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She gazed into his lustful expression as she sucked on the engorged tip of his cock, savouring it's muskiness while her hands freely roamed over his twitching body. Greg sighed and groaned in hedonistic delight as the young lady happily took his entire length in her mouth and paraded her full repertoire of oral craftmanship, much to her boyfriend's obvious gratification.

"I want to give you something wonderful ..." Her eyes twinkled as she spoke and he ran his hands through her blonde hair eagerly sucking on the tip of his cock while watching his face twist with unmistakable delight.

"If you're ready," she begged in a low voice. "I want you to take me from behind." She watched his face sparkle with possibility and licked his wet cock from the base to the tip.

"Sure, I think you've put me in the mood," he conceded. 'Specially for Doggy!"

"Not Doggy," Fiona snorted. "From behind. Unchartered waters. For you, anyway."

Greg's cock stiffened as Fiona blew gently on his moist bell-end and giggled at her bewildered boyfriend.

"But you've never said about it before and ..."

"Greg. Shut up!" Fiona whispered. "Stop spoiling the moment." She reached into her bag next to the bed and pulled out a small tube of lubricant, passing it to her boyfriend nonchalantly. "I need some on my ..."

"Are you sure about this?" Greg asked as his girlfriend edged him out of the bed. "I mean, this hurts, right?"

"Not if you do it right," Fiona replied calmly. "If you do it right, then both enjoy it." Greg coughed.

"I am not sure, I really don't want to hurt you. I'm not sure I want to take the risk and ..."

"Greg, just fuck me," Fiona snapped, shocking her partner with the ferociousness of her tone. From her position on the bed, she guided the reticent man into gently applying the cold gel to her anus before liberally coating his cock with the slick jelly.

Greg was hesitant, and she felt him slowly push against her butt, holding her waist with his slippery hands. Fiona closed her eyes and relaxed, her body welcoming the erect cock of her partner into her backside.

Greg thrusted very slowly, constantly checking on his partner as his slow movements buried his cock into the young lady, yearning for the filthy fuck she was trying to elicit. "Come on," she urge; her blonde hair pooled on the pillow as she bucked her hips to encourage her partner. "Fuck me!"

Greg gulped and drove his cock back into the young lady's butt; Fiona gasped and groaned, deliberately vocalising her pleasure to urge Greg into more forceful thrusting. "Yeah?" Greg muttered.

"Oh yes!" Fiona cried and bit the soft pillow as Greg began to thrust relentlessly into her peachy arse. Her fingers slid along the bed and found her gushing mound. She pressed them against her clitoris, rubbing her engorged button to satisfy her desperate cravings; she need to climax!

She could feel every inch of her lover manfully screwing her butt with wild abandon; his cock slithered into her dirty hole, his grip on her hips pulling her excited body onto his dick for his pleasure. She mewled in excitement, savouring her violation at the hands of her lover and groaned into the pillow.

Fiona was nearing that point; she groaned several times, as waves of intense energy swept across her body, tingling every part of the teenage nymphomaniac. "You gonna come?" Greg called but she was unable to answer; she couldn't process his voice.

Instead she focused on the pleasure emanating from her clit and her butt and closed her eyes in anticipation for what was to come; a tidal wave of deviant pleasure, an explosion of hedonistic fire and a earthquake of satisfying tremors. She was about to climax, as her fingers vibrated against her clitoris.

Greg felt and heard it as her body treated the desperate coquette to a series of incredible waves; her toes tingled, her nipples fizzed, her loins savoured and her muscles clenched, massaging the rigid intruder spearing her backside.

Greg gripped the tops of Fiona's legs and rammed his cock into her backside before emptying his balls into the rectum of his girlfriend, before gently rocking back and forth.

She gulped as she slowly fell forward and giggled as she looked at him. "I love a bit of ... anal. Good, huh?" He nodded and she reached for the roll of toilet tissue on his bedside table.

"Thanks," he muttered and then scowled as his eyes focused on his girlfriend. "Oh, I've marked you." He pointed to the red marks where his fingers had used her hips for leverage but she just sighed.

"That's nothing," she replied as she wiped her bum with the soft toilet tissue. "God men are so messy," she teased as the first wad of tissue was deposited in a supermarket carrier bag hung on his drawers.

Greg waited until she was "clean" and then wrapped his arm around her body as they cuddled up together. "Thanks," she muttered to him. "I think I'm satisfied now for at least an hour or two."

"Can I have the rest of my sleep?" He asked and kissed her on the back of the neck.

"As you've been a naughty boy, then yes!"

* * * * *

Fiona pulled Greg's dressing gown over her shoulders and tied it up loosely at the front. She looked back at the sleeping frame of her boyfriend sprawled out in his bed and gave a wry smile; he looked so innocent asleep. In many ways, Fiona was right: Greg was innocent until he met her, and she had led him down a road of debauchery and fun, but she had no regrets. Greg had blossomed into a great friend and a gentle lover.

Fiona pushed open the door and closed it gently behind her, before walking down the stairs to greet her host family. "Still in bed," she replied as Emma, Greg's mother, asked her where Greg was. "Sound asleep."

The straight-haired sister of Emma turned from her worktop to look at the barely dressed Fiona, sauntering into the kitchen and gave her a raised eyebrow. "Don't you want to get dressed, love?"

Fiona shook her head and groaned, stretching out her hands in front of her. "I'll get dressed later," she said dismissively and stepped around the two sisters baking to get to the breakfast cereal.

"Fiona's from Carlisle," Emma told her sister.

"That's further than us," Phyllus replied as she beat the cake mixture in a giant bowl. "How did you meet Greg then?" She looked at Emma and sniffed. "Probably explain why you let them share a room, coming down from Carlisle, but I'd never let my Andrew shared a bed with his girlfriend ..."

"I go to Ashbourne Abbey," Fiona interrupted. "And I met Greg in the pub." Emma smiled at Fiona, who took a spoonful of muesli in her mouth, and then grinned at the raised eyebrows of Phyllus. "And we share a bed, as it makes morning, and evening, sex so much easier." Emma stifled some laughter and shook her head, and Phyllus coughed.

"Unmarried teenage sex. How very modern! Don't you get pregnant, now!"

Fiona rolled her eyes. "That's not likely after what we did this morning," she joked, but didn't get a response and ate her breakfast in near silence as the two sisters as they prepared the buffet for sixty guests. After finishing her cereal, Fiona washed her hands, and helped the two middle-aged women cook and bake, dispatching the barely awake Greg to the corner shop with a shopping list of ingredients that they found they needed.

Phyllus made several pointed comments to Fiona, especially when the brazen girl exclaimed, "how very old-fashioned" at some of the things the conservative lady said.

"Not old-fashioned," Phyllus cried when Fiona teased her on her regular church attendance.

"Sure it is," Fiona spat back. "Religion'll be dead inside two or three generations. It's not relevant any more." Phyllus looked aghast as Fiona just shrugged and sniffed. Emma's attempts at trying to lighten the mood in the kitchen with some music from the radio didn't work and Fiona buttered four dozen scones in total silence. She put the plate in front of Emma covering them with cling-film and passed her a sizzling joint of beef.

"The carving tray is up there," Emma replied and Fiona stood on tip toe to retrieve the spiked metal tin to carve the meat, ready for making into sandwiches later.

"Mum," a voice called from the kitchen door. The tall, wiry frame of Andrew, Phyllus's son, appeared and stood nervously in the doorway, calling out to his mother. His eyes met Fiona and he stuttered, staring at her as she placed the tray on the table and picked up the small roasting tin containing the beef.

He spluttered again and his eyes traced the body of Greg's girlfriend. He licked his lips, oblivious to the stare of his mother. "Fiona dear," Emma called. "Your belt is undone a little." Fiona looked down at her dressing gown, completely open at the front and showing the sixteen year-old her bare pussy and well-developed bosom. "And I think you've made poor Andrew speechless."

"Ahhhh," she called out to the blushing sixteen year old. "Nice to know that I've still got it," she teased and retied her gown.

Andrew shifted from one foot to the other as his mother expressed disapproval at him with a furious frown, and muttered that he was going "down to the shops with Greg" before he made a hasty departure from the kitchen.

"He's only sixteen," Phyllus told the room. "It's a difficult age."

Fiona spluttered. "At sixteen I was used to seeing naked people," she started. "But then, I s'pose, that's all very modern."

* * * * *

"Just a little bit," Fiona said, guiding the nine year old girl with the lipstick. "Now purse your lips together and smile." Holly Grainger beamed and blew Fiona a kiss. "And if your mother asks, it didn't come from me."

The girl nodded and skipped out of Greg's bedroom as the eighteen year old returned and looked at his conspiratorial girlfriend, who just smiled sweetly at him. "Mum says you got thirty minutes before we go."

"We could just walk there ourselves," Fiona moaned. "It's hardly a trek across the Serengeti."

"It's down the road," Greg snapped, adjusting his glasses. "And it's December so it's cold."

"It's not that cold," Fiona coughed and threw her hands out in front of her. "OK I'll go have a shower now. God, you are so stroppy at times." Greg shook his head and opened his wardrobe. "Oh, and Mum says please don't wind up Aunty Phyllus any more."

"Oh why not?" Fiona asked with a giggle as the dressing gown-clad lady walked towards the bedroom door. "I only wind up people who need to be wound up."

"Yeah well ... she said you are getting to her."

"Excellent!" Fiona's eyes dropped and she blew her partner a raspberry. "She kept saying I'd get pregnant, so I told her that you weren't likely to get me pregnant when you are fucking me up the arse and I'm going down on you. And then she started about Sodom and Gomorrah and stuff."

"Well just stop it, now. Please." Fiona shook her head, walked into the unoccupied bathroom and turned the shower to its warmest setting before allowing the dressing gown to slide off her shoulders, and closing the door to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the floor length mirror and smiled; her toned muscles from evening netball, lacrosse and hockey accentuated her slim figure and flawless skin and she stroked her hand down her elegant body.

The admiring girl stepped into the warm, steamy shower and allowed the jets to wash over her luscious blonde hair. There was a knock on the door to the bathroom and she smiled; the last time she had had a shower, Greg had come in and joined her. "Come in," she called and peered through the glass. "Come on."

"Agghhh. Sorry. Thought it was Greg," Andrew cried, the moment his eyes fell upon the translucent screen.

"What do you want?"

"A wee."

"Go on then," Fiona called back, her mischievous smile hidden by the shower screen. "Just don't flush it, 'cause my shower goes cold." She cackled as she saw the navy clothes of Andrew scurry to the toilet and sit down on the porcelain. She squeezed her hair free of excess water and washed the last of the soapsuds from her legs.

Fiona pushed the lever on the shower to stop the water and counted to three, before stepping out into the bathroom. Andrew gasped as she leant across him and grabbed a towel. "Sorry," she called. Andrew's wee fell against the pan as his eyes lingered and she glared at him. "Be a gentleman," she chastised him. "And close your eyes or look away." He sniffed and shut his eyes immediately, apologising as Fiona wrapped her hair in a towel and leant against the warm tiles. "What's it like living with your Mum?" Fiona asked. "She doesn't seem like she will let you have your girlfriend round for a roll in the hay!"

He squeezed his eyes shut and simpered. "She ... umm ... she doesn't like me having girlfriends," he admitted. "And she doesn't like Tammy."

"Too bad," Fiona said as she reached for another towel. "Keep your eyes shut," she warned him in a fierce voice and took his left hand, trembling and shaking with fear. "You're very shy," she said, as she knelt down beside him and pushed it to her breast. "What's this?"

"Christ," he squealed.

"No, I am not Jesus Christ," Fiona sniggered and rolled his hand over her bosom. "You're sixteen," she told him. "Touching a girl's tits shouldn't be momentous." She grinned at him squeezing his eyes shut and pushed up with her legs to be fully standing. She licked her lips and glanced at the door, before taking his hand and pushing it onto the inside of her thigh. "Keep those eyes shut," she demanded and took his hand over her bare mons and along the top of her slit. "It's about time you broke free of your Mum's apron strings," she told him and picked up the towel. "Keep your eyes shut until I tell you to open them. I got a little surprise for you," she told him and slowly backed away from the toilet before quietly slipping out of the bathroom and into Greg's room.

"What are you looking so pleased about?" Greg asked as she wrapped the towel around her bosom. Fiona shrugged.

"I've been teasing a sixteen year old boy. Hell, I have been teasing a virgin. It's good fun."

"You will go to Hell."

"I am helping him," Fiona muttered and gulped. "It's in his interests. I like helping people like that. He has to be more assertive."

"I dread to think," Greg said dramatically and adjusted his trousers. "Is this OK?"

"No," Fiona said and walked up to her boyfriend fidgeting with his formal suit and she shrugged. "Get that off and go dressed in the shirt I got you from Carlisle and some jeans."

"It's my Dad's fortieth."

"Great. Not yours, though. You look like you are going to a bloody funeral," she snapped and ran her hands over his body. "You are eighteen. Please show it."

"I can't go dressed in jeans."

"You can," Fiona implored of him and kissed him on the lips. Her passionate tongue wrapped around his mouth and she looked at him in the eyes before sliding down his body to her knees. She unbuttoned his trousers and pushed the towel from her body.

"We haven't got the time ..."

"We have," Fiona replied and slid his trousers down to his knees before kissing his inflating cock. He groaned as he lips sucked on his tips and her hands began to stroke his shaft. He sighed and leant against his cupboard door, savouring every action Fiona made on his rock hard cock.

He whimpered and cried out, as waves of pleasure came from his loins and Fiona pulled on his shaft faster and faster. He grunted and gripped the handle on his door and squealed, before screwing up his face and squirting his semen onto her moist breasts.

"You tricked me," Andrew cried and the door, slightly ajar, opened. "That was mean."

Fiona gasped and reached for the towel, but Andrew saw the semen splatterings on Fiona and Greg's erect and dripping cock. "This is my room," Greg called but Fiona caught his glance and smiled.

"Oh shit," the teenage boy cried and bolted, leaving Greg's door wide open; he scrambled to shut it as Fiona wiped Greg's deposit using some towels.

"This is what happens when you tease," Greg snapped at his girlfriend. "Bad things happen."

"Nonsense," Fiona cried.

"Now, can you get dressed. We need to go in ten minutes."

"Nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag," Fiona muttered under her breath as her boyfriend changed into jeans and a fashionable shirt, and she changed into an elegant blue dress that belied her wicked intentions for the evening.

* * * * *

"Are you not going to talk to me?" A tipsy Fiona whispered as she sat down behind Greg's cousin. He didn't move or say anything to her and she leant forward. "Don't thank me or anything!"

"You tricked me."

"That's what girls do," she snapped. "We've been doing it since the dawn of time." She glanced over to Greg, talking to his Dad, and she got up, leaning across Greg's cousin to grab his arm. "Come with me. I've got something for you."


"Just come," she said and led him out of the pub function room to the beer garden and sat him on a bench, holding out a bottle of alcohol with her left hand. "Seriously, girls do it all the time. Ever since we traded caves for sex in a billion BC to today when we have Valentines Day, where we are supposed to insist every guy spends a small fortune on presents and all sorts for nothing more than a good night's kiss. What I did to you was to play on your imagination. A little mean but nothing nasty." He hummed and Fiona stroked her hair back. "Why are you such a moody fucker?"

"Because you deliberately show me your body and let me touch you and wind me up and ..."

"I thought you had a girlfriend," Fiona interrupted. "Now Greg and I have an open relationship, sort of. I'm guessing you don't, so are you going to tell her about the shower earlier?" He grunted and Fiona stroked her hair back behind her ears and took a gulp of the sugary alcopop. "Tell her that you came up to Derbyshire and stroked a girl's cunny."

He recoiled at her words and looked at the drink Fiona had brought him, staring into its colourful lustre and sighing. "No. I don't think she would understand. If she met you and knew what a tease you were."

"I am not a tease," Fiona snapped. "Men get what they want from me, as long as I get what I want." She sat down on the bench and looked at him with glazed eyes. "So what did you expect earlier when you came into the bathroom and I told you to close your eyes?"

"I don't know," he muttered as he took a sip of the yellow drink. "You just seemed so .... nice!" Fiona smirked.

"Didn't expect you to see what I was doing to Greg," Fiona admitted and looked into her drink. "I love playing with shy and innocent guys. If you lived up here then I'd love to play with you. I just love corrupting young minds," she said with a giggle. "I've had lots of practice!"

"Why? That's just ..."

"It's just me," Fiona interrupted. "And Greg doesn't mind. Why should he?" Her eyes looked at the confused teenager and she stroked her hair back. "If you were a psychologist you'd probably deduce that my first boyfriends and my first sexual experiences were with inexperienced boys and I just love corrupting them. But nothing's malicious." She shrugged and took a swig of her alcohol. "I do like helping people."


"Well, let me see," Fiona blurted out and tapped her drink. "Since I was your age I've deflowered eight guys. And every single one has gone on to have a serious relationship with someone else. This term, I've helped a nice guy come out of his shell and get his first ever date and I've got loads of matchmaking experience under my skirt." She slurred her speech slightly and rubbed her hands together with a mischievous glint in her eye. "So whatever is causing your moodiness I can help."

"I'm not moody," he moaned and took a deep breath. "It's so easy for you. Greg's mum and dad let you spend time together and you can do what you want away from school. I don't get that."
