Finishing School -Ladies -Mr. Styles

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The housekeeper kept a record of all beatings!
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Welcome back to Calder House, the place Ladies are finished and below stair girls are whipped into service.

The staff are also dealt with harshly should they step out of line by Mr. and Mrs. Broadwood who ruled the staff as well as the inmates with the strap.

The only difference was the staff were whipped in private for any indiscreet actions, private being the disciplined one of the couple and the other holding them down.

Mrs. Broadwood dealt with the men and Mr. Broadwood the ladies.

Mr. and Mrs. Good, he taught manners and she was matron.

Mr. and Mrs. Styles, he taught posture and she was the house secretary.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, he the Physical Education and she was cook.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones, he was Mrs Broadwood's deputy, taught deportment and she was in the laundry.

Mr and Mrs. Harris, he was the groundsman and she was assistant cook.

The below stairs girls had to wait on the Ladies and be at their beck and call whenever needed as well as doing their household chores.

On the Ladies second day of their enrolment they had a morning and afternoon class with Mr. Styles.

His class title was Posture and included all manner of things, but his Tuesday class was his favourite.

In the Ladies 10 week course every Tuesday they would learn a different way of being punished by a future husband.

It went without saying they would all marry well, never have to work and when they promised in their vows to be obedient, then obedient they had to be.

Mr. Styles began his lecture.

In almost all marriages of the Gentleman and Lady scenario, and the common people to some extent, discipline was right at the top of their lists.

The husband would punish the wife and the wife would make sure the house staff had consequences for their actions too.

This usually fell to the housekeeper or Cook and was either in private, as in the scullery at Calder House, or in front of the Lady and/or Gentlemen of the house.

Most houses enjoyed the latter, the favourite being the errant boy or girl would be naked on the head footman's back with their arms wrapped round his shoulders.

The implement would be, belt, cane, whip, crop, whichever the housekeeper chose.

The Master would give the call, usually 10.

The housekeeper would say 10 at the end and the Master would inspect.

His reply would be either, done, or more and give a number.

The housekeeper kept a record of all beatings and made sure they were all dealt with regularly.

Sometimes the Master would have the crime perpetrator over his knee and then over his snooker table in front of his house guests, as entertainment for a very severe caning. They would have to stay in the room all evening, naked and hands on head and any movement at all was an excuse for another session over the knee.

It was not unheard of that the Lady of the house would have a maid or servant strung up in the stable for her to whip.

So now you see Ladies, the importance of obedience and discipline.

Now, hands up any of you who have ever been punished?" not one of the first group moved.

Don't worry, that's pretty normal.

"To my left and your right you will see various pieces of furniture, you will all be trying them all in this and future lesson," all 5 ladies gasped.

As one of this 10 week intake found out yesterday, insolence, talking in class or bad behavior of any kind will result in the Master spanking you in front of your class, do you all understand?"

They all nodded, yesterdays spankee was from the other class of five, she talked out of turn and was spanked by Mr. Good.

Any questions at all, baring in mind all I have said?"

"No, well hands up any time if you have a question, now all strip naked, put your clothes neat on your chair, an untidy pile will earn an extra spanking to the ones you will be getting this morning, and every Tuesday morning for the duration of your course."

"From experience, only the very, very lucky Ladies will only get 10 spankings whilst they are here.

Most get double, even treble."

The Ladies were stunned but did as they were told.

When all naked, would you believe a class visit by Mr. Broadwood and with him Mr. Hargreaves and Mrs. Winters who were investors in Calder House and often popped in to see how things were running.

Tuesday appeared to be a popular day for investor visiting.

Mr. Styles ordered all the girls to put hands on head, one decided modesty was the order of the day and covered her small tits with her arm and cupped the other over her pussy.

Mr. Styles gripped the Ladies hand of her tits, he walked over to the guests, "I am so sorry for her disrespect would any of you care to punish her?"

Mrs. Winters put her handbag on the floor and hoisted the Lady over her lap and spanked her, she still had her leather gloves on, so the pain and sound was doubled, she stood her up.

Mr. Styles collected her, "Mr. Hargreaves."

He waved his hand and passed.

Mr. Broadwood Sir, He lifted the girls chin, slapped her breast, "Not sure such small tits are worth the beating you will get from me, My office 11.00am in the morning."

Mr. Styles slapped the tops of her legs all the way back to her place, her hands shot to her head.

"And that ladies is called instant discipline for downright bad behaviour. Remember all actions have consequences, and not only for your self. All turn round and face our guests and bend forward, you will all be spanked, just because one of your number decided the rules do not mean her."

They all bent and he gave each 5 hard spanks on each cheek of each Lady.

"Turn round."

Every one turned with hands on head.

"You will soon see the way it works, you will gather round as I demonstrate, and by demonstrate, I mean actually spanking a girl.

Then you will all be dealt with in turn, I will not hold back, you will all be spanked hard, and more than once."

The first piece of furniture we will use is the straight back chair and I will use one of the below stairs girls to show the different positions you will be expected to assume depending on the instruction given to you.

He opened a side door and Wilson came in. "Strip Wilson".

Wilson was 19, a really pretty girl who looked 5 years younger and the body of a younger girl, she usually volunteered to be his model, she did not know why but a public spanking was something which made her tingle in her slit and her tummy summersault.

Wilson had slender hips orange sized tits and puffy nipples.

Mr. Styles gave Wilson an instruction using the high backed chair, " Cane Wilson."

Wilson put her hands on the back of the chair from the seat side. She shuffled back and bent at right angles to the chair. When she was happy with her position she spread her legs.

" As you can see the girl took up the position immediately, hesitation would mean extras.

She placed her hands and moved her feet back to form a pleasing sight.

Her legs open for two reasons, one, stability, so she does not fall over and two, he touched her split lips with his cane, poking it in and opening her lips even wider, making her body pleasing to her Masters eye, he may even have guests witnessing."

The Ladies gasped again.

"Before I cane her come and see the marks she already has, lets see if 1 can distinguish them and two, who by.

Wilson were you over Cooks scullery table this morning for a strapping?"

"Yes Sir, I was."

"Would you like to know why Ladies?"

One lady spoke first, "Yes."

Mr. Styles pointed to the Lady, "You young lady will go first when i have caned Wilson and will receive 5 extra, I'm being generous as its your first time.?


"Now that 5 has become 10 extras, politeness, I am Sir to you and you should use my title every time you speak to a Master."

"I apologies Sir, I never realised, I just call my daddy Sir."

"Let us know why cook leathered you Wilson."

"I deserved it Sir, I broke a cup."

"He showed the Ladies the brighter coloured marks. Looks like a bed time spanking from Mr. Ellis last evening."

"Yes Sir, Mr. Ellis said I was well overdue Sir."

"And were you?"

"Yes Sir I feel i must have been if he said so."

He pointed to the darker lines.

The Ladies were gobsmacked.

"And lastly caned 2 days ago, maybe by a Lady", he pointed to bruised stripes.

"Yes Sir, it was her last day and had not spanked anyone so borrowed a cane from Mr. Broadwood."

Mr. Broadwood nodded and smiled, "10 more tomorrow Wilson, my office 9.30am."

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir."

All this time the audience were looking at 2 virgin holes displayed openly and without shame.

"Stand back girls, Brace Wilson," Wilsons knuckles whitened as she griped the chair back.

"The count is 5 Wilson."

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir."

Mr. Styles tapped her bottom, for 2 reasons, one to make sure he was at the right angle for his first line, and when to tapping stopped she knew the rod was falling, and it did, Whoosh, Crack, 5 times, so she could hold tight.

Wilsons bottom highlighted the 5 stripes. She was crying after number 2.

"Corner Wilson."

Her hands shot to her head.

"Did you see what her hand did?"

"Went straight to her head Sir, may I enquire why Sir?"

"So she does not touch her bottom without being told, touching =, anyone know what?"

"Extras Sir," said the Lady who had earned 10.


"Wilson corner, now usually its nose and nipples touching the wall, but as she has had a caning for doing nothing wrong, she can watch."

Wilson chuckled to herself, most of the beatings were for nothing and she relished seeing the posh bitches being caned, she will volunteer again.

Mr Styles pointed at the "Extras" girl, Cane Girl."

She stood, gracefully walked to the chair, placed her hands on the chair back and took position.

"Anyone see what she has done wrong Ladies.

It was all quiet.


"Please Sir, she has not split her slit Sir."

The Ladies all laughed at the word, Slit.

"Wilson means pussy Ladies, its the word used by the below stairs girls."

The Lady opened her legs till her lips parted.

"Hang on to the chair tightly, this will hurt like a hundred bee stings girl."

She braced herself as the tap, tap began, then nothing, then, Whoosh Crackkkkkk


5 Whoosh Crackkkkks and 5 loud Owwwwwwwwww's.

Sir went up to her, rubbed her bottom, "Stand."

The girl stood and her hands shot to her head. "Please Sir?"


"You did not give me my extras Sir."

"Yes I know, you will be on my rounds this evening for a bed time spanking, I have a few to issue upstairs this evening."

Sir pinched her nipples hard, she squeaked, "Nose and nipples to the wall girl, guess what happens if any of the 3 come off?"

She managed a giggle through the tears, "Would that be extras Sir?" She walked to the wall and stood against it.

He pointed to another Lady, "Cane Girl."

He went through all 5 Ladies, all with similar results.

He called the Ladies back over from the wall.

"Wilson, Spanking."

Wilson ran to the right of the seat and Sir sat down and tapped his knee.

Wilson draped over Sir's knee and gripped the chair legs and her leg splayed like a star fish, again the girls gasped.

"We will just see Wilson's spanking and then move on, next on the list is Mr. Ellis in the gym." said Mr. Broadwood, and he knew it was almost shower time.

Mr. Styles gave the talk on positioning and gripping the chair legs.

He spanked Wilson, again to tears and went through the Ladies in turn 20 ish each on each cheek and nose and nipples to the wall.

Finally, "Wilson, Belt."

Wilson arched her body over the seat of the chair, again gripping the chair legs.

" Watch carefully Ladies." Mr. Styles slowly and deliberately unbuckled his own belt and slowly pulled it through his trouser belt loops and doubled it. " I want you to think of belts in a different way now Ladies, they not only hold up a pair of trousers but can issue painful instant punishment to a bottom."

Wilson was then given 10 hard lashes, then excused.

The Ladies in turn assumed the position and were duly whipped and sent to the wall, and each time Mr. Styles pinched their nipples hard.

"You girls are now excused, get you down stairs girl to put some cold cream on, this afternoon we move to the coffee and dining table, and it will be another hard pain full lesson for you all, but one in time you will thank me for teaching you."


Mr. Broadwood was saying goodbye to his visitors and had a raging hard on after seeing all those new tits and bums, some of then shiny red from Mr. Ellis's belt, Wilson was just passing passing, "My Office girl."

Wilson removed her dress and folded it over her arm to save time and waited outside for Mr. Broadwood.

He went in and she followed, "Kneel on my desk bottom sticking up and head touching the desk arms outstretched."

She got on the desk and followed instructions.

He rubbed her bottom roughly giving her half a dozen spanks over her fresh stripes.

He pushed her legs wider and bent behind her.

She felt his tongue probing her open pussy so she pushed back, his tongue then rimmed her bummy hole, again she pushed into him. He nipped her clit as he licked and sucked.

He then gave his attention to her tits and nipples as they hung loose, slapping and trying to bite her nipples as they swung.

She stifled a giggle as and they bobbed up and down in the water she thought of her young girl parties of ducking for apples as they bobbed up and down in the water.

"He slapped her bottom really hard, time for your 30 stripes from my senior cane."

She had been here before, "Oh please Sir, anything but the senior cane."


"Yes Sir."

"Lay on your back, with your head just hanging over the end."

She lay as he said, she felt her nipples pinging hard and a tingle in her slit.

She looked backwards and saw Mr. B. drop is pants and release his beast,

He rubbed his cock and placed his balls over her mouth, "Lick and suck girl, this is the prelude to the main event."

She licked and sucked and managed one of his balls at a time in her mouth.

He moved back a little, "Open wide, no need for your hands, I will gently fuck your mouth, she felt a slight squirt between her slit lips.

He was gentle and even told her when he intended to gush her with his cum.

When he had done he made her go over his knee, face up whilst he brought her to a cum, with his skillful fingers.

He leant forward sucked and licked her pussy clean, then his fingers.

"Please Sir, would you spank this naughty girl?"

He flipped her over and spanked her to tears and sent her to cook. "When you get to the scullery tell cook Mr. Broadwood says she is to give you a leathering for being slutty."

Would her bottom never stop being spanked today, she hoped not.

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JaneRamseyJaneRamseyalmost 6 years ago
This one's my favorite!

I like when the character is super into it. :)

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