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"Quite. I'll get back to you, but you should be aware I'm going to be spending some more of your money." he said seriously.

"How much more?" I asked.

"Probably another $2500, maybe a bit more." he answered.

"OK ... we can handle that. I'll keep my fingers crossed that we get something really hot." I said.

"I'll call you when I have something worthwhile." he said, signing off.

Ten days later, Terry called and asked me to meet him at this office. He had something to show me. I instantly agreed and we set up a meeting for the next morning. I couldn't wait. I could only hope we had something really nasty on the bitch. I walked into Terry's office with a spring in my step and hope in my heart.

"Well, Geoff, I think I have what you need." he began. "However, you must never reveal how you got this and of course, if anyone comes back to me, I'll deny everything."

"Understood. We have no reason to tell anyone anything that would come back on you. Only two people even know you are the person that we contracted with." I offered.

"Good. Why don't you come around here and I'll show you what I've got." he suggested.

Terry had a laptop on his desk and obviously had inserted a DVD in the slot. He moved the mouse and the video screen popped up and he clicked on the play arrow. What followed could have dislocated my jaw if I hadn't been careful. It began with Claire LaPointe in some sort of bondage outfit consisting on a shiny black brassiere, skimpy black shiny panties, a studded collar and shiny, patent leather boots that came up almost to her knees. It was obviously shot in a bedroom and it was very austere in its décor. She wasn't a beautiful woman by any means and with her clothes off, she was stockier than I would have expected, but then I never looked at her in a sexual way.

As the DVD continued, she went off-screen and reappeared, dragging a young woman in by her blonde hair. I could hear her yelping in pain but Claire seemed oblivious to her cries and pushed her down across a bed, face first. She looked very young and I wondered if Claire had pulled her off the street or she was a lover of some other kind. I didn't have long to wait as I could hear Claire's voice bark a sharp order to the young girl.

"Get your ass up in the air, bitch! You know what I want." she snapped. She slapped the young girl's backside twice and both times the girl yelped. These weren't love slaps and the girl wasn't faking pain. Claire then reached down to a night stand just below the line of sight of the camera and picked up something that I didn't recognize right away. It didn't take me long to figure out what it was though.

"Holy Fuck! Is that what I think it is?" I exclaimed. It was an artificial cock; a strap-on. I'd never really seen one before but this was something else. It was jet black, it was almost as thick as a rolling pin and it was at least 12" long. She reached back to the night stand after she'd belted this 'thing' on around her waist and picked up what appeared to be a tube of lubricant and greased that big pole up. The young blonde on the bed kept peering over her shoulder with a worried look, waiting for the next move. She didn't have long to wait. Claire pointed the massive cock at the girl's pussy and began to shove it in without much finesse. No worrying about the girl's discomfort or trying to accommodate the size of this thing; she just shoved it into her as hard as she could.

It was hard to watch and definitely not erotic. The young blonde was in pain and yet was submitting to it as if she couldn't get away; even though she wasn't restrained in any way. The more I watched the poor young kid I began to wonder about how old she would be and where did she come from?

"How old do you think that girl is?" I finally asked.

"Don't know, but I'm trying to find out. It isn't a criminal act if she consents and is over 14, but there's also a clause about dependency or trust. That's in there for the school teachers and scout masters and priests and such. It would be pretty hard to prosecute, but I think just letting some of her corporate clients see this and know that kid may only be 15 or16 would probably serve you just as well." he offered seriously.

I was repelled at what I saw and wondering if there was anything more. I asked Terry if this was the only kid she used.

"No. Not by a long shot. She has a stable of "little lambs" as she calls them. So far I've identified four and I know from listening to her phone calls that there are more. Some of them are street kids, I'm sure. Whether she pays them, I don't know, but I'll find out sooner or later." He said all this in a matter of fact voice as if he was talking about buying a new suit.

"There's more and you won't like this one any better." he said seriously. He flicked the mouse and the screen emptied again and started up with Claire leading a young boy with a collar around this neck over to the bed and pushing him face down on it just as she had with the girl.

"Jesus H. Christ!" I exclaimed. "She not going to do what I think she's going to do is she." I said looking at Terry with what must have been even more shock.

"Oh yes she is and this one ain't pretty. You said she hated men and this will give you some idea of how much." he said with a note of sadness.

I couldn't tell how old the boy was from my brief glimpse of his face, but I got the impression he might be a juvenile. He was skinny and very pale skinned and I would have guessed he couldn't be much more that 16, if that. What followed defied description and I won't even try. I don't think I'll ever get that image out of my mind. I'm sure watching a live execution couldn't be any worse. When she had finished with him, there was blood coming from his rectum and he virtually had to crawl off the bed. Claire stood with her hands on her hips and what I can only describe as a smirk on her face before she took the strap-on off and the scene went black.

I knew Claire LaPointe was a heartless bitch when it came to men; especially married men, but I had no idea she could be this foul. I wanted her ass on the cross more than ever now. It had become personal when she fucked me over in the divorce, but now it was something far more important.

"Terry, I can't imagine these kids would do this voluntarily. They must be doing it for money and they must be desperate; like street kids." I said after some thought.

"Yah ... that's what I though too, but she calls them on the phone to contact them, so I can't imagine these kids having cell phones unless she supplies them." he replied.

"Well, these days I think you can get "throwaway phones" fairly cheaply and when the time is used up, you just go get another one. Maybe that's what she's doing." I was sitting on the corner of his desk and I was lost in thought. I needed an idea of how to take this vicious bitch down, but nothing really permanent was coming to me.

"How many of these scenes do you have so far?" I asked the detective.

"Four. Three girls and that young boy."

"What do we do now?"

"Nothing. I've a couple of friends on the police force and I've already talked to them and shown them what I have. They're going to stake her out and see if they can get enough on her to get a warrant and then pop her when she's got someone in her apartment. I can count on them not to blow this deal and fuck it up for us. I guess of couple of their fellow officers have had some experience with her too.

"Can I have a copy of the DVD?" I asked, not really sure I wanted one.

"Sure, you paid for it, it's yours. Just remember, if anybody asks how you got it, it came in the mail with no return address and no note. Understood?"

"Understood!" I slid off the desk and walked around his office for a minute shaking my head, stopping to stare out his window at the city. I wasn't really seeing anything; I was lost in thought.

"Welcome to my ugly world." Terry finally said quietly. I just looked at him and nodded. Ugly seemed like an understatement.

I showed our group of eleven the DVD at one of their places in the city. It was more than a couple of them could handle and they headed for the bathroom to throw up, fortunately not at the same time. When it was over, we sat around and talked about what we did next.

In the end, we decided to send anonymous copies in the mail to five of her corporate clients and the Law Society. The trouble with that strategy was we wouldn't probably ever find out if she had lost her clients and only a public disbarment would tell us if the Law Society had acted. It was left to Terry to put the icing on the cake for us.

"I have some interesting news for you, Geoff." Terry said with a very upbeat tone of voice. "The police have arrested one Ms. Claire LaPointe and charged her with Pandering and Interference with a Minor. They obtained a search warrant and just by pure luck happened to arrive while she was "entertaining" one of her little lambs. By some quirk of fate, a reporter from TV6 happened to be in the area and it looks like her arrest is going to be very public. This could cause her some embarrassment." he laughed.

"No shit! That's fantastic. You just made my day, Terry." I enthused.

"You're welcome and call me anytime you want to take down another of these creepy women." he offered.

After I had hung up, I quickly began dialing my co-victims and spreading the good news. There was great joy in Hogtown that night; at least in about twenty abodes that I knew of. I never did find out what happened at her trial; I had left town on my way west by then. Scotty told me that she would get a criminal record for sure since she had decided to take a plea in lieu of a public trial. And, after ignoring our original DVD and carrying on "business as usual", the Law Society disbarred Ms. LaPointe and as far as I'm concerned, I can't see her doing any hapless husbands any more harm. I wasn't so sure about the street kids, however.

Just as a footnote: I was so pissed at the Law Society for sweeping her activities under the carpet that I wrote them an anonymous letter with a copy to the Attorney General of the Province, the two prominent Newspapers in Toronto and TV6 with a free copy of the infamous DVD enclosed. Neither the Attorney General nor the second place paper said a peep, but the number one paper and the TV station made a big deal of it and started an investigation into what the Law Society might be covering up in the activities of some lawyers. All in all, it made for a perfect ending to a perfect fuckin' day.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Well..did he get back together with the idiot?


And tne epilogue about revenge on Care was too long and very boring.


3 ***

krazicat99krazicat9910 months ago

This story is begging for a part 2

deependerdeependerabout 1 year ago

There are so many disgusting lawyer stories on this site that it seems the authors think that "LW" stands for "Lawyer Wars".


What does a lawyer have in common with a sperm cell? They both have a one in a million chance of becoming a human being.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To the commenters below. She didn't leave him for a lover. She go swept up with some sort of Swami. She was naive, trusting, and a bit dumb and bought into the New Age bullshit. She had a cancer scare she kept hidden from her husband when she went on the retreat. She was the only to fall victim to the Asshole on the trip. Ahe eventually saw through them. The unethical, evil divorce attorney also.messed up the proceeding which the wife wanted to stop. Taking her back is a complex decision. And people would correct is they cannot reconcile. Regardless forgiveness seems warranted but she really hurt him.and reconciliation is easily a bridge too far for many. It seems clear in the end that they rekindle their relationship, though details are lacking, as the ending shifts to punishment of her divorce attorney. Story seems a bit incomplete for discussion of the family. What a mess.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

My self esteem and seld respect and dignity is way too high to take someone who left me for someone else back... that's just crazy... the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results... he already knows she won't hesitate to cheat, lie and up amd leave him.. he already knows she's a weak minded easily led, easily manipulated brainless follower.. why oh why would he take this braindead cum slut back? That makes absolutely zero sense. He already knows she is not to be trusted with his trust, love, heart and back.. he already knows all it takes is some pretty words for her to jump ship. No way to change her mind, no way to fight for her.. so again.. why in the world would he take this slut back?... he thinks sluts can change their spots.. not this type of slut... a married slut are the worst sluts.. these type of sluts get married when they should've stayed single.. after 31yr marriage this woman goes on one trip, comes back and demands a divorce... no talk, no hesitation... I'm supposed to believe she wasn't already banging her lover.. she wasn't already having little dates, light touches, kisses in secrets before the trip.. I don't believe it... this is something that's been building up and she finally had the courage to demand a divorce... whose fault is it she has buyers remorse cause she was fooled. Now she wants a second chance? To do what? Take the second ball she didn't gwt in the divorce? Total ridiculousness... reconciliation won't work here... itvwas her attitude.. the way she left him.. no way in hell I'd tryst that tramp with my heart again.. we already kbkw she will stab him in his back when his back is turned.. why would any sane person reattach themselves to such a person?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why in God's name is he back with her? Makes no sense. None.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So after 31 years of marriage she just divorced him after a 6 day hash conference. In the aftermath she doesn't take any responsibility. He is the bad guy, the kids legal system everyone all looked at him as the bad guy. Hell he even was questioning his own actions. The author even couldn't make the wife accept responsibility for her actions, instead he took a side road on a fantasy type quest with a lawyer. Hey everyone hates lawyers, in a divorce the make out like bandits

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Problem was the ex-wife. Why even bother to talk to her? He was SO angry I don't see him doing anything but throwing her off his property when she shows up. No way in hell does he talk to her, let alone take her back Ridiculous.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The last two pages were a separate story and you left the main story up in the air. Very poor narrative construction. Still a four because of interesting original premise.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 3 years ago

Pointless story really.

Rancher46Rancher46almost 4 years ago

The story was great till the last two pages, Coaster2 left the main story of Geoff and Joyce without a conclusion. Yet he concluded in detail how Geoff and the other victims of Claire LaPointe exacted their revenge on the man hating lawyer. Since their divorce was not cheating by Joyce and was caused by her having a cancer scare and becoming vulnerable and be bullied into a divorce by a man hating lawyer there was no reason for them not to reconcile and live happily ever after. I however doubt if their will ever be a continuance to this story by coaster2 as he hasn't published anything on Literotica since September of 2017. It is a shame as Coaster2 is a gifted writer and I for one will miss reading his stories. As it is well written and has great characters I give it 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I love this story but always hope for a sequel about the husband and wife

Please write a sequel about this couple.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

We are all agreed the divorce happened because of her. She knew the lawyer was screwing her husband over but she wasn't willing to stop it. Now she comes to him but for what? To ease her conscience? I think not. If she was truly repentent she would drop everything and come back to him. No make-up sex? After 2 years of "nothing?" Bull! I sense something else is happening. And if this story were continued to it's conclusion, I think we would find out that she has a boyfriend/husband and she found out about the patent sale, so her REAL motivation for finding and visiting was/is trying to get more money from him. Please write another installment and let me know if I'm right - or wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Still not sure about the couple

Claire looks like shes going down the tubes. Except for the couple a very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
WTF Coaster?? All the great stories you write (Deb Cummings) and then throw in a few with total cucks.

This ranks right up there with "Absence of trust" where wife says to husband "I want to find another man to fuck me". Six days to throw away a long term marriage is not credible on face value alone in this story. Sorry this is another total BULLSHIT !! You are way better than this crap, unless you are the cuck in B.C. What say you?

ojalalalaojalalalaabout 5 years ago
It's a good thing they signed that "you can't come back for more" agreement...

It doesn't "feel" that she's being straight with him. When she showed up, she kept asking about his work, how he managed to live there, and she took her time telling his that his kids still think that he wronged her. I think he needs to call that PI again, find out about her alleged health scare, whether she was laughed off her job for falling for the "swami," why and when she went with the attorney she chose, considering she acknowledged having no grounds for breaking up the marriage. No matter how hurt he's been, he needs to deal with her sanely now that she's come to him with that "I tried to stop her (the attorney) and couldn't" and "I was vulnerable" (to the "swami") -- no responsibility, no looking him in the eye, just lowering her face and some tears.

This yarn drew me in for a second reading, and I would love to the hanging threads tied up by the weaver of the tale, but I do love that the first to be dealt with was the attorney and then exposed that the bar association and a leading newspaper left her (and other disbarred attorneys) reputation unsullied, her misdeeds unexposed even though they were illegal and brutal acts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Stupid cucks who take back cheating sluts

deserve their pain

Mauser45Mauser45almost 6 years ago
I'm with the others here

Did his kids apologize to him, or are they both still assholes?

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 6 years ago

Chapter one? Rest of the story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I liked this story, but I would have liked it more if it had some kind of definitive ending. I mean, did he get back with his wife, or not? Did he reconcile with his kids, or not? I mean, inquiring minds want to know!

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