For the Whored: Stormwind Ch. 44

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The boys apply for special training
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With a sigh, Elunara slipped down into Tulani's bed and wrapped her arms around the crying woman. "Come on, my Sweetness, wake up. It's just a terrible dream."

Tulani shifted and buried her face in Elunara's chest. "They... they had you and I couldn't get to you. I could see you, but it was like you were behind glass, and I had to watch." She began to weep.

"I could kill, Jine... just for that." Elunara sighed.

Elunara walked, baby in the sling, Tulani on her arm. "You know, Sweetness, you can't change your whole life over this."

"I... I know. I just want to be with you."

"That's fine." She twined her fingers with Tulani's. "Just, don't change, please?"

"I know that to you, practically nothing has changed... but to me..."

"Something did change." Elunara sighed. "I learned that, a woman I thought was my friend... was only my friend out of guilt." She reached up and twirled a lock of Tulani's hair. "And that's what hurts."

She blinked at Varian standing on the platform. Sensing her presence, he turned. To anyone else, he was his usual grim self. To her, she saw the deep sadness in his eyes. "What brings you down?"

"Mathias told me what happened." His voice was quiet. "All of it."

"I kind of figured."

"Due to the nature of her crimes, Jine is charged with treason. A charge, you well know, comes with the death penalty."

"I am aware."

"I am giving you the option of choosing between a public execution, and a private one."

"I choose public."

"Are you certain?" He searched her face.

"I need it." She said quietly.

"The choice is made, and so decided." He nodded. With a sigh, he brushed his thumb across her cheek. "I so hate that this happened to you."

She shook her head. "It was forever ago, don't worry about it." She sighed. "We all knew I'd have to face the past, being back here."

He cupped her chin and pulled her to him, pressing his lips against hers. She blinked at him in surprise, before closing her eyes and putting her hands on his breastplate. Around the training yard, eyebrows shot up. Grogek and Jordan just grinned at each other.

Varian ran his fingers through her hair. "If you need me..."

"I know where to find you." She grinned.

He nodded, before turning and leaving.

Tulani giggled. "Judging by everyone else's reactions... he's never done that before."

"No. No, he has not."

Jine stood on the platform in the center. Guards stood on either side of the platform. The magistrate stepped forward, but Varian took the paper from his hand.

"Uh, sir?"

"I'll do it." He stepped forward. "Jine, former SI:7 agent, codename "The Cat". You have been charged with freeing a known felon, and passing said felon information that led to the capture and subsequent torture of the former SI:7 agent, Elunara, codename "The Whore"." The crowd's attitude changed in a heartbeat. Varian raised a hand for silence. "Both acts are considered treason. How do you plead?"

She shied back under the hateful gaze of the crowd. "Guilty."

Varian raised his hands. "SILENCE!" Inwardly, he was proud of his citizen's anger. To the world, he maintained his dignity. "Do you have any last requests before we execute you?"

"Please, bury me quietly by my husband and son, so that the shame of our family can die with us." A single tear escaped down her cheek.

"Then I find it fitting, that your executioner be the same as your son's." Varian held his hand out towards Grogek.

"I find this acceptable." Jine sighed. "As you said... fitting."

Varian blinked at Elunara as she stepped forward. "I want it known that, while I do not forgive Jine for heinous crimes... I also do not hate her." Elunara shook her head and sighed. "Let's just do this clean."

Jine shook. "That's... all I would have asked."

Elunara nodded, before turning and walking away. Taking Lulu from Tulani, she sighed. "I can't watch."

"Whatever you need."

The next day, she sat on the platform, sighing.

"I never knew."

Elunara blinked down at Gerald. "What?"

"About you being... captured and tortured... then."

"It was before you were assigned as my spotter." She shrugged. "It's no big deal."

"I don't know... it sure seemed like it."

She sighed. "Gerald... you and I have been through a lot together, and you know some of my stranger secrets. But this... I'd rather you never ask me about again."

He stared at her as if slapped. "I..." He ran his hand over his mouth. "It must be really bad." He whispered.

"As bad as it gets. I don't really appreciate having to tell my family about it." She tapped her pencil on her board. "Tulani started having nightmares again." Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. Shaking her head, she spoke softly. "I just want it to die again."

He raked a hand through his hair. "Well, at this point, I don't think I want to know."

Elunara tucked the sleeping Lulu into her sling before heading out. Standing in the graveyard, she stared down at the three graves. One was freshly covered, but they had delivered the tombstone that morning. Stooping down, she wiped the dirt off of the precisely placed marble.

"I'd rather remember you as the friend I knew... than the villain who almost ruined me." Elunara put the flowers on the base of the tombstone. She sat and just cuddled the baby for the longest time.

"Momma? What are you doing out here?"

"Oh, hey Bradly." She wiped her cheek. "Where's Darguni?"

"Oh... somewhere?" Bradly shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Is this the lady they executed a couple of weeks ago?"

"Yeah..." She frowned. "Why are you out here?"

Bradly sat down next to her and sighed. "Sometimes... I wish my dad had been buried here... instead of Draenor. So, sometimes, when I miss him, I come and..." He blushed.

"And?" Lulu began to fuss, so Elunara started the nursing process.

"Pay my respects to a random soldier instead." He shrugged. "I like to pretend that maybe they're my dad." He scratched the back of his head. "It's embarrassing."

"I think it's beautiful." She tugged him over and hugged him. "You're growing up right."

His blush deepened. "Darguni figured it out some time ago, so when I come out here, he goes and does something else."

"That's just sweet of the both of you."

"Momma, if she hurt you so badly... or caused you to be hurt... why do you bring her flowers?"

"Because she used to be my friend." She sighed and adjusted her shirt, putting the baby over her shoulder. "Just because something awful happens to you, doesn't mean you should let it rule your life. You know that." She scrubbed her hand on Bradly's hair.

"One of your many rules in life." He grinned.


"Can I hold Lulu?"

Elunara transferred her over.

"She's so little."

"In ten years, she'll be about your size." Elunara shrugged.

"And I'll be big as dad?"

"You bet."

"Why do so many innocent people get trapped in bad things?" He whispered.

"Because the evil and cowardly pick on the weaker." Elunara ran a hand down his back. "I know you're thinking of your own troubles, and of Lulu's troubles... but the thing you have going for the both of you, is me. You are my children, no matter your origin, and I will protect you until you're old enough to protect yourselves."

"I want to be big and strong, Momma..."

"Talk to your dad. We were discussing you guys the other day... how you'll be fast and agile, just like him. I told him that he should train you personally, help you excel like he has. I'll be speaking to Grogek to personally train Darguni. He'll be built for strength and endurance." She nodded. "I see it in you both already."


Lulu began to fuss, so Elunara took her back. "Oh, my sweet thing. Don't cry." She cuddled the baby.

"I... uhh have to..."

She laughed. "Go harass your father." He jumped and ran. Standing, she put Lulu on her shoulder. "Come on, my little love; let's go watch your brother harass your daddy." Elunara considered. "I wonder if we should start feeding you other stuff soon. I'll have to ask Tulani."

As expected, Bradly was bouncing from foot to foot as he spoke at a rapid pace. Jordan was making a big show of reluctance.

"Oh, just say yes, already." Elunara rolled her eyes.

"I don't know. I don't think he wants it bad enough." Jordan winked.

"I'll do whatever it takes!"

"What if I told you, it took mucking the stables?"

"They'll be the cleanest stables EVER!"

"Trudging the canals?"

"The water will sparkle!"

"Be Tulani's dress stand?"

Bradly winced. "If... it's... required."

Elunara cackled. "You are a BAD man."

Jordan cackled as well. "I just wanted to see the look on his face." He wiped a tear from his eye. "Alright, alright. I'll come up with something and we can start tomorrow. Alright, champ?"

"YEAY!" Bradly threw his hands in the air. "I'm going to go tell Darguni!" He bolted.

They both giggled.

"Is that my little girl?" Jordan grinned.

Elunara passed her over. "Yeah, we were just having a nice sunny day."

He snuggled the baby. "I'm so glad you talked me out of my funk. I always did like the babies."

"And now you get to enjoy your own." She kissed his cheek.

He wrapped an arm around her back and sighed. "Yeah..."

They watched Darguni dodge through trainees.

"Here comes some fun." Elunara giggled.


Grogek frowned. "Is something the matter?" He glanced over at Jordan and Elunara grinning like lunatics.

"Bradly said that Papa Jordan is going to specially train him, and that, momma said you should train me."

Grogek growled and Darguni jumped back. "So you're going to interrupt my day, just to whine at me?"

"Well..." Darguni flushed. "I..."

Grogek snorted. "If you can't stand behind your actions, why should I bother dealing with you? Go back to the other children."

Jordan kissed Elunara's cheek, right by her ear. "I'd feel bad for him, but his daddy's a meaner task master than I am." He whispered.

"NO!" Darguni stomped a foot.

Grogek raised an eyebrow.

Darguni's blush deepened, but he straightened his back. "No." He said more clearly. "I want you to train me."

"Is that so?"

"In order to BE the best, I have to be TRAINED by the best."

Grogek spit. "Flattery doesn't mean SHIT to me."

"I'm not trying to use flattery. I'm stating a fact." Darguni shuffled his feet and tried, with some desperation, to not sweat.

"Fine, Little Wolf. First thing in the morning, you'll be out here with ME."

"Of course!" Darguni blinked.


Darguni escaped with his life.

Grogek strolled over to Elunara. "You had something to do with that?"

"In a way." She shrugged. "Your son will be just like you when he grows up. You and I both know you're the best one to harness it."

He grinned. "That much is true." Tugging her into his arms, he assaulted her mouth with his own. Once she backed away, giggling, he grinned. "I hoped this day would come. I feared it might be a wait."

"Wish granted." She winked.

The next day, the boys came in and flopped down on the couch. "We're SO tired!"

With a laugh, she handed them drinks. "You asked for it. Be glad they're only doing a couple of hours a day. As you get older, they'll increase... everything. Now, you still have time to play with your friends."

"I want a nap first." Bradly grumbled.

"Then get one, I'll wake you in an hour. I took naps for the first year or two." She shrugged.

"But... you eat energy." Darguni frowned.

"Not then I didn't. At least, not to my knowledge. I was locked to everything." She shrugged. "Besides, your daddy is starting out slow. When he was a youngling, they didn't. Warsong are a mean lot, but your daddy is a big softie. Wait until he really starts stomping your ass into shape." She took a drink.

Both boys groaned.

After they went to bed, Tulani, came out grinning. "Boy, I'd hate to be the son of the trainer... they'll have so much more to live up to."

"Exactly." Elunara laughed. "Hey, when should I start giving Lulu real food?"

"She's... eight, nine months?"


"Little mushes of food would be acceptable."

"Good, cause my tits are exhausted."

Tulani giggled. "Imagine how I felt."

"Ah, well. You got my child, I have Jordan's. It just works for us." She kissed Tulani's forehead.

"I heard a rumor." She grinned.

"Oh, lord..."

"Someone's pregnant."

"With all the breeders in this city, it could be anyone."


"Oh, how damned adorable." Elunara grinned.

Grogek walked in with blood on his shirt.

"What now?" She sighed.

"Idiot got cracked in the nose with a shield. Broke the damned thing."

"The shield or the nose?" She grinned.

He snorted. "Where are the boys?"

"Sleeping off this morning's training."

Grogek grinned. "Then we did something right."

She cackled. "That you did."

Halfway up the stairs, he paused. "You know, I should thank you..." He grinned. "care to be "thanked"?"

Winking at Tulani, she made her way up the stairs. Tulani shook her head and laughed, as she went back to her studio.

Grogek yanked off his shirt and tossed it in the pile. The rest of his gear, he meticulously took apart and set to the side.

She ran a hand across the top of his hard dick. "Something tells me this isn't a spur of the moment thing." Her thumb stroked the tip.

He grabbed her up and devoured her mouth. Releasing her, he grinned. "All I've been able to think about this morning; is how proud I am that my beautiful wife has given me a son to train."

"Aw, you big softy."

"It is through sheer will and discipline that I have been able to hide it."

"Mm, I have somewhere else you can hide it."

He gave her a wide grin. "That was the plan." He scooped her up and tossed her on the bed. She bounced with a giggle, and he climbed in after her.

Sitting up between his legs, she slipped her mouth over the tip of his dick.

Grabbing her hair, he groaned. "No, my love." He reached down and yanked her shirt off. "Not today."

With a giggle, she laid back, arms over her head. "Is that so?"

He tugged down her pants. "No, I think I'm going to go for the full appreciation of your soft little body."

"I like the sound of that."

He brushed his hands across her breasts. "You know, it has always been something of a mystery to me, how you're so much smaller than me, yet your body can take whatever I dish out." He brushed his hands down her belly. "I should rip you apart and yet..."

"And yet, it's you who fills me best." She grinned.

"Even now, it's kind of terrifying."

"Terrifying, is how much we were meant to be together."

"That much is true." He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to hers. He spoke in his native tongue, as he ran his hands up and down her body. Dancing their lips, their tongues made their way through the parted space, and tangled into one another. He put his arms on either side of her head and buried his fingers in her hair.

She ran her hands up his sides, and to his chest, lightly dragging her fingers across. His mouth worked down her chin and to her neck, exploring with lips and tongue. As he made his way across, he went for that sensitive spot that drove her wild. She writhed up under him, and he moved a hand down to her belly, just to feel her move. Licking his way across her chest, he pressed gentle kisses across that nasty scar that took her life from him, however briefly.

Still moving, he worked his hands across her breasts, gently teasing the nipples, before taking one carefully in his mouth, and sucking on that rock hard nipple. With special care, he moved his lips around the breast, before changing over and repeating the process. She groaned as she slipped her hands down his smooth head and across his neck. His hands slid down her sides, as he kissed across her belly. Using his nose, he rubbed that faint scar where she had cut their child from. He kissed his way across it, before pressing his lips to that line where her hair grew.

Still lower, he shifted, making his way down the insides of her thighs, using lips, tongue and teeth. She grabbed the sheets and gasped, as he worked back and forth, tracing every inch of her skin. Making his way to her ankles, he pressed his hands and fingers along her feet, massaging tired muscles, eliciting a groan that was pure ecstasy. He grinned down at her.

"You know... you can keep doing that... and I'll be just fine."

He snorted. "I highly doubt that." Licking his lips, he stared down at her prone form. "But, I had other plans." Tugging her legs over his shoulders, he licked her with the flat of his tongue. She gasped and grabbed at his head.

Chuckling, he shook his fangs against her thighs, and sent her writhing. She grabbed the sheet with one hand, and dug her fingers into the back of his head with the other. He buried his tongue into those slick wet folds, pleased to find she was sloppy with it. Gently, he raked his teeth through her soft hairs, tickled the edges, and drove her crazy. When she began to buck and shudder, he buried his tongue deep inside of her, enjoying the way she clamped on to him.

He gave her another wide lick, before shifting upwards. Planting his hands on either side of her head, he grinned down at her. She licked her own lips. A quick shift; and he buried himself into her with a groan. He rocked his hips gently against her. She raised her arms, and he lowered himself into her embrace. Once again, he spoke in his native tongue, whispering professions of love and devotion, as he began to pump himself in and out of her. He wrapped an arm around her back, and brushed her cheek with his fingers. When she wrapped her arms around his neck, he lost himself in her mouth.

Her legs came up, against his sides. Slowly, almost casually, he pumped himself in and out of those dripping folds, just enjoying the slide and feel of her. He tugged her hips up against him, pressing himself deep inside. With a groan, he filled her, still dancing their mouths together. He buried his face into her neck with a sigh.

She rubbed her cheek against his. "I love you."

Kissing her neck, he smiled. "My heart soars when you say that, for I will always remember how long it took you to say it the first time."

Brushing her fingers down his arm, she sighed. "It took an orc to undo me. To get to the heart I never knew I had. I thank you for that."

"My love," He ran his fingers through her hair. "My beautiful she wolf... May we never be parted again."

She sighed. "I will outlive you, and that thought often destroys me."

"Then may we make the best of what we have." He rubbed his cheek against hers. "You will have our son to remember me by."

"And whatever children he decides to have."

He wiped a tear off of her cheek. "My love, don't think of such things now."

"I'm sorry, I got started..." She wiped her eyes. "If what Elune says is true, then it just gets worse from there. I knew I'd probably double or triple my life, but... if I truly am immortal..."

"Oh, my love..." He sighed and sat up on his elbow. "I hate that I could cause you such pain."

"Maybe... Maybe there's a way around it." She considered.

"Love..." He warned.

"I would never do anything drastic, or against your wishes. But, I have to think of all the options." She sighed and ran her hands on his chest. "Not that I have ANY clue as to what they would possibly be." Burying her face in his chest, she sighed. "It just sucks."

He wrapped his arms around her. "We take it as it comes."

"Yeah, I guess we have to." She whispered. "I'd hate to lose any of you."

"Don't think of such things." Gently, he pushed her back. "We are here now, and we will be here for a long time to come. Between you and me, we will all see our children grow into strong adults. Do not look at our future as the bleak end. Look at our future as the happiness we will have together."