Father & Son Tickled

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Father and son tickle punished for dirty house.
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"Now remember, I want this house clean by the time Regan and I get back," Hellen told her husband Rex and her son Ryan. "And also, don't forget to pick us up on Sunday."

"Don't worry about it," Rex said, giving his wife a kiss and his daughter a hug as they left.

Ryan stuck out his tongue at his 19-year-old sister Regan while she secretly flipped him off.

Ryan had been looking forward to this trip his mother and sister were going on for weeks. It was some female empowering bullshit seminar. Also going were his grandmother on his dad's side, Jane; a friend of his mom's named Janet who was a total MILF, and Dallas his sister's friend who was cute, but just as annoying as his sister. Ryan, who was 20, liked older women, so he had no interest in Dallas who was only 18.

Friday father and son watched all the cool movies Hellen and Regan hated. They started with Die Hard, then watched Death Proof followed that up with Death Race (with Jason Stathem not the other shitty one) and a few others.

On Saturday Ryan hung out with his friends playing video games all day, then went to a new movie that just opened up. He had no idea what his father had done.

On Sunday Ryan thought they'd clean up the house, which was a total mess, but his dad told him help do the outside chores instead.

"Isn't mom gonna be mad?" Ryan asked.

Rex said, "We do the outside, she and Regan do the inside."

"Okay. But I still think she's going to be mad," Ryan said.

After finishing their work, Rex and Ryan decided they deserved a treat and what better place for two goodlooking men to go than to Hooters?"

It was true that Ryan liked older women, but some of the waitresses at Hooters with their short shorts on and their tits spilling out over their tops made the young man horny and gave him a huge erection. He was sure his father was feeling the same way.

Rex thought he heard his phone ring, but with the football game cranked up and everyone laughing and joking with the hot waitresses he wasn't sure. Still, he felt like he was forgetting something but wasn't sure what. Before they left father and son both had to piss so they did that and then drove home.

As soon as they pulled into the driveway Rex knew what he had forgotten. Ryan was right, his wife Hellen was going to be furious with him.

After an hour of calling her husband Hellen called her mom Rose to come take them home from the airport.

"I'm so mad I can't even think about what I'm going to do to those two," Hellen said on the ride home.

"They need to be punished," Regan said.

"Oh, trust me they will be. Ryan is grounded for a month!"

"Ha ha," Regan said and clapped.

"And what about Rex?" Rose asked.

"Well, he's definitely on the couch the next few nights," Hellen said.

"I have a better idea. One that will take care of both of them, and it will be embarrassing and humiliating," Rose said. Then explained her idea to the delight of the others.

When Rex pulled into the driveway and saw his mother-in-law Rose's car, he knew he fucked up. Hellen must have called her to get them from the airport. He was in for it now.

When the two walked into the living room all six women were talking and laughing. Telling Rose about their experience at the empowering convention.

"Honey, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot," Rex said.

"I thought maybe you might, so I had Rose bring us home," Hellen said.

"And about the house...wait, did you clean up?" Rex asked, looking around.

"Of course. You know how I hate a dirty house. Especially when we have guests over."

"Yeah, but the kitchen too?" he asked poking his head in the kitchen. All the dishes were done, and everything was put away.

"Well, there's six of us, so it didn't take long," Janet, Hellen's friend said.

"Well, okay as long as you're not mad. Ryan why don't we leave them alone."

"Nonsense. You need to hear about our seminar," Hellen said.

"It's the least you can do," Jane, Rex's mother added.

"Yes. Of course," Rex said,

"But Dad," Ryan started to complain.

"Sit," Rex commanded his son.

Ryan sat.

"I'll get everyone a drink," Hellen said. "Rose, Jane, will you help?"

Everything was fine for a few minutes, then Rex started to feel weird. He looked at Ryan and saw he too was feeling something.

"Oh, honey. I'm starting to feel woo..." Rex said and slumped over.

"Yeah, me too I feel..." Ryan said and he too passed out.

Father and son woke up. Both had been stripped to their underwear and tied to a massage table each, arms stretched over their heads, legs apart.

"Hellen? Honey? What's going on?" Rex asked, looking around.

"Mom, they're awake," Regan said. Then slapped Ryan across the face. "Come on dipshit. Wakeup." Ryan's eyes fluttered open.

"Stop that, psycho," Ryan said.

"What's going on? Really? You need to ask that? You had two things to do. Clean the fucking house and pick us up. Instead, you were at, let's see, Hooters. Shocking," Hellen said, her face turning angry.

"What, what are you going to do?" Rex actually looked afraid.

"We're going to tickle the two of you to death," Hellen said. All the other women laughed.

Soon all six women gathered around Rex. Hellen and Rose at his feet, Jane and Janet at his armpits and Regan and Dallas on each side of him to tickle his stomach and ribs.

"Any final words?" Hellen asked.

"Honey, please. Don't," Rex pleaded.

"Go!" Hellen shouted and all six women pounced at once.

Hellen and Rose tickled his feet with their long nails, while Jane and Janet dug into his armpits. Meanwhile his daughter and her friend poked his sides and dug a finger inside his bellybutton.

Rex went crazy. Thrashing around as much as he could. Laughing, crying and gasping for air. When his face turned red, Hellen had them all stop.

The six women them went to Ryan.

"This is all dad's fault. I told him we needed to clean up, but he said..."

"Shut up! Ryan," Rex said.

"He said what, Ryan?" Hellen asked her son.

"He said we do outside work and you and Regan do inside work."

"Fucking traitor!" Rex yelled.

"Is that so?" Hellen said looking at her husband.

"I ought to take you off that table, bend you over my knee and spank your bare ass in front of everyone here," Jane, Rex's mom said. "I didn't raise you to be that way."

Hearing his mother say she'd strip him and spank him in front of everyone here, including his son and daughter, didn't affect Rex the way he thought it would. Instead of being embarrassed, it kind of turned him on. He felt his cock grow slightly.

"Well, you still didn't clean up the house and you went to Hooters anyway, so you're just as guilty," Hellen said.

"Yeah," Regan added. Then poked her brother in the side and soon all six women were tickling him.

Ryan too jumped and laughed. He didn't cry though. Soon his face had turned red, so they stopped.

The women went and each got a feather from somewhere. Then they divided up.

Hellen, Rose and Jane gathered around Rex. So, wife, mother and mother-in-law.

Ryan was surrounded by Regan, Janet and Dallas. Sister, her sister's friend and his mom's friend.

The feathers were used on the men's feet and between their toes. Hellen and Jane used two feathers, one in each hand, to tickle the armpits of the father and son.

Rose and Jane moved up along Rex's legs to his upper thighs.

Hellen had moved down and was tickling her husband's bellybutton with the two feathers, but she was looking him in the eyes, enjoying watching him suffer at the hands of her and the other women, so she didn't notice when Rose and Jane put their feathers inside his loose boxers to tickle his balls and cock.

Rex felt the feathers go inside his boxers. He couldn't believe his mother-in-law and his own mother especially were purposely tickling his cock and balls. It had the obvious effect, causing his cock to stiffen. He couldn't think this was his mother's intention. Rose, yes, because she could be mean like her daughter, but his own mother. Now he was hard in front of her. He couldn't see them, because his wife's head was in the way, but he heard them laughing. Especially every time his cock twitched.

Meanwhile Ryan was having a "hard" time too. Dallas, Janet and his sister were using the other end of the feather to outline his now hard cock. He was wearing boxer briefs, and they were a bit tighter on his legs, so there was no room for the feather to go inside. The women took turns writing their name on his hard cock.

Hellen finally noticed her husband's hard cock sticking out of his shorts. Then she glanced at her son. His bulge was obvious too.

"I guess this isn't as much of a punishment as I thought it would be," Hellen said. Then yanked down her husband's underwear, then did the same to her son. Quickly she got up and ran to the kitchen, she came back with a pair of scissors and cut away the underwear of both men.

Now two very hard cocks bobbed up and down as the men's faces turned red.

"Hellen, what the fuck?" Rex asked.

"Mom! Seriously?" Ryan shouted.

"What? We just tickled you. You two are the ones who made it sexual," she said, giving her son's cock a few strokes.

All six women gave each cock a few strokes. Ryan and Rex were embarrassed but also turned on. It didn't seem to matter that some of the women touching their cocks were family members. In fact, truth be told that seemed to make their cocks harder.

"What do you say Jane, wanna jack off your son while I jack off mine?" Hellen asked, looking her son in the eye. Precum oozed out the tip of Ryan's cock.

"I'd rather suck him off. I wonder if he tastes like his father?" Jane said.

"Sound's good to me," Hellen said.

"Eww, mom gross," Regan said.

"Shut up and suck your brother's balls with Dallas while I suck his cock."

Rose and Janet sucked Rex's balls while his mom sucked his cock.

Despite her initial "gross" reaction, Regan and Dallas both licked and sucked on his cock along with his mother. He almost lost it when their three tongues licked the head of his cock, their tongues touching. He just watched his mother and sister French kiss, while they both looked him in the eye. That was really hot. He loved watching his mother's long fat tongue slide up and down his shaft. Then she'd circle the head and plunge down on his cock deep throating him. Every time he was close to coming, she'd squeeze the base really hard and gently bit the head of his cock. Finally, she took about half his cock in her throat, sucked really hard and used the tip of her tongue to lick the underside of his head. That pushed him over the edge.

"Oh, fuck Mommy I'm coming!" Ryan shouted, sending load after load down his own mother's throat. He almost came again when he saw his mom French kiss Dallas and Regan, sharing his cum with them.

Rex moaned as his mother bobbed her head up and down on his cock. When he was close to coming, she simply pulled her mouth away and squeezed the base of his cock. She went slow and fast and all speeds in between. To be honest, it was the best blowjob he'd ever had. He'd never tell his wife that, she was great too, but his mother just did a better job. It could have been the taboo part of it. It could have been the other women there. It could have been he was still horny from Hooters, but Rex believed it was the way his mother used her tongue like a tornado on his cock that made him shoot his load down her throat.

Rex felt the pressure building and building when his mother didn't squeeze his cock, he knew she was going to let him come for real. He didn't cry out Mommy like his son did, he just grunted and exploded inside his mom's mouth. His mom also shared his cum with Rose and Janet.

Father and son were treated with more tickles. Their still hard cocks bouncing all over the place. Feathers and hands and fingers were used. Mainly the men's cock's and balls were the focus of the tickling.

Then men were then blindfolded and didn't know that the women had all disrobed. They were then forced to suck on all six women's breasts, although they didn't know whose breast they were sucking or whose nipples they flicked with their tongues. It didn't really matter, as their hard cocks showed they enjoyed it.

Some breasts were big, some smaller. Some had inverted nipples, some had fatter, longer ones.

In between all this the women tickled the men all over and stroked, licked and sucked on their cocks.

Each man had to bring all six women to orgasm with their cocks and their tongues. Two orgasms each.

Most pussies were shoved, but a couple had a little bit of hair. Some were tight, some were wet, some were both.

Ryan just enjoyed being fucked and having a pussy to eat, while Rex tried to figure out who he was fucking and eating.

Finally, the blindfolds came off. Both men blinked at the sudden light. Then while Rose sucked her son-in-law's cock, Jane sucked her grandson's cock. They were going to have a contest. Whoever came last was the winner. It was never determined what they'd win. Janet was assigned to Rex and Dallas to Ryan. Both women started stroked their contestant's cock, with the help of the spit from the other women to keep them lubed up. When the men were close to shooting, they stopped and got tickled. It was after the women switched that things finally popped off. Ryan watched his mom's friend stroking his cock and couldn't hold back anymore and started shooting his cum all over his chest and stomach.

Rex watched his daughter's friend stroking his cock while his daughter shouted for him to, "come daddy, come!" He lost it and erupted all over her hand, the table and his stomach.

After all the women licked the cum from the men's bodies and cocks, they were subjected to more tickles.

"Are you ever going to miss picking me up or cleaning the house when I ask you to?" Hellen asked looking at both husband and son.

"No. No way!" Rex said.

"Never," Ryan said.

"Good. By the way from now on, you're our tickle slaves. Anytime any or all of us, along with others get to tickle you whenever and however we want," Hellen said.

Both men shouted No as all six women tickled them for the next hour. Their hard cocks getting no relief this time.

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