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The feather pillow landed right in my face causing me to sputter with laughter and promptly drop my soup in my lap, which, of course, soaked the pants I was wearing.


Allyson sat on the couch in stunned horror, her face twisted between shock and laughter she was suppressing. Caitlin immediate jumped up and dashed out of the room. Obviously laughter won out over shock, for Allyson was laughing so hard she almost fell off the couch.

Mourning the loss of potentially fine cuisine, the only thing I was grateful for in this mishap was the fact that I had waited long enough to eat, the soup was cool. Mortified by the way these accidental situations always seem to hone in on me, I lost my voice so I just glared at the floor feeling the cold soup soak into my favorite pair of jeans and into uncomfortable places on my person.

Caitlin came back in the room carrying a few towels, her sweet face furrowed in contrite concern as she methodically wiped up most the errant soup from the cushions. Noticing her sister in fits of giggles, she spoke to Allyson harshly in a language I couldn't even begin to understand.

Allyson just laughed harder if that was possible, her face turning red for lack of air. Caitlin growled angrily and opened her mouth to say something else, but was waylaid by my placing my hand over her mouth.

Finding my voice, "It wasn't her fault, these things just happen to me. A lot." I blushed shyly, removing my hand from over those tempting lips. "Natural Klutz."

"It wadna yer fault," she said softly, her brogue thick rolling through me with an intensity of some emotion, glaring at her sister who was sucking in gulps of air trying to calm down. "She shounda been rough housing while yer in ill health, lil one." Reaching for a clean towel, she tenderly pressed it into my lap where most the soup had soaked in.

Oh. My. Goodness! Desire leaped back to the full of raging, I sucked in my breath, jack knifing strait up. My blood drained from my face, strait down to bring my attention in full force to an area I was trying to ignore.

"Did I bump you leg?" Caitlin's vivid blue eyes held only concern, no knowledge that she where she was pressing the towel was totally inappropriate.

I could tell she was only trying to help but that small fact did nothing to tamper my unfortunately strong reaction to her doing something so very close to what I had mused about earlier in the day.

Mutely, I shook my head and closed my eyes. I reached to take the towel from her, fighting every impulse I had that was screaming at me to lay back and let her do what I wanted her to do. My eyes sprang open. Goodness, how could I feel like this with her sister sitting less than four feet away from us?

I looked over at Allyson who was watching us with avid interest now that she had gotten her giggles under control, her mouth now curled in a cunning smirk.

Blushing profusely, I took the towel from Caitlin. "Thank you but my jeans have soaked up most of the soup, there's no help for it. I must c.. change." I stuttered softly.

I pushed up from the couch balancing on my good foot. I wasn't about to set my twisted ankle down again, no matter how much it was telling me that it didn't hurt at the moment. The liar.

"Is there something around here I might be able to use as a crutch? I need to go to the restroom anyhow. Didn't I see some umbrellas behind the front door? I hope the water is good I think I need a bath anyhow. "I could tell I was rambling but I couldn't seem to stop. "I should be fine the rest of the night, so you two can head back to your home." Looking at Caitlin, I waited patiently for her to concede.

She snorted, wrinkling up that oh so cute nose of hers. I noticed the light dust of freckles on her pale skin for the first time. Her blue eyes changed from anger and concern till they were brimmed with amusement. "If you think I'm letting you stay up here alone your off your rocker girlie." Caitlin stated, her generous lips twitching in repressed amusement at my obvious attempt at stubbornness. "You need me to watch over ya till yer all healed up and can run around by yourself."

"I'm staying." Allyson chimed in as she chuckled. "Sorry about the laughing, I laugh when in nervous. An well you looked so calm when the soup tipped over, like you do it every day and it was only a mild inconvenience, it just set me off. So please donna be mad at me." Her expression open with contrite, and a hint of devilment.

I grunted at the pair, knowing I was beaten before I could start to argue. Caitlin was obviously concerned and Allyson was not there as a chaperone. I could tell she was around in case there was more amusement to be had. Neither would leave at this rate.

"Fine you two,' I conceded, with an sigh, holding my hands up in surrender. "May I at least change into something a little less.., well, wet? No actually, it's been a very long day with the flight over and all. I'd really like to take a shower. Which direction is the bathroom?" The surrendering wasn't really well done of me but I didn't know what else to do, plus I was getting cranky for lack of sleep and embarrassment wasn't helping.

I glanced at Caitlyn, who looked back at me with concern and determination. Allyson, on the other hand, was just looking amused.

Caitlyn reached out to take my arm, "Here I'll show you were it is." she said softly. "You'll need some help." she said with a slight smile that made my knees wobble again.

Help with what? I thought vaguely. As her hand wrapped around my arm, my pulse skyrocketed.




I almost whimpered.

'This could get interesting, very interesting indeed,' the wicked side of my mind laughed gleefully.

"Why doesn't Allyson help me to the shower?" I sputtered in desperation, wanting to remove any temptation that might be my undoing. I looked from Caitlyn over to my chaperone, a obvious plea in my eyes.

"No, I'm going to hunt you up some food, I'm sure Caitlyn can help you with any needs you might have." Allyson smirked as she headed off to the kitchen, whistling a damn jaunty tune.

Oh, I was going to have to get her for that one. Not like I wasn't having enough trouble keeping my hands and other extremities to myself without her encouragement.

Caitlyn cleared her throat, causing me to glance up as a look of uncertainty passed her face. She spoke softly to me, "I don't mean to be so bossy, lil' one. I can be a little strong headed at times.." she trailed off. "If ya' don't really want my help, I... I understand." she said tentatively, her eyes slightly avoiding mine.

All the fight left me. She has misinterpreted what I meant with my desperate plea, her feelings had been hurt in the process. I felt like a heel.

I caught her hand in mine and bumped her with my shoulder a little playfully. With a dramatic sigh I said, "Well, if you reeaally want to help." Her blue eye tipped up to mine. Relief flooded me as she grinned when she saw my smile.

"This is the shortest way to the master bath," she smiled impishly reaching for a candle handle besides the fire place. As she pulled it down the book shelf to the right opened, revealing a passage way behind the case.

Caitlyn's laughter spilled out when my jaw dropped in astonishment.

"Like it? It's one of my favorite projects around this house." She smiled with pride, "all the different places to go that no one knows about. Since you're the owner now, you'll need to know about all of these at one time or another. Discover all their secrets." She smiled shyly.

I smiled wide in delight, "I thought they only made these for Scooby Doo and Nancy Drew."

"Well then, Nancy, let's get you to your bath." She chuckled, tugging gently on my hand, letting me use it as a unsupported crutch. As I followed her closely down the narrow corridor, her slim calloused hand in mine, the walls reflected the lights from the floor in a soft glow.

Every breath held her while it enthralled me.

I made sure not to look at the gentle sway of her hips, knowing that my hands would surely want to follow. I mostly focused on trying to keep my breath shallow so I wouldn't inhale her tempting scent. I had to reinforce steel into my will to maintain a calm temperament.

Her red hair seemed to shimmer a little as she walked, refracting a red gold that was mesmerizing in itself, her ear tips seemed to peek out of the glorious mass; the hypnotic effect strongly reminding me of an elf once again. That and my nibbling plan. With that combination it was hard to keep from enabling the "accidentally trip, fall on Caitlyn, and kiss/grope her" plan that my mind kept playing over and over. My body thrummed at the nearness of her, which did not help me enforce restraint.

'It is a good plan,' my impulses wheedled to my logic.

"You ok back there? Your awfully quiet ..." Caitlyn asked, curiosity in her voice. Her eyes peeked over her shoulder at me, glowing vibrant blue in the odd light of the narrow hall.

My heart stutter in my chest Which made it harder to remember the basics of how to talk. I was sure she could feel the violent trembling in my hand, hear the loud thrumming in my veins.

I cleared my throat, "Erm, yes, just thinking..." I gave her a tentative, half smile.

She grinned back, eyes lit with kindness, "All that thinking must mean you must be getting better. That or you're up to mischief." she said in mock leeriness.

Her gentle teasing released the unknown tension that had been gripping my heart, which incidentally also loosened my tongue and mind from its former captivity.

I gave her a mock innocent look, "Who me? Why I never..." I didn't think my indignation would hold ground and sure enough she started laughing.

"Aye, sure. You'd never get in to mischief, eh? I just bet you were in a lot of trouble when you were a wee lass" she smirked, her eyes laughing at me. "What did you say your ma's number was again? I think I need to call her to tell her you're ok? Mayhap wheedle a bit of information about you... Since you have my sister as access to my misdeeds as a wee lass, 'tis only fair."

I eyed her with narrowed suspicion as we continued to walk down the narrow corridor, "I, distinctly, don't remember giving you any numbers, much less that of my mother's, to begin with you wretch," I stated primly, laughter choked my voice as I tried to maintain a serious face, "You'll have to do better than that to get such top secret information from me."

A truly wicked grin appeared on Caitlyn's face, causing my heart to falter. "Is that so? Did my sibling also tell ya I happen to be well known as the Torturer of the Tarres family?" She smiled evilly, that sexy dimple of hers deepened as her smile widened. "I can get information about anything from any one. I have my ways."

She reached out and pressed a hand to the wall, which swung out to reveal the bathroom. Caitlin tugged me in. Glancing around the master bathroom I was defiantly impressed. The marble tile imprinted with jaded script adorned the walls matching the large sunk in tub that was churning with jetted water and the three headed, benched shower. The entire room was open, it remained me of an ancient Greek bath house. Well, minus the masses.

"You don't scare me Caitlin, Allyson already told me what a softy you are." I chuckled at her cuteness.

Turning to look me dead in the eye, she widened her stance and leaned in closer to me, as if to intimidate me. Her voice lowered to a husky growl. "So Alixilura, what's it going to be? We can do this the easy way or the hard way? It's up to you. Either way I'll still get what I want."

I froze. My eyes widened, going slightly unfocused. The mental picture of Caitlin in tight black leather standing in that domineering pose burned itself in my mind as her voice made my body tighten and tremble faster than the sound of a cracking whip. I could feel myself being pulled closer by her fiery blue eyes.

Allyson busted out laughing breaking the intenseness that had nearly made me faint. "You're so easy, Alix! Caitlin ya say I was messing with her? What do you call that little act?" I started, leaned to the left. Allyson sat on a wall bench behind Caitlin, a few towels to her right, that mischievous grin plastered across her face. "What? I always wanted to try this room out!" she exclaimed.

I had to roll my eyes at that. "What the heck makes you think I'll be bathing with you?" I asked amused.

She pouted, playfully hurt. "So you'll bathe with Caitlin but not with me?" She gave a sultry smile and a lusty wink. "Besides you don't think I'd pass up the chance to see you naked did ya?"

I turned three shades of red on that comment then paled in embarrassment, locking up my voice.

Caitlin took one look at my face and blocked Allyson's view of me, glaring at her older sister. "That was uncalled for Ally." She hissed harshly, fists clenched.

Allyson's eyes widened at the stance. She had probably never seen her sister this angry, especially at her. She held up her hands, palms out. She leaned to the right to catch my eye so I was forced to tip my eyes up to her. "Sorry, honey. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I forgot you're not quite use to us yet. Forgive me?" she made a cute little helpless face that forced a laugh out of my choked up throat.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Wow just finished your story it is now December 2019 and there still is not a sequel I cannot fathom why you have not put up a sequel to this fantastic story I am of Scott Irish and German descent and of all the countries in the world the only two that I truly wish to see is Ireland and for some strange reason Australia my Scottish and Irish background I've always been interested in both countries of all the innumerable types of women in the world the two that most fascinate me are redheads and women who have hair that is so black it has blue highlights such as Japanese I do not know where are my infatuation for these hair colors comes from I do not like confrontation but I have always been attracted to the fiery red-headed temperament where am I infatuation for my infatuation what's Japanese ladies comes from I have not a clue I cannot believe it has been 15 years and you have not written a sequel to the story please consider in the near future to do so as this is one of the or interesting and entertaining stories I have read in quite a while

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Don't know about anyone else but the first page was so difficult to read, what with spelling mistakes, just plain wrong word use and the like, that I gave up. I love reading, but there is much more out there that is easier to take in when you don't have to try and work out what the word is and whether it has the meaning that the author intends for it (ie, manors instead of manners; unfortunately there are plenty of that sort of story on here too - but at least one of the protagonists names didn't change three times on a single page as I recently saw!

I do hate moaning about stories and their problems, but there is a solution - can I suggest to this author (if she is still about) that she ask for an editor to look each story over and tidy it up before posting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Too good a story to stop in the middle.

Since it was posted in 2004, maybe that's literally all she wrote!

Smiley_PatchSmiley_Patchover 8 years ago

Is there going to be more to the story?

elusiouselusiousover 9 years ago

A great story, loved the humor, tension and distinct characters. I'm sad that there isn't more. I hope you'll finish this story one day. :]

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Where is the rest of it?

I'm Irish descent and turned to this story to see what it was like. Potentially very good, but what's happened to the rest of it? It's a story with a lovely start and a great build up, with plenty of humour and developing atmosphere. And you've just left it at the first part (and even that seems incomplete). SylverLyf, you've got a promising little gem here but like any gem, it needs properly cutting and polishing. Please do something more with it. To encourage you, I've tossed five stars your way. Don't let your readers down.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
its npt finished

can u please make the r'rest of the story, i wabt to k.ow what happens.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Sylverlyf is on fanfiction as well

Sylverlyf is on fanfiction as well just fyi

Helen444Helen444about 11 years ago
Next please !

Really good story but can we have the next chapter already

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Please the next chapter

This is an good story. It's funny and charming at the same time. I need more of the story lots more.

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