Fifteen Minutes Ch. 04


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They followed as she skipped towards the bathroom.

"Fuck..." Ethan gasped, staring at the large Italian Jacuzzi bath in the corner.

"Exactly," Peaches giggled. "We'll be fucking in the bed, in that bath, and anywhere else you fancy! Providing you two boys can get it up, that is."

Nate's excited face became serious for a second. "We can get it up, don't worry about that," he mumbled. "But you're sure that Maddy is into this? She was pretty angry the last time I saw her. And after everything that's happened..."

Peaches' grin widened. "That's the point," she said, leading the way back into the main room. "This wouldn't have happened had it not been for you two. That's why Maddy wants the four of us to get together again. After all that's happened, she needs some normality right now."

The two young men stared at one another. "Er... you know the papers have contacted us," Ethan hesitantly said, watching her eyes for a reaction. Selling their stories wouldn't go down too well when they told the girls. Maybe they should hold back that information until after today's session? Why cause complications?

"Really?" Peaches responded, playing her part to perfection. "Well, I know you'll have told them to fuck off, right?" The boys' eyes flickered at one another again. "Good. But don't mention that to Maddy. Not until we've had our foursome."

Their jaws dropped. "Foursome?"

She wiggled her eyebrows. "Maddy's on a high," she answered, her lips curling in amusement. The two youngsters were looking at each other as if it was Christmas and they were about to unwrap their presents. The holes in her story were clear if they stopped to think. But she wasn't giving them time to reflect and their needy dicks were overriding their common sense. "What can I tell you?"

Crooking a finger, Peaches sauntered across to the bedroom door. She wiggled her toned ass as she went and then pushed the door open. Turning to the two young men obediently following her, she crossed her arms and nodded into the room.

They walked past her and stared inside. "Fuck..."

"There's that word again," she laughed at Ethan. "Just think guys. A double bed this time and a four-poster at that. Have either of you ever fucked in a four poster?"

Nate gulped as he stared around the room. "I've never even seen a four poster."

Leaving them beside the door, she slid her hands onto the top of her head. Slicking her short blonde hair back in a sassy way, she swung her hips from side to side as she made her way towards the bed. She paused with each second step, sexily glancing back over one shoulder and then the other before making her way forward again. Their eyes didn't leave her ass...

"God, just the thought makes me feel so sexy," she murmured, crawling onto the bed and then turning back to face them. "Who wants a blow job before Maddy gets here?"

For a nanosecond they stared at one another. "She's my girlfriend," Ethan grinned at Nate, his hands going to his belt.

"But I thought you wanted Maddy," his dark haired friend laughed as he tried to push past him.

Ethan jostled him away. "Look—"

"Boys! Boys!" Peaches' laughing voice stopped them in their tracks. "First one to get completely undressed," she giggled, sinfully running her tongue around her mouth, "Wins the prize..."

They practically tore off their clothes. Their cocks were already lengthening in anticipation. Naked, they stood for a moment, as if they were awaiting her verdict.

"Dead heat," she said, giggling again. They were like two puppies, an animated look of expectancy in their eyes as they awaited her next words. Neither had stopped to think for even a second. They were so excited, their dicks were already hard. She loved that. If she hurried, she might be able to fuck them both before the press arrived. God knows her body was screaming out for some cock.

Common sense overtook her. That wasn't part of the plan. A blow job would keep their minds occupied until the press arrived and that was as far as she could go. The clock on the wall told her she had twenty minutes to help assuage her own frustration and she didn't intend wasting a moment.

"Get on the bed," she told them, shuffling up onto the pillows. "Let's take it in turns. First one to cum loses..."

Ethan reached for her as he bounced onto the bed. "Get undressed, too."

She smacked his hand away with a giggle. "Maddy and I are going to treat you to a striptease when she gets here. Until then, you both do as you're told. Understand?"

The two young men nodded eagerly. Nate was already fisting his hard cock.

"Here, baby," she murmured, turning towards him and pushing him flat on the large bed. "Why don't you let me do that for you?" She took hold of his hardness and gingerly fondled him for a few moments, before lowering her head.

"Oh fuck," he mumbled as her mouth covered his hardness.

"Feels good?" she slurped, raising her head for a second to look at his contorted face. He didn't reply, other than to moan his approval.

To her side, Ethan traced his hand through her blonde locks, as if urging her on. She rewarded him by reaching for his cock without breaking her mouth lock on Nate. Her hand fisted him while she sucked his friend, taking her time in case either of them should race to the finishing line. That would put the cat among the pigeons...

She gave the dark haired youngster a good few minutes' worth of her best work, her arousal increasing with each groan she elicited. When he began to pant, she changed positions. Give him a chance to cool down. Her hand took the place of her mouth, softly keeping him just below simmering point, but it was Ethan's turn...

Her lips traced the fleshy contours of his erection—the way she'd done with him so many times before. When he groaned, she slurped off his shaft and dropped her mouth to his balls, sucking them inside one by one.

"Fuck, Peaches..." he grunted, gripping her hair.

She couldn't help herself. The situation was a complete turn-on for her. Nate was softly grunting as her soft fingers massaged his shaft and Ethan was busy telling her what a fabulous cocksucker she'd always been. When she eventually swopped partners again, she was so wet between her legs she could scream in frustration.

As soon as she took Nate's manhood inside her mouth again, he began to thrust his hips up from the bed. He was as aroused as she. His cock hit the back of her throat and she had to refocus to prevent herself from gagging. When Ethan pulled away from her masturbating hand, she groaned in annoyance but redoubled her efforts on Nate. Within a few seconds, she realised what the ginger haired young man had in mind. His hands were under her dress, pulling her damp panties down her legs.

She tried to resist, but both of Nate's hands were in her hair, holding her head tightly in position. Ethan was behind her now. His cock was rubbing across the underside of her smooth pussy and she knew he had only one thing in mind.

Blind panic consumed her. This wasn't what she'd intended. It could destroy the plan! These two bastards were selling their stories to the press, selling Madison and her down the river. She needed revenge... and yet, she also needed that hard cock inside her. She was almost palpitating at the thought and made no objection when Ethan parted her legs wider.

The loud knock on the outside door saved her.

"What the fuck?" Ethan grunted, beginning to get up.

Peaches swung around and pushed him back. "It's Maddy, bonehead," she rasped, her heart pounding. This was it. "Now you get the chance to fuck both of us. Stay on the bed."

She slipped from the bed and hurried to the door. Her hand casually flicked the button that started the hidden camcorder as she turned back. "She won't know you're here yet," she said, as if it was an afterthought. "I'll bring her straight to the bedroom. As soon as you see the door begin to open, put your arm around each other's shoulder and start fisting your cocks. That'll be a real turn on for her..."

They looked uncertainly at one another.

"For fuck's sake," she growled, slipping her hands to her hips. "Tonight is going to blow your minds. You've both fucked up with Maddy once—don't make the same mistake again! Grab those cocks and get ready, boys..."


Madison was drooling with desire. The effect of the earlier champagne, the sight of the sexy bare breasted woman, her encounter with Peaches, and the sheer thrill of modelling were all having an effect. The cocaine pushed things over the edge. The brilliant colours were still washing through her mind.

Camille's earlier words had come to fruition. "In here, we have no inhibitions... Everything we do in the studio must create the right atmosphere for you to perform in front of the camera... I want you looking and feeling sexy..."

She arched her back, just like the photographer had taught her. It accentuated her breasts. "Yes. Hold that pose," Camille confirmed. "That's perfect, just perfect. Now... hand in your hair, pull it on top of your head. That's it..."

Madison took hold of her lustrous, shoulder length black hair and pulled it onto the top of her head. Without the need for further instruction, she twisted her face one way and then the other. Her gaze was on the camera, but also kept flickering to Camille's pendulous swells. They swayed each time she changed position. Her own breasts were full and firm, but they surely couldn't look as hot as those...

"Your other hand," the Latina murmured. "Slip it inside those bottoms."

Madison felt a surge of heat lick its way from the top of her head to her toes and then back upwards again. Goose bumps covered her tanned skin. Her hand moved slowly, making her entire body shiver as it entered the forbidden zone.

"Good," Camille encouraged, clicking off shot after shot. "Don't worry, it's the look on your face I want, not what you're doing." She moved in for a close up of Madison's face and breasts. "That's good, darling. Touch yourself now. Let me capture the reaction..."

The brunette did. Or rather, her hand did. She had no control over it. Her fingers were moving of their own accord, rubbing her glistening labial lips that so needed some attention. And her hips were moving, too, so that her clit rubbed against the heel of her palm as she pleasured herself.

"God, that's so sexy," she heard Camille gasp. The woman's reaction sent Madison's temperature soaring higher. "More..." she rasped, though she didn't say more of what. "Faster."

Madison obeyed the needs of her body as well as Camille's instructions. Her thumb flicked across her clit, while two of her fingers had found their way inside her sweet folds. Her teeth began to grind. Her hips began to rise. She began to moan.

"Perfect. Absolutely perfect..."

The encouraging words inflamed her. Camille had told her that men and women would masturbate over her photographs. Now she was masturbating in front of this sexy woman. Oh, fuck, how hot was that? The thought sent a thrill through her the like of which she'd never felt. Her eyes closed again, tighter this time.

She needed release...

The sound of her soft moans filled the small studio. She realised she could hear them clearly because the insistent click, click of the camera had stopped. The thought registered with her at the same moment she felt a hand on her legs.

Looking down, Camille's face was staring up into hers. The woman was on her knees in front of her. Without breaking the gaze, the photographer sexily leaned forward and planted a butterfly kiss on her thigh. Then another. Madison shivered.

Her tongue flicked out with each soft kiss, and then the Latina was running it steadily upwards along one leg, and then the other. Madison took a deep breath to steady herself. She realised she was still masturbating and stilled the movements, though she kept her trembling hand inside her bikini bottoms.

Camille's eyes smiled up at her. The sexy woman slid her hands across Madison's tanned flesh towards the ties of the bikini bottom. The brunette's heart beat in her chest as she watched the fingers untie one strap, and then the other. The material fell away, exposing the shaking hand that still covered her pussy.

The Latina licked her lips in encouragement as she reached for Madison's hand. Pulling it upwards, she made a show of taking the juice-covered fingers between her full lips and sucking them clean.

Madison whimpered.

Sex with Peaches was one thing but this was something else entirely. This was a relative stranger. A hot one, at that! A voluptuous woman of the world, whose photographic technique had brought the best out of her and taken her arousal to fever pitch.

She swallowed hard as she felt the heat of Camille's breathe on her sex. The other woman's provocative gaze still hadn't left hers. Enjoy it. Another shiver ran through her body. If this was her new life then it was one she intended to embrace with open arms.

Perhaps her father was right, perhaps she was a slag?

After all, it was only a couple of hours ago that she'd fingerfucked her best friend in the restaurant's restrooms. Anyone could have walked in. And now she was going to be eaten by someone she'd known less than a day...

Camille raised one of her legs upwards as she watched helplessly, settling it over her shoulder. The woman's dark eyes at last left hers and gazed at her smooth pussy. It was as if she was admiring a painting, her head tilting one way and then the other. Heat consumed the teenager. A soft smile of approval crossed the Latina's lips as she glanced at her eyes again and nodded once before leaning forward.

Madison's moan seemed to echo around the small room when she felt the first touch of the dazzling tongue.

Camille lapped softly at first, allowing the teenager to grow accustomed to the feel of her soft tongue. The woman was a classical musician, playing her instrument with wonderful precision. She gently exposed Madison's clit with her finger and then flicked the nub several times with her tongue before licking it softly.

When she drew figure eights around the soft flesh, the young model's moans changed into a series of shuddering little whimpers...

Madison ran her fingers down into that silken brown hair. Her body began to tremble and she couldn't stop it. Her eyes closed to allow her drug-fuelled mind to better savour each new sensation.

Peaches was good. This woman was masterful.

In the darkness of her mind, every touch was magnified. She felt the very tip of that wonderful tongue flick her clit back and forth. Her whimpers grew louder. Camille's teeth began to tease her aroused petal. Madison bit her lip and began to gently thrust her hips forward into the pleasuring mouth.

She was standing on the edge of a precipice, savouring the sheer feeling of exhilaration as she was about to fall off and soar into the sky...

Those wonderful fingers spread open her glistening labial lips, allowing the magical tongue to easily slide between her juicy folds. It ran slowly along each side of her baby-smooth lips before dipping inside her.

"Oh God...!" Madison's hands tightened in her lover's hair.

Her eyes flickered open to find Camille's dark eyes gazing up at her. She pushed her tongue deeper and slid her face up and down across Madison's wet, swollen lips. Her nose aroused the teenager's clit, massaging it with firm strokes and pushes as she tongue and face-fucked her whimpering young captive.

Madison felt her orgasm grow. Almost without realising it, her clenched fingers were pulling the woman's head into her while her hips were pumping back harder. Her back arched against the wall as she tried to speak. She couldn't. All she could do was send a series of loud moans around the room.

When she came, the orgasm engulfed her in waves. One after the other crashed through her shuddering body. Her eyes closed again as she attempted to force some breathe from her lungs. Camille had lowered her leg to the floor but she was having trouble standing. She pushed back against the wall to stop herself from falling over while little bolts of electric desire exploded inside her.

The panting teenager had no idea how long she rested there. Her body continued to vibrate and heave and she had to ride out the storm or lose her sanity.

When the mists finally began to clear, a delicate sheen of sweat covered her body. As her clouded eyes squeezed open, she realised that Camille was naked now. The woman had placed a blanket on the floor and was lying on it, with two more lines of coke cut on the on the small tray beside her.

"Want some?" she sexily breathed at Madison, licking her finger and running it through the white powder.

The teenager felt herself nodding. She wanted anything and everything.

"That's good, darling," the Latina sensually grinned. Holding Madison's lustful eyes, she provocatively widened her brown legs, revealing her barely there landing strip. She opened her legs wider and smeared the coke along her smooth, wet labial lips. "Why don't you come and get it..."


Peaches took another sip from the large glass of wine and then rested her head back against the curved head of the large Italian Jacuzzi bath. The suite was booked until seven, so why not use it? She closed her eyes and luxuriated in the foamy water and the heady feeling of success.

A photograph of Ethan and Nate's stupidly grinning faces when she'd reopened the bedroom door was painted across her mind. They'd been kneeling on the bed, one arm around the other's shoulder, jerking their cocks just like she'd insisted.

The stupid boneheads had even shouted, "Surprise!"

She had to hand it to the photographer and the guy who was with him—some creep dressed in a trench coat and a hat you saw in old movies. They'd understood immediately when she'd put a finger to her lips. Both men practically tiptoed behind her as she'd taken them to the bedroom. They even understood her 'get ready' gesture as she was about to throw the door open.

The guy with the long lens camera must have got some great shots. He'd fired off one after another as the two boys initially froze in shock, and then raced off the bed, grabbed their clothes, and scurried out of the suite. They were probably still half-bollock naked as they'd raced down the long hotel corridor.

"I'm not sure exactly what's going on," trenchcoat had said to her afterwards. "But I know a setup when I see one. Still, we have some great photos so it looks like we both got what we wanted. Be sure and tell Mr. Kazan that..."

She had. The PR Guru had instructed her to call him as soon as she could and he'd been sufficiently delighted to promise her a little bonus for her efforts.

It seemed The Daily News wouldn't be using Ethan and Nate's stories after all. And if the two boys attempted to find an alternative publisher, the paper would print the photos they'd just taken and run a counter story. They'd be discredited.

A win-win, he'd called it.

She'd removed the film from the camcorder and handed it to the runner he'd sent over. The portable video camera was in her bag. She had no intention of handing it back unless she was specifically asked for it. Why shouldn't she have a keepsake?

The blonde sighed happily to herself as she took another sip from the glass of wine. She'd already consumed half the bottle and the rest would follow before she eventually made her way from the plush suite.

It had been quite a day...

There was only one remaining problem and she was determined to resolve that immediately. Hooking one foot over the rim of the tub, she positioned the other against the ledge on the wall. One hand cupped her perky right breast, while the other trailed down between her spread legs. Closing her eyes again, she allowed the heat of the moment and her imagination to overtake her...