February Sucks until May Shines Ch. 03

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The next chapter in Jim's adventure.
10.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/25/2024
Created 06/23/2024
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Hi all! I hope you enjoyed Ch1 and Ch2. My apologies for not putting a little more information about the release of future updates, I know there's nothing worse than getting invested in a story only to find it unfinished. Rest assured that this story will indeed be completed and uploaded to the site in a matter of weeks, not months. I'll put any relevant updates in my profile.

Also, I'm sorry I didn't put these in a series section on the site. I'm new to the literotica portal thing, so I didn't know how. Regardless, the other parts are on my profile!


Chapter 3

"So, what happened!? Did you kiss her? Did you fuck? What was it like? Tellmetellmetellme!" Sam was hopping from foot to foot in my office, her face a picture of excitement.

"I told you, I'm a gentleman," I replied with a teasing smile.

"Oh fuck off! That grin hasn't left your face since you got here! Come on, just tell me... or do I need to check the cameras?"

Fuck. Fuck. Double fuck. My heart plummeted. This was bad.

Sam must have seen my instant state of terror because she grinned and said, "Or I would check the cameras if I hadn't turned them off before I left last night, you owe me BIG!"

Relief flooded through me. Sam, ever the perfect number 2. Of course, the reason she knew to turn them off was her late-night visits to the spa. Still, she saved me from a tricky situation. I smiled and said, "Thank you, you are a star. I suppose I do owe you... we kissed, we did other stuff." I felt like a gossiping teenage girl. My marriage with Linda, while good in many ways, had not included boasting about our sexual exploits to others.

"Other stuff? Did you eat her out? Did she suck you off? Did you fuck?"

"No, we didn't fuck, as you so delicately put it. But yeah, we did everything else and Sam, it was incredible!"

Sam stopped her bouncing and dropped onto the sofa. "I can't believe it. My boss had his cock sucked by Maeve Whyte AND licked her pussy. Jimmy boy, you don't understand how huge this is."

"Probably not, and I don't want to know either. Honestly, I really, really like May and I don't want anything to ruin that. You know I trust you, but all this needs to be kept strictly between us, OK?"

"I swear on my left tit, your secret's safe with me." She turned serious. "You really like her? What about Linda? What about when Maeve has to leave?"

I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my temples. "That's the thing, I don't know! I think they're two separate things that happen to overlap. After speaking to a couple of people and doing some heavy thinking, I've realised that Linda broke what was between us... probably permanently. As much as it kills me to divide our time with the kids, I'd rather that than them grow up in a loveless broken home. I think I'll visit her after work, there's no point waiting. And May... she's here for another four weeks, so we've said that we'll date and then see where things go."

Sam didn't reply for a while. Her nose was pinched as she turned over what I'd said. Eventually, she looked up and said, "You do realise that there's a chance that you'll have your heart broken by Maeve, right? I mean..."

"Yeah, I know she's a star and I'm a good-for-nothing commoner, her freaking driver makes me aware of it every time I see her! But, what do I do? Stop seeing her just because I'm worried she'll hurt me? I mean, the mother of my children has already managed that and more, I'm surprised I'm even able to look another woman in the eye! I just... time with May is unlike anything I've felt before."

Sam stood up and hugged me. She'd been doing a lot of that recently. "I know," she said. "It's an impossible situation. Just know that no matter what happens, me and the staff have your back."

I returned her hug and gave her a squeeze. "I know, thank you."

I'd always been close to Sam, but our friendship had certainly come forward leaps and bounds since that fateful night with Marc and Linda. Her response was everything that a friend's response should be. I knew for sure that if she had been there that night, Linda would have received a slap across the tits and Marc would have been hobbling out holding his balls. That was the type of loyalty that made true friends, not the fake kind displayed by those who were with us that night.

Thinking back, I found that I didn't miss those friends one bit. They were never central to my life, they hovered around on the periphery. Since Dee and her weak-ass husband had visited me in my office, I hadn't thought about them one time.

Sam stepped back and she said what I'd been thinking. "We've become pretty close, eh?"

"Yeah! I mean, I've always seen you as one of my closest friends, but since everything that happened, I've realised just how good a friend you are."

She beamed. "You too, Jim. You're one of the good ones." She hesitated like she wanted to say more but decided against it. "I better get back to the floor, I expect updates on everything. Juicy gossip about Maeva and bitching sessions about the bitch."

"Yes, Mam!" I said with a salute. Sam returned it and left me to my work.

My day passed in a haze of memories from the night before. They felt like a dream, almost too good to be true. The touch of May's kiss, playfighting with her in the pool, the moment she opened her legs for me, touching her pussy, licking it... It wasn't so much the act itself as it was the connection we had. I'd had countless orgasms with Linda, but none of them came close to what I experienced with May. My mind went back to feeling her kissing my cock, the way she built me up in waves to my orgasm and then forced me to the back of her throat.

I had to shake my head and give myself a stern talking-to. Popping erections at work was not a good idea, particularly ones that could lift my desk off the floor if I wasn't careful. A quick text to Linda arranging to visit was enough to lose any and all arousal that had built up.

I did manage to take my mind (mostly) from reliving my date with May, but that didn't stop me from messaging her. I started off by casually saying how much I enjoyed our second date, which was the understatement of a century, and then asked how she was.

She replied immediately. Smiling, we began chatting back and forth. Even over text messages, the attraction and connection were there. May was busy that evening performing and I was due to face Linda, so we arranged for a date the following evening. We were both keen on another spa visit but decided to try something different. We weren't too far from the beach, maybe a thirty-minute drive, so we decided to take a nighttime stroll with thermos flasks of hot chocolate (May's suggestion).

After I finished work, I wished May good luck for her performance - I assumed that was the right thing to do - and then prepared myself to meet Linda. It was not going to be pleasant.

I tried not to overthink my conversation with her, other than ending our marriage. It was important to me that everything that had happened with May was kept completely separate from what had happened with Linda so that one wouldn't impact the other. Of course, that went down the shitter the second I set foot inside my old family home.

Linda didn't greet me. She was sitting behind our kitchen island, a mug of coffee in hand, staring at three magazines on the countertop. "Uh, hello," I said, sitting opposite.

"Well, it didn't take you long, did it?" Linda snapped, still looking at the magazines.

Frowning I picked one up and looked at the front cover. Fuck.

There was a poorly-taken photo of me and Maeve leaving the hotel together the previous night. Maeve was the focus of the photo, so I couldn't be clearly identified... unless whoever was looking at the photo had known me for fifteen years and been married to me for eight. The title was in bright yellow font and didn't make things better: Maeve's Mystery Man! Turn to page 3 for more.

I flicked to page three and breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't mentioned by name and all that was written was a bunch of gossipy speculation about the new 'mystery man' in her life. I threw the magazine down.

"Well?" Linda spat.

"Well what? Everything they've written is bullshit, not that it matters."

"Did you go on a date with Maeve Whyte?"

"Yes, I did! I told you that I held you to no promises and I wasn't holding any of mine. Our separation began the moment you walked out on me with Marc!"

"You're no better than me!" Linda shouted. "You get in a mood and run away like a coward and do the same as what I did!"

"Are you joking!? I would never have met May if it wasn't for you! I was jogging trying to clear my mind of what you had done when I met her. You still have no idea the pain you caused me that evening, how completely you broke my heart."

"Well, it didn't take long to get over me, did it?" She clapped her hands sarcastically. "Well done, you've got your own back. We're even now."

"Is that what you're focussing on, really? Fuck me, you're deluded! What you did does not even compare to what I've done. You made a conscious decision to destroy our marriage. I went on a date after having my world shattered!"

"With Maeve Whyte!" Linda nearly screamed.

"Why are people so fixated on Maeve Whyte!? I went out with May, a woman I met in the park, simple as that. I didn't know she was famous and I don't particularly care that she is now. Anyway, I didn't come here to discuss our dating life. I came here to talk about us."

Linda glared at me, clearly still angry at me for a crime I didn't commit. "Why would I want to be with you after that," she pointed at the photo.

I laughed, even though the situation was far from funny. "I don't believe you, Linda. What happened to the woman I married?" I sighed sadly. Even after all that had happened, I still had feelings for her. You can't wipe away years of marriage in two weeks. "I think we both know it's over between us."

Silence hung heavy in the air. My words felt like the final swing of the executioner's axe.

All my anger faded away and tears welled in my eyes. I looked up and Linda was crying silently. We were mourning the death of our marriage.

"Please," Linda said quietly, a different person to the one who was sat there moments ago. "Is there nothing?"

I steeled my heart. "No, Linda. I wish there was, I really do, but you ceased to be the woman I married that evening. We built a life together - a pretty perfect one - and you tore it down. Even if we did try, I could never trust you again. I'd always be looking over your shoulder, wondering when the next Marc was going to appear. Maybe that makes me weak, I don't know, but it wouldn't be fair on you and it wouldn't be fair on the kids. At least this way we both have a shot at happiness... just not with each other."

Linda broke down into huge sobs. She looked so small and fragile, like our daughter when she was upset.

I stood up and held my arms out. Linda came over and hugged me. We stood together, holding each other for perhaps the last time. "I'm sorry," she croaked.

"Yeah, me too."

When we parted, her eyes were red. She handed me a tissue and we did our best to dry our eyes.

"So, what now?" she asked.

"I suppose we file for divorce. You can keep the house and the rest of what's in our accounts."

"Y-you don't want to keep it?"

"No, every memory of this house is tainted now. I feel nothing but sadness when I come here, I'll find myself a small apartment somewhere. Despite everything, I don't want to make life difficult for you and our children. I'll always support them. We'll be the perfect parents, just not in the way we thought."

Her acceptance after the initial outburst was shocking enough that a piece of my brain considered whether we could make it work. Then the memories of that night came back and the anger and pain crushed the thought.

"You know," I said into the silence. "If you had been drunk, if we had been in a rut, if there had been any reason why you did what you did, I think I might have been able to get past it all. But the thing is, there wasn't. Our lives were completely and utterly perfect. If you have the capacity to do what you did when we were at the top of our own personal mountain, god knows what you would do if we weren't."

"I know," Linda said, far calmer. "Those thoughts haunt me every night. I know deep down that I threw it away, there's no excuse. All I can do now is move on with my life and make sure our children have the best lives possible."

"Well, we're in agreement there," I said.

"I know this won't mean much to you, but could we make a promise to each other? Can we promise that no matter what happens between us, we'll always do what's best for Tommy and Emma, that they'll always come first in our lives?"

I almost asked why she didn't think of them when she left with Marc but quickly decided not to. If nothing else, Linda was a good mother to our children.

"That's a good promise," I said. "I meant what I said about the divorce, you can keep all the stuff in the house, most of it is too painful for me to have anyway."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, goodbye, Linda. I'll bring the papers here when I've got them."

Linda didn't see me to the door. I think watching me walk away knowing that it was over was as painful for her as it was for me. I did hear the door close behind me. It was a long time before my eyes were clear enough to drive after that.


With my time running short at the hotel and nowhere to stay, I would soon be officially homeless whilst dating an internationally famous star. It was a situation that I had to laugh at because if I didn't I would probably cry (manly tears, of course).

I had a shower that evening and then took my laptop down to the reception to begin apartment hunting. I could have done it in my room, but I felt the need to be around people to stop myself from getting depressed.

Fortunately, my antidepressant came in the form of a little elderly lady with lightning-quick hands. She was occupied at the reception desk, so I ordered a coffee and loaded up the internet. The first thing I saw was a news story about Maeve Whyte, accompanied by a photo of her dancing on stage in very, very sexy clothing. I quickly searched for apartments, not wanting to be drawn into the world of media.

Two hours and as many coffees later, Marie took a seat opposite me. "Strange for you to bring your work here," she said, nodding at my laptop. My search had been fruitless. All apartments were either too expensive or in the less desirable areas of the city.

"I'm trying to find a place to stay before I'm homeless. I've only got a few more nights here and then I'm out on the street." I gave Marie a quick summary of my afternoon with Linda.

"I'm sorry, dear, that must have been hard. At least the worst is over."

"Yeah, I suppose." I grinned. "You won't divorce me though, will you? I might not be staying here but I don't think I'd survive if I didn't have our chats to look forward to!"

Marie laughed and patted my hand. "Of course not." She paused and then said, "I think I might know of a place you can stay, rent-free."

"Marie, I'm not going into one of the shelters."

"Don't be such an idiot. No, I have a house that's far too big for me to look after and too many empty rooms. It's only a ten-minute drive away, why don't you move in with me?"

"Marie... I can't. OUCH!"

I didn't even see her hand coming.

"I mean it. Bob was ill for the last five years of his life, too ill to maintain the house, and all of my time went into caring for him. Now I find myself too old and weak to repair and look after it. I won't charge you any rent, but that doesn't mean you'll be staying with me for free. There's all sorts of work that needs doing to it. Believe me, this is as much a help to me as it is to you."

It was the best offer I would ever get. Marie strikes yet again. I held out my hand. "Marie, you have yourself a deal. Draw up a list of things you want done, and don't hold back on anything."

Marie raised her eyebrow.

"Not that you will," I added hastily. "Make the list and I'll work my way through it. You can always add to it as I go along too."

Marie shook my hand with her frail one and the deal was made. I would live with the fierce old lady in exchange for repairing and maintaining the house. I took the following morning off work and decided to swing by the old house to grab the rest of my belongings. I tried messaging Linda but there was no reply, so I let myself in through the back door and walked through my old house.

I didn't hear Linda's moan until I was at the top of the stairs. "Oh, Jim!"

I spun around, wondering why on earth Linda was calling my name. I considered shouting, but something about the way Linda moaned stopped me. I crept along the hallway to my old bedroom. The door was open enough that I could see through it to our bed, where Linda was lying, completely naked, thrusting a dildo into her wet pussy.

I couldn't believe it. What was it with me stumbling across these women!? I wanted to move. I needed to move. But, much like the situation with Sam, the treacherous brain held in my shorts forced me to stay.

I recognised the dildo from our time together. We'd bought it to spice up our sex life. It was fun for a few sessions but the novelty soon wore off. Linda told me that as nice as a dildo was, it could never compare with the real thing.

But, seeing her lying with her legs open, moaning loudly, I wondered how truthful she had been. "Oh, Jim!" She moaned my name again. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open. "Fuck me, just like that."

Linda's tits were big. Lying on her back, they dropped to either side in a way that I'd always found sexy. One hand was playing with her big nipples while the other was pushing the dildo into her pussy with long thrusts. She started moving her hips against the dildo, adjusting the angle to get more pleasure. She grabbed her boob and squeezed it as she increased her pace. The dildo was hitting her pussy with wet smacks.

I almost died when she suddenly jumped up, but it was only to move position. Her tits swinging freely, she held the dildo upright on the bed and lowered herself onto it. She rode it like she had ridden me so many times.

Her tits swung back and forth as she slammed her pussy down onto the dildo. Faster and faster. Her moans were coming faster. "Fuck me!" She collapsed on the dildo as the orgasm hit her. Her body tensed in pleasure.

From my time with Linda, I knew that she would stay collapsed like that for a while, long enough to go again or cuddle until we slept. I retreated from the doorway and hurried back down the stairs and out the back door.

I could have entered the room and I have no doubt I could have fucked Linda again. It was tempting... so, so tempting. But the idea of having sex with her again was met with the image of her and Marc leaving the club, the thought of her riding Marc like she'd ridden that dildo. The fire of my arousal was put out by the tepid water of her betrayal.

It was then more than ever that I realised just how deeply she'd hurt me and ruined our relationship. Strangely, I felt happy that I'd seen her, not for any perverse pleasure, but as confirmation that I had done the right thing. It was another piece of our relationship that was dead.

I took my time and then knocked loudly on the front door. I waited patiently, imagining Linda hurrying to get herself presentable. She opened the door, her face flushed and out of breath. "Jim! I didn't expect you," she said, her face reddening.

"Sorry, I tried texting but there wasn't a response. I didn't want to barge in if you were busy, I just need to collect my things."