Forest Magic Ch. 02


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Adyka was aware of Ferik's conclusions but had not thought it her place to interfere with what she believed they had to work out between themselves. Now though with the uncertainty the Zidma had birthed in him, he needed to be reassured.

"Ferik," she began in a quietly toned voice all her children knew to listen to when she used it. "Your father wishes you had had a better start in life than you did. He feels guilty that he could not and cannot protect you from it effects. That he was freed from an unpleasant situation at your expense compounds that guilt and he is of the opinion that you are starting to resent him for that.

Ferik looked at her, disbelief warring with shock on his face and neither one gaining an upper hand. Adyka had never lied to him and yet... it was easier to believe his father avoided him because he believed Ferik was cursed than because of guilt. He had no reason to feel it. Why would he not be happy to be rid of a woman such as Valrika had been?

She smiled her soft smile then touched his cheek briefly "Do not worry; it will all be resolved in time. At present you have to wake up so as not to continue worrying the people around you."

He was reluctant to leave this calming place and his mother's gentle presence, which had never failed to soothe him when he was confused. There was no knowing when he would see her again or even talk to her. Her trilling laugh filled the veldt sounding the same as always but somehow it felt like he was hearing it for the first time. The mystery he had always glimpsed in her eyes, especially when she was occupied with her books, sounded in it and was evident in her knowing eyes. He marveled at the beauty that imbibed the power in her, making her far more than the gentle and nurturing queen-in-waiting of Zanoa.

"There are many states of being and worlds within worlds that are not ruled by your grandmother's degree, Aegan's timeless plane being one of them." she smiled. "When you need me again I will be there."

Everything about him started to dissolve as mist does at the rising of the sun. Colour swirled gently to nothing as if a memory already forgotten. An unseen wind blew through her making her ripple like a serene pond. With widening ripples she faded into the dream an impression of her indigo eyes remaining for a few instants. When they at last faded he found himself waking to himself, a parting thought from her echoing in him without need for words.

The Zidjma were coming for him, somehow they knew their spell had been partially undone even without their foray into his mind. If their curse was only to be broken by The forest mage, it would explain why they had gone to all that trouble of invading his dreams. Now having been stopped from taking over his mind they came to fight him secure in the knowledge he had no defenses against them. All his knowledge was in their hands, his current limitations theirs to exploit. His mother had not come out and said it but he knew she believed they could defeat him presently.

Everything in him rebelled at that, he was the Aynzareth and they had never been defeated, they miscalculated, they suffered but were never defeated. Resolve congealed in him, a string finer than thread and stronger than fate tightened all his knowledge into one clear path defined by all his heritage represented. Outrage radiated from him, almost tangible, at the thought of the darkness that had been allowed to blight his once magnificent land. Had it not been for his blood forsaking their guardianship the Zidjma would not have prospered. Had it not been for the children of Terra being allowed on Ariantha and their unchecked greed all this evil would not be. He was the Aynzareth, the native power of all worlds, though untried and unused to evil he was an immutable force by virtue of being.

He opened his eyes and met those of the ashen hared princess, his heart slammed against his chest but whatever it was that made it so never registered in the green depths. Determination glittered in them embracing the power usually veiled by their gentle aspects.

Samara gave an involuntary gasp her eyes wide in confusion melded with a bit of fear and all her thoughts froze. A deer mesmerized by the shifting colours of a mammoth snake might have looked as she did, entrance despite some part knowing it was in danger. Within she had stagnated in the moment she had first held his then gentle eyes. Confronted as she now was with such enormous and unknown power dread poured through her. How was one supposed to contend with such power? The eyes released her and she felt relieved as much as she was aggrieved.

Ferik had not wanted to stay in the presence of these people for long, had intended to leave them as soon as he could but now the threat coming at them his conscience would not allow it. He turned to the tall dark-haired man he had marked as a Daelen seeing him through the eyes of the quirin. He was bathed in light, flickering like fireflies if it were possible to see them during the day. His hair shone as if afire with white flame and his eyes appeared as two beams of too bright light.

"The Zidjma are coming for us all," he informed the man. Were it not for the authority and conviction in his voice he might have been talking about the weather.

The thin faced man paled, his eyes darted about for a bit as if looking for an escape route before recalling who he was. That he was supposed to stand between the royal family and any dark forces. It was evident that his failure of before had impaired his confidence. A haunted look permanently lurked at the back of her eyes.

"You are a purple robe?" the question was more a statement and the man nodded clearly surprised. Ferik smiled. "I have a bit of knowledge of your arts. I am afraid I have not been a good student."

"You were taught our ways?"

"Yes, my grandmother believes in a rounded education so she makes sure we know something about most things." "I had not thought your people took the time to know anything about our ways. Which master did you have?"

Ferik did not know why he felt a need to hide the fact that his mother had been his teacher, that she was a Terran. "There are many ways to gather knowledge and my people excel at such."

"And those ways would be the same ways you know the Zidjma are coming?" the master questioned his eyes studying him.

"Yes." He stated. "We have to leave as soon as possible."

"Leave?" the princess asked in alarm.

Outwardly calm Ferik turned to her, noting the wary hurt pride holding her head high. "Yes leave, the Zidjma knew the moment you were freed and because of the way I chose to do so they know a bit more. As a result I am currently unable to deal with them."

"What do they know?" Dread etched the Daelen's voice that it seemed more of a squeak than the cultured authoritative voice it was.

"The coldness of their spell lingered in me." The man nodded his head. "As I lay unconscious they invaded my mind for all the knowledge I possess. Most of it will do them little good and I have forgotten most of what I knew of the Terran first. They will however be able to stand against me should we meet."

"It cannot be helped." He replied wearily. "I will have to go and tell the others to start packing."

Without looking at him the princess got up from besides the bed where she had been sitting to follow the master. Ferik did not try to stop or call her back. They both felt relieved even as despair hallowed within them.

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