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“If you’re sick on my carpet you’ll be cleaning it up.”

Adele was already getting to her feet and putting her robe back on but Mark looked completely drained. It was a couple of minutes before he finally regained control of himself. We barely spoke as he led me through to his garage workshop and then, true to his word, he went to work on the tube. He seemed impressed by Saxon’s workmanship as he removed the temporary sleeve. He put it to one side and then handed me a pair of ear defenders before donning a pair for himself. He turned off the workshop lights and worked under a desktop ultra violet bulb using a tool which resembled a chunky fountain pen. Even with the ear protection I could still hear a piercing whine as he ran the tool up and down the length of the tube. After a minute or two he seemed satisfied and he picked up a pair of long handled scissors which would not have looked out of place in an operating theatre. Working carefully he slowly cut along the length of the tube which yielded as easily as if it had been made of thin aluminium. As it dropped to the floor I stared at my manhood like a long lost friend. Apart from one or two areas of redness all seemed well and I dressed and left the house without another word.

Forfeits - Chapter 7

Five minutes into the journey home I pulled up on the hard shoulder and I was violently sick. Once I regained my composure I completed the journey with my mind racing. At one point I considered trying to mend bridges with Claire but the thought was short-lived. Too much had changed and now the prospect of starting over had its own attractions. For the past couple of years I had been coasting at work. When I started the company it had been both risky and exciting but, now that it had grown and developed into an established partnership, I knew that it no longer bore my personal hallmark.

As I pulled into the drive my mind was set. They could all go to hell but right then I had a lot of pent-up sexual frustration and I knew exactly how I was going to release it.

Claire was in the living room and seemed unsurprised to see me so early in the day, in fact, she looked pleased to see me.

“Adele phoned. She said you guessed about Mark and the tube. How does it feel to be free?”

At this sudden reminder of all I had been through I felt a rush of anger.

“Was all this really necessary? Couldn’t we have just talked?”

“You mean you would have confessed to forging my signature?”

That was hard to answer and I still wondered how the hell she knew. As though reading my thoughts she continued.

“The brokers contacted me. When you present a cheque which more or less clears out one of their best accounts they do some checking. They thought that my signature left something to be desired and so they phoned me.”

I thought about this for a moment.

“But the cheque went through. You must have told them that the signature was genuine.”

“What was the alternative? Tell them my husband was committing fraud. Besides, I guessed what you were up to.”

“And you told the others?”

“Of course I did. I was already guilty of complicity.”

I was not sure where this was heading but I was taken completely off balance when she continued.

“So I guess you want to fuck?”

She stood up as she said it and started to unfasten the buttons of her blouse.

“You mean you want to?”

“Would you have forced me if I didn’t?”

It was a good question and one which I would have struggled to answer truthfully.

“Come upstairs.”

She carried on undressing on the way and by the time we reached the bedroom she was naked. At that moment she seemed more beautiful than ever and I tore off my own clothes like a first time teenager. She took me by the hand and led me to the bed and then I noticed the chilled champagne and glasses on the bedside table.

“Is this a celebration?”

“Let’s call it new beginnings…”

She poured two glasses and handed one to me. I had not had a drink since leaving Mark and Adele and so I made the toast and downed the extra dry Lanson in two gulps.

“New beginnings.”

She took the empty glass from my hand.

“Lie down. Let me make it good for you.”

I did as she asked and it might have been my imagination but my erection seemed bigger and more fierce than ever before. Claire smiled as she stroked it with her finger.

“No harm done then?”

She joined me on the bed and straddled my hips. There was no preamble, no endearments, she pulled my erection upright and slowly impaled herself. She was hot, tight and wet and I smiled inwardly. She had missed me more than she cared to admit. She started to move, slowly at first but then more quickly. With each movement she almost drew clear of me altogether but then she allowed herself to fall and she ground herself against my pubic bone. I thought that, after all my frustrations, I would come quickly but that was not going to matter, I was not going to be content with just the once. In the event I found that I was almost too erect and I realized that I was going to be able to stay the course after all. As it was, it seemed as if it was Claire who was racing against time. She was working herself almost frantically and, within a few seconds, she began to come noisily.

She collapsed onto me as she tried to catch her breath and I took a perverse pride in the fact that I was still ready for more. As she lay there, and I breathed in the smell of her freshly washed hair, I began to wonder if I was being too hasty. Could something be salvaged from all this? After a moment or two Claire’s breathing returned to something like normal but I suddenly realized that my erection was softening. She lifted herself and let me slip free but I was not concerned – the night was young.

“God, that was good! Something to remember you by.”

It was an odd choice of words on her part.

“What are you talking about?”

“That was the last time that you fuck me, or should I say fuck with me.”

She got up from the bed and I tried to rise with her but my body seemed impossibly heavy.

“What’s going on!”

“It’s a muscle relaxant. Something Diane recommended.”

I looked across at the two champagne glasses, one empty but the other still full, and I tried to lift my head.

“I would stay still if I were you. It works on all your muscles including your heart.”

As she said it I could feel my heart hammering and the onset of lightheadedness.

“We’ve been playing a little guessing game. The consensus was that, having jeopardized all of our careers, and been found out, you would probably make a run for it.”

“That’s insane!”

“You think so? The fact that you were happy to give Mark a blow job tells me that you are desperate but it also tells me that you have no intention of sticking around. I know you too well Peter.”

For a moment I was too stunned for words but finally I found my voice.

“So what now?”

“Now? Now we have two choices. Option one is to turn you in. Option two is leave the cash where it is – forever – and to get on with our lives. But option two leaves us with a problem. How do we ensure that you don’t run away?”

I could tell from her tone that she already had an answer.

“I want you to take a look at something.”

From the bedside drawer she took out something which resembled a giant signet ring. As she held it over my face I could see that it was actually formed of four concentric rings which were decorated with Cyrillic characters.

“It’s based on a fifteenth century Turkish design and I have to tell you that it was hideously expensive but we all chipped in.”

As I watched she twisted the rings and a loop of fine wire unwound from within.

“Now watch this.”

From the same drawer she took out a pink plastic dildo which was moulded in a single piece to include a realistic pair of balls; then, like a magician, she tapped it on the bed head to show how solid it was.

“Claire, I don’t want to see this.”

“That’s unfortunate because you don’t have a choice.”

She carefully slid the ring over the shaft of the dildo and then she looped the wire around the ball sac which effectively kept it in place. Once she was satisfied she twisted the rings again and the wire loop closed until it was snug around the top of the sac. Now that its hideous purpose was made apparent I became angry. The dildo was less than life size and it was clear that, realistically, the ring could only be slid onto a flaccid penis with the obvious consequence that, once fitted it would prevent an erection. I was certain, however, that it was no more than symbolic. The wire was so fine it could be cut through with ease.

“Now here’s the fun part. You can only undo it if you put in the right combination. Each ring has twelve symbols so I’ll leave you to work out the permutations. Let me show you what happens if you try to open it in the wrong position or if you try to interfere with it.”

She took hold of the dildo near the tip and then picked up a pair of nail scissors. She held it slightly away from herself and then took the loop between the blades of the scissors. It clearly took a greater effort than I thought it would but eventually there was a sharp snap. For a second nothing seemed to happen but then, almost in slow motion, the greater part of the dildo fell onto the bed. Claire was left holding just a couple of inches of the pink shaft and she showed me where it had been cut clean through. Before I had gotten over the initial shock she picked up the larger part, from where it had fallen, and I could see that the ball sac had almost been completely severed and probably would have been had the scissors not been caught in the loop.

She turned her back on me and I heard her twisting the rings again.

“The story goes that no one has ever broken their way out of one of these little babies but then, given the possible consequences, who would be mad enough to try?”


I tried desperately to turn away but she simply laughed as she carefully took hold of my manhood and slipped the ring onto it.

“Stop this! …It’s bloody madness!”

“… and we just slip this around here.”

“Claire…Please…don’t do that!”

She was already twisting the rings and I felt the wire loop tightening around my ball sac.

“There, the combination’s set and you’re all mine…or should I say ours….and if you don’t do exactly as you’re told you will never be free.”

“What do you mean “ours”.”

“Didn’t I tell you? The others are on their way over. Diane has promised to bring some of her toys and there are two of them who have still to take advantage of your very talented mouth.”

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