Father Uses Huge Asset Ch. 32


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"Why don't you leave me and my husband alone. You may cheat on your wife but I am happily married. We may not have children and Bob's cock may not be "a 15 inch monster", it may not even measure up to what is viewed as normal in your world but I love him. A difficult concept for you. It isn't based on how far he can shoot his load, how long he lasts or how much he cums or how many times he makes, well if he makes me cum. There are more important things, you shallow bastard."

Richard read the response and drafted a calm response:

So you want me to know:

1.Your husband has a tiny cock;

2.He can't make you cum

3.He is a quick shot; and

4.There are so many more important things in life than sex but you don't list them.

Sophie was incensed. She replied with a one word email "BASTARD".

Richard replied with:

Have you watched the videos? I know you haven't Sophie.

How do you know?

You are not begging me to fuck you!

I hate you and all men like you.

What, all men with a score of over ... what score? Richard wrote.

My life, my opinion of people, my judgment of who I want to sleep with is not judged on test scores Richard, you shallow fuck.

I have been accused of many things in life Sophie but never of being a shallow fuck. I will own your hot body.

She slammed her laptop shut again.


Sophie had never even met this man that emailed her so often. One day she and Bob were invited to a local charity dinner and whilst they spent their lives avoiding such things, as it linked to Bob's work they had to go. It was a non-event and they sat quietly at their table and were getting up to leave when Bob spotted their old friend Martin.

"How are you, nice to see you both," said Martin.

"We are just leaving actually," Sophie said, only too well aware that she knew far too much about his family.

"Well that's a shame, join us for a moment."

Before they knew it they were at a table. At the far end of the table sat Jane and alongside her Sophie recognized from internet photos on Martin's facebook page the man who had been emailing her so much recently. Jane smiled and tapped her pregnant tummy. Sophie was on auto-pilot, trying not to let her mind think anything. Don't think about the fact that he is tanned and annoyingly handsome and don't think about that score. It took time for her to notice Jane's husband Chris sitting round the corner of the table from her looking as if he was lost in a dream and she presumed the woman sitting round the other corner from Richard was his wife Marjorie. Nothing special, she though rather cattily, and then she remembered she came from a wealthy family. 'Explains it' she thought to herself, it certainly wasn't her face or her tits that attracted her to Richard she thought, recognizing she was thinking like a real bitch which wasn't like her. Richard seemed to ignore Sophie which annoyed her after all his emails. For some reason Jane had her phone out and was seemingly capturing everyone on the table before putting the phone back under the table.

Sophie had a bland 5 minute chat with Marjorie about nothing at all but not once did Richard look at her. She was flustered and angry when she walked away and Bob didn't know why. To be honest Sophie didn't know why. This man who harassed her on emails had just totally ignored her and she should be pleased. She hated him and this only confirmed her low opinion of him but still, he had ignored her and that was rude or at least strange.

Ping – she had a text.

It was from Jane. "So lovely to see you tonight, and looking so lovely. I see what you were saying about Bob, he looks to be withering." How dare she! He is my husband. The text went on:

"I hope I captured what was on offer tonight. See attached"

Without thinking Sophie clicked on the attachment and saw a clip of herself standing by the table. She did look well. The clip continued and scanned round the table, Bob, people she didn't know, Marjorie, Richard, ignoring the attention of being filmed, then the clip cut to Chris and then to Jane and she brought the phone up to her lips and kissed it: "Keep watching," she whispered.

The phone moved down under the table. Sophie was standing 2 feet from her husband when she saw it. She was stunned. She was staring at a small female hand which gave perspective to what it was wrapped around.

A monster erect cock.

She remembered little of the journey home.

Still in a daze she opened her inbox and found an email from him – with an attachment. This made her nervous and angry.

There was no text, just an attachment. She looked at her husband, preparing a cup of tea before heading up to bed.

She vented her rage on the keyboard:

You are a rude obnoxious man. You ignore me totally when we are finally introduced, as if I am an irrelevance?

He responded: Did I hurt your feelings Sophie. What did you hope for? My wife was sitting right there. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.

Oh, ok I guess.

And Jane was trying to get me to explode using just her left hand. Looking at you might have sent me over the edge.

What, what rubbish, she thought.

You haven't checked out my attachment again Sophie.

Bob looked at Sophie typing away as he trudged off to bed.

She looked at the back of her husband guiltily. She knew she was going to open the attachment.

She clicked on it before Bob was halfway up the stairs and what shone out at her made her mind go blank. All she could think as she watched his enormous throbbing shaft buried in Jane over the table was:

"I could take a lot more of him than she can."


The next few months saw Sophie changing. Her patience with Bob was being tested, she wanted more from him. Instead his confidence was falling, he watched his wife working on her body; she seemed to be more sassy, more sexy than ever. Little did he know that his loyal wife was being bombarded by emails from Richard and she was responding. She pretended to hate his arrogance and presumptuous tone that he would end up fucking her, end up with her begging for him to drill her, to fill her, to satisfy her needs. She teased him with her growing confidence and her knowledge that this married stud who apparently breaks all records as a fucking machine was focused on her.

She worked in the gym with Jane who could do less and less and one day she listened as her very pregnant friend chatted on the phone:

"We accepted he couldn't stick it in me anymore last night. He resorted to drilling it down my throat whilst I tried to listen to Chris on the phone. It is kind of you Mrs Watts to keep Chris in meetings into the evening so that I can get time with Richard's huge cock... Yes we really must meet one day, as long as you don't tell Chris about Richard, please Alexandra... I am so grateful and I know you like to listen to him drilling me but now he is only focusing on my mouth I am afraid all you will hear is me fighting my gag reflex on his huge cock."

Sophie couldn't believe how candid and open Jane was. Jane turned to Sophie after the call and said:

"Just a corporate client of Chris', she is a right arrogant bitch to be honest. By the way, Richard told me about some corporate opportunity but the way it works if everyone bids for shares which will be worth about £10 million and the highest bidder gets them but all losing bidders still pay their bid so they get nothing for their money, high risk, high reward. He knows he can get shares for £400k which will be worth over £10 million, he will make a killing. He is such a winner."

That night Sophie told Richard that she had heard about the shares oportunity. He replied, you should get Bob to bid for them. Anything over £400k will get them.

"We don't really have that sort of money and we certainly couldn't risk it."

Two days later Bob was mentioning that he had heard about this opportunity from Jane and it seemed too good to be true. Bob said he had insider knowledge that £410k would be the highest and that it was that arrogant guy we met once, you know Martin's dad. "I can raise it with loans. It will be a pleasure to beat him", he said and laughed.

The flirting on the text messages continued and was getting outrageous between Richard and Sophie.

"Mandy said you are up to 850, you must be working so hard on your body for me. 850 means you can take a huge potent cock."

"Training for you, pah! You wish you could handle me old man Happy wanking as you dream about me."

"The auction for the shares closes tomorrow night at ten. My bid will be £410k and it will win as I have insider knowledge. Unless you tell your husband to outbid me."

"I have tried to tell him not to but he wants to prove himself,"

"All he will prove to you is that he is a loser, once and for all."

"No, he is sinking everything into this and we need to win, it would change our lives."

"That is the difference between us, I am going to sink everything into you. Find out what he is bidding and tell me, I know you want to. Have you watched the tests yet?"


It was 9.15 the next night and Sophie asked Bob:

"Are you really going to bid, we lose everything if you lose. It is a stupid gamble, don't do it, we just can't afford it."

"Don't worry Sophie, this is the night that changes everything, my luck will be transformed and I just believe you will be pregnant soon."

"What is the figure Bob, the lucky number?"

"It is so secret, you mustn't say it to anyone before 10 tonight, it is just too risky."

"Of course, don't you trust me honey, I will keep it very close to my chest."

"Of course I trust you, it is £419,000. Even if someone beats 410, they will not beat that and if the rumours are true we will be made for life very quickly and I have checked and it all stacks up."

Sophie went to the bathroom at 9.50 and returned to sit with Bob as 10 pm clicked round.

"My whole future, my self-worth, my purpose has been staked tonight. I need to know you believe in me before tomorrow's board meeting announces the winner."

"I think things are going to change after tonight Bob, I just know it."

"I do too honey, my trust and love for you is what inspires me, keeps me going."

Sophie pulled her jumper tight against her tits, I think you are trying to read our future through my jumper Bob, can you, can you see it?"

Bob laughed and said: "I can't quite see what I need love."

"I know but a girl can't reveal all her secrets, but if you win tomorrow you are on a promise," she said with a giggle.


At the board meeting it quickly became apparent as they went round the table of bidders that Bob was in the lead. Richard tapped at his phone. Three bidders' results were left to be announced.

Richard looked at his phone at the email from Sophie timed at 9.52 the night before:

"Give me one good reason why I should tell you his number?" she wrote.

"17 and dropping!"

"But Richard I promised him, my husband, the man I promised to love, honour and respect that I would not say anything to anyone, that I would keep the number close to my chest so my lips are sealed. Speak soon. Soph"

Then he scrolled to the next email. 9.56 pm.

"Oh, by the way I hope you like the picture I have attached. Bob said this whole thing stacks up, well I think this girl may be "stacked", really "stacked" in your favour!! I watch the tests. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The board read out the penultimate score and Bob still lead. Richard looked across at the nervous young man. Richard was impassive as he clicked on the attachment entitled "Close to my chest!"

The chairman droned on: "Bob you are still in the lead with 419,000 with only one bid to go, Richard's. It was incredibly close, unbelievably so, but the winner is..."

"Richard looked down at a picture of Sophie, blue eyes smirking, a slight pout, she was wearing a white t-shirt that clung to her huge, young, firm tits with her arms folded beneath them stretching the material even tighter and pushing her firm tits upwards. In scribbled green highlighter across her chest was written: "419k to beat - I need 770643 a lot!! Deal?"

Richard smirked as the result was announced to a groan of disbelief. One pence in it, what was the chance.

"A rookie mistake Bob, always add a penny to a round number, just in case," he said calmly.


Bob met Sophie outside: "Did we win honey, did we win, did you do it?"

She knew the answer from his ashen face and vacant eyes but mainly from her blatant betrayal. He was unable to say anything.

Her cardigan looked far too small on her, the buttons were all fastened and were straining to contain her chest. Her white t-shirt was visible between the buttons and so was her mighty cleavage (and so was bits of green writing!).

Richard strode over to meet them as Bob stared into the distance. Seconds later and Bob found himself standing alone, he did not know quite how it had happened but the man who had defeated him had casually arranged "to drown his wife's sorrows," and they had headed off to his car.


Twenty minutes later and Richard had put an offer to Sophie in his office. He sat on the corner of his desk a foot from her chair and allowed her to stare unashamedly at his enormous straining cock in his trouser leg. It was so blatant and he talked calmly to her but at the same time virtually thrust his hips in the air to emphasise how big it was as it stretched his trousers obscenely. The offer was this:

1.Richard funds Sophie's life with a huge salary and a massive lump sum, all into a private account so Bob would never know about it;

2.Sophie's job would be to help Richard whenever he needed it, not a mundane job, just "I suppose you could call it a bit of fucking help" from time to time.

3.A baby (or as many as she wants);

4.No matter how risky the situation, Sophie would fuck Richard whenever he wanted and totally submit to his huge cock?

"Well do you agree, busty Sophie?"

She just stared at his bulging hard cock straining his trousers:

"I want it, I have needed it for so long!"

"I know, you used to be so loyal to him, so in love with him but now he could disappear and you wouldn't care, you wouldn't even notice. Show me that t-shirt containing your weapons Sophie, I can tell it is the one you betrayed him with because I can see the green writing between the buttons. He didn't notice because he doesn't stare at your tits the way I do. He won't notice anything we do together. He is to too stupid, too inadequate. One thick dollop of my cum contains more potent sperm that all the weak drizzle he could produce in 20 years."

"I know, God I know, show me that enormous cock please, pretty please Richard," she said giggling and unbuttoning her cardigan, each button springing open with a force against her full natural chest.

Richard unzipped himself and it took some time to extricate his huge hard cock as it took some angling of his cock and stretching of his trousers before it finally sprung out like a cobra and reared before her eyes.

"Oh my God, you're even bigger up close and in person, so magnificent," she said speaking to it as if it was a person. She looked up at him: "I wish you had just fucked me when you first saw me," she said, her eyes sparkling with lust. "You know I wanted it soooo badly. It seemed the more I wanted you the hotter my body became, trying to become worthy of you. I have become a gooey mess as I need you inside me, I am so jealous of Jane getting it so often from you and having your baby. I am better than her, I promise. Bob has withered and his one attempt to win me back I sabotaged because he deserves to be ruined by you."

Richard just laughed at her desperate longing for him and he stared at her bulging tits.

He slid her t-shirt up until all it covered was the lower half of her large tits. Effortlessly and arrogantly he allowed his cock to nestle between them before thrusting his huge cock between them. She grunted as his huge spear reared out of her cleavage, inches from her face. The next 15 minutes saw him claim her tits as his own, he gripped them and groped them, forcing his cock between her deep cleavage, the green hand written deal glued, plastered to her tits as a reminder to them both of her choice, her utter betrayal of her husband.

"I don't really see it as cheating on him, he isn't really a man when you compare him to you, to that!" she said smiling at his huge cock.

"It is cheating on him, it is a total betrayal of everything he stands for and loves. The sight of this would destroy him utterly and yet you choose me, don't you."

"Fuck yes, I love you."

He continued to fuck her huge tits faster and faster. "I thought you hated me, hated how I treat women."

"That was before I saw it, you were right, it changed me. That fucking test, all that cum, have you seen Robert's test?"

"Robert? I though he was known as Bob.

"Bob was the man I married when I thought he was a man. Robert is the real him, the wimp I felt contempt for when I saw his pathetic test and compared him with you. It changed me."

"This will change you more!" He grunted and fired cum into her face. Again and again and again he fired. He drenched her in think potent spunk. It formed a deep pool in the well of her neck and the green ink became smudged as it mixed with creamy cum. "Open your mouth!" He grabbed his cock and directed it at her mouth and released shot after shot at her lips.

"I can't believe how much, how thick, what a man" she babbled. "How tasty" she said giggling. "I must be a slut".

Richard pulled back from her, his raging erection still solid and hard and looking enormous. "Come and sit on it. What does that say on your tits Sophie – you need 770643, these balls are ready to score a million in you, repeatedly this afternoon. Are you ready to be fucked properly Soph?"

Her phone beeped: "It is Bob, he says he needs me."

"Well, maybe you should go to him?

"Well I would, but a deal's a deal," she said laughing and dropping the phone to the floor. "You will be gentle, won' you. You are so much bigger than him."

"I don't need to be gentle. Why do you think Mandy has been testing you with bigger and bigger dildos to see how much you can take. She phoned me the day she met you to say she had met a girl who needs a huge cock. Come and take it, Sophie. You deserve me," he added smugly.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
finish the story

This needs finishing. Needs to resolve what happened to Keith and Martin.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
finish this story

finish this story make martin commit suicide and and make richard fuck his wife on his funeral

this is by far best erotc story i ever read

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Stupid Stupid Stupid

I'm one of those people that watches a stupid movie til the end only to realize that I should have stopped watching it after the first 10 minutes. I just read all 33 chapters and realize I should have stopped after the first one. This is the worst story I have ever read on literotica.

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 6 years ago

that asshole needs mugged and nutted

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
why so delay in next story

this is the best story in literotica

huge turn on

big fan of yours

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
More, please!

Is there a sequel to this on the way? It's been months since the tease of the first installment!

King40King40over 7 years ago
Welcome back !

Though sometimes unecessary too long (especially the beginning) , nice story and always a pleasure to follow the arrogant stud sexual adventures.

Can't wait to read N°33 or 34 with many other hotties failing for the BIG man

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
best story series

write more often and never stop best story in literotica

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great to have you back

Superb horny brilliant update. Thanks for writing. Love your stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Way too much setup.

Going to agree with the other person who said the beginning was practically useless. A full page of filler with little to no substance concerning the story itself. The fact that it started out as "100 is normal" and then quickly escalated into well past that into the hundreds, thousands, and hundred thousands made it an eye roller. You could just as easily have skipped the numbers talk, condense it down to a few tests and the results, then gone right into the meeting with the newly pregnant friend to introduce Richard and gone from there. Don't think a bigger word count actually means a better story, in this case it just made the whole thing a chore to get into with meaningless numbers clogging up the way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
2 days later....

Keith finally devastated beyond all hope, finds the shotgun, & quietly creeps to the bathroom where Richard his father was taking a dump.

he walks in silently, & aims the shot gun at hi fathers head just as he is about to pull the trigger Richard is jolted & asks "You wont shoot me becoz.......... BOOOOOOM"

Keith pulls the triggers & walks away, heather rises from the bed & "BOOOOOOM" another shot through her belly, this wakes his wife as she come in screaming & hears a "BOOOOOOM" a shot straight through her heart & she flies backwards to hit the wall.

Keith heads down the hall, to the room he was locked in, & fires a shot at the door.

he calls 911 & says there was a break in & the house is on fire, his wife had been attacked & he heard several shots. & ends the call & gets ready to set the house on fire.

3 months later:

the investigation is ruled a cold case as Keith says he needs psychiatric treatment for the trauma he felt & has to go to Switzerland for it. he promises to keep the police updated on his progress.

the police declare the investigation open & since no fingerprints could be recovered on the burnt shotgun the testimony of Keith had ruled him out, but the detectives could not find any other evidence on him.

Keith inherited everything a year later, but he never returned he delegated the work & took over the role as a silent owner.

leagleleagleover 7 years ago

Its good to see that you're still writing, welcome back!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good to have you back!

Nice to see you've added something!

The bit at the start was a little tedious, more because of the numbers and the emphasis on the tests than the plot itself. The last part with the betrayal, in contrast, could've lasted longer and given abit more detail. You never really confirmed her pregnancy, or how her husband felt at her not answering his call...the story certainly could've been extended.

But it was good overall.

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