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She knew she was going about it all wrong, and she tried to gather her senses. She was more than a walking libido, and more than her basest desires. She was an independent woman, and once her mind began to clear she realized that her gamble had paid off after all. Much as Dana had found herself insanely jealous of "mommy" it was extremely likely that Erin had found herself jealous of her former bully.

A solution immediately jumped to mind, but Dana dismissed it just as quickly. Fantasy was one thing, and it was a tempting fantasy, but Erin was fragile.

Immediately, she began warring with herself. Erin was not fragile. Erin was an introvert. Erin was a strong young woman. Erin was a sheltered, creative type. Erin was prone to low self-esteem. Erin was the same little girl who had stood up to her much larger, emotionally abusive father and screamed him out of their house, and out of their lives.

The trouble was that, from Dana's perspective, Erin was all of those things sometimes, and any of them at any given moment. She was complex, and she had surrounded herself with a veritable minefield. Dana's snooping had gifted her with knowledge, but she didn't know how to use it.

She got up, threw on a nightgown and robe, and silently tiptoed down the hall intent on addressing the problem directly. And then, just before her knuckles fell on her daughter's door, Dana reconsidered and hurried back to her room. She did the same three times over the following hour, each time coming right to the brink of telling Erin everything, and three more times she balked at the last moment.

Dana had spent nearly her entire adult life telling herself that what she'd done with her uncle hadn't been wrong. It had been two adults, nothing more. There had been no manipulation, and nothing untoward. By that logic, there was nothing wrong with what had clearly been eating away at her daughter. Erin was not a girl. She was a young woman, who was attracted to other women, and who found herself fantasizing about another woman. Nothing more. Dana should have been able to help her with that.

There were moments of such unrequited passion buried within the salacious thread, moments she recognized where Erin was acutely expressing real emotions. It was patently obvious to her, and the only reason it was so obvious was because she was Erin's mother, and it was there that the opposition took root. She was Erin's mother, and it was unconscionable for her to be the cause of further anguish. A sexual relationship with that much emotion riding on it could be devastating.

Then again, the anguish was drawn from an obsession that had already gripped the young woman. Dana went back and forth in her mind, wracked with guilt and frustration. There seemed to be no way forward, and the moment she realized that she felt a great deal of empathy for her daughter.

She could not allow herself to do nothing and so, in a fit of inspiration, Dana scooped up her phone and logged back into the site. Her thumbs flew as she composed a private message to Erin.

Hello, it said. I have been following your thread I love you, Mommy in the Roleplay Forum, and was struck by your authentic and powerful writing. You are clearly an impressive young woman, one that any mother would be proud of. I say that speaking as a proud mother myself. I would hate to take you away from the project you are currently working on, but I was wondering if you would consider doing another, similar mother-daughter roleplay with me.

There seems to be a lot of very specific details you're including in your writing that I would wager are based on real conversations and events. I don't mean to imply that you and your mother have been inappropriate, just that it feels like you might be using this thread to do more than explore a fantasy. It seems like you might be getting something off your chest, and I can empathize with that because I would be doing much the same.

I've never propositioned anyone to roleplay with me before, and I admit that I am rather new to the concept so I apologize if I am going about this wrong. I am not, however, new to the idea of having conflicted feelings for my family members. The balance of the two would still leave me at least the equal of your current roleplaying partner.

Dana signed the message with a fake name and, her hands trembling, pressed send.


Dana lay in bed for a full minute, eyes blinking, before she got up the courage to roll over and look at her phone, and it was a relief when there were no pending messages or replies. She'd spent a few minutes before bed frantically trying to find an unsend function, to take back her offer. Failing that, she happily accepted a lack of response.

I love you, Mommy continued to update throughout the day. Dana had gotten enough of a hold on herself to be able to have lunch with June and not check her phone once, but she still had to excuse herself five minutes early to slip away to the bathroom in the teacher's lounge. When she'd emerged, just in time to get to her class, she'd had to take conscious steps to hide the warm, glowing half-smile and affect a flatter, more appropriate expression for teaching.

Since it was a Friday, Dana took an early leave once most of the students were on the bus, and headed for home. She tried to ignore her phone, but the pulsing indicator light tugged at her curiosity. As she drove, she noticed that her gym bag was still in the backseat of her car, so she made a slight detour across town. The perky young girl behind the counter was all too happy to sign her up, and Dana spent two hours wearing herself out at her new gym and trying to clear her mind.

"Erin," Dana called, as she removed pans from the stove later that evening. "Dinner." She wasn't expecting a response, and she didn't get one. At least not right away. Dana moved their fish and asparagus to plates, and set them on the table.

Then, just as Dana was about to repeat herself, Erin yelled, "Be down in a couple minutes."

Erin looked sad when she came down the stairs. She wiped at tears and looked away, refusing to meet Dana's eyes, but she took a tissue from the box when Dana offered it to her. She gave a grateful nod and dabbed at her cheeks.

They ate in silence. It was not a comfortable silence, but neither was it fraught with tension. The fish was soft, and she was glad to see her daughter eating. Quite a few plates had come back with food on them recently, and Dana worried for her.

Suddenly, her phone blinked at her, and Dana nearly dropped food into her lap as she rushed to check. It was an email... to notify her that she had a private message...

...from Erin. Dana looked up, and her daughter seemed to be paying no attention, so she opened the message. It said:

Hello Mamabear79,

I was so glad to get your message! It made me cry a little that someone got it. I'm not sure what tipped you off, since I thought I was being clever about hiding the details, but still. Thank you.

It was actually really lucky timing that you contacted me. My partner has hinted that she's wanting to finish up the roleplay she and I have been doing so she can work on something else, and I was not looking forward to that. I don't know what you had in mind, specifically, but I'm very much open to the idea of working with you. Honestly, I would love to do something that's a little bit less gratuitous this time around. I started this as a way to work out some feelings, but it's been helping less over time. My current partner is only really interested in the sexy bits, and it's all starting to feel a bit empty.

I'm sorry I'm rambling, but your message said you knew something about having conflicted feelings, and I am conflicted out of my mind.

My mom is my hero. She put herself through hell for me. Worked insane hours at two jobs, and basically gave up five years of her life. For me. I've been having feelings for my mom for years. I idolized her, and worshipped her for so long that I became increasingly attracted to her. Embarrassingly attracted to her. She's so beautiful, and it's getting harder to hide how I feel. I want her more than anything. I want her to be mine. I fantasize about her constantly.

Now she's trying to enjoy her life, making up for lost time, and that has been hard to watch. I don't know what to do with the frustration of watching her be with different men. I don't think I can tell her, and I don't know how much longer I can just pretend I don't have feelings for her. The one person I trust is the one person I can't talk to, about anything, because she would be horrified by what I feel for her. I Need this. Capital N.

I don't want you to feel pressured, but if your message was genuine then I think you might know where I'm coming from.

Hope to hear from you soon,


P.S. I do have one request. Would you be alright if I roleplayed as a trans girl instead of a cis girl? That was a deal breaker with my current partner.

Dana didn't realize she was crying until she felt Erin's arms around her. She leaned her head against her daughter's shoulder, overwhelmed with empathy and understanding, and cried. Her poor girl was hurting. She wrapped her arms around Erin's torso, just below the ribs, and held her. There was no plan. No end goal. She had finally grasped the depths of it, and her instincts demanded that she do her damndest to fix the hurt. She was no more capable of pulling away as Erin had was of staying away from her as she cried.

She gets that from me, Dana thought proudly.

One of Erin's hands moved, and Dana heard the telltale rasp of her plastic phone casing sliding across the tabletop. "What the," she murmured. Then she gasped, and Dana's phone crashed to the kitchen floor.

"I'm sorry," Erin said, distantly as if in shock. "I... um..."

Dana let her hold loosen, and Erin immediately crouched to pick up the phone.

"The screen cracked," she said, hoarsely. "I'm... um..."

"Erin," Dana said softly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's broken. I didn't mean—"

"Erin," Dana repeated, just as softly.

Dana slid from her stool and hooked her fingertip under Erins chin. Her daughter was already mostly upright, with the pieces of the phone in her hands, and the pieces all slid right back down to the floor when Dana kissed her.

Erin trembled, whole body shuddering as if her naked desire was too much to contain. Instead of holding her, or grabbing her as Dana had often been grabbed in moments like that, she reached down and took Erin's hands. Their fingers interlaced, squeezed, and as Dana opened her eyes and leaned her forehead against her daughter's, she watched the last of Erin's defenses topple. She let go of one hand and reached up to brush her thumb delicately across Erin's cheek, catching a tear just as it threatened to spill over the cheekbone. Erin flushed, eyes darting downward.

Dana took one step backwards, one hand still holding her daughter's, and it only took a small amount of effort before Erin followed. Dana led her upstairs and down the hall, saying nothing. As she neared the bed, she turned around and guided her daughter to lean against the edge of it. Then she turned around, reached over her shoulder, and held the very top of her dress.

Her daughter pulled down on the zipper very slowly. The dress was loose around the shoulders and top but snug around her middle, and Dana gave a breathy sigh as the whole thing fell slack by degrees. As the zipper neared the bottom, she reached back with both hands, undid the clasp, and let the dress slide down to expose her back. She looked over her shoulders, just barely catching her daughter in the corner of her eye, and smiled.

Erin's breath caught in her throat as Dana turned around, chest bared. Her eyes bounced back and forth between Dana's breasts, pupils reduced to almost pinpricks so that the brown flecked with gold seemed too large. She barely gave her daughter time to do more than glance, however, before she knelt down between Erin's feet. Erin made a choked sound.

She was wearing a pair of tight shorts under a long, oversized t-shirt, and those shorts were straining to contain her. Dana had seen the thing recently, and knew it was going to be big, but she was not really expecting it to be as large as it ended up being. She pulled down on the waistband, snug as it was around the thickest part of her daughter's shaft, and sighed happily.

It was thick; that, more than anything, jumped out at her. The head was almost disproportionately small given how wide the entire shaft was. Her jaw almost couldn't open wide enough, but she found Erin's cock had a bit of softness to it. The feel of it was more like hard rubber than velvet-coated steel. There were no veins protruding from it to announce its hardness, but the whole thing was so much more massive than it had been when she'd seen it in the dressing rooms that it had to be at or near the biggest it was going to get.

On another night, with a different partner who needed to have their ego fluffed a bit, she would have gone on at length about how certain she was that Erin has the thickest she'd ever had, and she was. Dana would have reveled in holding it up to her face, and letting her partner-for-the-night enjoy the sight of it slapping against her cheek, or covering half of her face. She knew how to work the male ego. With her daughter, however, Dana tried a different approach.

She said nothing as she fellated her daughter. The semi-rigid shaft had a slight left curve to it, but it straightened well enough within the confines of her mouth and neither did the head stop at the back of her throat. Dana's spine curled. The sheer volume of it was staggering.

Through her slitted eyes, Dana saw that Erin's fingers had tightened around the bedsheets, drawing taut lines in them, and she hummed happily. She let her fingers trail lazily around her daughter's bare calves. It didn't seem within her physiology to deepthroat her daughter, much to her dismay, but she did her best to take as much of it as possible.

Suddenly, one of those hands was in her hair. Dana looked up to see her daughter's pained expression, teeth gritted and eyes pinched shut, and her whole body went rigid. Cum flowed in waves from Erin's cockhead rather than spurting, and the taste of it was greatly subdued from what she'd been expecting. It was thinner, running straight down her throat rather than collecting on her tongue and needing to be swallowed.

"I'm sorry," Erin croaked, laboring to breathe. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Dana looked up as much as she could, and couldn't tell if the color in Erin's cheeks was from exertion or embarrassment. Dana always retreated into her mind to savor the act of blowjobs and her experience of it had been wonderful, but she also realized it had probably only lasted about twenty seconds.

She did not react to her daughter's pleas for apology, and simply continued to bob her head in and out. The shaft did not flag under her touch, and though she sensed that Erin's head had become more sensitive it did not seem overly so. After a minute, her daughter's hand returned to the side of the bed, gripping the sheets as if they were the only thing keeping her upright.

I could get used to the taste of this, Dana thought. The HRT had definitely altered the flavor of Erin's cum to something that was almost unrecognizable to a true cum connoisseur like herself, but that did not by any means render it unpalatable.

After another minute, during which Erin's delightful girlcock had retained its rubbery hardness, Dana finally pulled back. She kissed the very tip of the cock, and as the head rested against her upper lip, Dana drew in a deep breath through her nose. The smell was different too; it made her quiver with pride rather than with nervous excitement.

That's my girl.

She pulled down on the shorts, tugging from the outsides of Erin's thighs, and her daughter was still breathing heavily when Dana stood. She was aware that quite a bit of thin precum and saliva ran down onto her chin and upper chest. Not an overflowing amount, but certainly enough to make her skin shine in the low light of dusk. Her daughter said nothing as she lifted the shirt, simply raising her arms so as not to impede, and she crawled backwards on elbows and heels when Dana gave her a soft push.

The shaft had not softened one bit, to her joy, as Dana mounted her daughter. Knees astride hips. Back straight. Dana bit her lip, enjoying the incredibly full feeling. The head just kissed her cervix, filling her pussy to the brim and giving her hips a lovely kind of ache not unlike the first time June had fisted her. Better, in fact. Erin's shaft was of almost uniform thickness from tip to root.

Her labia cried out the loudest. When Dana reached down with both hands to massage her angry lips, Erin sucked in a sharp breath.

"Your clit," she moaned, eyes wide. "It's huge."

"So is yours," Dana drawled absently.

At that, Erin's eyes flew open wide, and she nodded. Slowly at first, but them even more emphatically. "Yes," she said, voice suddenly dry. "Yes. Clit."

"Okay," Dana said, smiling warmly. "Clit it is." Just like that, she banished the word girldick from her mind. Erin's clit was simply larger than hers, in much the same way that her breasts were larger than Erin's.

"I've never seen a..." Erin swallowed, still staring down. "Can I touch it?"

Both of them stared as Erin reached. Dana shivered, muscles tensing of their own accord, and her clit stood up and out more ferociously than it ever had. Enough for Erin to get her fingers underneath it. Her fingers pressed and squeezed in an undulating fashion, and Dana's hips bucked in response.

"God," Dana moaned. "Just like that."

Erin's lips and tongue moved quietly, no doubt imagining what it would feel like to fellate her, and Dana fell into a rhythmic gyration. Sliding forward and backward, rather than bouncing up and down. Mostly, the motion caused her daughter's clit to pull and stretch her lips just that much more, and she squealed with delightful pain.

It was hard to ignore the way her movements caused Erin's modest breasts to swirl as well. Lying on her back as she was, they spread out toward her armpits, but the flesh moved differently than the bones and muscles beneath, and Dana found that she really liked watching them move. She'd thought the same of June's body upon watching her fuckbuddy in action for the first time...

...and it occurred to her that her experiences with June had really changed things for her. She did not love June, and she was certainly not thinking of the other woman while she lay in bed with Erin, but June had opened some doors that Erin was now stepping through.

On the one hand, she felt like a perfectly-sized glove for her daughter; a tight fight all around. On the other hand, by her nature, Erin existed at a delicious intersection of body types and parts. She was all of the things that Dana wanted most, and that was before Dana considered her lifelong obsession with the taboo.

She found herself bouncing up and down, both hands cupping her breasts, without intending to. Erin immediately locked onto her breasts, eyes following them up and down, and Dana smiled. She stopped, reached down for her daughter's hands, and moved them up to palm her pendulous breasts with each hand.

"They're so heavy," Erin whispered.

Her nipples poked out from between Erin's fingers, and Erin gave them both a loving tweak that sent waves of goosebumps rippling across her skin. Freed of their burden, her own hands went up into her hair, collecting the small mass of it and pulling it toward the top of her head. As her arms raised, they drew up her breasts, and they sat as they had when Dana was much younger. It was nice to still be able to do that, but it was even more lovely to know that Erin had fallen in love with the sight of them as they were now.
