Cate's Struggles


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Going to Alma, I touched her pockets for the knife Haley had told me she'd wielded to partially cut her clothes. It wasn't there, but it didn't surprise me. Touching at the bottom of her leg, I felt where it was, took it out, and began cutting her clothes, but much more than she'd cut and ripped Haley's. In no time, her clothes were cut into unusable pieces, including her boxer panties. She'd go to the hospital naked.

"I know you remember what I told you the first time. Now you know that I never bluff, and what I say I'll do, I do it. If I ever see you again, you'll lose this," I said, touching where her clit was with the tip of her blade.

She heard me. Her bowels opened wide and spewed all she had in her, as well as her urethra—she'd shit and pissed herself.

Going to the moaning Attila, I did the same, but taunted her more as she'd done to both of us.

"I once saw how they operated on young girls in the Sudan," I said as I cut her clothes up as I'd done Alma's. "They use whatever sharp object is available—you know, like a stone with some kind of point to it—and cut off their clitorises, though why I'm not sure. To keep them from tempting their men? Maybe, but it's a habit with them, and horrible for those girls when it happens. So much pain. So much," I went on instilling fear in her mind.

"That's what I'm going to do to you if I ever see you again. Those women, though, they sew up their girls, sometimes they still die from infection as gangrene sets in. I don't sew too good either, but I think I'll practice on you. Every girl ought to know how to sew, right?" I quietly teased her horrified mind further.

She emptied her bowels just as Alma had when I touched her clit with the knife.

"Take them to the hospital now or fight me," I softly said to the others.

Hesitating, then quickly going to both of them, they struggled through their foul odors and picked them up as best they could. Turning, I saw Jade move out more; she was smiling, as well as tapping her camera. I nodded.

"Are you okay?" I asked the still stunned Haley.

"How'd you do that?" she asked in a faint voice though she was still trembling much as she must have been the last time they threatened her.

"Later," I said, "but are you okay?" she nodded dumbly, her eyes wide. "Let's go then. She didn't move. She was frozen in place too.

Suddenly she started to drop. I caught her, but not before I heard her words.

"I do love you, Cate, and I belong to you," she got out in a sure, but wooden voice. Then she hugged me and cried soundlessly.

"Hush," I said, stroking her hair. "It's over. They'll never bother you again, now come on."

I waved to Jade and saw her hand waving too, then turning to go back to her bar.

Chapter 12

She'd not said a word as I drove; she'd not moved a muscle for the longest time, but eventually she leaned against me and hugged my arm as her head went to my shoulder. She stayed that way until we reached our destination. When the car stopped, she looked up.

"Where are we?"

"Somewhere that you'll feel very safe until you're ready to go back." That scared her.

"I—I don't want to go back. I..." she nearly broke down on me.

"You will," I said.

Her body lurched to grab and hold mine to her. "P—please don't make me leave you. I'll do whatever you wish—anything," her frazzled voice said.

"You're safe here, Haley. Come on."

Inside, she looked at it in mild awe.

"It's beautiful," her quiet voice spoke the words without thought.

It wasn't quite so beautiful, but to her, perhaps it was. It was certainly much different.

"Do you swim?" She nodded. "Maybe a swim would do to clear your mind up some. It's a good distraction when you need distracting. Let's go," I said.

"I don't have a swim suit," she looked at me, perplexed again.

"It's okay," I smiled for the first time, then found robes and towels, and the flip-flops Lanie and I often used.

Leaning against me, she walked back out, and watched as I looked around and listened. It was quiet, and that meant it was safe as the only sounds were of nature. I began to take my clothes off, and looked at her, and made a slight motion. She understood, and started to take hers off too. Naked, I dove in. In a second, I sensed her beside me, then clinging to me. She was shivering from the coolness of the water. That coolness distracted her body out of its stupor. Her body distracted mine.

Haley's beasts were against mine, her one leg trying to wrap itself around me, pressing her pussy to me where I knew the difference between the wetness of the water, and the wetness of her pussy's juices. For being as slender as she was, she had one heck of a sweet set of tits. My body relished her nearness, and my pussy sighed in delight, then started urging me to give it more. That wasn't going to happen any time soon, my mind told me. Though my pussy would put up a valiant struggle, it knew my mind would win, but my body and pussy would never give up the fight.

"Swim," I told Haley, and pulled away from her. She followed me. Staying ahead of her, making her body exert itself, I kept on until I knew she had to be getting tired, then swam to the dock. Out, I lay back on it, and Haley took it as an invitation to be fully aside of me. My hand eased her away, not giving her what she wanted, what she expected.

"Are you feeling cold now?" I asked her.

"No, I'm fine, I think," she said, making the towels and robes unnecessary.

Feeling Haley's nearby warmth, Lanie's warmth came to me. We'd so often been like this, comfortable for a while to simply enjoy the moment, but then wildly, passionately, making love. Lanie's breasts came to mind, but then Haley's merged with them, became them, and stirred my core to tears, as well as some from my eyes that fell without noise.

"Will you be my Mistress now?" Haley dared asking fearfully.

"Nothing is ever for sure."

She had to want it more than anything, to desire it above all so that she'd obey, but then would begin the hardest part, and that of freeing her from her addiction to it. It was more than a desire for cocaine passed to a baby by its addicted mother, it was something perpetuated daily from what Eleanore had told me. It may not even be how she truly felt, but then she hadn't ever been given much of a chance to choose otherwise. There were no guarantees, save that for the moment she wanted to become my submissive. That was how Haley saw her life, her destiny; it was all she knew for sure.

When I knew we were dry, I rose, and started dressing; Haley did the same.

"You're beautiful," Haley said just before my bra covered me.

"So are you," I said without emotion, or any feeling of any kind, at least outwardly. Within, I felt my words, knew their truth and my body's desire, as well as my pussy's.

Then I sensed that my rage was gone, and that comforted me. Now the real trying times would begin. Back inside, I gave her a set of pajamas, which she took with a sorrowful face.

"Go shower, and get ready for bed."

"Yes, M—Cate," she caught herself.

I'd sent her into the other bathroom, and I went into mine, and showered, then changed into pajamas also. When I came out, she had tears in her eyes.

"Please don't make me sleep alone, C—Cate," she pleaded.

"If you behave..."

"I will," she cut me off quickly. "I promise I will."

She was good to her promise, though I did allow her to sleep on my breast. She was ecstatic, and I knew she thought to push what I had allowed. She was still scared, but then she finally went to sleep.

Chapter 13

When I woke up, I knew she was there. Opening my eyes, I smelled the coffee and looked at her kneeling expectantly by my side. She smiled weakly, hoping, I knew, that she hadn't displeased me.

"Good morning. Shall—can I bring you some coffee?"

"No, not right now, and good morning to you too. You'll find some clothes in the closet and other drawers in the other bedroom. I'll be right out."

Mystified, she went to her room as I suggested, and I closed the door, leaving it unlocked on purpose, and went to do my morning ritual. Done, I changed my own clothes. She hadn't tried to enter.

Somewhere along the line, I knew Jade had contacted Michelle at home, and was giving her the video of as much of the action as she'd shot, keeping a few copies for me. I would call Michelle later and explain if need be if Jade hadn't explained it enough. Going to the kitchen, Haley had my cup ready, and poured my coffee, then stood awaiting whatever I told her to do.

"Sit, Haley, and drink your coffee, or do you prefer something else?"

She shook her head. "No, just coffee." Then, "Are you going to tell me more?"

"Later. First, let's enjoy the coffee, and the peace and quiet, then maybe some breakfast."

"I can make some eggs and bacon, or whatever," she quickly volunteered.

"That would be nice. I'll help you with that in a moment."

"That's okay, I can..." she stopped, about to say she could do it herself. I smiled, then she did too.

"There's so much I want to know about you," she said out of the blue after we'd drank our first cup. She was trying to get me to open up to her, but I wasn't ready, nor was she.

"In time," I vaguely told her.

"Yes, Cate," she said, her voice dragging in disappointment.

We did make bacon and eggs with toast. I'd stocked the refrigerator earlier, along with other things I had to do in preparation. Finished, we did the dishes in silence, she taking a cue from me, but then we took a last cup of coffee to the sofa.

"Haley, I want you to tell me all about yourself, and I mean everything."

Her countenance fell, but she sighed, resigned herself to talking, and did.

"You mean about my submissiveness?"

"Yes, mostly, but tell me everything that made you to be you as you are now. All that you remember."

"There's not much, but my mom said my father's name was Brennan, so that's on my birth certificate. I'm not sure of it though. She's had several men that I remember, but I don't remember all of their names. They all lived with us, but I only remember some of their faces.

"She did make sure I went to school, at least until I was sixteen. From the earliest days, I can only remember some of the kids calling me 'slut's baby'. I never minded it because I thought it was just a nickname like most others. It wasn't until much later that I found out what they meant. Then I was ashamed, and sometimes mad."

Haley paused then, a sad look on her face that had her looking deep within herself. So far, her life was much different than mine, Haley living in a hell and never knowing that she did, or that maybe there was much more out there.

"There weren't many people around us. There wasn't much there at all, just our trailer, and some junk the men had there. I don't know what all they did, if anything, or how any of us lived, but we did. When I was seventeen, and Claude, the man she was with then, mom sensed him looking at me too much, and made me run away. She gave me all the money she'd squirreled away, and made me go. She just said go as far as I could, but spend the money wisely. She hugged me hard, and kissed me.

"I did as she told me, and never told anyone I had the money. I think it was over a thousand dollars. Where she got all of that money from, I didn't know. As best I could, I worked some burger places, and such, telling everyone I was eighteen, which I'd soon be. She'd told me to find someone who'd take care of me. I looked at men, but I didn't like any of them, and I couldn't figure it out. When I did figure it out, it was because I was looking at a pretty woman, one who was older, and I stared at her too much. She said something to me, mad, and walked out. When I thought of it, I figured out I liked women.

"After that I began to notice that I always looked at them, but hadn't ever paid it any attention. Then I started looking intentionally, and knowing that I was looking, that I had to look. Finally, a year, or so later, I went to the club, scared as could be. When that woman—Alma—came up to me, I nearly went with her right away, but then I didn't. There was something about her that scared me. Still, she nearly got me to go with her until you saved me."

Again, she paused, and looked at me with the most doleful eyes, a look of pure love that I recognized coming into them. It was then that I really paid attention to her eyes. I'd not wanted to before, but hadn't thought of why. Now I knew. She had very green eyes, but they were on the darkish side, and there was a deep fire in them. They seized my heart and squeezed it tightly so much so that it scared me. She had a very powerful depth in her, and I don't think she even realized it. It was then that I knew she'd probably make it, pass every test I'd put her through, and become my submissive at the least, and most likely, free of it. She had a good chance of it at any rate, as I thought through all of that.

"W—when I saw you, and how you were, I knew I loved you, and I wanted to be yours always. M—my heart was thumping so hard in me, and wanting to jump out and into you, wanting you to take care of me forever. Th—that's all I know, Cate. I just want you for my Mistress if you'll have me. I don't need anything else," she said, her tears softly falling.

I tried to think of what else to ask, but could think of nothing.

"I still have more than five hundred dollars and I'll give it to you if you'll let me...even if you don't want me," she hung her head sorrowfully.

Nice trick. Nice ploy, I thought, but I knew she meant it.

"No, you keep it. You never know what the future holds, and you may need it some day. For now, I have enough. If I ever need more, I'll ask you for some, okay?" I lied as if I'd done so all my life, but she didn't know that.

The car I used was the one Lanie owned. It ran good, and I saw no need in having a new one; I still lived very simply just as Lanie had also.

"Haley, I want you to learn to do something. Let's see if you will," I said, taking her as we were to where the body bag hung. It was then that I started to teach her to defend herself.

Haley strived hard to do everything I told her to do, perfect every move as much as she could. She was a good student, applying herself diligently at all times; that heartened me. We worked out for a long time, then ate some lunch, after which I had us put on one-piece bathing suits. I'd figured her size pretty well. Somewhat wishing I hadn't suggested swimming, I looked at her nonetheless. Haley wasn't shy about looking at me either, licking her lips often. As much as she looked at me, I didn't think she noticed me doing the same, she was so focused on wanting me.

We swam for a long time, then dried up on the dock. It didn't take long.

"Haley, go take a nap and relax your body that's worked hard; I have some calls to make.

She didn't like being left alone, but she did as I asked.

* * * *

"Hey, Michelle, Cate. Did you get my package."

"Hi, Cate, and yes, I got it, and it is very interesting. I worried at first, but your friend was close enough to get some good sound to go with the picture. Without it, I'd have you on a plane to Uruguay, or some such place," she laughed. "I don't think she'll bother either of you with a phony law suit. Uh, I sort of wondered if I should know about what happened after the video was cut off. It seems that it's incomplete."

"I don't think you need to know that, and most likely, don't want to know it, if I have it right."

"Uh, yeah. Okay. I'll keep it all safe in case we need it anytime."

"Great. That's what I hoped to hear."

Next I called Jade.

"Hey, doll, whatcha doing, or more important, where are you doing it? Or am I not supposed to know?" she added.

"No, not for now. Think you can get around to the other stuff?"

"Maybe," she teased. "Oh, hell, it's done already. They'll find it, and on that other, nothing left other than furniture, and I don't think it's hers."

"That was fast. Thanks. I do appreciate it."

"Hell, you appreciate it? What about me. I don't know when I've had so much fun. Jeez, I hope I never get you pissed at me."

"I'm sure you won't. On that other matter, when they get out, see if you can find out what the result was. I'll call you in a few, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. I'm sure they'll shit and piss themselves all over again though. Damn, those are nasty pics, girl. Uh, are you sure you won't tell me anything else? My nosey bone is acting worse than a horny pussy dying, and wants to know what all is going on."

I laughed. "Sorry, Jade, maybe someday."

"Bitch" she said, but kindly as usual. It made me laugh as it always did.

"Bye, Jade," I said, a huge smile still on my lips.

Jade had told me she had a friend who could pick any lock. While Attila and Alma were in the hospital, she was going to see if they had computers, and if so, get on them and print out some pictures of clitoridectomies for them to see. They were nasty and ugly looking.

I went and lay aside of Haley; she'd gone to my bed to nap. As soon as she sensed me, she started to roll over onto me. My hand quickly stayed her. She settled for taking my hand again, which I let her do.

After dinner, I talked with Haley again.

"When you were in school, were there any classes that caught your interest?"

She thought on that for a minute. "Uh-uh, none except some history. I sort of liked it. After a while, I didn't even like recess or lunch."

"Have you ever thought of anything you'd like to be?"

"Your submissive when I found you?" she snuck that in.

"No getting cute, Haley. Be serious."

"Yes, Cate," she said glumly. "No. Just finding you, but I didn't know you were supposed to be a woman."

It was going to be a tough row to hoe, but I was determined to hoe it. Before it was time to go to bed, I had more bad news for her.

"Haley, I want you to sleep in the other room. That is your room as long as we're here. While there, I know you won't be sleeping right off, but in that time, I want you to think of things, and to try to look at it from a perspective other than your own. Most of all, I want you to wonder even if it's only on what to think about. Work hard and focus on finding something to wonder about."

To say her face fell was an understatement. She looked as if I'd just sentenced her to solitary confinement for life.

"Please, no, C—Cate," she said with a heavy heart.

"Haley, I have to know that you can make it on your own if anything should happen to me. That's the most important thing to me right now. You must be as safe as you can be. Understand? If not, it's all been for nothing. Wasted! And I won't have that; I won't have you unable to care for yourself."

Though she didn't like it, she nodded her head.

"I understand, Cate. I'll do it," she said none too convincingly.

Chapter 14

When I thought to bring us to the cabin, I considered we'd stay about a week at the most. It was two months since we arrived. In that time, I'd talked to Jade, and learned that both Attila and Alma hadn't been heard from since they got out of the hospital. Then she bitched that I'd run some of her best customers off.

"They kept my bottles empty," she cried.

"Faker," I said quietly, then laughed lightly. She did too.

"How're you two getting along?"

"Good," I said, still giving her nothing to savor.

"Jeez, you're one tight bitch. Everyone has been wondering what happened. They were even going to call the police, but I got Jabs aside, and told her not to worry. She looked at me for more, but I didn't say a word."

"Thanks. And see, you're catching on."


"On keeping quiet," I laughed again.

"Bitch," she said again.

"I'm going to buy you a dictionary with all the B's left out and let you learn something else."

"Well, I could say cunt, but that's not so nice in some circles, but in ours, it's okay."