Fire Queen

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A young princeling finds unlikely companionship.
9.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/06/2017
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I knew my brother, Djet, was up to something.

Though he was older, his dubious legitimacy to the crown meant he was second in line after me, as my mother had been our father's wife, while his had only been an informal fling with a courtier. The frustration and jealousy made him behave oddly at times, but never inappropriately.

So when he had the old man lead the camel carrying a large blood red box into the throne room I was curious to see what nonsense he'd procured now.

"Father, little brother," he proclaimed, nodding to my Father and I, sitting side by side on the plinth and overseeing the crowds gathered around in their celebratory finery.

"Prince Rahotep, today is your twenty-fifth name day. I know there has been much misery in your life of late, but I hope with this gift the flame of life will rekindle itself in your heart."

With these words, he bowed out of the way and the little old man stepped forward, bent almost double from age.

He threw back his cloak and stamped a long staff on the floor, and spread his other arm to the crowd.

They all fell silent, curious like I as to what magics he would perform.

"Far in the north of Egypt, across the great sea, where the sun hides its face, there are a race of people whose life blood runs so hot their skin whitens from the heat like metal in a furnace, and whose hair resembles the flame which burns within. Today I present to you one such female from this bizarre race."

He stamped his staff once again, and with a pop and a puff of smoke to startle people watching, the sides of the box on the back of the camel fell away one by one.

Sure enough on the beast's back was a girl, no more than eighteen summers of age, whose skin was like milk and whose hair looked as though she had been touched by blood. She also looked furious. Her wrists were tied together in front of her waist, tethered by a rope to the pummel of the saddle she sat on.

The clothing she wore had obviously been chosen to show off her colouring and skin to the optimum level, as it was just thin muslin cascading loosely across the front of her torso and trailing from a thin gold waistband in two parts from her front and back. Her shoulders, back and both legs were totally bare, bordering on indecent.

She looked around her for a moment, kicking at the old man as he approached the tether attaching her to the saddle. He dodged her leg with surprising grace, unhooking the lead quickly, and handing it to Djet who stood nearby.

"Here, brother. As Prince Regent you require a bed slave like no other, so I give to you this firebrand girl from the far North as a gift in fealty to your name."

As he finished speaking he bowed, and the girl acted. She yanked the rope binding her wrists hard, pulling it easily from Djet's grasp. The palace guards acted quickly, recapturing the rope and pulling hard, forcing her to fall forward off the camel and into an ornamental fountain just in front of her. She floundered for a moment in the shallow water before rising up and shouting angrily in a barbaric tongue I recognised as a language from the nomadic tribes in the north.

I was on the edge of my seat, immediately aware of how her once translucent clothing was now entirely clear. The guards kept advancing on her with weapons drawn.

"Stay your weapons." The guards looked from one another and then to me. The one holding her tether held it up in a clenched fist for me.

I looked to my father for his nod of permission before stepping off the dais. I took the tether hesitantly from the guard. I could see my brother nervously shift his weight from foot to foot, and knew that these events weren't what he intended from the performance.

Making my way toward the girl, still in the fountain, I pulled the rope taut so she couldn't yank it from my grip again. I saw a muscle tick in her jaw.

Up close I could see tiny dots lining the bridge of her nose, spanning across her cheeks and dappled across her fine collarbones. As I approached she retracted into herself slightly, as if to shield herself from me.

"Brother Djet, you have done me an honour in bringing me this fire, though you of all people should know not to turn your back on a flame that burns this fiercely. She will make a fine bed servant." Her eyes watched me carefully, but I got the impression she didn't understand my words, or that I wasn't talking to her directly. "Take her to my chambers, and make sure she's in dry clothes. I will see to her after the festivities."

The audience clapped as the girl was led, with a robe slung loosely around her shoulders for decency, from the throne room and up toward my chambers. I watched as she went, and she turned in her stumbling to catch my eye again. I was certain she had no idea what was going on in that moment.

Djet's heavy hand startled me from my study of her retreating form. The music hand started up and the performing troupe began their entertainment. Djet handed me my first goblet of fine wine for the evening and together we toasted the long life of our father.


It was almost dawn before I stumbled into the bedchamber, having totally forgotten the creature that awaited me there.

The oil lamps burned low in the recesses as I removed my ceremonial robes, preparing to get into bed in the nude. I almost missed her were it not for the chattering of her teeth, still tethered to the base of the bed.

Now she wore a soft brown muslin outfit, very similar to the other one from earlier. The chambers got very cold at night, but the furs which were mere feet away from her that I slept in would've kept her warm had anyone thought to throw them across her. Angrily I untied the rope, though I didn't remove the binding around her wrists just in case.

She was stiff from sitting for so long, and cold to the touch, but she still fought me as I pulled her toward the bed. In my still drunken state I was too tired to temper my irritation, not caring that she wouldn't understand me as I spoke to her.

"Stop it. You need to warm up now, and I'm in no mood for your nonsense. I don't intend to have anything to do with you this evening, I don't think I could with the amount of wine I've consumed even if I was inclined. Now come on, I know you'll be more comfortable in the bed anyway." I gave one last encouraging tug of her wrist binding and she tilted her head to me, perhaps hearing the tone of my voice. She looked longingly at the soft bed again and back to me, and stiffly took a step toward it.

She slipped into the furs with a sigh that woke a burning in my stomach which I quickly squashed. My feet hurt and everything on my ached. I was far too old to be drinking all night long like this, but Djet had insisted, bringing out delicacy and bizarre entertainment performance one after another. I hadn't been able to peel myself away. Everyone was thrilled with how the evening had gone. After how this past year had been in my private life, it had been exactly what I needed to unwind. I almost forgot my worries for a moment during the evening.

Now I had a firebrand in my bed, ready to be warmed. I slipped in behind her, and immediately she tensed. Too tired to reassure her, I just tucked one of the blankets entirely around her form, blocking her from my body, yet still able to feel the warmth I knew was emanating from me.

Without thinking I pulled her back to my front, and buried my face into her hair, breathing deep. It was a long time since I'd laid like this with a woman, and yet I was asleep in moments.


The morning light felt like a brand across my eyes as I woke. I groaned and turned my face away, and was startled to full, regretful, wakefulness by the bed next to me suddenly shifting as someone moved away.

I blinked open my eyes, for a moment thinking a sand fox had gotten into my bedchambers, before I realised it was human shaped.

She stood by the bed breathing heavily. I let my head fall back on to the pillows surrounding me, aware that if she wanted to attack me at this moment she would have the perfect opportunity. Though the piercing pain behind my eyes rather made me feel like she'd be doing me a favour if she was to attempt my life.

I could hear her moving around the room, before the furs shifted again and she was by my side once more. I cracked open an eyelid to see whether my demise was inevitable, but my vision was obscured by a cloth dripping with cool water approaching my face.

Gently she wiped down my brow and over my eyes, across my neck and over my exposed chest. The pleasure was so great I let out an undignified moan at the cooling water on my skin. She laid the cloth over my eyes, blocking out the sunlight and allowing me to rest a bit longer.

I felt her lie down again beside me, not so close as before but enough so I knew she was there. I burrowed my hand through the furs to find hers.

"Thank you." I squeezed her hands, and my fingertips brushed something. I swore as I remembered the binding on her wrists. She'd slept the entire night with them still on.

Her hands were going to be so sore. I struggled to untie the rope and she muttered something I assumed was thanks in her own language.

The room was still, and I could feel the day warming up as the sun rose in the sky.

Sounds of the palace stirring and getting on with their duties began filtering through the open windows. Eventually I knew I'd have to get up and likewise fulfil my own duties.

When I finally was able to brave sitting up, I spent more time than I'd like sat on the side of the bed with my head in my hands. I knew I looked a state, my wild dark hair cascading around my shoulders and my regal facial paint was probably smeared over my cheeks. Still the pain caused by too much wine was in my head.

Once I made it to my feet I called one of the servants to bring me fresh water and clothing. The little red haired gift from my brother still sat in the bed, covering herself and observing my clothing rituals.

I wasn't quite sure what to do with her, but she was a fine gift, if a little unpredictable. I didn't like the idea of keeping her as a chamber slave, but I wouldn't be able to place her elsewhere in my staff without causing offence to my brother. For now, she'd have to stay cooped up in my rooms. Hopefully she didn't get bored easily.

Before I left for the day I ordered fresh water, food and clothing for her, as well as some small entertainment in the form of picture scrolls, plain papyrus and coloured inks and some sewing supplies. I had no idea what she'd do to entertain herself, but I thought to give her options. I hoped she knew to stay in the chambers and not venture outside.

The guards might have to restrain her if she did.


I was late back that evening. The oil lamps burned high, lighting my way.

I'd spent the day with a clouded head receiving diplomats and ambassadors from the neighbouring kingdoms, all wishing to pay their respects. I had noticed that they'd conveniently thought to bring their many daughters along with them, probably hoping for my eye to be caught. My heart hardened against the thought.

In my chambers the girl sat at my desk, trying to put a brush through her long hair. At my arrival she snapped around.

Tonight she'd been dressed in a soft green colour which really brought out the red of her hair. It was my favourite on her yet.

"Do you need help?" As I advanced to her she stood suddenly, and began speaking in that strange language. I simply took her hand and waved her to sit.

I took up my hair comb and began at the tips of her long hair.

After her dip in the fountain yesterday and sleeping for so long this morning, it was a struggle to get all the knots out. As I did, I found myself talking to her, knowing she couldn't understand a word I said.

"I used to watch my wife's handmaidens do this for her all the time. She had such beautiful hair. It was a pale gold colour. It wasn't as striking as yours, but she was a stunning woman. I'll always remember when she first let me see it, three nights after our wedding night. Until then she'd kept her formal wig on, or she would wrap her head in muslin.

"But when she pulled it all out and showed me, let me touch her hair, it was glorious. Very soft and just the most precious thing. When our son was born he had the same sort of hair. Not like mine, coarse and dark, but like hers. I was so happy to have them. Every evening before I go to sleep I think about her sitting as her maids tended to her hair."

I fell silent, my hands just brushing through the burnished locks by rote. My heart swelled my throat closed and my eyes filled with tears. I swallowed a few times.

The girl reached up to catch my hand, and brought me around to sit next to her. She went behind me, and removed my ceremonial wig with its thick black braids and golden rings woven in.

She undid the tight braids I kept my natural hair in under the wig, and ran her fingernails over my scalp. Taking the comb, she began to brush through my hair as I had done for her.

Under her breath, she began singing softly. It sounded like a lullaby full of longing and pain. It was perfect for my current mood. Even though she didn't understand me, I knew she could see the pain I felt. I kept talking.

"My wife and boy died in the rainy season, less than a year ago. There was an illness in the palace and she refused to leave his side even when it was clear he wouldn't survive. She caught it herself and I wasn't permitted to see her just in case I caught it too. She was the daughter of a princeling from a neighbouring kingdom. No one who could've been politically useful really, but we loved one another. We married when we were young, before I was named regent. My father thinks it was a blessing from the Gods that she passed away. A sign I was meant for a more important bride."

The girl finished her song and sat again next to me. She wiped away the tears that were tracking down my cheeks, her fingers coming away black and golden from the paints I wore on my eyes and cheeks.

She placed her hand on her chest and very slowly and clearly spoke.


"Amenia?" She smiled at me, and my breath caught in my throat. I repeated her actions.

"Rahotep." I gave my name, even though I knew I should teach her to call me by 'my liege' or 'my prince' which would be more official. Yet, having just shared the moment, I didn't feel like being formal.

"Rahotep." As she said my name, she tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

I leaned in to kiss her.

She pulled away.

In that moment all the closeness I felt between the two of us dissolved. I turned away, straightening out the combs on the table before going to the wash basin and scrubbing my face.

Before I turned back to her I spoke one last time.

"Amenia, I don't know if you can understand me, but you haven't given me cause to think you can. I hope that I'm wrong for what I'm about to say. I don't enjoy making women do what I want. I'm not the type of man to force you, or push you around. I know there are men out there who wouldn't have just slept peacefully beside you last night, but I don't want anything to do with you that you don't want yourself." I grabbed a towel to dry my face before turning to her.

"Because of etiquette I can't let you go, you're stuck in my chambers due to formality, but you don't have to be with me, or even sleep in my bed. I can have something put together for you if that's what you wanted." She looked at me dumbly, a small frown creasing her brow.

Amenia stood and walked toward me. She took the towel from my hands and wiped on my jawbone, removing some of the paint I had missed. She spoke something in her own language, and leaned forward to kiss me chastely on the lips.

I pressed forward, to see if she was serious about receiving me, and not certain if she was doing so because she understood or because she thought she should, but as soon as I put my hands on her hips to bring her closer, she went rigid and turned her face away. Not encouraging me to continue, but also obviously not desiring what was going to come next.

I drew away, and gave a small smile.

"That's fine. I won't push again until you approach me. I'm not interested in just taking what I want, it brings me no pleasure. You should desire me back." I took her hand gently and lead her to the bed. She watched me, part curious and part fearful. "I trust you're happy with sharing a bed once more with me tonight as I don't want to wait to have one made up for you. I'll have it done tomorrow in the other room. For now, let's sleep."

I let her climb into the bed fully clothed, and then got in after her in the nude as I slept. I felt her go rigid once again, but when I didn't reach for her or bring her beneath me she slowly relaxed. Hopefully she'd understand eventually that I didn't want anything from her, beyond her lullabies and her soft hands brushing out my hair. That was nice.


The next morning I woke before dawn, rested and happy. It was the first morning since my beloved wife's death that I felt like doing something. It was also one of my rare days off from princely duties. I thought about showing my new companion more of the grounds around the palace.

I rolled over to wake her, but in her sleep she angrily growled at me and turned her face away. Obviously not one for mornings like I was.

"Morning little flame beauty." I whispered. It earned me one eye cracking open and glaring in my direction before snapping shut and the frown increased. I chuckled.

I rose from the bed and gathered a robe for myself and for her. On my return she snuggled further down into the covers. When I tore them off her she yelped and began yelling in her own language. But I just laughed and thrust the robe at her.


She snatched it out of my hand, still grumbling in her language, but sure enough she got out of the bed.

I took her hand and lead her from the room. As we passed the many murals and elaborate paintings lining the palace walls, lit by soft lamplight, she stared in awe at each, but still I lead her on by the hand.

Eventually, after winding our way through a few courtyards and down many levels, I took her down into the depths of the palace, to the oldest part which housed the reason my ancestors founded the city.

Hot springs bubbled underground in this part of the palace. Over the centuries great ornamental caverns had been carved from the soft rock beneath the surface, and warm and cool pools had been cultivated for use by the palace's inhabitants.

As I stepped into the wide space, I watched her face as she looked around the room.

Large white columns of contrasting stone stood out, and in the recesses between them were effigies of the Gods holding golden plates, from which light emanated.

There was no one else in the pools because of the early hour, and I made sure to let the guards know to not permit anyone entry while we bathed.

I took her to the furthest pool, one of the warmest ones. I motioned for her to get unclothed and leave her old clothing on a bench lining the wall.

When her foot entered the water she hissed sharply. It was quite warm and I didn't think she was expecting the heat.

I waded deeper and leaned against the opposite side of the pool to watch her.

Totally nude she was even more captivating.

Her long, slim limbs were completely unblemished. The hair at the joining of her thighs was darker than that on her head. Her breasts were large for her frame, but her nipples were a pale pink and up turned, as if waiting for a mouth to kiss them. She was a fine creature to behold, and I wondered where my brother had found her.

She wore none of the normal insignia of a bred slave, meaning she was likely born free.

She carried herself as a freewoman would. She spoke the language of the sheep tribes in the North, yet I couldn't understand how such a beauty would be able to make it this far south, even with the trade systems in place. Something wasn't right.
