Finding Love


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He told me he had seen the news the evening before and had been contacted by his superiors earlier that day. He informed me that I was being ordered to attend a 'Pass in Review' to be held in my honor by all the Army, Air Force and Navy ROTC units at the university on Saturday. This was in conjunction with the distribution of awards and promotions to members of the assembled units.

Early Wednesday morning I received a call from the XO of the NROTC unit. Without going into any details, I told him I was no longer at John O'Hara's home and was staying at the Cabot Lodge.

He said he knew and offered to come over and get me so I could stay with him and his wife at his home.

"We have an extra bedroom you can use and you can ride in with me every morning to headquarters."

I agreed. By eleven o'clock I was moved in and he and I were on our way to campus to begin planning for Saturday's event.

A little after one that afternoon Susan had been returned to her room after undergoing a series of tests that occupied the entire morning. John and Carol were anxiously awaiting her return and the results of the battery of tests.

"Daddy, please call the hotel for me. I have to talk to Rick and explain everything and tell him how I really feel about him."

"Sure thing" he replied.

He called the Cabot Lodge and asked to be connected to Lieutenant Steiger's room.

"He's not . . .when? Any idea where he went from there? . . . .No. Ok . . . thanks."

Ending his cell phone call to the hotel he turned to his daughter. "He checked out this morning around eleven, honey. The desk clerk remembers him leaving but doesn't know anything else."

Hearing this, Susan turned her head into her pillow and began crying. "No . . .

No . . . No! I've lost him."

Taking Susan's hands into her own Carol consoled her daughter. "Stop crying, sweetheart. We'll find him for you. Between your father and Scott I'm sure they will find him."

Thursday morning Susan was released from the hospital with a clean bill of health. All of her tests had come back negative. Her mother and sister were there to bring her home.

"Has Scott found him?" she asked Patricia."

"No, not yet. He had to leave for Tallahassee last night. An aide to one of the state representatives was shot and almost killed yesterday afternoon. He has been sent to investigate the shooting. But he promised he would find Rick as soon as he gets back," Patricia answered her unhappy sister.

Late Thursday afternoon John received a phone call from Admiral Sanderson informing him of the plans to honor Lieutenant Steiger on Saturday. After apologizing for the late notification he filled John in on all the details. John would have two additional passes for seating on the reviewing stand with the other dignitaries in attendance.

After ending the call John went to find his daughter with the news. Finding her in her room he asked to come in and talk with her.

"Susan, honey, I've still not had any luck finding him. But, I know where he will be Saturday afternoon."

Filling her in on all the details he asked her . . . "Sweetheart, suppose he doesn't want to talk with you? You must have hurt him pretty badly with what you said to him Monday night."

Daddy, "I don't even understand it myself. It was as if I was watching another person saying all those horrible things to him. And then when I saw on TV everything that was going to happen to you and how he saved you I realized why you and mom have been so nice to him. Why didn't you tell me? The last thing I remember seeing was that man holding him and crying. He was covered in blood . . he looked like he was dead."

John proceeded to explain the reasons why he could not speak to anyone about what had happened. He gave her a pass that would enable her to sit on the reviewing stand with the guests and dignitaries. She would be sitting in the back row hidden among the other less notable attendees.

"So what are you going to do, Susan, if he doesn't want to see or speak to you?"

"I don't know . . . I don't know. But I have tonight and all day tomorrow to think of something. Maybe mom and Patricia have some ideas."

Chapter Eight

Unlike south Florida, which enjoys a sub-tropical climate pretty much year round, north central Florida can experience some pretty cold days. Saturday was one of those days when a cold front swept down from Canada bringing sub freezing temperatures. As the leading edge approached the cold air began mixing with the warmer moist air producing cold rains and gusty winds.

Fortunately, the 'pass in review', the distribution of awards and promotions, were concluded before the nasty weather arrived. The only thing left were the speeches and, with an eye on the approaching bad weather, they were short.

As the ROTC units were dismissed and the guests on the reviewing stand left, Rick was left talking with some midshipmen who were interested in BUDS and subsequent SEAL training when Susan approached.

"Rick," she began, "please let me talk with you."

"What's there left to say?" I replied. "You pretty much told me what you thought about me last Monday night. Good-bye."

As I turned around she shouted at me. "What do I have to do to get you to look at me and listen to what I have to say? Should I strip down naked? Would that get your attention?"

To this day I don't know why but I flippantly replied. "Yeah. That probably would do it."

I, again, turned my back on her and resumed my conservation with the midshipmen. Ten seconds later a dress hit me in the back of my head and draped itself over my shoulder. As I turned a bra hit me in the chest followed by a pair of thong panties and fell at my feet.

There she stood in just her thigh high stockings and shoes clutching her small purse. Snatching the cover from the awards table I wrapped it around her as she began to cry.

I asked where her car was and she answered . . . "parking lot."

All of a sudden the rain started, hard and cold. Picking up her clothing from the reviewing stand floor we started toward her BMW. By the time we reached it we were soaked and chilled. Putting her in the passenger seat I took her keys from her purse and got in the driver's seat. Starting the car I turned the climate control to heat and the temperature to max. Susan was in no condition to drive. The crying had turned into unconsolable sobbing.

So putting the car into gear, and even though I was not supposed to drive, we started home. Twenty-five minutes later I was walking her to the front door.

She grabbed my hand and led me into the living room. Pushing me into a chair she stood in front of me. Allowing the table covering to fall she started speaking after taking several deep breaths.

"Rick, I don't know where to begin to tell you how sorry I am for saying what I was told I said you you. I don't remember any of it. The doctors told me that one of the side effects of those drugs is that it completely alters an individual's psychological thought process. That's not an excuse for what I said that night. Please, please believe me that I didn't mean any of it."

"When I woke up Tuesday morning I remembered that someone had held my hand and spoke gently to me all night long. That person was you. I felt so safe and secure with you there. I know you whispered to me to find someone to make me happy. But, I already have someone . . . you!"

Before I could do, or say, anything she sat in my lap and put her arms around me as the tears stared again.

Whispering in my ear she said, "I love you so much. Please, please say something."

Putting my arms around her and pulling her tightly against me I kissed her deeply. "Oh my God, Susan! I love you so much. I want you and I need you in my life."

After several minutes of hugging and kissing I gently suggested that perhaps she should put on some clothes before her mother and father returned.

"Why?" she replied.

Just then the front door opened and we heard the voices of John and Carol coming down the hall.

"Mom . . Dad! We're in here," she called out. "Just give me a moment before you come in."

Jumping off my lap she retrieved the table cloth from the floor, re-wrapped it around herself and got back on my lap placing her arms around my neck once more.

"Ok. You can come in now," she announced.

As they entered the room big smiles broke out on their faces when they saw her sitting in my lap.

"Oh, it's so good to see you together," Carol said to her daughter. "Which one of your strategies did you finally use?"

"None. When I saw him everything that I thought and planned to say went right out of my head," she replied.

Then she told her parents everything that happened. When she got to the part about taking off her clothes the look on their faces was priceless.

"Oh my, oh my," was all Carol managed to say.

John sat there with a big grin and a red face as he laughed at Susan's plan of attack.

"Well, I guess it worked," was all he could say. "Where do you two go from here?"

"Well, starting right now we are going to go over and get his things and move him back home. I have a lot of damage to repair in our relationship." Looking in my eyes and giving me a quick kiss, she continued . . . "and you need to be very close for me to be able to do it properly. I do love you. Let's go and get your stuff right now."

"Ah, maybe you might want to get dressed before we leave the house," I said. "I think we've all had enough excitement for today."

"Oh, yeah, ok. Wouldn't want to shock your friends and colleagues again," she replied.

"I don't think it would bother the XO, but I don't know about his wife and their neighbors," I said with an almost straight face.

"Mom . . dad would you excuse me while I dress," she asked.

"What about me? I questioned.

"You stay right here. I'm not letting you out of my sight for even a second," was her reply.

Chapter Nine

The next two and a half weeks were very hectic for Susan. Every minute she was not studying for her final exams she spent with me. We talked about everything from A to Z. The more I found about her the more deeply I fell in love with her.

There were some nights when she was so exhausted she fell asleep at the kitchen table with her textbooks and notes. Twice I had to pick her up in my arms and carry her to her room to put her to bed. I did help her with her calculus, but she seemed to have gotten the grasp of it and I was positive she would have no trouble with Paul's final.

The big day finally arrived . . graduation. I was seated with the entire O'Hara family in the O'Connell Center to witness Susan receive her degree. That evening at her graduation party I had thought about asking her to marry me in front of her family and friends and even had a ring in my pocket. But then I thought that this was her day to shine. A degree in veterinary science is something special and important and I didn't think a marriage proposal should interrupt that.

I had talked with her father several days before and had asked his permission to ask for her hand in marriage. He told me it wasn't his place to grant permission as she was an adult and not his property. He did say that he and Carol would be thrilled to have me as a son-in-law would give me their whole hearted blessing.

After the party was over he took me aside and asked me if I had changed my mind about asking Susan to marry me. When I explained my reasons for not asking her that night he breathed a sigh of relief and told me that it was a very thoughtful and class act on my part.

"So when are you going to pop the question," he asked.

"In a few days," I answered. "I'm going to give her some time to bask in the glow of her accomplishments first. She deserves that."

Saturday, the week before Christmas, Scott, Patricia, Susan and I arranged to have dinner out at the Stonewood Grill, an upscale restaurant just west of the campus. Susan and I drove over together and Scott and Patricia would meet us there. Just as we entered Susan's cell phone rang, it was Patricia. Scott had been held up at work and she was taking a taxi to meet us. We went into the bar just off the main dining room to wait. Twenty minutes later Patricia walked in and joined us.

Looking at her watch, Patricia said, "Scott should be here in about forty-five minutes. Why don't we just wait here until he arrives."

Moving away from the bar we found some seats at a small table with Patricia sitting to my left and Susan on my right. We sat chatting about Christmas and how much the little girls were looking forward to Santa Claus's arrival.

I looked up and quietly said to the girls, "Damn. Here comes trouble."

Tyler and two of his buddies, that I recognized from the incident at 'The Swamp' twelve days ago, strutted up to us. Without being invited Tyler dragged a chair from a nearby table and sat down.

As soon as he opened his mouth I knew we were in for trouble.

"Well, if isn't the 'Hero' and the two O'Hara bitches," he said. "I wonder just how tough you are without your buddy Scott around to back you up. You know you two interrupted me and my buds the other night. We had Susan all loaded up and hot to trot. If stupid, over here hadn't double-dosed her we we would have had a fine time the rest of the night with her. I think we'll just try again once we get you out of the way."

As I tried to stand and confront the jerk, I was restrained by both Patricia and Susan. Patricia whispered to me, "Not now. Just wait a little bit longer."

"What's the matter 'Hero' boy. Are you afraid to stand up to a 'Real Man'?" he taunted.

I tried to rise to my feet but was once again restrained by Patricia and Susan.

Patricia then started asking questions of Tyler. "Do you have any of these so-called sex drugs with you? Are you going to try and use them on my sister and me? Where did you get them and how much do you have? I think you are full of it. You don't have anything. Do you?"

She kept goading him until he started answering her. He told her he had enough in his pocket for both her and her sister. He, also, said he had unlimited access to all he wanted. His friend Ralph was a chemist and was making the stuff for him in his lab.

Susan then spoke up, "What makes you think that my sister and I would even consider going with you?"

Tyler answered her. "Well, then I'll send Ralph and my other bud over to Patricia's house and pick up her two little girls. Would that convince you to come with us.?"

Hearing this I broke away from Patricia and Susan and tried to grab Tyler. Just then Scott and two Alachua County Sheriff Deputies stormed into the room.

When Tyler saw them coming he lunged across the table and plunged a knife, he had been holding under the table, into my upper left chest. As he did so I managed to get in one good punch breaking his left cheek bone and smashing his nose.

One of the sheriff deputies grabbed him by the hair and twisted the arm holding the knife behind his back. As he was thrown to the ground Tyler broke his jaw, lost five teeth and dislocated his shoulder, while being handcuffed.

"Tyler Paddock, I am placing you under arrest," Scott said. "You are being charged with multiple felonies. Thanks to the wire that my wife is wearing we have you admitting to the manufacture and distribution of controlled substances. In addition, and I'll just hit the main ones, one count of attempted sexual assault, one count of sexual assault; you forgot about the girl you tested the new formula out on, didn't you? In addition, one count of attempted murder on Susan O'Hara and one count of attempted murder on Frederick Steiger. Oh, I, also almost forgot, one count of conspiracy to kidnap the minor children of Patricia and Scott O'Brien, which is a federal offense as is the drug charge."

Scott turned to the two deputies and told them to take Tyler, first to the emergency room and then, to the county jail. One deputy told him they had a doctor at the jail and that would be good enough for the likes of him.

Meanwhile, I had collapsed onto the floor with the knife still in my chest. Susan took off her blouse and used it in an attempt to staunch the blood from the wound. The paramedics arrived and transported me to the emergency room.

I was lucky. No major damage and I received fifteen stitches to close the wound. After several hours, I was released and Susan drove me back to the house and put me right to bed as I was so heavily medicated. She sat in my room for the rest of the night.

The next morning Scott and Patricia came over with the girls to see how I was doing. We all sat in the living room. John and Carol on the sofa with the two little ones, Scott and Patricia in the recliners and Susan next to me on the love seat. After assuring everyone that I was fine I was about to say something else when Susan interrupted me.

"Rick, I was so scared last night. I was afraid I was going to lose you, this time forever." She stated.

"Susan," I replied, "I think I owe you more than a blouse to replaced the one you used on me last night."

Dropping to one knee in front of her I produced the ring box I had been carrying around for the last week or so.

"I was going to do this last night, but things kinda got out of hand. But now, in front of your mom, dad, Patricia, Scott and the girls, I want to ask you a question. Will you marry me, please? I love you very, very much."

For ten seconds she sat there with her mouth opening and closing saying nothing. Finally, she took a deep breath and managed to whisper, "YES."

Throwing her arms around my neck she kissed me over and over. All of a sudden she stopped and with a stricken look realized how tightly she had hugged me.

"Oh my gosh! Your chest did I hurt you. I'm so sorry," she exclaimed.

"Susan, the only thing that hurts is that you stopped kissing me," I grinned back at her.

John and Carol were overjoyed as were Patricia and Scott. The two little girls wanted to know if they could be in the wedding, too.

"I think this calls for a celebration," John said as he left the room and then returned with a bottle of champagne.

"Have you thought about when you want to have the wedding?" Carol asked her daughter.

"I don't know. Let me think a minute. How about Christmas?" she answered.

"Wonderful! That gives us a whole year to plan," Carol and Patricia shouted.

Looking at me Susan replied, "NO! This Christmas. I don't want to wait."

And then, starting to giggle, she said, "I don't want to take a chance on him changing his mind."

"Never gonna happen," I said as I grabbed her tightly to me. "Never gonna happen."

To be continued . . . . .

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A little, actually a lot, over the top on what an amazing man he is. I'd be surprised if when he goes to the bathroom there is any bad smell at all. He can obviously walk on water.

Who has a calculus test the next day, that they are obviously not ready for, and promises to go shopping? The only obvious answer is someone who does not care if they pass or not, and yet she needs to pass this test to graduate and is stressing about it.

Did you even think about what you were writing?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nice story but like the commentor said, too much hero stuff\virtue signaling. He wouldn't even throw a punch until he had a knife in his chest. I felt like at every situation some moralistic stance had to be explained to the reader.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Story really seemed to rush along. It would have been good to break it up and inset an additional chapter in there.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

AFAIK, one is not awarded a second Purple Heart if wounded a second time. An Oak leaf cluster or miniature star is worn for each subsequent wound or injury.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

good but so much happened in such a small time period. tried to put too much Hero stuff in

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nice story line with just the right ingredients (for me). However, more credibility would make the story even better. That woulfd take some time i think most readers wouldn't mind. For instance, the hero is a bit too perfect, the circumstabces that raise him to his hero status are overly convenient and he is just completely perfect. Mutual eternal love between Fred and Susan after having met only a couple of times, most of which they didn't get to really know each other or discuss much, also is a bit gratuitous. The story wasn't compelling enough to make me.really identify w/F or fall in love w/S. But 4 stars easily..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

5 BUT …

While I accept and usually appreciate comic book style heroics in stories, the aftermath of a knifing chest wound requiring 15 stitches to close neglected any science fiction provisos of instant healing/recoveries … so I found it quite jarring to the story.


Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Oct 16, 2021

Excellent story, storyline progressed at just the right speed. Can't wait to read the finish. Well done 5++ stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

LOL, love at first tutoring session? Come on! At least have some build up to the "I love you forever" bull crap.

abboncabboncalmost 3 years ago

Hey cyboji,

If you look at the author's list of submissions, you will find one called "Finding Home", submitted on the same day as this story. The summary says it is a continuation of this story.

Most of us don't like people making snarky remarks about a writer's efforts when they have contributed nothing themselves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Nice story 5 stars

But why did Rick get so damn stupid in the end??? He knew of the date rape drug and it's effect, so why did he become so fucking stupid??? THAT!!! hurt the story for me and lost me respect for the Rick character. HUGE mistake author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Seems like a repeat of another story. Although I basically enjoyed the story, the situations included were all quite extreme. You really should have scaled it back.

cybojicybojiover 3 years ago
Excellent story

Nay sayers must have got to you. Too bad. Dont like it when people say they will continue and dont.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 4 years ago

I enjoyed the story. You do tend to go from first person POV to third person quite often. When you tell a story in first person, you cannot tell the reader what happens when you are not in the room. You have no idea what your girlfriend is thinking or telling her parents if you're some place else. With a little refinement, your stories will be at or near the top of heap. An editor is always helpful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Hey Grimmer

Grimmer . . . why don't YOU write and post something we all can comment on.

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