't return the favor to her partner by injecting her into herself.

anyway, thank you for sharing. GP

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