Fire Island 1960 Something Ch. 02


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"She was silent again for a while and then whispered: 'Me too, really, but ... well, ... you know, ... where I come from in Missouri ... Oh, it doesn't matter,' and she stroked my ass again, and then asked: 'Have you ..., have you done it before?' I shook my head, replying: 'No, never, never thought about doing it with a girl. We're not like that. It just happened, ... and was good,' I added again. She nodded, but then shook her head: 'I don't know about me ... It was better than doing it with a man, for me, what you were doing. I don't know ...?' 'Um-hmm,' I nodded, 'sometimes it isn't this good with a man, ... but that doesn't mean we're ... different. We just naturally know better what makes it good for each other. Any girl would like it if it happened to her. We're just lucky. Who knows, maybe men do it even better.'

"She giggled: 'I wish I had found out ... no, then I still wouldn't know, 'cause we wouldn't have done it,' and she giggled again, and then slid her hand down and played in my hair with her fingers and said: 'Whatever kind of girl I am, I'm not a good girl,' and giggled again. 'I think you're good,' I replied, 'you know how the joke goes: "And when she was good, she was very, very good, but when she was bad, she was better."' She giggled again, her fingers still exploring in my hair, and then slid her hand up my stomach and found my breast, holding it, touching my nipple, making it stiff, and then sliding down and holding the other one.

"Can we turn on the lights?' she asked, 'Take off your top.' I nodded and said 'okay', and felt her sit up and start take off her nightgown before I did. Then she felt around till she found the switch to the table lamp. I blinked in the sudden light, and when my eyes became accustomed to it, saw her sitting on the bed looking at me and looked at her, and we both smiled a little self-consciously. 'I guess we wouldn't have done it if it hadn't been so dark,' she said, and I nodded in agreement. 'You have nice breasts,' she went on; 'nicer than mine, and looked down at her own and brought her hands up under them.

"'Not nicer,' I corrected her, just a little larger,' and smiled at her when she looked back up at me and then said: 'You think so? That's nice. Funny, we've never seen each other naked, really naked, in all the weeks; maybe a backside, putting on panties, or a little from the side when putting on a bra, but not like this. Funny. I haven't even seen my sister naked - like this - since we got hair and breasts. She's real blond, much blonder than you. I wonder if her ... pubic hair is that blond too? Funny, I never thought about that before. Yours isn't.'

"I was sitting cross-legged, so, of course, she could see mine, but she was sitting with both her knees to one side, so I couldn't see hers, but when I glanced down at mine, she surprised me by moving her leg so I could see hers and then said: 'Mine's about the same color. You have more than me,' and she touched hers and then lowered her leg again.

"Then she glanced at her alarm clock and said: 'Gee, it's late. I guess we better go to sleep.' Yeah,' I agreed and started to get up from her bed. She reached out her hand and touched my hip, 'Thank you. That was real good. Gee, I never came twice in one night before, and not that good,' and she looked up and smiled at me, 'that was good.' I smiled back, and said so too, and then got in my bed, and we said goodnight and she turned off the light."

I slid my hand up her side and found her breast and said:

"I bet your breasts really are nicer than hers were."

" I thought so too, but I wasn't going to tell her."

I nodded and rolled her nipple between my thumb and fingers.

"And then?" I asked.

"Oh, at first in the morning it was a little funny. We had both gone to sleep nude, so when the alarm rang and we both sat up, our usual routine was immediately broken. At first we just smiled a little sheepishly at each other, but then got out of bed and looked at each other and laughed, and after that - till the end of the course - made no pretensions about not letting each other see each other naked, even sometimes tempting each other a little; one trying to use the mirror while the other was using the washbasin, touching inadvertently. It was nice, but we never talked about it again.

"But we did it again, if that's what you want to know. Yeah, I guess neither of us had to do it to herself after that. No, that night we didn't do it, just went to bed as always before, maybe the next too. Since neither of us seemed to want to mention it again, there wasn't really a way to start again, but then one night, when I woke up after a nice dream, I started to do it, and she heard me - maybe I wanted her to. She giggled softly and asked if I needed any help, and, of course, that broke the ice, and she came in my bed ....

"Yeah, after that we did it pretty often, I guess, when we happened to go to bed at the same time, just glancing a little at each other as we were getting undressed, trying not to make obvious that we were thinking about it, that we were both timing our actions so that the one who washed first wasn't already in her nighty. And then when we were both naked, we would sort of look at each other questioningly and then do it, after that second time with the bedlamp on. Sure, we both wanted to see it, each other's pussy.

"Oh, once, when we both came home late; we did it and fell asleep lying that way. That was surprising, waking up with my head still on her thigh. I was thinking about doing it again, waking her up that way - that would be nice - but then she woke up too, and just turned around, and we fell asleep again in each other's arms. I was surprised that she hadn't gone back to her bed, but it was nice. Again in the morning, we were a little sheepish about it, not saying anything. It was sort of funny going to breakfast together after having just gotten up that way. That was the first time I really slept with someone."

She rubbed my hip again and said:

"Now you'd better do it real good to me, too."

"I'll try," I replied and nodded my head, and stroked her shaven mushie.

She fondled my cock and balls and then said:

"You've got sunoil all over your sex."

"I know. That's why I'm going to do it with my mouth instead of fucking, if you ever finish."

„I have. You asked to hear it."

"But I didn't know it was going to be so long and detailed, but it sure was good."

"Lick my pussy!"

Oh, I was looking forward to doing it. What kind of man wouldn't want to do it, especially if his girl liked it. And then my mouth was on the lips of her mushie, and my tongue exploring as I smelled and tasted her, strange, but very sexy. If anything tastes sexy, a pussy must. My tongue swept the length of her lips once and then explored her inner ones and then in her hole, a woman's vagina, moist and slippery, and tasting so sexy, and I heard her sigh and her stomach draw in as my tongue moved in it, rolling her hips a little towards me.

Then it found her clitoris, and her thighs twitched as it move on it,

"Oh, yes," she sighed, and my tongue fluttered on it.

"Oh, yes, like that. I've been waiting for this so long."

Her raised thigh sank down on my ear. Oh, she was so juicy, all over my face, and I held her ass and kept licking, and she was just sighing, like when she had been doing it to herself. This could take a long time, I remember thinking, recalling what she had said about doing it by herself, and then wondered if "the waves would just keep rolling in" or if she could come to more of a climax, if I could make her come to more of a climax, and hoped I could. And her hips were gently rocking as I licked and heard her softly moaning and wondered what else I could do for her.

I slid my hand back up over her waist and found her breast and started to fondle her nipple, and she nodded with an "um-hmm" as I continued to lick her clitoris. I felt her hand find my cock and balls and thought she must have her eyes closed from the way she first touched me - of course, she did, I thought, recalling how she had been when we were fucking. My tongue found its own rhythm as I rolled and pulled her nipple: up and back, up and back over the tip of her firm swelling, and then around it a couple of times, and then up and back over it again. I imagined how she looked, lying there with her eyes closed, her hand just familiarly holding my cock and balls - I wasn't really aroused - just keeping contact with my sex while I was making it good for her.

That's something nice about eating a girl's pussy, especially if you know that's all you're going to do; it just goes on and on, and you can have nice sexy thoughts, and that's the way it was there, just licking and sucking and fondling and enjoying trying to make it good for this nice pussy, for this nice girl that had given me so much pleasure, so much fucking good sex, and I was again surprised how easy the words came to me.

But now I wanted to trying to make it better for her - if I could - and let go of her breast and drew her ass to me with both hands and buried my nose in her juicy mushie and increased my effort. And she liked it, her thighs twitching and hips moving.

"Oh, yes, you do that good," she sighed and squeezed my sex.

"Get up over me. I want to lie on my back."

She raised her head and did, and I tried to keep my mouth on her pussy as I straddled her, kneeling, holding the cheeks of her ass behind her drawn up thighs. And then I was doing it again to her, up and down her pussy and on her clitoris, and then lowering my head to lick in her hole and then back on her clitoris. And she was sighing, moaning as before, like when she was doing it to her self. She sounded so aroused and satisfied.

That's some kind of a contradiction, but that's the way it sounded.

And I just kept on, enjoying the taste of her pussy and that I was making it good for her. After a long while this way, I stopped and raised my head and looked at her aroused pussy. It looked different now, her lips swollen and inner lips more pronounced, and her clitoris swollen and red, and I thought of a pavian's ass.

"You're not stopping?" she asked.

"No, I just wanted to look again, see your aroused mushie. It looks like it wants more." "Um-hmm," she replied; "it does. Oh, you look like a bull with your balls hanging down between your legs."

She touched them, pushing each of them forward a little and then raising them up slightly. "Did you ever see a bull's cock when he's about to do it? Wow. No man would ever brag about the size of his again."

She reached between my legs and held mine:

"But no woman would want anything bigger than yours."

Suddenly it occurred to me that she could also see my asshole, but then that it surely wasn't the first one she had seen. How many? How many men had she had sex with?

I lowered my head and started again, first all over her pussy with my mouth and then back where she wanted, on her swollen clitoris. She was still holding my cock and let her fingers roll it around, moving around my knob, and then I felt her hand slip down and let go as she began to sigh again, sighing and moaning as I sucked on her, making her thighs twitch again, and her hips move, and I knew she was enjoying again.

"Unnn, unnn, unnn, ummm," she was moaning: "That's good. Unnn, unnn, unnn, un-ummm, so good." And her thighs rose and held my head. And I tried to make it better.

Her hips were rocking like when we had been fucking, rocking her pussy gently up and down, and then less gently, gasping as her stomach drew in and raising her pussy to my mouth. I felt her hand slide up the inside of my thigh, and then her fingers slid up behind my balls and then the tips of them move up and touch my asshole, finding it and then rubbing on it. What did it look like, I wondered as I realized that she wanted me to touch hers too. Did she think she was going to come, really come? Like before, wanting it at the end?

I licked and sucked and slipped my fingers in between the cheeks of her ass, her rocking ass, and found it and started to rub it too. And she was still rubbing mine. Felt good, arousing, and I felt my cock respond.

"Hmmm, yes," she murmered: "That's good."

And my fingers were moving on her like my tongue was, and I felt it move, move like it had when we were fucking. Was she contracting in her pussy too? And it happened again, and my fingers were pressing on her asshole, and her moans became more intense, also the way she was touching me, her finger almost trying to get in it. Did she want that?

Oh, I wanted to make it good for her, anything that could make her come. I wet my finger in her cunt and then rubbed her asshole again, going deeper when it relaxed, and then feeling it tighten, and pressing on it again, and it tighten again on my finger tip, then moving it in and out a little as I sucked and licked, moving my finger in time with the contractions of her asshole, now tightening around my fingertip; and her hips started to move more, and she was gasping and panting, groaning real loud, and then cried out:

"Yes! ... Yes! ... Unn! Unn! Unn!"

And then she started to come, spurting her hot juice from her pussy, groaning and gasping and writhing under me, just more and more, and I tasted it. It was so sweet - at least, seemed so to me after the way it had tasted before.

When I felt her relax, I licked all around her wet pussy, and then let go of her and rolled on my side, resting my head on her thigh, real pleased that I had been able to make her come again. Had she passed out again, I wondered, hoping it had really been that good for her.

After several moments, she sighed and drew a deep breath and sighed again:

"Oh, that was good! I did it again; you did it again for me, so good. God, it was good! I never came that way before so good, thank you," and her hand stroked my thigh and hip. "Thank you. No one ever did it to me that good," and she sighed again.

After a moment's thought, she continued:

"Of course, most of the time, they wanted to fuck, and we did, and that was good too, but not this way, just with their mouth .. and their finger. ... Some guys don't like to do that."

I smelled my finger. She must have noticed: "Smells like pencil shavings." She was right.

"Thank you again, for that." "You taught me," I replied, "and showed me that you wanted it.

Felt good. Thank you."

We lay there for a couple of minutes in silence, just stroking each other's hip.

Finally she sat up, looking down at me. My head was still on her thigh. "A perfect score in oral gymnastics too," and she smiled at me. I reached up and fondled her breast:

"You're the best thing I've eaten ... since lunch."

"Oh you're a tease. Are you still hungry?"

I sat up.

"Nope, but thirsty. Do you have another beer? To hell with training, and I've got to go to the bathroom."

"Me too," she replied, and we went to the bathroom together.

"You can go first," she said, and I did, while she watched.

"Funny," she said while I went: " ... I never think about that when I'm doing it."

"Yeah, I guess. I didn't either," I replied as I shook my cock.

She sat down and went. She flushed and got up:

"Now something to drink," and we went to the kitchen.

She decided to have a beer too, and we stood leaning against the counter, and I took a long drink from the can, feeling a little bad about breaking training, but actually the training season didn't start till school began, and - I thought to myself - this was a day off the records, which made me think again about her "perfect scores." The thought almost made me choke on my beer.

When she asked what had happened, I told her what I had been thinking, and she laughed with me and then said more seriously, looking across the kitchen:

"Funny, I sort of feel worse about upsetting your training than ... uh ... cheating on my husband."

I didn't know what to say, or if I should say anything. I had forgotten about him, about her being married, conveniently forgot, I thought to myself.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned that," she continued:

"God, I've been horny out here sometimes during the week. When I saw you this morning, I guess I really only had one thing in the back of my mind. God, I was pleased when the water pushed my top off, pleased to be able to let you see my breasts, and then taking off my top on the way to the bathroom, hoping you would be watching."

She took another sip of beer, and I did too, replying:

"Oh, I did, and began to wonder what you had in mind, especially when you came back from your shower like that, and was real worried about what you might expect from me. ... My cock was telling me what any man would be thinking."

She laughed:

"I was a little worried too, if maybe I hadn't overdone it, and how you would react, and also about your not being as old as I had first thought. ... How old are you?"


"Well, that's all right. As I was lying there waiting for you and wondering - more than a little aroused by what I had started - about how you would return, that was bothering more than ..., well you know."

She took another drink from her can, and I did too, finishing it. She finished hers and said: "What about another shower?" So we took one, like before, well, we didn't kiss, just washing each other; she washing the sunoil off my sex and ass.

"Want a cup of coffee," she asked. It sounded like a good idea. I felt tired from the sun and beer and all. So she made the coffee, and we went out on the patio and sat in the shade.

"Now you have to tell me something. I've told you about two first times. Tell me about your first sexual experience."

"You," I replied and smiled at her.

"No, you must have some kind of experience, beating off with the boys or something; the first time you did it, discovered what else it was good for besides going to the bathroom."

"Oh, how did you know that boys do that?" She just smiled.

"Yeah, we did that, at summer camp, not much to tell, aiming for height and distance. The most interesting thing was the cock of the guy who wasn't circumcised, the way he could pull the skin over his knob. That intrigued us."

"Something better than that."

"Hmmm? ... Oh! ... I'd completely forgotten that. Hm-hmm! And surely didn't think of it as a sexual experience until just now, suddenly recalling it."

"Must have been young."

"Um-hmm. How old was I? Nine, I think, yeah. We were on a trip, the whole family, my parents, sister - she must have been fourteen then, and my little sister, seven. Oh, it wasn't a sexual experience for me. I'm only now thinking that it might have been, but I didn't have any thoughts about that back then."

"What happened?"

"She let me wash her take a bath. I guess she wanted me to watch, telling me that I didn't have to leave the bathroom."

"Sure she did, fourteen, even her little brother to see that she was growing up."

"I guess. Oh, I was a little surprised that she had hair and breasts. Hadn't noticed them before, although now with hindsight, I should have; more than the girls in my class when I was that age. But it wasn't a sexual experience for me back then."

"Probably was for her."

"I'm not going to ask her. Never happened again, and we never mentioned it. Disappointed?"

"If it wasn't, I can't be. Nothing else?"

"Hmm? What about my little sister's wanting me to tell her how adults kiss?"

"How old were you both then?"

"Fourteen and sixteen."

"And she thought you knew?"

"I think she knew more than I did, from what an older sister had told her girlfriend."

"Hm-hmm! Girl talk. And?"

"Well, I had heard about French kissing, but I wasn't going to tell her, but she told me what she had heard, thought it sounded a little yucky, but was willing to believe that it must be 'exciting', since she had heard that it was supposed to be."