Finding Her Way in a Storm Ch. 11-12


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Early one Monday evening in October, Kaia had walked down to the mailbox to meet Skyler as she returned from school and cheerleading practice. The young couple had shared a kiss as they met on the sidewalk in front of Kaia's home. Skyler's hair was still wet from her post-practice shower; its usual wavy curls were replaced by tight ringlets. She was busily denying Kaia's assertions that Skyler had spent entirely too much time showering after practice, lingering so that she could observe all those naked young nubile high school bodies just a little longer. Kaia reached into her mailbox, not even looking at what she pulled out as she continued to tease her girlfriend.

"Come on, Sky, you know that you get a little wet looking at all of that sweet young flesh. And to prove my point, we'll do the dipstick test once we get inside," Kaia said, holding up the index finger of her right hand as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

Skyler crossed her arms, feigning an angry look as she said, "You're out of your mind if you think you're touching me. You won't be using me to prove your dirty little theories."

Kaia laughed as she looked down at the mail in her hand. Skyler could see her mind spinning as she formulated a response, her eyes scanning the front of an envelope.

The change was nearly instantaneous. Kaia's engaging smile and playful personality disappeared at once as she stopped in her tracks. It was like the beautiful young black woman had been struck dumb, her face going blank as she stared down at the letter in her hand.

"Kaia? What's wrong?" Skyler said, instinctually knowing something significant had changed. "Kaia?"

The beautiful and exotic looking former Marine said nothing, merely handing the envelope to Skyler, who scanned its face.

"Fuck," was all that Skyler could think to say. She knew that Kaia loved her completely, but she also knew that her past relationship was a sore spot. There were still days when Kaia would suddenly seem melancholy, all at once lost in her own thoughts. Skyler had come to recognize that those times usually meant Kaia had encountered something that reminded her of painful times.

Of Lisa.

Whenever it happened, Skyler tried to give Kaia space, allowing her to work through her grief without having to worry about Skyler prying. She always made sure the eclectic beauty knew that she was there if Kaia needed her.

"Yeah, I think fuck pretty much covers things," Kaia said as she sat down on the front steps.

Skyler looked down at her, offering the woman she loved a smile. Reaching down, she handed the letter back to Kaia, then ran the back of her hand across her lover's cheek. Kaia smiled up at her, but there was evident angst behind it. It was clear to Skyler that the postman had delivered potential disarray to their world.

"I'm going to go inside and give you some time alone. Come and find me when you're ready."

Skyler ascended the steps leaving Kaia to herself, her calm exterior threatening to crumble. She managed to make it inside the house, closing the door behind her as she leaned her back against it. Whatever portents that letter contained, Skyler had no intention of allowing anyone to come between her and Kaia. She knew very little about Kaia's former fiance, but Skyler was damned determined that Lisa would find out she was no pushover.

She'd been passive so far regarding Kaia's past, willing to take in whatever tidbits Kaia felt comfortable offering her. But if Lisa was indeed intent on keeping her hooks in the woman she loved, then maybe it was time Skyler learned a bit more about this mysterious woman from Kaia's past.

Skyler was sitting on Kaia's couch, drinking one of her girlfriend's beers when Kaia finally walked through the front door. It had been nearly forty-five minutes since she'd left her on the steps, and each passing moment had led to Skyler's apprehension levels growing.

"Can I get you a beer?"

Skyler watched Kaia make her way over to the couch, the open letter in her hand. She collapsed down next to the auburn-haired teen laying her head over on Skyler's shoulder.

"I don't think so, but I will have a sip of yours."

Skyler handed her the bottle, slipping her left arm around Kaia and leaning in to kiss her girlfriend's forehead. Her eyes, however, were drawn to the letter which lay open in Kaia's lap, the former Marine making no attempt to hide its contents. Still, Skyler averted her eyes, guilt keeping her from perusing the words it held.

Handing her the beer back, Kaia turned her face to look up at Skyler. The younger woman could see the pain in Kaia's eyes, but she could also see a depth of emotion for her, and the sight warmed Skyler's heart.

"I love you so much, Sky. You're who I want to be with," Kaia said, offering the letter to Skyler. "No matter what happens from here on, don't lose sight of that, please."

Skyler felt her heart skip a beat upon hearing Kaia's words. They were needed succor at a time she felt uncertain about the future. She reached out for the letter, her hand pausing just short of taking it.

"I love you too, baby, but are you sure that you want me to read this?"

Kaia sat forward, twisting her body towards Skyler, the look on her face intensifying. She leaned in and kissed Skyler hard, the palm of her left hand slipping behind the auburn-haired beauty's neck. Skyler moaned into Kaia's mouth as her cocoa-skinned lover's tongue dashed against her own. It was a kiss that spoke volumes about how Kaia felt, an unspoken bond of trust, a possessive admission of passion, a promise that the two of them would face whatever the future brought together.

"Read it," Kaia said as their lips finally parted. "I've never been completely sure what happened to break Lisa and me apart. I've always had a ton of questions that have haunted me about it, and this..." Kaia said, holding up the letter, "this has only added to those. I'm not overly sure about any of it now, but the one thing she makes very apparent in the letter is that she intends to explain it to my face. And now that she knows where I am, there's nothing to stop her from eventually showing up here. So, I don't intend to keep any of this from you, and I'll answer any question you have. I can't avoid the emotional pain this might cause me, but I can keep it from hurting things between us."

Skyler's eyes misted over with tears as she took the letter from Kaia using her free hand to wipe them away. She settled against the back of the couch, and after taking a deep breath, began to read.

Kaia, my love,

I hope this letter finds you happy and well. I'd hoped to contact you long before now, but you haven't made that very easy, have you. I guess that's easily understandable; God knows I hurt you bad enough. But I promise you that was never my intent. Everything that has happened since we said goodbye at the airport that day has seemed out of my control. I know that isn't true, but I have felt powerless a lot since that day.

I'm sure that you hate me, and as much as that thought hurts me, I can't say that I blame you. I know I have no right to ask anything of you and that you'd likely rather never hear from me again. But I swear that there hasn't been an hour gone by since you left for Afghanistan you haven't been in my mind.

I love you, Kaia. I can hardly remember my life before you were in it. It galls me that I was stupid enough to ever do anything that risked our relationship. But I did, and now I have to pay the price for it. I have to live with knowing that I threw away the purest and most perfect thing in my life, the one relationship that had ever made me feel fulfilled. It pains me even now to think of all the poor decisions I've made since we parted ways that day. I ache every day at the thought of how badly I hurt you and betrayed our love, and I know you owe me nothing, but I can't live with myself if I don't explain things to you, face to face. There is so much that happened that you don't know. Some because I kept it from you out of fear and shame. Fear of losing you, and shame at the part I'd played. Other things were out of my control, things that were forced on me. Forced on me by my parents, the baby's father, and your disappearance.

Please, Kaia, give me that much. You have time to think about it because I'm still bedridden and a couple of weeks away from delivering if things go well. It will then likely be several months before I'm comfortable traveling with the baby.

I don't deserve anything from you, Kaia, but please give me this. I beg you. Even if it ends up as nothing more than closure, allow me that much.

I love you more than you'll ever know, and I always will.


Skyler read the letter through twice, staring down at the page as she allowed it all to sink in. Surprisingly, she wasn't angry with Lisa; if anything, she felt pity for her. Kaia was a prize, a treasure that deserved to be hoarded jealously, and Lisa had squandered her chance to possess it forever. She'd cast Kaia aside for a chance at motherhood, something that Kaia would have gladly given her in time.

Pity aside, though, Skyler refused to be the fool that Lisa had been. She wouldn't be so bold as to deny Kaia the right to meet with her former fiance, but neither would Skyler be cavalier about it either. She would zealously guard the love she shared with Kaia making sure to leave no opening that would allow Lisa to pry a wedge between them.

"She wants you back."

Skyler's words were simply a statement of fact and not an accusation. Her expression was neutral, but only through conscious effort.

"I know, but she can't have me, Sky. She had my heart but threw it away like it didn't matter. It belongs to you now."

Kaia smiled at her sweetly, reaching out to grasp Skyler's hand. Their fingers interlocked as the teen pulled her lover towards her, their faces just inches apart.

"I won't give you up, Kaia. You're mine, and she can't have you. I know you still have feelings for her, but I won't stand in the way of you meeting with her and hearing her out. I think it might actually be good for you to remove all of those lingering questions in your mind. I know they still occasionally haunt you. Maybe seeing her and getting the answers you need will finally chase all of those old ghosts away."

Kaia gave her a look of surprise, clearly, she hadn't been expecting that response. Skyler could see the conflict present on her countenance and knew that the truth of her words was gnawing at Kaia. She wasn't sure that it was something the former Marine thought herself capable of doing.

"She doesn't sound to me as if she intends to let this thing go. Eventually, she's going to show up on our doorstep whether we want her here or not. When she does, we'll face it together."

"It doesn't worry you?" Kaia asked, obviously a bit perplexed. "Knowing that she's likely coming here to try and win me back?"

Skyler took the hand she held and brought it to her chest, placing it over her heart, holding it in place there.

"Do you feel that? Do you feel my heartbeat?"


"It might be pumping blood through my body, but make no mistake, it beats for you. I know that you're in love with me. I can tell it every time you look at me and every time you touch me. So no, it doesn't worry me. I don't know why she did the things she did, and to be honest, I really don't care. Lisa was a fool, Kaia. She gave up the most precious thing in the world, and I have no intention of allowing her to take you back. You might be my first love, but if I have anything to do with the matter, you'll be my only one, too."

Skyler watched as a tear trickled down the cheek of the tough former Marine. Leaning in, she kissed the tear away before bringing her lips to Kaia's, sliding her right leg across the older woman's lap so that she could straddle her waist.

"You're mine, baby, all mine. Nobody is going to take you from me without a hell of a fight. Have you got that?"

Kaia stared up at Skyler, her eyes going dark with arousal. Skyler could tell that her words had struck home as she felt Kaia's arms slide around her waist, pulling her in, their bodies melding together.

"Message received, Ma'am," Kaia said, snapping off a salute at Skyler. Her tone then softened as she said, "I love you, Skyler. I want you to be my forever woman. If she'd never found me, then I could have gone my entire life without seeing her again. I'm not in love with Lisa, not anymore, but you're right, I do still have feelings for her that I can't really quantify."

Shrugging, Skyler said, "I'm not sure real love ever dies completely. I'm sure you'll always feel something for her, and I can live with that. I do think it would be mentally healthy for you though to see her. Letting her have her say, and getting her to answer any questions you might have is the only real way you'll ever be able to put all of this behind you."

"You don't think that it might just be ripping open an old wound?"

Skyler thought about Kaia's question. She was right; the possibility was that it could result in Kaia having to relive some painful parts of her life. Having never been through anything as remotely painful as what Kaia had been forced to endure, who was she to assume otherwise.

"Only you can answer that question, baby. Whatever decision you decide to make, I'll back your play. If you want to tell her no, that you don't want to ever see her again, then I'm okay with that, too. But if you decide to see her, I'll be here to help you pick up the pieces. You won't have to go through it alone this time."

Kaia pulled her in, kissing her, Skyler grinding herself against Kaia's toned body as the passion between them built. She could feel her nipples harden against the material of her bra, and was suddenly eager to be free of her clothing. Reaching down, she grabbed the hem of her shirt, pulling it up and over her head, tossing it aside.

"Has somebody gotten worked up?" Kaia asked teasingly as Skyler reached behind her back to skillfully unhook her bra, allowing it to slide down her arms.

Her breasts free, Skyler boldly palmed the left one and directed the nipple towards Kaia's waiting lips as she said, "I told you, woman, you're mine. And right now, I expect you to pleasure me."

Kaia's only response was to seize the nipple between her lips, her tongue slathering it with attention as she sucked greedily. The feeling was exquisite to Skyler as she continued to grind her core against Kaia's lap in search of any friction she could generate against her needy little love button. The back and forth motion caused her labia to slide together, the feel of a growing amount of her oily feminine residue apparent with each thrust.

Releasing her hold on Skyler's nipple, Kaia slowly stood, lifting the auburn-haired teen with her before turning to set Skyler back down on the couch's surface. Skyler looked up at the cocoa-skinned goddess standing over her and felt in awe of the fact that this woman loved her. She watched as Kaia dropped to her knees, reaching forward to unbutton her pants, her eyes never leaving Skyler's.

"I'm going to make you come so hard, Sky," Kaia declared as she began to pull Skyler's pants down, her panties going with them. Skyler lifted her hips to expedite the process even as she felt her heartbeat speed up in expectation of what was to come. Kaia pulled the jeans free of her legs allowing Skyler to spread her legs, the cold air in the house coming into contact with the wetness between her legs, sending a little chill through her body.

"That's big talk, baby. Are you sure that you're up to the task," Skyler said as she propped her feet up on the couch, opening her legs wide as she reached down to run two fingers through her own wetness before bringing them up to her mouth, sucking at them wantonly.

Skyler couldn't help but smile inwardly as she saw Kaia's eyes narrow at her taunt. She knew that the love of her life would do just what she'd threatened, and the thought of it made the steady strumming behind her clit speed up in anticipation. Her show of false doubt melted as Kaia slid forward, and in one smooth motion drug her tongue from Skyler's opening and up through her puffy folds, darting over her clit. The action made the teen gasp, her fingernails digging into the surface of the couch as a moan escaped her lips.

"Fuck, baby," Skyler cooed as Kaia's tongue danced over her turgid little button, expertly teasing it and drawing it out from beneath its hood. The teen was always astounded at the pleasurable feelings Kaia could coax from her each time she went down on her. Her cunnilingus skills were masterful, and as far as Skyler was concerned, those lips and tongue were all for her.

"You like that?"

"God, yes, baby. Eat my pussy," Skyler replied eagerly, a prolonged moan escaping her throat as Kaia proceeded to do precisely that, her tongue tapping against her clitoris as it beat out a rhythm that made Skyler's entire body want to dance.

Her hands found the back of Kaia's head, holding it in place as she felt her climax build. Skyler knew that it wouldn't be long as her lover's relentless attack continued, the need and hunger she felt for release soon to be fed.

When it came, it was glorious, hitting her with a sudden ferocity that took Skyler's breath away. She thrust her hips up, grinding her spasming pussy against Kaia's mouth in an attempt to prolong the ecstasy she was feeling. As always, she could feel her girlfriend continuing to nibble and suck as she tried to wring as much pleasure from Skyler as possible.

When it was over at last, and Skyler's body had collapsed back against the couch, her legs dropping back to the floor, she watched as Kaia stood with a cocky grin on her face.

"I tried to tell you, little girl. Now you just sit right there. I'll be back in just a minute."

Her breath just now starting to slow, and still feeling little spasms and jolts in her core, Skyler watched Kaia's shapely yet taut ass as it sashayed away from her, knowing that the fun was far from over.

Skyler was still laying there basking in her post-orgasmic glow when Kaia returned from her bedroom. Gone were the clothes she'd had on, her only accouterment the strapon she wore as it dangled between her legs. The only other thing she wore was a lascivious smile that seemed to hold a promise to Skyler that what was about to come would be intense.

"Up on your knees, Sky, facing away from me," Kaia demanded, her voice loving but firm.

Skyler was only too eager to comply, scrambling up onto her knees and turning to prop her upper body against the back of the couch. She looked over her right shoulder and took in the sight of Kaia rubbing lube up and down the shaft of the thick eight-inch cock. Skyler could feel the walls of her cunt clenching in eager expectation, wanting to feed on the entire length of what Kaia had to offer.

"You ready to be my little fucktoy, Sky?" Kaia asked, grabbing Skyler's hips and pulling backward, forcing the teen's knees to the edge of the couch.

"Yes, baby, I'm yours, totally yours!" Skyler replied, her pussy suddenly greedy for everything Kaia had to offer her for the evening.

"That's good, Sky, because this pussy is mine," Kaia stated as she rubbed the bulbous head of the gel cock through Skyler's wet and sticky folds before tapping it against her swollen nub.

"All yours, baby," the teen replied, her voice gone breathy as the yearning Skyler felt ramped up to epic proportions.


"And ever..." Skyler replied, the implications of Kaia's question not hitting her until much later because that was the moment the cocoa-skinned goddess chose to plunge the head of the cock into Skyler's depths, short-circuiting her thinking as it sliced into her velvety sheath. The sudden movement took the auburn-haired beauty's breath away as Kaia began to plunge in and out of her depths. She could only hold on to the back of the couch as her girlfriend laid claim to her body, an invading force welcomed with open arms because it held the promise of a trip to paradise.