Feel For Jack Ch. 02


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Jack had suspected as much, but and after hearing it straight from Janet all he can do is glare at her. Finally he breaks his silence. "Okay, turn the page." Janet just sits there so Jack reaches over and turns to the next page. "What this shows, is that there was a second set of DNA from yet another man in those panties. And guess what Janet, it's not mine either. Care to tell me how that second man's DNA got into your panties?" Janet looks at Jack still sobbing, but seems to be genuinely confused.

Then Jack continues without giving Janet a chance to answer anyway. "Okay, I'll tell you how that second man's DNA got there. You spit it there after you sucked off Larry Reynolds. I know that's how it got there because I saw it happen. That business trip I was on got cut short and I ended up getting home in the middle of the night, but instead of finding you sleeping when I got home, I saw you sucking Larry's god dammed cock. And don't try to tell me you did it all for me either. I saw you crank off one hell of an orgasm right after he left."

Confronted with the evidence Janet has no defense and she starts balling her eyes out. Through her tears she blurts out, "Larry made me do it." She starts to cry even harder, "He even made me hold it in my mouth for a really long time so I had to taste it."

"Enough Janet!" Jack shouts. "I don't want to hear about it. You are going to fix this." Jack takes a moment to calm his voice, "Okay, here is what you are going do Janet. You are going to get in your car and drive down to the police station. If you are still crying that's all the better, because when you get there you are going to tell the police that Larry raped you."

Two days later Jack strolls into Larry's office like he owns the place and drops rudely into a chair at Larry's desk. Larry looks like he hasn't slept in days. Larry immediately starts to plead with Jack. "What the hell Jack? What is your wife trying to do to me? She is saying that I raped her. I just spent two nights in jail. This is crazy! I never touched her! You're my guy here, Jack. You have to make her stop. You have to talk some sense into her. You have to make this go away Jack."

Jack leans back in the chair and gets comfortable and touches his hands together at the fingertips. "So Mister Reynolds, how many years until you are eligible to retire from this place." The oddness of Jack's question takes Larry by surprise. "What the hell Jack? Just a little over twelve why?"

Then Jack sits forward and goes off. "And what's the statute of limitations for rape Larry... Oh yeah, there isn't one. You see I know exactly what you made Janet do so I could have this job. I was there and I watched the whole thing. You didn't see me because you were so busy getting your cock sucked and making my wife wait to spit. Hell, I could have been right next to your sorry ass and you probably wouldn't have noticed me. On top of that you left your DNA there. I have your DNA Larry."

Larry starts to amend his story, "Okay I was there, but we were two consenting adults. I didn't rape anyone Jack." Jack looks at Larry and shakes his head, "So in your mind it was two consenting adults just having fun; fun at my expense. Know what Larry? I didn't think it was all that much fun. To me it looked like you were forcing her, and that's rape Larry." "Jack..." Larry starts to plead again, but Jack puts his hand up to stop Larry form speaking.

Now Jack becomes really smug, "So here's what we are going to do about this Lare." Jack knows that Larry only let's his very closest friends all him Lare, and Jack has never been one of those friends. "I have all of the evidence of what you did safely hidden away somewhere, and there's no way any of this can stick without that evidence. So as of right now consider the rape charges dropped."

Larry lets out a sigh of relief. Then Jack continues being every bit as smug as before. "Now if you want those charges to stay gone, you're going to do everything I say from here on, starting with this." Jack scribbles something on a piece of paper and mocks Larry by sliding the paper across the desk to Larry. "In case you can't read my writing Lare, that says you're going to give me a twenty percent raise and include me in the executive bonus program. Don't care how you do it Lare, just get it done."

Then before Larry can think of anything to say, Jack continues. "Just in case you're thinking of becoming a murderer on top of being a rapist, keep in mind that I have all of the evidence safely locked away somewhere. Oh, and if anything happens to me, and I do mean anything; I have a friend that works with the FBI that knows exactly where this evidence is.

So you better hope and pray that I have a long and safe life ahead of me Lare. Yup you are going to want me to be driving a really safe car from now on. You're driving a brand new Volvo right? Those are really safe cars aren't they Lare? Sell it to me Lare. Sell me your car for a dollar."

"For fucks sake Jack the car is yours, just take it. Just make this whole shit storm stop." Jack smiles. "OK, done. As long as you keep playing nice, you're safe. But I gotta ask you something Lare. Why no lights? Why did you do it in the dark?" Larry has to think a moment. "Simple Jack, no cameras. I didn't want there to be any proof."

Jack just shakes his head and looks at Larry like his is a complete idiot. "What about the cum, dip shit. You left a wad of your cum in my wife's panties. And what about infrared security video; like the video the security camera in our garage got of you arriving and leaving that night. My god, Lare, it was time stamped and everything. Do you even pay any attention to technology these days?" Jack didn't really have any footage of him in the garage, but watching Larry squirm had become way too much fun for him to resist.

"Oh, there's one more thing Lare." Jack reaches onto Larry's desk and Larry instinctively starts to yell. "Don't touch the desk." "Nobody touches..." Jack's icy glare makes Larry cut himself short as he puts both his hands in the air indicating Jack can do as he pleases. Jack reaches over and pushes the call button on the intercom.

"Becky, would you please send Roger in." "Yes sir." "Did you hear that Lare, Becky just called me sir. It's amazing what you get when you treat people with respect Lare. Hell, I'd say you could even get someone like Becky to shut of your office cameras in case you wanted a meeting to be really private. Now why would Becky know how to do that in the first place Lare. Could it be you make her shut off those cameras before she comes into service you?"

Becky shows Roger in and Jack motions for him go to Larry's side of the desk. "Roger, why don't you go stand next to Larry." Roger stands right next to Larry and this obviously makes Larry very uncomfortable.

Jack continues. "Yeah, that is looking much better. Now Larry, you and Roger trade places. Roger should be sitting and Larry you should be standing." Larry reluctantly switches places with Roger. "What do you think Larry? Roger looks pretty important sitting in that chair doesn't he. He almost looks like a VP sitting there. Don't you think Roger would make a fine looking VP?" Larry says nothing. Then Jack looks sternly at Larry. "Larry don't you have something to say to Roger?"

"I do?" Larry asks.

"He does?" Roger asks

"He sure does... Larry, tell Roger what you called him in our staff meeting yesterday."

"What? We didn't talk about Roger yesterday." Larry acts incredulous.

"Sure we did. Remember? You called him that swishy little faggot, just like you always do. Then you told Frank to give all of the shit work to Roger hoping the little fag would quit. Now I don't think it was appropriate to call Roger that, do you?" Jack pauses for dramatic effect. "No, it wasn't appropriate at all, especially the part about him being little. I've seen Roger in the locker room and he's definitely not little."

"Roger, show Larry what I mean." Roger gets his cock out and it is huge.

"OK Larry, get busy."


"You heard me Lare. Suck it. Suck Roger's cock or that envelope you don't want to see is going to show up at that three letter agency we talked about."

Larry still just stands there so Jack reminds him again of the consequences. "Either you can suck this one, or you're going to end up sucking a whole bunch of them in prison; your choice Lare." Larry still just stands there staring at Roger's cock, until Jack yells, "DO IT!"

Larry reluctantly gets on his knees and takes Roger's cock in his mouth. "No, no, no, Lare; First you have to lick it all over, and don't forget his balls." Larry starts licking Roger's cock and balls while Jack watches to make sure he is being thorough.

"Now take it in your mouth and suck the head." The head of Roger's cock slowly disappears into Larry's mouth. "Do a good job Lare. Suck it like you would want your own cock sucked or that envelope is as good as at the FBI." Jack looks at Roger. "Is he doing a good job Roger?" Roger is panting and Jack knows Larry is actually following orders.

"Now take it deep, Lare. Put it in your throat. That's the way... Suck it all up and down. Suck as much of that giant cock as you can fit in your god damned lying mouth."

Jack kicks a trash can over next to Larry and Roger. Roger asks, "What's the can for Jack?" Jack raises his eyebrows, "You'll see".

"OK Lare, now you're going to suck the head of that cock while you use your hand to jack Roger off. You remember this don't you Lare?" Larry hesitates. "DO IT" jack yells again. Larry immediately starts doing what he was told.

Roger grabs hold of Larry's head and holds on tight. Then he grunts several times as he comes in Larry's mouth. Larry pulls away from Roger's grip and swings over to the trash can and vomits.

"See Roger, I told you that you would see what the can was for." Jack says with a chuckle. "And see Larry? You don't have to hold a big wad of cum in your mouth very long to taste it do you?" Jack's voice now becomes exceptionally facetious, "You're lucky I like you Lare. You're lucky I didn't make you wait to spit that cum out."

Then Jack walks over and puts his hands on Roger's shoulders, "Thanks Roger. I owe you one man. Oh and take that can with you on your way out. We don't want Mister Reynolds here having any of your DNA, do we?" With that Roger buttons up, grabs the trash can and heads out the door.

With Roger gone Jack looks back at Larry and his face is an odd shade of pale that is somewhere between green and yellow. Seeing this Jack smiles with intense satisfaction and tells Larry, "Okay we are even now. Let's get back to work."

Now when Jack looks back on his life he doesn't do it with his head in his hands. He doesn't have to wonder how things got to be the way they are. He knows exactly how he got where he is, and what can happen if you just take control.

When Jack first discovered what his wife was doing he had to make a choice. Jack had to choose between run or fight back. Like most men, Jack's first inclination was to run. In running, he would have divorced Janet, walked away from his home, and re-joined the throngs of unemployed.

As Jack considered getting a divorce, he thought of his friends that had gotten divorced. Jack recalled their stories of how badly they had gotten burned in the process. The law says that in a divorce everything is to be divided down the middle, but Jack knows that bottom feeding lawyers and pussy whipped judges skirt that law and side with the woman nearly every time.

In court, every one of Jack's divorced friends got the same kind of deal. Indeed things were divided down the middle. Their ex-wives got all of the assets, and his friends got all of the debt. When Jack thought of that happening to him, he decided not to run, but to stay and fight.

As Jack sat that day in the crappy motel with the TV blaring he hatched his plan. In his plan he knew he had to choose his fights very carefully. He had to choose fights that he could win. He knew he could never win a fight in divorce court, but he knew he could win against Larry, Christine or Janet. A fight with them made sense because they were the three that made him so miserable in the first place.

In Jack's plan Larry and Christine were expendable. He didn't really need either one of them. He knew getting back at Christine would be easy as she was going to get fired anyway. He knew he didn't really need Larry to have a decent job. But also he knew he wanted to get revenge against Larry.

That meant that Jack actually needed Janet. Jack needed the kind of leverage that rape charges could bring and Jack could only control those charges if he was married to Janet. More than that Jack needed to stay married to Janet a long time to maintain that leverage so that Larry couldn't have Jack killed.

As the years passed, Jack excelled at his job and slowly settled back into married life with Janet. After a couple of trips to see Doctor Scott, Janet was given hormone injections and became fertile. Jack now has two wonderful boys. Janet cooks and cleans for Jack and the boys. She also sucks Jack's cock regularly.

Over time Jack convinced Janet that it is okay for her to get so turned on by doing something she finds as repugnant as getting a mouth full of cum. Janet no longer needs to go hide and masturbate after tasting cum. Now Janet fingers herself while she is sucking Jack's cock, and often has an intense orgasm while Jack is coming in her mouth.

Even with all of this, Jack has never really forgiven Janet for what she did, and likely never will. No one ever truly forgives or trusts someone after they have cheated. In fact Jack still has those cameras hidden around the house and even checks them occasionally. Now all these years later Jack finally does love Janet in some limited way. Jack knows he will never again be fully in love with Janet... but he can live with that.

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Jlyn1Jlyn111 months ago

Ok so Jacj didn't wimp out. Nice😉

phill1cphill1calmost 3 years ago


Husbands usually gets fucked in the divorce courts...

Oft repeated bullsh!t.

Wives, who don't make as much money, more often get screwed because they can't afford great legal representation.

lee5456lee5456over 3 years ago

Husbands usually gets fucked in the divorce courts

garyr19680garyr19680over 4 years ago
Well, not what I thought.

Interesting about the description of Christine's pussy. I don't know if it would work like that in real life, but it made for a BTB story, and the reality of divorce isn't always as bad as depicted here, but it sucks no matter how. And he did get the job thanks to his wife's efforts, and the satisfaction of taking the boss down a peg.

As another comment mentioned, he could have sued for harassment when Christine offered sex. As for. the situation of being out of work, alas in the US that's not unrealistic. Without money it's unlikely that anyone can find a lawyer good enough to provide results. If you can even find one to work on spec for that kind of case. He could have found something somewhere, technology enables you to apply for jobs long distances away and for a well paying job, companies often pay for your flight to get there for an interview.

But this isn't reality, it's fiction. It fits right into the genre.

danoctoberdanoctoberabout 5 years ago
Tough call....

The very last chapter of Chapter 2 explains the real aftermath of infidelity. Sure, you can reconcile but even after decades you cannot forget the visual stuff. Forgive? Enough to remain married and carry on, but you'd never forget. *****

johnadpjohnadpabout 5 years ago
Award For One Of The Dumbest

I have to say amongst dumb stories in LW this one definitely is a strong contender for one of the dumbest. So he talks to his buddies and finds out about his possible finanial loss in a divorce. He doesn't want to lose 50% of ZERO fucking assets they have at that point, and zero alimony beause he has low or no income, and no fucking kids so no child support. So instead he stays married, has two kids with a woman he doesn't love, builds assets, has a high income so that if she fucks on him again, instead of losing zero in asssets and paying no alimony, he has to pay a boatload for alimony, child support and lose 50% of assets.

God the paranoid men on this site wallowing in such self-pity about the perceived "unfairness" of divorce courts that it makes them completely retarded.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Pretty good

Good revenge on everyone. Not so good reconciliation, but reasons given will work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

This really was first class revenge, an eye for an eye where it was most deserved. My only complaint was not that there was a reconciliation with the wife but rather that the contrition and forgiveness, the process of reconciliation was not described but glossed over instead.

That said, it was a fun and enjoyable story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

another cocksucking WIMP posting DUMB cuck SHIT.

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