Fire and Ash Ch. 02


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"That's just the problem – her low self-esteem. I can't ... no, I won't take advantage of her, not while she's this vulnerable. Huh, listen to what I just said ... in my head it sounds like I'm going to have a greater relationship with her than I have now. But I can't – I have you and I'm sure not going to give you up. No way, Jose."


"Well I wasn't planning on giving you up either, but she and I have developed a connection, and I would like to explore it. Understand – I'm not asking your permission, but if this is something you feel uncomfortable about ... "

"Don't worry about me, hon. I don't own you, we're together by mutual agreement. Go my child; explore your destiny!" And I kissed her on her head.

For my efforts I got smacked on the arm and called a "Smart-ass". But she left with a smile and a skip in her walk.


Laurie joined Ashley at the VA hospital; they were always happy to have a volunteer, but a beautiful one ... who wouldn't?

Several months went by, Laurie spent more and more time with us, only going home to sleep or change clothes. I watched her regrow her self-confidence; there was a dance in her step and a permanent smile on her lips. She was always within touching distance of Ashley or me, and I swear the women were always kissing one another. Not lip biting, pawing at each other kissing -soft kisses, the tender kind that say; "we have a bond, and are confident in it."

Not that I was ignored. Far from it: Laurie always greeted me with the warmest of hugs, and kisses that were soft, yet curled my toes.

I know I told Ashley I wanted to wait, but it was getting tougher to do.


In early February my nephew called. His mom – my sister – was ill. Could I come to visit?

I hadn't seen Angie in years; nothing bad you understand, it was just one of those things I kept meaning to do. So of course I told him I'd be down in a few days. "Can you be here tomorrow?"

"Why? What's the rush?"

"They're going to operate on a tumor on Thursday and she'd like to see you before then."

That changed everything. I explained to the girls what little I knew, packed somethings and jumped into my car, heading six hours south.


I stayed at Sis's house while I visited; her son had turned into man since I last saw him and was an apprentice lineman – about half way through his course.

Sis was sis. By that I mean she never let things get her down. Ok, she had a tumor, the doc would take it out and she'd be fine. She knew it. Oh, and the tumor would probably be a gold nugget!

I spent a lot of time with her both before and after the operation -a success by the way, although there was no gold the tumor was benign – and somehow she got me talking about Ashley and then Laurie, and everything that was going on.

"It sounds to me you should marry those girls before they give up on you. You're not the prettiest dog on the block, you know."

"What? Both? Isn't that illegal?"

"Oh, I don't mean a church wedding, probably no judge will do it either, but you must make a commitment to both of them.

"And just how, smart sister, do you know this?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I've been talking with Ashley. She has such a pleasant voice, and I can hear her love for you even over the phone. She told me all about Laurie, and the club, and how you wanted to go bash some heads. And about how Laurie is head over heels in love with you, AND how you have some macho idea about not taking advantage of a damsel in distress. Brother mine, thick as a rock brother mine, marry the girl, girls, whatever! And as soon as I recover I'll come up to meet them. They do sound so in love with you ... although I'm not sure why, since you're so uncouth." And with a big smile she sent me home.


I'd gotten a late start, and with stopping for gas and dinner, I didn't roll in until a little after eleven. I'd meant to call Ashley, but had forgotten to charge the cell while visiting. Flat cell phones don't reach very far.

Anyway; I pulled into the driveway, the house was dark except for the one light we always left on in the kitchen. Knowing Ashley would be asleep, I thought I'd find a sexy way to waken her. So I crept up the stairs and down the hall to our bedroom. I was just about to call her name, but in the moonlight coming through the bedroom windows I saw two heads on the pillow! I almost reacted – until I realized the other was Laurie. They were cuddled together, almost nose to nose and it looked like under the covers their arms were over each other.

I stood in the doorway for several minutes, one hand idly rubbing Hoover's head, taking it all in.

My mouth went dry, tears formed on my cheeks. My heart was pounding. Sis was right. I had to find a way to marry them. Both of them.

I went back to the kitchen, making a bit of noise as I put the coffee maker on. I heard rustling behind me, turned, and there was Ashley with my old Army .45 pointed at me, her hands shaking so much I was afraid the gun would go off. "Mack? What the hell? You scared the crap out of us!"

I stepped to her and put my hand over the hammer, taking the gun from her hands. "Hi Honey, I'm home!"

"Dammit Mack! You could have given me a warning, then I ..."

"What? Could have sent Laurie home?"

Her eyes got big; "You know ...?"

"Yes and its okay. Oh and Laurie ... you can come in here too. I promise I won't bite you ... much."

God she was beautiful! Hair all tousled, no make-up, wrapped up in my robe, trying to make sense of what was going on.

First I kissed Ashley. Thoroughly, passionately, longingly. Then I stepped to Laurie. I poured everything I had been holding back into that kiss. When it was over, no one in that room had a doubt about my feelings for these two loving women.

I took them by the hands, leading them back to our bedroom. "Ladies, it is absolutely clear that I love you both. But I've been up almost twenty hours, and I'm dead on my feet. Can we get some sleep and I promise I'll tell you everything in the morning."


Somewhere around the crack of dawn I woke to quiet giggling, hands on my chest, and lips on my cock. Two pairs of lips. They had me hard and straining, and when I groaned, well, someone pushed her lips clear to my groin. I've never been deep-throated. Ashley can't do it. Laurie was rising and falling on my crank like she was pumping water. I finally had to stop her; I didn't want to blow off in her mouth. Not yet. I tugged her up, feeling her tits scrapping their way up my belly. "You called?"

"Laurie, that is the most fantastic feeling, but right now I want to be in you, and kissing you, and telling you how much I love you."

"Before you can fuck me ... there is one condition ... If we do this, if you slide your cock into me, that's a commitment. Understand? I'm not going to be a fuck toy to be tossed away later. If you fuck me you're saying you really love me."

So she'd been talking to Ash. Even in the dim morning light I could see the want in her eyes. A quick glance at Ashley, and her nod of approval, and I pushed up, impaling my new lover. She let her breath out with a whoosh and drove herself down onto me.

She stretched out atop me, chest to chest, hips against each other, her legs balanced on mine.

"Mack Donald, I love you. I have for a very long time. I love Ashley too ... I hope you're okay with that?" I just nodded; "That's good, because I plan on moving in this house, this bed, and screwing your brains out."

Without moving any other part of her body she did just that. She flexed pussy muscles I never knew existed. They were pulsing, quivering, rolling. My cock felt like it was being stretched and squeezed at the same time. She was looking deep in my eyes all the time, and whenever I came close to orgasm – she stopped! A set of muscles clamped around my cock and she just held me there.

Finally I couldn't take any more. I flipped her to her back and pounded. It didn't take me long, I'll tell you, and I came. God I came! She'd built me to such a fever pitch that my hips must have been a blur, that's what it felt like. Her legs were wrapped around my hips, her heels pounding into my butt - urging me on. I felt her fingers digging into my shoulders. And then we came together!

I had broken down into spasmodic twitches and grinds, she had frozen against me; arms and legs clasping me in an iron grip. It was only when we heard Ashley whisper; "Wow!" that Laurie began to relax. And when she did ... she went totally limp. I barely managed to fall to her side.

I'm sure we only lay like that for a few minutes, but it felt a lot longer. It was Ashley whispering to me that brought me back to the now; "Mack, that was beautiful! I love you. I love Laurie. Mack - are you alright?"

I heard my voice crack as I asked; "Is it still there?"


"My dick ... I think she broke it. Look in her pussy, see if it's still there."

She laughed; "No honey, it's still attached. Can you feel this?"

"This" was her mouth sliding over my bent and broken pole; first slowly and gently, then more forcefully until I rose to full staff again.

"Mmmm, she tastes good on you. We'll have to do a lot of this. In the meantime ..."

I felt her slick puss clasping the head of my rejuvenated cock. As she engulfed all of me, Laurie rolled against my side – her hand first caressing my chest, then reaching up to pinch Ashley's closest nipple. Ashley slowly increased her pace, and soon I was thrusting to meet her. It took a while for me to cum again so Ashley would dismount, Laurie would suck my hard dick for a moment, and then Ashley mounted me again.

Have you ever had a moment where you just seemed to be floating above your body? Somewhere in that morning I did: I could look down, watch a beautiful woman riding post on my hard shaft, while another -equally beautiful –woman caressed my chest, kissed my lips, and whispered the sexiest of encouraging words in my ear.

My mind shattering orgasm snapped me back within myself.

All I could do was lay there; my arms around the two of them; Ash still on my chest and Laurie wrapped around us.

It's a good thing this was Sunday, because we didn't move for several hours. When we finally crawled out of bed it was a mad dash for the bathrooms as everyone had to pee like over watered race horses. Yeah, I lost the race; two bathrooms and they split up as if it had been planned. I could only pace the hall until I heard a shower running in the master bath. That was it. I burst in and just stood over the toilet in total joy.

Laurie peeked around the shower door, giggled, and said; "If you're through playing with yourself you can come scrub my back ..."


I almost screamed when I realized Mack was in the doorway. I didn't mean to cheat on him, and maybe – technically – me being with Laurie was cheating, but it sort of felt like it, and I planned to talk to him when he returned. We'd grown close after the nightclub, but it was only when Mack went to his ill sister that Laurie and I actually became intimate.

We didn't plan it or anything; she and I were having wine, we were both feeling sleepy, and it was raining. So ... I suggested she spend the night with me, I was missing Mack and feeling lonely, and maybe feeling the wine too. Anyway ... she gave me a look ... and I knew I wanted her in my bed. What's more ... I just knew she wanted to be there also.

I stood to lead her, she took my hand, and one of us turned the other in for a kiss. Or maybe we turned each other. It doesn't matter because we ended up standing in the middle of the living room, locked in a kiss that went on and on.

We didn't race to the bedroom ... we walked slowly, holding hands, stopping every few feet to exchange light, promissory kisses. Next to the bed, I slipped off my clothes, standing before her nude. Her fingers traced over my breasts, caressing my nipples to hardness. I lifted them to my lips, kissing the tips.

My fingers were trembling as I unbuttoned her blouse. This was a new experience for me; undressing a woman, but I so wanted this. She shook the loose blouse from her shoulders, and left her arms at her side, offering her silky, bare breasts to me. "No bra?"

"I've been hoping we would do this for weeks now ... I've been ready for you all this time. I ... I don't know what to do. I've never loved a woman, never wanted to. Ash, I love you. Mack too, but right now ... please ... love me too?"

For the first time ever I tasted a woman's breast. I hadn't thought about it; maybe I thought there was some great difference from woman to woman, it was soft and firm, the nipple hardening against my lips, the skin smooth with a hint of her scent. My lips dragged over her; seeking the points that excited her; points I knew well on myself.

I became aware of one of her hands exploring my breasts while the other pulled me harder against her. I took all I could in, flicking the nipple with my tongue, and then I tried to smile at the groan I heard/felt coming from her.

When I came up for air she tumbled me to the bed and we sought each other; lips to lips, nipples crushing against breasts, her still dressed hips grinding against my bare pussy lips. I clawed at her pants – they had to go NOW!

She was trying to kick them away while her fingers pawed at my very wet lips. We were getting nowhere, and finally realized it. With a laugh she stood, kicked the clothes away and slithered next to me; her hands seeking my breasts, her lips mine. Lips ... I knew there were different ones; Mack's were a bit rough and hard, but Laurie's had a soft quality to them that I found new and exciting.

We explored each other that night – I tasted a pussy other than mine ... and I liked it. Laurie feasted on me, and I loved that. We stroked and kissed and caressed until we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Only minutes later I woke and looked again at the vision beside me, her face still shiny with my juices. Gently I licked one cheek, then her lips. Her eyes opened, looking directly into mine; "I love you." I said. She gave me a small smile and drifted back to sleep.

The next morning, while my darling lover slept, I called Mack's sister Angie. First to hear how she was doing, and secondly for advice. Even though she was scheduled for surgery later in the day she took my call and when she heard my dilemma she chuckled; "Ashley, follow you heart. One day I'll tell you why I say that, but for now – trust me on this – if you both love my brother, and if he loves you, grab him. You already know he's a good man, he'll do you both proud."

Laurie and I spent the next three days and nights together, oh not all of that in bed; we still loved sitting in the kitchen talking over coffee, only now we had a deeper understanding of each other.

The day before Mack came home (unexpectedly) Laurie asked what we would tell him. "I won't lie to him," I said, "he deserves to know the truth, I think he'll understand ... I only hope he doesn't force me to choose between you, I don't know if I could. I know I don't want to."

We went to bed that night, thinking it might be our last together. We clung to each other, neither wanting to voice our fear, yet reading it in the other's eyes. I think we fell asleep like that.


I sat at the kitchen table watching two beautiful women prepare brunch. Laurie wore one of my t-shirts and a pair of panties and Ash just had panties. It was fun watching them brush against each other as they moved around and every now and then they would exchange small kisses.

Sis was right. I loved them both, and I would marry them both. Somehow.

"Mack, why the serious face?"

"I have a problem ..."

"Not us I hope?"

"No, and yes ... and ... well ... I want to marry you, but I'm not certain how to go about it."

"You mean you want to marry Ash?"

"No, not quite, and Ash hear me out. I want to marry you both. I want to commit myself to both of you."

"Oh silly, you already did. Remember this morning? What did Laurie say before she let you in ... If you fucked her you were committing to her? That's the same thing I told you too. Remember? We are committed. Now don't you worry your pretty head, we women will take care of things."

"Yeah, but ..."

"No buts," Said Laurie; "We understand what you want. We don't need it, really we don't, but if it'll make you feel better ... well, I can if Ashley can."

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auhunter04auhunter04over 2 years ago

Bastard, how come he gets two and I can't even a female to look at me unless it is at a checkout line

AFoolRushesInAFoolRushesInabout 3 years ago

Moving on to the next chapters. Enjoying this immensely.

dirtyomandirtyomanalmost 10 years ago
A Very Rare Situation.

As I read this episode, I understood the complications that were looming in the future.

However, I felt the charactors you have built, would find an answer. I am looking forward for more episodes with these three.I really enjoyed the first chapter, & this one blew my mind.

Thank you for these hours of pure enjoyment. Looking forward to more.

Paxo1944Paxo1944almost 10 years ago
This is Getting Better

This is turning into a fantastic series. I can't wait to read how Mack marries his two lady friends. Looking forward to it.

mammoetmammoetalmost 10 years ago
great again

more please

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