Fire Ch. 09


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"One's dressed better." she muttered wryly. He did smile at that. And she managed to smile back. "Sounds like you've given it a lot of thought."

He nodded. "I've had a lot of time to do so."

She sighed and nodded again. The skin on her face and arms prickled strangely, and she felt a little sick, but her head felt clear now at least.

"Now what?"

He let out something like a snort, though too elegant to bear the name. "Now you ask me? I think you know how I'd answer that."

She looked up at him in confusion. It took her a moment to realize what he was saying. Her shoulders slumped.

"I meant what do we do about what just happened, those men...but yes...I do know what you'd say." She pursed her lips. "I told you so?"

He didn't confirm or deny that. But then, he didn't need to. He put his hands behind his back and walked over to the ledge, tipping his head to look back up the alley way. He looked oddly at ease, almost casual. 'Probably used to it.' She thought morosely. Well she certainly wasn't. She shuddered convulsively. The tingling chill on her skin seemed to be seeping into her bones.

"It appears to be out of our hands now. They've been found. Though I don't think there's much to worry about. If they're local to this neighborhood, then no one will take the time to investigate, if they are foreigners...same thing." He smiled slightly. "And if they are wealthy and in the wrong part of town, then it is unlikely their families will want that information getting out...or more likely they'll use it as an excuse to blame a favorite enemy. Either way..." He turned and sat on the ledge with a dismissive shrug, crossing his arms over his chest. "But as to the other you said, now what? Do you still wish to continue?"

She sighed. "It seems I've been duly chastised, so I suppose I should just give in."

"But you don't want to give up just yet."

She shook her head again. "No, actually I do want to...I...I don't think I can do...that...again. And you're right, I'll probably have to. I wanted to face them, to go out that way if I have to. I wanted to be brave, to fight, or at least to face my death... with my boots on, as they say...but I don't think I'm prepared to do what I'd have to."

She smirked sadly. "Look." She held out a hand, palm down. It was shaking like a leaf. "Not exactly nerves of steel."

"You don't have to die."

She scoffed, but it was humorless as she was also biting back the sting of tears. "Yet." She swallowed and cleared her throat of the unshed tears. "As you said...delaying the inevitable."

She recalled her many contemplations about her possible death at his hands; that long weakening as her life was slowly drained from her. Her 'death by pleasure.' A wry smile pulled at her lips.

He shook his head. "That was only because you were running in the wrong direction. There are other places you can go Thea. The world is a big place to get lost in. There are other lands, other empires. Most superior to this one."

"If they're so superior, why are you here?" she asked, genuinely curious. His brows arched slightly and he looked at the flat roofing stones contemplatively.

"Old habits die hard?" he offered with a quirk of his lips. He sighed. "My own eccentricities aside, there truly are better places for you Thea, even within the empire. Demosus is as much a festering hole as this city is, but at least it does it with a certain forgivable grandeur."

She was compelled to smile at that. "Perhaps."

"I still hear that 'but.'"

She swallowed and gripped the edges of her cloak, missing her skirts where normally she'd hide her shaking hands. She gave him a look which she knew must be absolutely pitiful, but she couldn't contain it.

"I don't want to be alone. Not again...I can't do it again. I can't. I'd rather die...truly."

His face softened considerably and he stood.

"No one said you had to. You don't have to. Come with me."

What was she to say to that? 'Yes, God yes?' It was so very tempting, to throw herself into his arms and wish away the rest of the world. She wanted to, badly. There was little else she desired. But old fears still rode her hard. It would hurt too much when he finally left her, she wanted him too much...loved him too much.

It didn't matter who or what he was. She was already his, completely, to keep or throw aside as he saw fit. She clenched her jaw and held her breath to fight the tightening in her chest.

That little voice was right when it told her to run. It was always right. It knew from the start that he was dangerous...that he could hurt her in ways no one else could, in places no one else could reach, places she had long kept hidden and protected. She had always prided herself on her strength, on her self-reliance...but he undid her. He made her weak.

He took a step forward.

"But for how long?" she whispered, her voice suddenly tiny.

He cocked his head at her and searched her face. Finally he gave her a thin smile.

"I suppose, for as long as you can stand me."

She smiled faintly back. "Won't you tire of me? You'll stay young and..."

He moved in close again, his palm cupping her cheek firmly. She turned automatically into it before she could steel herself.

"I will never tire of you Thea." Her heart ached as she gazed up at him. She desperately wanted that to be true.

"Never is a long time Jairus." She felt his fingers tighten almost imperceptibly against her skin as his head tipped lower towards hers and his other arm snaked around her waist.

"Longer than you know." She thought she could see a question in his eyes, but then it might have just been the reflection of the questions she knew were swirling in her own. "Thea," he began again, his voice lower, "You could...if you desire it..."

His eyes glinted meaningfully at her. She trembled, wondering if he was saying, suggesting, what she thought he was. She remembered what he said about once being human, about being turned. Could he do that to her? Would he even want to? Did she want him to? Never for a moment had she considered....

"Yes." She gasped out before she could process the remains of that thought.

His arm tightened and the fire in his eyes flared to life.

"I'll go with you...stay with you." She added quickly, still not quite sure what she had been gasping yes to. His grip remained firm as he tipped her mouth up to his, brushing his lips over hers in a gentle kiss. Her own hands came up, cupping his face in return and holding him to her as she deepened the kiss.

He gladly let her take over and wrapped both arms around her, pulling her tight against him. Everything else was suddenly as nothing to him. The voices and carnage below, the Huroth, the city, even his very self, his history, was obliterated, made suddenly meaningless. There was only her, her mouth, her scent, her soft warm body pressed against him, and her 'yes.' He didn't care what she was saying yes to, only that it was yes. Only that it was vehemently, and absolutely yes.

She broke the kiss first and clung to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her head against his shoulder.

Eventually he noticed she was shaking and the world returned to him at a slow creep.

"Are you cold?"

She nodded.

"Let's get inside then." He smirked into her hair. "I imagine you could use some time to lick your wounds as well." Her shoulders shook in a silent laugh under his hands and she nodded again.

"Maybe you could give me a hand, you seem to be better at that then I am."

His smile widened at that as she peeked up at him through her eyelashes, her eyes finally registering a glint of real humor and mischief, a sight which sent a bolt of relief through him, telling him she would be alright.

He let out a sigh of mock resignation.

"Well, maybe this once...for old times sake."


His previous overconfidence led him to keep watch much more carefully as they neared the 'usual' meeting place. He rubbed the bridge of his nose to dispel the mild ache that had begun to build there. He didn't require much sleep, but he did need some. The last three days had provided little, especially today.

He had wanted to stay ready in case they were found, so they both remained dressed and seated on the bed. She had dozed off quickly, no doubt unaccustomed to the rush of adrenaline which had been driving her the night before. He hadn't wanted to let her out of his grasp, never mind out of his sight, so he spent the night propped at the head of the bed soothing her as best he could through her unsurprisingly troubled sleep.

Looking at her now she seemed so different from what she was a few hours ago. She had looked so small, so delicate, curled up in his lap, her hands gripping his shirt and head buried under his chin as she'd flinched and whimpered her way through god knows what nightmares. Now she gazed down into narrow street below, her expression calm and eyes careful, her strong clear profile catching the faint light of a nearby lamp making it appear even harder and more angular. The dark circles under her eyes were the only evidence of the dark dreams which had plagued her. Her eyes flicked to his and he nodded.

"We don't really need the money." He reminded her.

She nodded right back. "Still, it can't hurt, and this way you might be able to tell for certain what your friend is up to."

"Or threaten him more efficiently."

"Or that. Besides, if he decides to follow..."

He nodded. "We can use that to our advantage and put an end to it." he finished. "I'm curious to know who he's working for. Though I suspect I know who it is already."

"How do you know?"

"One offered to pay more."

She nodded. "That would do it. What are you going to say?"

"That it seemed someone came after my informant and spooked the lad, and that I've lost him. Poor thing went right out the window." He smiled at her, and she grinned back.

"Yes...and ouch." She muttered dryly.

He chuckled.

"So I stay here and watch for Huroth and some young dark haired boy?" she asked, her expression sobering as she returned her gaze to the street.

"Not that young, somewhere between 16 and 20 I wager, but young enough. And you know what Marcus looks like already." She nodded and steeled her expression.

"Alright then. I'll be waiting here. Good luck."

"Luck has nothing to do with it."

Her lips twitched. "All the same. Take what you can get, when you can get it. That's what Berin tells me at least."

"wise man, I'll have to remember that." He stood next to her and tipped his head over the edge to ensure the street remained clear. "You'll be alright?"

She took a breath and it shook slightly as she nodded in his periphery. "I can take care of myself."

"Of this I am aware. You've proven that." He turned his eyes on her. "That wasn't what I was asking."

She didn't look at him, but he could see her eyes whirling, even in the darkness. Finally she gave him a curt nod.

"Yes...I think so. I'll be alright." She looked up then and gave him what he assumed she hoped was a brave smile. It looked pained to him. He reached forward, took her by the nape of the neck, and pulled her toward him, giving her a chaste peck on the forehead.

"Don't go running off now." He gave her a tight mouthed frown and narrowed his eyes, effectively pulling a much more honest smile from her lips.

"I won't." He nodded once more and without further preamble leapt down over the ledge of the roof. He landed quietly in the empty street, casting a covert glance upward before moving around the corner to the entrance.


"Genius. I'd never have thought of that. The warden is furious and went on a war path the second he thought someone might be trying to get rid of him. Of course only one man had access to his rooms so...." he chuckled. "Wonderful, absolutely wonderful." the man beamed at him.

Jairus gave him a stoic nod. "I'm glad you approve."

He nodded enthusiastically. "I do, I do."

Marcus smiled and cleared his throat and the man started slightly.

"Ah, well, I guess you want the rest then don't you." He placed a leather purse on the table and stood, wiping his hands on his pant fronts. The other two remained seated. "Well it's all there. Wouldn't even think of trying to cheat you." he said with a nervous laugh and nodded to Jairus. "Doubt that would be good for my health."

"No indeed." Jairus gave him a hint of a smile before turning his gaze on Marcus, whose eyes flicked toward him, but never fully connected with his. The man excused himself with a nod. As soon as the door clicked closed Jairus spoke, his voice low. "Well now..." He opened the leather purse and counted out Marcus's cut by feel, his eyes set on the agents face.

"Got impatient did you Marcus?" He used the blade of his hand to push the stacked coins in his direction before retying and pocketing the rest. Fair is fair after all.

Marcus, to his credit gave him a mildly curious look. "What's that you mean? No more impatient then usual..." he grinned lightly "whatever you're accusing me of."

"Someone...someone working with or for Othwyn, scared away my contact last night..."

"Really? You know you never did introduce us properly. I might have found 'im safer quarters for you."

"and I saw your boy." He continued as if Marcus had remained silent.


"Don't be coy Marcus. I don't blame you...entirely. I might have done the same thing. Othwyn is paying more after all...but I'll tell you now, he's not the horse to bet on, that is, if you should be betting at all." Marcus leaned in and narrowed his eyes.

"Alright, since were speaking of games here, what the hell have You been playing at. Who's this contact, what do they know? You've got my balls in a vice, I know you're well aware of options are limited." Jairus knew he wasn't easy to read, but Marcus was surprisingly adept at it. Years of working together no doubt, it had to count for something. It'd been very foolish to have underestimated him like he had. 'I'm certainly old enough to know better.' he thought sourly.

"Yes. I know. But I assure you, I'm not playing." He rose slowly and placed his palms on the table leaning in and letting his gaze burrow into Marcus a little longer. "In fact, I am deadly serious. I recommend you let this one slide. Consider it a personal favor. If not, then I'll have to take it...personally."

"Are you threatening me?"


Marcus blinked a few times before he managed to get control over himself again.

"I see. That's it then? No explanation? Just, 'drop it'."

"Correct." He straightened and adjusted his cloak. "I highly recommend your little watch dog keep his nose out of my business as well. He seems promising. I'd hate for you to lose him so early." He turned to leave. Marcus was no fool. If that threat wasn't enough, nothing would be. He'd said all he needed to.

"Will you at least tell me where you found her, or at least when?" Jairus paused and cocked his head to look back at Marcus, holding him in his gaze for a long time. 'Was there any point', he wondered, 'in telling him'? Would something go wrong if he did? No, he decided, it didn't matter. And there was something strangely amusing about the answer to that question. He smiled slightly.

"I'm not sure if it counts as irony or not, but I always knew where she was. I merely...went home."

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superfeluously_esuperfeluously_ealmost 10 years ago
Love it!

Truly blessed to be able to read this for free. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

This story is wonderful! I love it!

countrygirlflacountrygirlflaover 13 years ago

Just keeps getting better,,great job!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great story

I really loved this story and like many others I am very picky about which stories I will read and found yours amasing. I like the characters and flow of the story with an adventure not just sex. I read it all through and now can't wait for more. Hope you post another one soon. Really soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great Story

I just found this story recently. I couldn't stop reading it! I hope you continue it further. It still has a great deal of potential.

Thanks for sharing it with us!

Lady_DracoLady_Dracoover 14 years ago

I can't believe how, well you write, its absolutly amazing. I'm very picky about what I read usually I just skim stories to get the general idea of what they are about, its very rare that ill find one where I read it straight through. Its amazing how much talent you have, I was sucked in from the first words, and I can't wait to be able to finish the rest of it. I hope you will be able to finish the story soon, sense this isn't a story you can easily figure out what's going to happen next, this is definitly one in which you must read the whole thing through. You have a wonderful gift for storytelling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Captured my Heart

I found this story yesterday, and read it straight through.

You have a unique talent for writing.

Your description of the love scenes are very believable. The feelings your writing has evoked in me are not common.

Please keep up the exceptional story line.

I am now reading your Hunter series, and like it almost as well.

Good Luck,

Oregon Fan!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
please finish this story!!

:O so cruel to abandon your readers like this. i just came upon this story, and read it straight through and now i'm dying to know what happens next! please finish this story...its well written, the plot and characters are fantastic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Devastated to realise there hasn't been an update for months. This is by far the most compelling read on the site, i've just read it straight through and can't wait for the next installment...I hope it's soon!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
love it

i ran across your story 2 days ago and have been on "fire" reading until i got caught up. i'm enjoying every bit of your story. jairus, the sex, the chemistry... all so hot! please, please, post another update soon!

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