Fine! Ch. 01

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You know what. I fucking quit.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/01/2018
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Hey Fuckers.

So this was edited by me! Expect mistakes.

I know. Finish What Kind of Man I Am!

"What comes around goes around.

I'll tell you why." RATT

No music references in the story.

Edited and resubmitted May 1, 2018


I hit end call on my phone. There it is. God damn it. Fuck! Always listen to your little voice!

"Aaaaaaarreeeggggggghhhhhh!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!"

I stopped myself from throwing the blender through the window. Gotta.... got calm down. I gripped the kitchen island granite top, trying my best to break it. I need a lot of fucking beer.

Fine! I'm not sitting at fucking home. You know what. I'm going out. I'll let her do the work. I'm starting with a clean slate right fucking now. I picked up my phone and called Bruce back.

"Hey. You okay?" Bruce asked.

"No! Fuck if I'm staying home. You still at Paddy's?"

"Yeah. I think I spooked her. They left a little while ago."

"Can I join you guys? I don't want to blow up your night."

"Of course. Come on down man. Drinks are on me."

"See you in 20."

I took my wedding ring off and set it in my sock drawer. Still had the lines. Fuck it. I'll just tell the truth if it comes up. I went to my closet and grabbed a nice v-neck shirt that I liked. I put on some cologne and fixed my hair. Let's do this right.

I think she only met Bruce once? She stopped by my office and that was awhile ago.

I grabbed my phone and got the Uber ride going. I need to think about what I was going to say in the text to her.

"Going out with Bruce. Don't wait up."

I changed my mind and deleted it. I didn't want her to have a good time. If I say I'm with Bruce and staying out late? She might stay out late too. So I'll fucking lie.

I need to call Bill first.


"Bill it's Alex. I need a favor. Don't tell Barbara it's me calling. Think of some other buddy of yours okay?"

"Okay." He said.

"My wife is supposed to be out with the girls. She named Barb as one of them. I know she's not with Barb. I don't even know if Barb knows? You'll have to play it cool and feel it out."

"That's real interesting. I'll have to look into it."

"Can you text me if you find something out? And if you can, please have Barb not say anything to Alyssa?"

"Yes and yes. I'll talk to you later."

Back to the message. Something that will twist her tubes. Ah Ha!

"Lisa stopped by tonight. Were going out for drinks and dinner. She's sorry you couldn't come."

That should make her cramp up. God, I haven't talked to Lisa in a year. I knew she still lived here. That first girls night I was at home, I checked up on her again. We were still friends online. Alyssa always hated Lisa. The rules of the ex's I guess.

I hopped into the Uber. I might as well get this over with. Still had her number. I made the necessary call.

"Alex?" answered Lisa.

I guess she has mine. Hmmm.

"You got it! How are you Lisa?"

"I'm good. Hey! What's been going on with you?"

"I need a really big flavor?"

"Okay. Cherry." she said.

"I love Cherry. The flavor is, I told my soon to be ex I was having dinner with you tonight. You stopped by. Something like that."

"Okay? Your soon to be ex?" she asked.

"It's complicated and very fresh."

"Don't you think we should have dinner then. She's going to ask you questions. You really suck at winging it."

"Wow. Ha ha. What about brunch on Sunday? Mexican food and margaritas?"

"Yes please! How are you going to swing that?" she asked.

"Football game. No problem and I don't really care as well."

"I'm glad you called. It's been too long. You know, I haven't seen you in the flesh for what? Has it been two years since your parents 40th anniversary? I take it this is real bad?

"It's as bad as it can get, to me. I know. I wish we would have a coffee or something once in awhile. I'll see you Sunday at 1pm? The same old place." I said.

"You sweet talker. You really know how to make a girl feel special."

"Oh Lisa. Umm. This is just. Umm."

"I'm kidding Alex. I have a boyfriend, kinda. Don't stress out."

"In that case, do you have a sister?"

"Your an asshole. You know I have a sister. Bye Alex."

"Bye Lisa."

I arrived at Paddy's and it was packed. I found Bruce and Joe. They had a great booth in the back corner.

"I need a large fucking beer!" I said as I arrived at the table.

"Well all right. Hey. I wish we were drinking under better circumstances. You know that right." said Bruce.

"I know man. My gut has been bothering me awhile. I knew something was up. Then your call."

My mind flashed a memory. The graduation party, the sun shining in her hair. She was the one.

"Alex?" said Bruce.

"Sorry. Can you send those pictures and videos to me?"

"You got it. I'll do it right now. Then we'll light it up."

"What's up Joe?" I said.

"Alex. I'm not sure what to say. This sucks. But, I'm your guy when you start looking for a place." he said.

"Wouldn't go to anyone else man. Here's to the alliance! But we need drinks. After five years, I guess I'm back in the market."

The waitress was heading over to our table. She was real cute and had a nice body. I liked the way she braided her hair. Wow, you could see how beautiful she was with it pulled back.

"She's something." I said.

"She's not interested." said Bruce.

Her name is Tammy. I felt a smile spread across my face.

"What would you like to drink." she said.

"Tammy. I would like try to flirt with you every time you come by. You give me your honest feedback and rate it from 1 to 10. It's been 5 years, so I'm rusty. Feel free to crush me when I suck."

"Okay. Give me your first shot." she said.

"The way you have your hair braided is very cute. With your hair pulled back, you're just... beautiful."

She blushed.

"Well. That's pretty good for 5 years. But that was a compliment and not flirting." she said.

"I am rusty. So don't say what I'm thinking?"

"I didn't say that. You caught me off guard. That was a solid 8. You should quit with that one if you were doing it for real. And your name is?"


"Well Alex. What can I get you."

"How about a Adams dark please. Thanks Tammy."

"Your welcome."

She walked away, but she was smiling.

"Looks like someone didn't forget too much." said Bruce.

"She was great. I was expecting her to roll her eyes at me." I said.

"Reign it in cowboy. She gets hit on all the time." said Joe.

The guys gave me an quick guide for dumb asses when it came to hitting the bars?

My second attempt was coming and I wasn't prepared. I watched her threading her way to me. Ah, a butterfly. When Tammy set my beer down she was still smiling.

"Thanks beautiful."

"Stop it. Your supposed to be flirting." she said.

"I am. My brain stops working when you talk to me. Then I just say stuff I'm thinking."

"Uh huh."

"I like your butterfly. Is that the only tattoo you have?" I asked.

I kept looking at her eyes, even though the butterfly was on her ankle.


"Mysterious and beautiful!"

"Can I get you anything else Alex?"

She was writing on her pad. She tore off a piece of paper.

"I'm good." I said.

"Ahem. Alex. We need drinks too. Two more for us Tammy." said Joe.

"Shit. Sorry." I said.

I turned back, Tammy was gone but there was a folded piece of paper in front of me.

"Alright Romeo. What's it say?" said Bruce.

"Ummm. 8.5 and a smiley face." I smiled.

I stuck in my pocket. I looked over at the guys. They both were grinning and nodding.

"I got to hit the head." I said.

While I was in the bathroom, dark thoughts returned. Wonder what she's doing. Going on the premise this is the 3rd time? Fuck her.

Let me fire something off to pacify her.

"Dinner was great. Lisa looked great. I'm going to meet up with some work buddies tonight as well."

That should work.

I didn't see Tammy for awhile. She must have brought the beers when I was gone. We were having a good time and the guys were trying to lure ladies to our big booth with their charms and educate me at the same time.

Finally! Tammy appeared with more beers for us.

"Perfect timing beautiful."

"Alex. Stop." she said.

She was blushing again.

"I can't. It's my name for you now. I said it three times. It's a thing."

She rolled her eyes. I laughed, but then got concerned.

"Shit Tammy. I'm sorry. I didn't even think to ask if you had a significant other."

"That usually doesn't stop guys." said Tammy.

"It does me. Okay. I'll stop Tammy. Sorry again."

"Alex. I don't have a significant other. You were just practicing. It's okay.

She smirked. I grinned.

"Oh. Back to beautiful then!"

"Oh so I'm not beautiful if I have a boyfriend?" she asked.

"No, you still are. I just wouldn't say it to you. I would never ....."

That triggered me back to the video of Alyssa making out.

"You okay?" asked Tammy.

"Uh no. But you make it better. I'm going through a..... Hey can I take a selfie with you?" I asked.

"Now?" Tammy said surprised.

"Yeah. It would be just for me. The day we first met."

"Okay." she said.

I was going to scoot over, but she sat in my lap and put her arm around my shoulder.

"How's this?" she asked.

"Great. Let me try to...." I said.

I fumbled with my phone. She took it from me.

"Let me. I can't sit on you lap all night." Tammy said.

We both turned red after she said that. She leaned in and put her cheek next to mine.

She took a couple of shots and we appraised them.

"Wow. I love your smile." I said.

And the feel of her body next to mine. I'm getting hot.

"This is a great picture. You're not so bad looking. If you didn't smell so good, I probably would have said no."

She giggled.

Alyssa liked this cologne. I felt my face sour some and she must have noticed.

"Ummm, Bruce told me you had a bad breakup." she said.

I looked over at Bruce.

"She asked about you. I told her the truth." Bruce shrugged his shoulders.

"It's a little more complicated than that Tammy." I said.

"Okay. Next time I come back, tell me."

She got off my lap and checked her tables.

About 15 minutes later she came back with another round. I scooted over in the booth.

"Have a seat beautiful."

She sat down smiling.

"Give me one of your legs. I know there hurtin'."

"What? How?" she questioned.

"I saw you wincing a couple of times. Come on. Start with the left."

She brought her leg up and kept her skirt down, so she didn't flash me.

While I rubbed her calf, I told her my story.

"Here is the short version. My wife has been acting funny for a few weeks. She's been going out with the girls on Fridays recently. Here's a knot, sorry if it hurts." I said.

"It's a good hurt. Continue please."

"Your calves are muscular. You must walk 20,000 steps a night. Okay, sorry. Different reasons each time. So and so's birthday, Sue got a promotion, etc. Things were off. She told me in detail the first Friday what she did. Including a guy hitting on her. I got pissed because she talked to this guy for awhile without shutting him down. I was pissed. All week. We never really settled the issue."

I took her shoe off and starting rubbing her foot.

"The next Friday, she told me absolutely nothing. Then tonight, Bruce is at the right place and the right time. She was with a guy. So here I am. Shit is over. Will see how long it takes for her to figure that out." I said.

I put her shoe back on.

"Thank you." Tammy said.

"I'll do the other leg next time."

"Now would be a good time to ask for her number." said Bruce.

"You're supposed to say that when she's not around." I said.

"Nah. You both like each other. Where is your phone Romeo? What's you code?" asked Bruce

He slid it over to Tammy and smiled. She took the phone and did something. She looked up at me and kept my phone.

"So, you'll just stop being her husband without telling her? she asked.


"No talking it out, hearing her side? Are you sure?"

"What? Hear what side? Yeah I'm fucking sure." I said.

I was getting pissed. But then I thought, we just met.

"Go to my messages and play the video from Bruce." I stated.

She watched the video. She frowned and handed back the phone.

'It was here. But they were just kissing. You don't want to know if...?"

I took my phone back. I was pissed again.


"Uh." she said.

She waited for me to say something. When I didn't, she got up and left.

I started thinking about how the hell I'm going to pull off being single, while being married. I just failed. I probably should expect that from most women. Maybe I should be more vague? My eyes wandered to ESPN and the football update.

I started chuckling to myself.

"What are you laughing at?" said Bruce.

"You know how we do fantasy football and buy squares for the Super Bowl final score.

Helps get us through the winter right? My current situation, I am going to go out and have a good time as much as possible. Well, I thought about selling squares. If you get the correct day when my wife says we have to talk. You win the pot. It made me laugh and distracted me from this shit storm that dropped on my lap." I said.

Bruce and Joe's eyes lit up.

"I say we do it. I'll $100 a square. You get 20% of the take to do whatever makes you happy. Joe? We could sell 20 squares right?" asked Bruce.

"Sure, easy. Maybe 50 if we get the word out." said Joe.

"Maybe we allow two or three people to pick the same day? Or we split it into am and pm?

I'll work it out. No one will no it's you. This could go viral." said Bruce.

I waved my hands.

"Okay! Okay! Sounds good. I think I'm going to split. Maybe get some food. We need pay still. Thanks for tonight guys." I said.

"I got the tab. Yeah, I'm tired Joe. Let's call it a night. We sucked at helping Alex meet some women. Luckily he didn't."

"In the end, it didn't work out." I frowned.

He waved Tammy over and settled the tab. I pulled out another $10 and gave to her.

"Tammy. Here is a little extra for some ice cream. Try Haagen Dazs coffee with Oreos and whip cream. Sorry I didn't get to the other leg."

I got up with the guys.

"I might do that." Tammy said.

"All right. Good night. It was nice meeting you." I said.

"Alex?" she asked.


"Your not going to ask me out?"

"I don't think so. We don't quite see eye to eye on the cheating thing."

"I'm sorry. I do feel the same about cheating. I just wasn't sure about your story. I hear a lot of story's. Then the video..... I'm sorry."

She grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"It's okay. Thank you. I would like to take you out, but.....?"

"Yes! I get off in twenty minutes."

"Tonight? Uh, I guess I can hang out until then. Hey. Um, Bruce? I'm gonna grab dinner with Tammy."

Tammy took off while I spoke to the guys.

"Uh, sure dude. Dinner.? You have any condoms?" asked Joe.

"I don't think...." I said.

"You're right. Don't think. They have a machine in the bathroom. Buy 2 and call us in the morning stud. Be nice to her. We come here a lot." said Joe.

"You sure about this?" said Bruce.

"Yeah. I'll call you tomorrow."

I went Into the bathroom and bought two condoms. I found another table since our booth was taken. I pulled out my cell. It looked like I had a message from Alyssa. No need to ruin my mood, so I slipped it back in my pocket.

Tammy walked up to me with her purse and a big grin on her face.

"Let's go." she stated.

"Great. I skipped dinner. Are you hungry?"

"For ice cream and Oreos!" she said.

"That's not dinner." I said smirking.

She took my hand.

"Yes it is. You can have whipped cream for dessert."

"Not with the ice cream?"

"You'll figure something else out." Tammy said as she winked at me.

To be continued...

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DeanofMeanDeanofMean2 months ago

The writing is awesome, the story is um challenging for my own sensibilities i have always felt there should be 2 scores like i will never give a happy cuckold story a high score but some of them are well written despite me not being able to get past this one i don't know isn't he doing just what he wishes she didn't?

LJ7352LJ73523 months ago

The story has no finish. Waste of reading time!

BlueEyd2BlueEyd28 months ago

Another story that was never finished.

Lessismore56Lessismore56about 1 year ago

WARNING This story was left very much unfinished PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK

Rocky62Rocky62almost 2 years ago

Damn! I like this Tammy… she may become Lit legend with Pauline French

BigfundrewBigfundrewalmost 2 years ago

Golly but your commenters are cranky.

I found this to be a different rhythm, but still liked it.

lc69hunterlc69hunteralmost 2 years ago

We will see where this goes. As of right now, hubby is being a dumbass

PorterrhPorterrhalmost 2 years ago

Couldn’t follow this crap - very confusing - you need an editor

iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

This was a blah blah blah, going no where story and it seems you wrote 3 other chapters and still didnt finish this snorefest? WTF dude. Even a crappy story deserves and ending.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1about 2 years ago

Horrible author.

MarkT63MarkT63about 2 years ago

I agree with you on cheating. One and done!!! Kissing 💋 is cheating.

IntuitiveJIntuitiveJalmost 3 years ago

Could you please repost this first chapter and tell everyone at the beginning that you decided not to finish the story. I read four chapters, for what... ? You abandoned the story.

WisquejacWisquejacover 3 years ago

Read all 4 parts. Sucked ass.

WisquejacWisquejacover 3 years ago

Get to the feckin point. With you so far. Like the title and description.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Good start

Let's ride along and see where this goes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
First Night Out

And he finds another slut!

richvir1richvir1about 6 years ago
wow i like it....

I was really surprised i liked it. For the reasons i still think that people should talk and have all the answers before you loose the moral high ground and break a vow, but damn this is really interesting where will it go?....

XantuVoloXantuVoloabout 6 years ago
I miss the music :-(

It was good. It felt a little rushed like you hit the floor running. I liked the pace of 'What kind of Man am I'. I await the next chapter.

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 6 years ago

Usually, with this type of setup, you see the husband plan his exit, his revenge... or start masturbating, thinking about his wife's betrayal (sadly, this one is more common than all the others.)

But you rarely see him decide to do his own cheating on the side. Way too many cuckolds in the LW genre act like complete paragons of virtue, acting as if having sex with someone else, even if their marriage was over, was a mortal sin, holding on to their vows to be bitter end, even if the union is completely meaningless now...

Never bought that horseshit. If you're done with the marriage, you can fuck whomever you want (as long as they also want to fuck you, of course...), since you're not betraying anyone anymore.

So, FINALLY, we have a character, John, who doesn't waste time with the formality of actually breaking up with his wife, and jump right back in the dating game as soon as he learned about her cheating... gotta say, I'm done with that! I seriously don't have a single clue as to how it will play out - will John keep going out every night, completely ignoring Alyssa until she blows up on him? Will he force her to lose her mind until the big confrontation? Again, gotta say: never saw that before!

This is a very ingenious premise. It was a tad complicated, however, to follow exactly what was going on, at start - a second reading really help in understand the whole setup. Hope Redo doesn't let this one die out - I really want to know how long John could drag this out before Alyssa lose her mind... and whether or not Tammy put out on the first date.

A good one.

Gibbo68mustangGibbo68mustangabout 6 years ago
Please continue

Am enjoying "What kind of man" but please don't forget to finish this one as it has potential. I enjoy your writing style and the slant you take on your "exit strategy! ;-)

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