Finding Time 05


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"I think we ought to follow up on the General," she proposed. "Listen in on their briefing and their comments afterwards."

"Mm, we can put that on the list. They're probably interested in using it to spy on terrorists from the look of the demo they were having. I want to see if the Americans know about it yet and that might come out at Smythe's meeting. He's the guy who's chasing us."

"You're the boss," she replied cheerily.

I couldn't resist leaning into her and planting my lips on hers. Her hand came up to cradle my head as her lips twisted on mine. The kiss lasted longer than I expected, her response passionate enough to set my cock twitching.

She lay back when she broke the kiss. "Put the condoms at the top of the list," she said with a grin.

"I already have, it's up there with a razor and toothbrush," I replied with a chuckle.

She relaxed back. "Let's see what your man has to say and we'll take a break."

I turned back to the keyboard and took us there. I picked up from where he dispatched the letter and skipped forward over him reading the report. On the second jump we found him on the telephone.

"He was the only expert I could find at short notice," he explained brusquely.


"I know, but that's internal. What matters is that we keep a lid on it."


"No no no, the message has gone out to them but I've heard nothing back."


"No, the report landed on my desk this morning, the Quigley fellow red flagged it to me. There was no forewarning of his conclusions."


"Yes Sir Humphrey. That matter is in hand."


"Thank you. I'll keep you informed of developments," he replied, listening a moment longer before hanging up.

I paused it and turned to Sally.

"Sounds like he was getting his ear chewed." she observed with a chuckle.

"A Sir Humphrey, only top civil servants get knighted," I remarked. "Sounds like the shit's hit the fan."

"Who do you suppose the message has gone out to?" she asked, picking up on what he'd said.

"I know what it could mean but there are other explanations too," I answered. "I think the 'matter is in hand' might be a reference to me."

She chuckled. "I'd prefer your matter in my hand," she said shifting her hand to my thigh.

I dropped my hand down to cover hers. "Shall we see if we can make time this afternoon?" I asked casually.

Her fingers tightened on my thigh. "Mm, go shopping first then back to Carols house."

I squeezed her hand. "Yep."

"Mm," she said leaning into me.

"Let's get this finished and take that break," I said, giving her hand another squeeze.

"Okay," she replied sitting up.

I turned back to the keyboard and did a couple more five minute jumps while he dealt with other paperwork. We overshot a bit on the next one to find him sitting with three others in the easy chairs, two men and a woman.

"Christopher," Smythe-Brown said, looking at the guy next to him. "I think you know Harold and Rebecca."

"Yes, I've sat in with Rebecca once or twice and I know Chris well," he replied.

"Can I ask what this is about?" asked Mary.

"Some damned scientist has discovered how to see through time. It's a new branch of physics so don't ask me how. We originally thought it was something astronomical, a way to extend telescopes, that was the intelligence. It turns out that when we built one we found you could see anywhere at any time."

He paused briefly to glance around them. "We're hoping to clamp down on it, it's only circulating in scientific circles at the moment and we can make them behave by classifying the research."

Looking at Rebecca he continued. "I want your department to handle that."

The conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. His secretary pushed the door open and brought in a tea trolley loaded with tea, coffee and a plate of biscuits.

"Let's hope the weekend is slowing them down on that," I half whispered to Sally.

"This is yesterday yes?"

"Yes, they've had a day to get organised," I replied.

The secretary left the trolley there after transferring the cups and plate to the low table in the centre. We fell silent as the conversation continued on.

"Chris," Smythe Brown started. "You of course will liaise with Greg from the Agency. He's had an initial briefing when we thought it was astronomical. Get hold of him as soon as he hits the office."

He took time to take a sip of his drink before carrying on. "Harold. I want you to investigate this Professor Lutner. I want to know everything about him. I've issued a warrant to GS17 and I want you ready when they pick him up."

I hit the pause and turned to Sally. "Well, the Americans know now. It would be useful if we could find out who Greg was."

"I think Harold is the one you should concentrate on, he's the one in charge of catching you."

"Yes, I was intending to track him when he left. He's probably the one who'll order the surveillance," I replied. "Shall we do that or take a break now?"

"I vote for a break," she said, standing up.

"Good," I said as I straightened up and arched my shoulders back with a little stretch.

She stretched over and retrieved the Subway bag, handing me the small carton of milk then pulling one of her drinks out.

I half stood and reached for the flask. "Well at least we know we're relatively safe from being spied on," I remarked.

"For the moment, it will be interesting to see what design they come up with," she replied.

"Hmm, I doubt if it'll be better than ours," I answered unscrewing the flask.

She took her sandwich from the bag and sat down again. "Want a bite?" she offered.

"No thanks," I answered pouring my coffee.

"I wonder how they are getting on at the Red Cross?" she mused, bringing the roll to her lips.

"I know, I haven't checked my emails for a while, there could be something there."

Sally swivelled on the chair, half turning away from me as she lay back on me, her head against my shoulder. "I need to check my mail as well, see if there's any more news about the Sonar. I wish this was all over and I could get on with my research on Europa."

I swung my arm over her shoulder, letting it fall between her breasts as my hand slipped down to clasp her waist. "We could both do with it over," I replied with a sigh. "Hopefully the press conference will put an end to our fugitive status."

"Mm," she sighed. "But I wouldn't bank on it."

I took a sip of my coffee, letting the conversation lapse into silence. So far we'd found nothing really worrying, the censorship effort was going to be a joke after tonight, the Americans would probably still be struggling to get their agents into place and I was still free.

We still had the advantage of our time tunnel, the next thing was to follow up on Harold, see if I could find out where they were looking for me and if Sally was known to them yet.

I lifted the cup to my lip to find it was empty. Through my arm I could feel Sally still eating. "A second," I said, giving her hip a squeeze.

"Mm, what?" she mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"I need a refill," I replied, withdrawing my arm.

She straightened a bit as I leant forward. "Do you think there will...?" she paused. "I'm trying to imagine how society will change. Not the privacy bit but what's going to happen to money if the banks are brought down?

"Hmm, the corrupt and unscrupulous will be exposed but the normal bank activities should go on, it depends on how much panic there is. Trading in stocks and shares and commodities will take a big hit, all the boardroom secrets would come out. I don't expect anything to change overnight."

"Uh huh," she said, leaving me to carry on.

"As more and more of the machines become available the people at the top are going to realise that all their dirty little secrets are going to come out. Many are just going to disappear off the radar, the rest will know their days are numbered."

"It only needs a few Tunnels in the right hands and the results would be spread across the internet in hours."

"Yes, I wish we could give all the reporters one to take away with them."

"What about the cores you've got ready? You've got oscillators as well."

"Far too few, can you imagine the uproar over who deserves one. It doesn't matter; we go with what we have," I answered, nursing the cup as I lay back.

"Have you thought about what you're going to say?" she asked, leaning back against me.

"As little as possible. I think it's best to be blunt and just feed them the facts. The technology is here and we have to deal with it, privacy might still exist as a concept but in practice it's dead. Whether we surrender it to the government or to the public at large is the choice in front of us."

"Sounds about right. I wonder how they'll take the news. I'll bet you get a few Doubting Thomas's even with the live demonstration," she remarked, leaning forward to slide her empty can onto the bench.

"I don't mind denialists they'll soon change their minds once we get a few more in circulation," I replied. "Are you ready to start again?"

She sat back up. "Do you want me to take over the controls?"

"Yes if you want," I replied straightening myself up.

We swapped seats and I slipped my arm around her back as she settled in front of the keyboard. "Jump to the end of the meeting and follow Harry, yes?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied with a nod.

She turned back to the screen and began tapping the keys. We skipped a few five minutes while they chatted and finished their drinks then followed Harold back to his office and listened in as he phoned GS17.

"Hello, to whom am I speaking?"


"Good, I'm Harold Sterns, Assistant Director MI2. I'm taking over the Purple Haze operation."


"Ah good, you've got the memo. I want to be kept up to speed on Professor Lutner."


"Good, good. As soon as you have him in custody I want to know."


"Right. I'll expect to hear from you soon."

"Pause it there," I said.

She turned and looked at me as she did.

"Jump to first thing this morning. Let's see what they're doing now," I continued.


A few clicks of the keys later and we were stating at an angry man shouting down the telephone. "I don't care, don't tell me where they aren't, he can't have disappeared," he said before slamming the receiver down.

He took a second to calm himself down before picking it up again and dialling.

"Hello Anne, its Harold. Put me through to the boss will you."




"Sir. I'm afraid I don't have good news. GS17 haven't managed to locate either Professor Lutner or Miss Marshal."


"Yes sir, we're monitoring both their rooms, they both spent the night out."


"I'm on my way to their office now; if there's anything new I'll ring you back."


"Yes sir, I'll see to it."

He sighed as he put the phone down, muttering. "Bloody idiots," under his breath.

We jumped forward a couple of five minutes as he read his mail and quickly went through the file on his desk. We followed him through the endlessly curving corridors to a windowless office on the second floor.

He knocked and entered without waiting for an answer. "Karen," he greeted the woman behind the desk.

"Yes sir," she replied.

"Are we sure he's nowhere on campus?"

"No, but we've got bugs in his study and lab so we know he hasn't been there. He hasn't used his car either, we found it in the car park."

"And he hasn't used his phone or card," he stated rhetorically.

"Nor has she. His went offline just after he got the receptionists call, hers later in the afternoon. I think the visit spooked them."

"You may be right or they may have gone to a party and be still sleeping it off."

"True, but from what I've found out so far neither appear to be party animals. I suppose with his discovery they might have a celebratory drink somewhere."

"No, I think you're right. The visit scared them. The question is where would they run. We need to expand the search to their parents and friends back home, go through their phone records and see what you can find."

"Yes sir," she said.

"I'll be in the building all morning. Page me if anything comes up," he said turning for the door.

"Yes sir," she repeated to his retreating back.

Sally paused it and turned to me. "I think we're better staying here than following him back."

"Yeah, this looks like the sharp end of the process."

She turned back and started it again. "Should we risk it and jump till she gets a visitor or phone call?"

"If she's doing nothing else interesting, remember we're only about two hours in front of her, it's half ten now." I said, looking at my wristwatch to confirm it. "It's half eight there."

"We could go back to the General, find out who he is and what his interests are," she suggested, looking at me over her shoulder.

"If you want," I said agreeing.

She turned back again and entered the co-ordinates. Within seconds we were back in Dr. Quigley's lab. We skipped five forward and timed it nicely with Quigley's assistant shutting the Tunnel down while the doctor himself was walking the General to the door.

"How long till the new one is ready Brian?" asked the General, clapping his hand on Quigley's shoulder.

"I've told you," he scolded back. "I can't hurry Resources, they're still designing the circuitry and software. And it'll do no good if you try to bully them about it. After all, time is of no concern now," he added chuckling. "Unless someone sets off a bomb somewhere soon."

There was the "Sss," of someone's sharp intake of breath. Sally turned and gave me a puzzled look.

"American humour," I said passing it off. "I don't understand it either."

She turned back and had to finger the pan key to bring them back into picture.

"Seriously Brian, we need to get these deployed as soon as possible," the General continued.

From the new angle I could read the General's name tag. John H Jones.

"General, as soon as I know you'll know. At the moment they're saying another three days so we're looking at next Wednesday at a minimum," Brian replied.

"Do your best to hurry them along, there are one or two things brewing that I'd like to get a handle on," the General replied, pausing at the door to let his civilian colleagues exit first.

Sally paused the action, turning to me. "Follow him or back to Karen?"

"Back to Karen I think. I'd venture to say that they're too compartmentalized over this. The General is too focused on anti-terrorism while Wilfred is bound by his conventional thinking and can't see the big picture."

"Don't complain," she said brightly. "It's working to our advantage so far."

"I know, for once I'm glad the wheels grind exceedingly slow and exceedingly small."

She reset the coordinates to take us back to Karen's office, jumping us back in as the door was still closing on Harold's exit.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Forget the sex...

I just want to read the story, the sex is almost a distraction now. Great read.

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