Fishing Trip

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I discover a whole new side to a college friend.
21.4k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/10/2024
Created 12/29/2022
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A My College Years story


This story is set in my sophomore year.

I had left my home town for the first time to go to college. I was still in state – my parents aren't wealthy – but nevertheless nearly three hundred miles from where I had grown up and most people I knew.

It had been a nightmare finding accommodation. But luckily my Dad had a good friend who lived in the city where my college was located. He had kindly offered me a room in the house he inhabited alone, his wife having died a few years earlier.

His name is David and he became both a father figure for me and my first guide into the realm of sexuality. He will play a part later in this story. But my tale starts with a girl. It starts with...


I had had my eye on her for some time. The quiet girl, with the studious manner. Amy was her name, short for Amelia. We took American Literature together. Despite our differing majors, we had a number of classes in common. But, in Literature, she typically sat a couple of benches ahead of my customary spot; sometimes to the left, sometimes a little to the right. Today it was to the left.

It was her neck that started me thinking about her in a different way. Not that there was anything wrong with it, quite the contrary. Mostly it was veiled by her long lustrous dark hair, which was brown, like her eyes, but so dark that it could often appear black. One memorable day she had her hair up in a loose bun on top of her head, and held in place with a pencil. I guess she hadn't washed it, I struggled to get in on time for early classes too; I was often up late, er... studying with David's help.

Looking at the back of her neck that day, I had a strong urge to kiss her there, my lips brushing her pale, soft-looking skin. There was something about how the dark hair slowly transitioned to alabaster that had me feeling tingly. Actually I had an urge to kiss various other parts of her body as well, but the neck would be a good place to start. I had seen swans with less shapely necks.

I realized that I had unconsciously placed Amy in the dowdy column, she was a stranger to make-up, and often seemed to want to explicitly deflect attention. But, after my nape-induced epiphany, I looked more closely.

She had an elongated face, with a high forehead, and culminating in a gracefully angled, narrow jaw. Her coffee-colored eyes had a hint of being almond-shaped, and were accentuated by dark, arching brows. Her lips were full and rosy, even without the help of gloss. Her nose was narrow at the top, and for much of its length, before finally broadening to an up-turned ending, a feature that I found desperately cute.

Her cheek-bones were high, but not chiseled. Together with her dark hair and pale skin, the overall effect would not have been out of place in a Peter Jackson movie. I had certainly mis-categorized her, then I thought that was probably what Amy wanted to happen.

I had shared my fantasies about girls with David pretty soon after our relationship became physical. I wanted to be open about all aspects of my sexuality with him. Indeed it was my honesty about sexual feelings for someone else that had led David and I to become lovers a year and a bit ago.

We had agreed early on that monogamy was not a requirement. David seemed content enough with our time together, and didn't appear to seek out other partners; at least as far as I could tell. I had also spent time with a few boys (one at a time, how traditional of me), and two girls, all my own age. The boys had not gone so smoothly, and the girls were not serious relationships. David encouraged me to explore, his only caveat being that, if I found a girl who might be willing, then he'd be delighted to meet them too. Not long after I started crushing on Amy, I also began to fantasize that she might be just such a girl.

Though we had been at college over a year together, Amy wasn't really a close friend. Actually neither of us exactly had close friends. We hung out with the same loose group of people. We'd sit at the same table for lunch sometimes.

Indeed Amy had been there when Mike Johnson had delivered his infamous "Emily the spinner" diatribe -- Mike and my previous crush Rob were both now blissfully out and Mike and I had made our peace some time ago -- but I never saw Amy away from college. She was always somehow aloof, not unfriendly, not self-absorbed, just that little bit apart from the crowd. Which made it all the more strange to meet her one Friday night.

In retrospect, if either of us had seen the other first, we probably would have taken evasive action. As it was, we almost literally bumped into each other. She was at the bar ordering a cocktail, I was approaching it to buy a couple of preparatory lemon-drops. I didn't recognize her from behind and, when she turned away from the bar and almost spilt her drink on me, it took a couple of seconds before we both registered who the other person was.

Recognition was followed by astonishment on both our parts. At school, each of us rather faded into the background attire-wise, me favoring standard college girl clothes, while Amy seemed fond of the shapeless, verging on nondescript. Tonight was different.

I was wearing the shiny, black, strapless skin-tight dress I had inherited from David's wife. It was matched by patent leather, high-heeled boots. They were as long as my dress was short. Amy’s attire was also striking. She wore a bright red, close-fitting PVC boob-tube that was at most four inches deep, and a short, black leather skirt with a split up the right side that exposed almost as much flesh as the laced side sections of my dress.

Her dark hair was drawn back in a loose ponytail, showing off her bare shoulders to full advantage. A black choker further accentuated her beautiful neck. The boob-tube did little to disguise her equally shapely breasts. They were small to mid-sized, but pert, with prominent nipples that showed through the thin material. I thought they were close to perfect.

Her bare midriff extended a long way from the bottom of her boob-tube to the top of her low-slung skirt, which revealed enough to have made an early career Britney Spears blush. To be entirely honest, my eyes were occupied elsewhere at the time, but later I saw that she wore high-heels strapped to her calves with leather strings.

I managed a stuttered introduction. "Hi Amy. Are you... er... going to a party?"

Her tone in reply was also hesitant. “Hi Em, kinda yes... I suppose... You?"

"Me? I'm... um... I am meeting... er... someone."

With our shared skin tone, blushes were pretty hard to conceal and we both laughed, before Amy added. “We seem to be the strapless sisters tonight Em."

The tension eased. For me it began to be replaced by other feelings. "You are right. Yes we are. Let's sit down and talk about it shall we, Amy?"

Any agreed. “Sure. It's nice to see you, if maybe a little... unexpected?"

But first, I had other priorities. "Let me just get a drink, OK?”

Being rather flustered to meet my secret crush in this way, and even more flustered by how she looked, I didn't choose my next words terribly wisely. "The usual please Ray, that booth over there."

Ray smiled broadly. "Sure Em. See you later."

Amy’s expression was a picture. "The usual…? See you later…? We definitely need to talk Em."

I thought that my face must be the same color as Amy's boob-tube by now, though why that particular simile came into my mind is something of a mystery.

I was a lot more accustomed to walking in heels than a year ago, but, unaccountably, I slowed down as we moved to our table, allowing Amy's leather-clad ass to lead the way, her hips swaying in a way I found mesmerizing. We sat down opposite each other, both doing this carefully, as necessitated by our wardrobe choices. My two vodka shots arrived and I downed both quickly, replying that yes two more would be nice to the waitress.

Amy maintained her quizzical smile. “You look like you needed that, Em!"

I grinned, and Amy continued. "Well, we could sit here and not talk about why we are both at an out of town bar, dressed to kill, or maybe I could go first."

Amy drew a breath and then leaped into her story. “So here's the thing. Um... I kinda come to places like this because there are no other college kids around. I dress like this, because, well because… Oh Amy just say it for fuck's sake. Because I'm looking to meet with someone interesting, and I’m hoping that it will get physical."

Amy had been looking at her lap, now she raised her eyes to me. "OK, that was a lot to say out loud to someone I know. Please feel free to slut-shame slutty Amy the big old slut. Then again, dressed as you are, I'm sort of thinking that people in glass houses might understand." There was almost a note of pleading in her voice.

I wanted to reassure her, but I also didn’t want to reveal too much at this stage. "I don't think you are a slut Amy. What's wrong with wanting to be physical with someone? I mean I quite like... that is... some people... I hear that..."

Suddenly Amy seemed decisive. “You know what Em? I'd like to talk some more, but isn't it rather stuffy in here? Maybe we could go outside for a bit, just to cool off. You can finish what you were going to say there. Come on!"

Amy took me by the hand and we both swayed our way to the door. It was indeed cooler outside. Amy pulled me toward a darker patch of the parking lot. “We can see the stars from here Em."

We stood together looking up. Then I felt her hand on my ass. I turned to her and as I did she kissed me full on the lips open-mouthed.

As we parted, Amy looked unsure. "Emily, I've wanted to do that for a long time. I hope that's OK. When I said about coming to places like this to hook up, I didn't really mention the gender did I?"

As she paused, Amy bit the side of her lip in a way that almost had me pouncing on her. A little uncertainly, she continued. "Please don't hate me if you're not into girls. I don't know, I just picked up a vibe that maybe you were."

Amy was an inch or so taller than my aspirational 5'2", but my heels were slightly higher than hers, so we stood face to face. I smiled the slightly crooked smile that I seemed to reserve for occasions like this. "It's OK Amy, it's all OK."

I cupped her pixie-like face in my hands, placed my lips briefly on the tip of her up-turned nose – something I had longed to do – and then kissed her mouth, running my tongue lightly around her parted lips and then pushing it into her.

I moved my hands to the back of Amy’s head and pulled my classmate to me as I kissed her more deeply. I felt Amy’s hands reciprocate. Her fingers ran through my dirty blonde locks, sending little flickers of electricity racing. Amy’s tongue entwined with mine as she sucked gently on me, then our tips fought briefly before I yielded, accepting her deep into my mouth in turn.

We parted and, putting my cheek next to Amy's, I whispered in her ear. “That was lovely. But I want to ask you something. I like boys as well as girls. Is that OK for you?"

As I finished speaking, I ran my tongue round Amy’s ear and then took her lobe gently between my teeth. I was rewarded by a low moan. “That's perfectly, mmm... fine by, mmm... me, Em."

Then she pulled back. “OK, quit nibbling for just a second. Just a second mind you."

Amy looked me straight in the eyes. "Em, bi is cool. I'm just glad about the liking girls bit. At least I didn't make a total fool of myself."

Sounding much more certain, Amy grinned as she spoke. "Now please whisper something else in my ear. And you can start the nibbling again."

I did as she asked, being rewarded with.“Ahh! Yes, like that."

I chewed gently on Amy's lobe, pausing to breathe into her ear... “You are beautiful and sexy and I want to fuck you Amy Stevens."

I am awful at self-restraint (though strangely much better at being restrained by others) and there was something I just had to do. I moved behind Amy and placed my hands on her bare midriff, just above her hips. I kissed her neck. Amy’s skin was soft and tasted sweet and salty. I kissed the left side, starting from her shoulder and working up to just behind her ear. "I am going to make you cum..."

I switched to the right and worked my way up again. " very hard."

I bit Amy’s flesh gently, and fell into reminiscing. “I used to gaze at your neck in class, and day-dream about doing this to it. I have to say the reality beats my imagination."

I kissed the side of Amy’s neck harder, again softly digging my teeth into her flesh. My hands stroked upwards from her navel to her ribs, to the skin-tight material covering her breasts, which I cupped. “I'm so jealous, you have perfect breasts, Amy. I want to suck your nipples, but maybe that would not be a good idea in a parking lot. Let's try something slightly more discreet."

Still kissing Amy's neck, I moved my hands down from her breasts, past her leather skirt and stroked her inner thighs. I could feel her breath coming quicker in anticipation, and she moved one of her feet sideways to ease my access. I stroked further up, discovering – as I had suspected – that she wore no panties. That made two of us. My dress was open at the sides, laced together with black cord, and panties would have spoiled the look. ‘Well Amy,’ I told myself, ‘all the better to pleasure you.’

Looking around the parking lot, there didn't seem to be anyone else about. I put my hand between Amy's legs, raising her skirt a little, and started massaging her pussy lips. I felt a shiver run through her body as I located and rubbed her clit. I kept kissing Amy’s neck all the time, and she arched her head back towards me.

Suddenly she startled. “Wait! What was that? I heard something."

"I didn't hear anything Amy."

"Maybe I'm twitchy having my pussy exposed in public. Not that I'm not enjoying it, you are turning me on so much. Actually, I have an idea which might give us a bit more privacy."

Amy turned to face me and moved in close to kiss me again, but also slipped her hand between my legs. "You do the same, Em."

I did as Amy instructed, she seemed to like it. “That's good – mmm... that's actually really good."

Amy was taking control, and I was happy to let her. “Now let's stand closer together and – if they aren't looking too carefully – an onlooker might think we are just kissing..."

Amy inhaled sharply, closing her eyes momentarily. “…and not that you have two fingers in my pussy, and are driving me wild."

Amy kissed me more forcefully and I did the same in return. As our tongues played together and probed each other’s mouths deeply, our fingers slipped in and out of increasingly wet pussies; each of us turning the other on more and more.

I felt my feelings surging. “I want to cum Amy. Rub my clit please. You don't have to be too gentle."

Fuck, she was good! “Oh yes! Just like that, but quicker."

Another idea struck me. “Give me your fingers."

I put as much of Amy's hand in my mouth as I could then licked her fingers, leaving trails of slippery saliva. I continued to finger her as I did. “Now please, Amy, rub my clit as fast as you can, I so want you to make me cum."

The sensation of her fingers on me was divine. “Yes, Amy, oh yes please! Even faster. Oh fuck Amy, you are a Goddess with those fingers."

I lost all control. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck... I... am... cumming... fuck yes! fuck, fuck, yes!”

I came so hard, but, even in my orgasmic afterglow, I tried not to forget Amy. My fingers were slipping in and out of her sopping pussy at a tremendous speed, and I felt she too was near climax. I found Amy’s clit with my other hand, and soon she was writhing, then silently clenching her teeth, as the waves of pleasure crashed over her. Our heads fell onto each other's shoulders and we embraced tightly, both still shaking a little.

"Em! What are you doing out here? Who's your friend?"

I jumped, but it was a familiar voice. “Fuck David! You startled me. This is Amy, my friend from college. She has just had some bad news and I was giving her a hug."

David’s look told me he wasn’t buying a word of it, but he said nothing. I plowed on. "Amy, this is who I was going to meet this evening. Amy, meet David."

Amy extended a hand. “Hi Mr. Skowronski. How are you?"

I couldn’t help but blurt out. “Mr. Skowronski?"

David was by contrast much calmer. “Hi Amy. I'm good thanks, how are you?"

David could obviously see the look of utter consternation on my face and so continued. "Amy interned at the office for a month last year as part of a program we are running with a couple of colleges. We weren't in the same department, but I gave a talk she came to, right, Amy? I didn't realize you two knew each other."

Turning from me to Amy, David continued. “I didn't recognize you at first, Amy, sorry."

‘Don't worry David, neither did I,’ was my unspoken thought.

Amy too seemed anything but embarrassed. “No worries Mr. Skowronski. It's nice to see you again. Your talk was cool."

I decided to try to wrest some control back. "So, David, I know we were going to, er... do that thing, but I really think I ought to spend some time with Amy, I think she could do with a friend."

Not receiving an answer immediately, mostly as it appeared that David was checking Amy out, with her seemingly unbothered by the attention, I persisted. “I said, is that OK David?"

My raised eyebrows strongly suggested to David, that he would be absolutely fine with this and thankfully he got the message. “OK Emily. Amy should be your priority. I'll tell the group. I'm sure they will miss you, but you can catch them the next time, right?"

Out of Amy’s line of sight, I silently mouthed, “thank you!” Speaking aloud now, I continued. “Of course David. Tell them sorry for me. Well I had better get Amy home. See you soon."

As I tried to move Amy towards her car, David waved to us. “Bye Emily. Bye Amy. I hope you will be OK, and nice to run into you."

Addressing just me, his last words were, "see you round Emily."

I tried not to giggle at his attempted subterfuge. “Sure, David, and sorry again about tonight."

David walked towards the bar, but I knew he would then head for a store next to it. One with a broken neon sign at the front, and a private room out back, soon to be full of some very disappointed guys.

I refocused on Amy, an embarrassed smile on my face. "So, that was weird. I made an excuse so we could spend some more time together. I hope you don't just think I'm a bad person for lying like that."

As she replied, I got the distinct feeling that Amy understood more than she was letting on. "I would absolutely love to spend some more time together. But I am confused, and, I must admit if I am honest, a bit intrigued. I guess we are both ladies of mystery, but you have the advantage of knowing at least some of my secrets. With you all I have is a set of jigsaw pieces that don't seem to link together."

She was right of course. “That's fair, we'll talk. Do you have a place? I have a roommate and it might be awkward."

Amy looked puzzled. “I thought you were staying with your Dad's buddy, but sure. I have an apartment that my parents got me. Poor little rich girl, right? We can go there. You've had more to drink than me, I'll drive. I can drop you back here tomorrow."


Amy drove and we were both silent. I have no idea what preoccupied her, but to borrow her metaphor, I was trying to figure out an alternative way to assemble the jigsaw pieces that made sense. I was failing miserably it had to be said.