For The Whored: The Future: Ch. 36

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Elunara has a little surprise.
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Elunara winced. "Bleh, I feel weird today."

Susan grinned. "The goddess is ill? Must be the plague and we're all going to die."

"Ha, ha. Smartass." Elunara tugged Susan's ponytail. "Though, that's a valid point. I'm never ill. My self-healing is too powerful." She rubbed her belly.

"Well, the baby puddle is asleep. Finally." Susan sighed.

"Alright, maybe I just need to focus my energy on whatever it is." Putting her hands on her icky stomach, Elunara began to probe her body with energy. She froze. Checking again, she began to shake. She checked, and she checked, and went over her body with her energy. "FUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!" She screamed.

All three children began to cry. "Elunara!" Susan gasped.

"INA!!!!!" Elunara jumped and ran.

Jordan and Grogek looked at each other, before immediately running after Elunara.

Susan groaned, as she tried to soothe the children.

Ina ran her hands over Elunara's body. "Nope. I agree with you."

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

Ina sighed. "I can't say that I disagree with your attitude."

Jordan, Grogek and Varian made it to the healer's building at the same time. "I heard her screaming all the way in the Keep. What's wrong?"

"We don't even know." Jordan shook his head.

"Love, whatever is the matter?" Grogek frowned.

Elunara looked up, tears in her eyes. "I'm pregnant." She whimpered.

"YOU'RE WHAT??!!" All three bellowed at the same time.

"HEY!" Ina jabbed her finger up. "There are sleeping patients in here."

"It grew back. It grew back. It grew back." She rocked back and forth, arms wrapped around her body.

Varian stepped forward and knelt down. "How does that even happen?"

"FUCK THIS GODDESS SHIT!" Elunara bolted up and shoved past the other two men.

"We got to stop her." Jordan took off running.

The three of them found her in the house, face down on the couch. "I hate my body." She grumbled.

Bradly and Darguni came in shortly after. "We were told that momma was running around screaming obscenities."

"Might as well get the women folk in here too." Elunara sighed.

Grogek knocked on Tulani's door. "You're needed."

"I'll go get Lydia. Bradly, go help Susan." Darguni headed out of the door.

Once the entire family was gathered in the living area, Elunara rolled over on her back and stared at her demon skull. "I'm pregnant." She ignored the gasps. "Apparently, my body decided to return me to my original state. I don't know how or why, but my current theory is that every time I used my healing abilities more of it came back. This is the weirdest damned thing ever."

"That's an understatement." Jordan gave a nervous chuckle.

"Momma... does that mean you're going to... destroy yourself again?" Darguni fiddled with his fingers.

"Well, I..." She shook her head. "No." A large portion of tension went out of the room. She sat up. "Baby, the reason I tore myself apart, wasn't because of you. It was because of Lorros. While I never wanted children in the beginning, I wasn't as upset over being pregnant again, as I was over the thought of it being Lorros'. I didn't give him permission to invade me in such a way. Now..." She put her hands on her belly. "Now, there's only three people this one could belong to, and I love them. I'm not so mad."

"Really?" Jordan cocked his head to the side. "How do you know?"

"I know what my practices are," She rolled her eyes. "But, quite frankly, I haven't had a strange dick in me in almost two years. I reserve that for special events." She smirked. "So, yeah only three men, and they're all standing here."

Varian blinked. "I'm actually pretty honored." He murmured.

"You better be." She snorted.

"So, whose is it?" Lydia fidgeted.

"No idea. Not big enough to tell." Elunara concentrated. "Nope. I can only tell that I am, and not much beyond that."

"This is a lot to take in." Susan had a hand to her forehead.

Elunara snorted. "Any other person announcing a pregnancy..."


"Yes, Lulu?"

"Um..." She fidgeted

"Sweetest, family policy... blurt it."

"If it's Uncle Varian's, does that make her a real princess?"

"Sweetest, YOU are a real princess."

"Yes, you are." Varian nodded. "Your mother is queen, so you are a princess, regardless of parentage."

"Damn." Lulu clamped a hand on her mouth.

"Lulu..." Elunara warned.

"I HATE the title." Lulu fidgeted. "People keep calling me "Princess Lulu" and I'm just so tired of it."

Varian laughed. "I think that's the only proof anyone needs that you are your mother's daughter."

"Can I be denounced?"

"Not a chance." Varian grinned.

Grogek licked his lips. "I am torn between, I suddenly have a massive amount of children, and... I hope it's mine."

"Nuh, uh, big guy." Jordan clapped his hand on Grogek's shoulder. "It's MY turn."

"Now, wait just a minute." Varian turned around.

"Oh geez, I hate you all." Elunara smacked a hand to her forehead.

Tulani giggled. "I guess I should start on some maternity dresses..." She paused. "Could... you fix me?"

Everyone turned to look at Tulani.

"Sweetness, I don't even know how I fixed ME. I could try. If that is your fondest wish, I would try... but I can't guarantee anything."

Tulani nodded. "I might consider it. Though, I guess I'd have to find a male first..."

"You could borrow one of mine." Elunara winked.

"I'd do it." Everyone turned to look at Jordan. "What? Tulani is technically the only other woman I can maintain an erection with, and she does ME so many favors..."

Lulu slapped her hands over her ears. "I'M NOT HEARING THIS!" She ran upstairs and closed herself in her room. Tina followed shortly after.

Tulani smiled. "I would consider that."

"Some days, I am tempted to come down here and figure out what goes on in this crazy house."

"Orgies." Lydia snorted. "Orgies every damned where." Everyone turned and blinked at Lydia. "WHAT? It's true. You've got the three of us, the five of them... I mean, the eight never cross, because... ew, but you know it's going on."

Varian shook his head. "Never mind." He turned back to Elunara. "You tell me anything you need and you shall have it."

"So, nothing new?" She grinned.

"Of course." He winked.

She sighed. "Alright, everyone is free to go. I'm not a full two months, we have time to figure this shit out. Now, I must go break the news to everyone else and prepare to have my ears screamed out."

Elunara wasn't exaggerating, in that everyone she had told so far had gone into screaming hysterics. She saved the worst for last and held her breath as she knocked on Chrissy's door.

Chrissy blinked at Elunara. "Something wrong?"

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure." She stepped back. "I was just making lunch. Hungry?"

"Chrissy..." Elunara winced.

She dropped her dishtowel. "Something's happened to Gerald..." She whispered in horror.

"NO!" Elunara held up her hands. "No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel like that."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant."

"You're... ok, that's not funny." Chrissy rolled her eyes.

"No, I'm serious. I swear on my family, I really am."

"Yeah right, you don't even have the parts."

"They grew back." She grumbled, as she flopped down in a chair. "The fucking things grew back."

"You're serious." Chrissy sat down in the chair opposite. "That's... mind blowing."

"You're telling me." Elunara snorted. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever for?"

"I know how much you wanted a baby..."

"But, you gave me a baby. You gave me the best baby I could have ever had. Yeah, it feels a little unfair that you cut yours out and it grew back... but I wouldn't replace my William for any baby in the world. In fact, I decided years ago, that if you had another to give me, I'd probably take it, but I was happy not having my own. All of the love, none of the pain." Chrissy chuckled. "No, I'm good with it."

Elunara wrapped her arms around Chrissy. "I was so worried..."

"Don't worry about me... worry about your newest family member. Dear GODS woman, how many people live in your HOUSE?"

"Fifteen, and this will make sixteen." She rolled her eyes. "It's a madhouse."

Elunara made her way down to the docks.

"Where ya goin?"

"To tell my mother I'm pregnant."

Jerry blinked repeatedly. "You know, if you don't want to tell me... that's fine, but you don't have to be a smartass about it."

"I'm actually completely serious." She sighed. "The damned thing grew back, and now I'm knocked up."

"Not the weirdest thing that's happened with you." Jerry managed.

"That... is weird in and of itself." Elunara laughed.

"You..." Tyrande blinked. "Can't be serious."

Elunara tossed her hands up. "AM I known for these kinds of pranks? Because Elune only knows where the hell this is going."

"No, I don't." Whispered across the room.

Elunara blinked. "Would you STOP that?"

"Stop what?" Tyrande blinked.

"Sorry, Elune likes to whisper in my ear occasionally."


"In any event, everyone seems to think I'm joking, and this is NOT the kind of thing I'd joke about." She crossed her arms.

"Well, you ARE a goddess. I guess, eventually, your body would return to its original state."

"I guess."

"It's a little weird, isn't it?" Lydia leaned back against Darguni's chest. They sat together on their private hillside. "Your mom being pregnant... after all that's been done?"

"Yeah, but "weird is the best kind" has been the family motto since before I was born."

"Too true."

"Weird is telling the king of Stormwind that we all have orgies." Darguni chuckled.

"I still can't believe I said that." She pinched her eyes shut. "And on the topic of weird, did you know that Tabitha is crushing on your dad?"

"She is?" Darguni blinked down at Lydia.

"Oh, yeah, she's got the major hots for him. I can feel it."

Grogek made his way home. He had decided that he wanted to have lunch with his gentle wife, since Elunara was in Darnassus, and the rest of the family were off on their own thing. A sound caught his attention and he summoned his axe, swinging up just as a sword blade came down.

"You should have NEVER been allowed to live as long as you have." Thomas spat on the ground. "My FATHER was up for that promotion in Draenor and YOU took it instead, just by being there. Not to mention all the other misery your worthless little family has heaped on MINE!"

Grogek blocked the next few shots. "Your rage is meaningless to me." He went on the attack.

"You forget ORC; I've watched you for years! I know all of your tricks." He landed a lucky blow on Grogek's axe hand and the axe skittered backwards on the ground. Thomas pressed his advantage and dug the end of his sword into Grogek's thigh.

Tabitha continued on the path. She had lost her ever loving mind, but she HAD to do this.

Grogek scrambled, desperate to reach his axe. His held his broken hand against his chest as he crawled backwards.

"You stupid, worthless ORC!" Tommy raised his sword.

"NO!" Tabitha screamed. Diving in the way, she gasped in pain as the sword sliced through her body.

"TABITHA!" Grogek cried.

"Another worthless whore." Tommy yanked at his sword, but couldn't pull free.

Grogek had the sword by the blade. Blood dripped from his hand, but he snapped the blade with a blow from his fist. Reaching back, he snagged his axe and cleaved it into Tommy's forehead. Satisfied with Tommy's death, he turned his attention to the bleeding woman. "Tabitha..."

"All I wanted..." She coughed. "Was to tell you..."

"Tabitha... your injuries..." He brushed his fingers on the woman's cheek. "And Elunara is in Darnassus."

"I... know." Tabitha gasped. "I was..." She struggled to breathe. "I love you." She whispered. "I just wanted... to kiss you once..." Closing her eyes, Tabitha struggled to stay alive. "To know... what it was like..." Her eyes shot open. Once again, she closed her eyes and lost herself in the sensation.

When he felt the life leave her, he broke the contact. Sighing, he held her in his arms and waited.

"General Grogek?!"

Grogek looked up at the soldier. "Can you please get High General Jordan? I need his help."

"Uh, yeah, sure." The man bolted.

Grogek sighed. "Poor girl..."

"FATHER!" Darguni ran over.

"Get me to Ina." Grogek reached up.

Darguni took his arm and wrapped it around his shoulders. He helped Grogek to stand.

Jordan ran up. "The hell happened here?"

"Tommy." Grogek pointed. "He's dead, but so is Tabitha. Can you take care of her body? She died trying to save me." He sighed.

"Yes... Of course." Jordan sighed and lifted the body.

"Man, Lydia was just telling me about her." Darguni sighed. "She sensed that Tabitha was in love with you."

"Shame, really." Grogek frowned. "I hadn't figured out what to do with her. But, I'll see her buried with full honors."

Elunara ran her hands on the body. "I'm sorry, Sugarbear, she's too far gone. Her spirit has already passed to the nether."

"Damn." He frowned and ran a hand down the lifeless woman's hair. "Such promise, wasted. Looks like I need to modify my training." He turned and left.

"This has hit him awful hard." Susan murmured.

"He's blaming himself." Elunara shook her head. "Let's hope he doesn't go overboard."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Scene changes

I have followed your writing for quite a while now, and there has only ever been one issue I have found with your work, and a rather annoying one at that, too. It has also shown up in every single entry of this series that I have read so far. I don't know if the formatting is lost in the conversion to an Literotica chapter or not, but not once can I remember seeing a marked scene change. Every single scene change you do is unmarked, and even though everything else is good, the sudden switch between scenes is jarring and takes away from the experience. I feel like the flow of my reading goes along fine, and then I'm suddenly jerked in another direction by a scene change.

valkirionvalkirionover 8 years ago
you know

I started reading this story FTW around chapter 30 and got addicted to it. I get to read each chapter has you post it, and trying to make it last I start over each time I catch up to your latest posting. This is my 5th time catching up.and its going to seriously suck when you end this, but all good things must come to an end.

ThatawfulwowpornoThatawfulwowpornoover 8 years agoAuthor

I know it’s probably confusing, but Thomas/Tommy is Cheryl’s kid and Grogek will always think of him as Tommy

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