Four Days in Paradise: Day 01-02


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Georgia's little pink tongue poked at her brother's as they held each other. The kiss only lasted a matter of seconds, but Stephen's brain was screaming 'Stop! Get out!' and he practically pushed her away and rolled off the bed to get away from her. She looked like she'd burst into tears as he tossed a quick 'goodnight' over his shoulder and hurried to the safety of his own room and bed.


The next morning he was nervous as he knocked on the door to get her to go to breakfast.

"Go away!" He almost chuckled, he was slightly relieved by her usual morning response. He had been worried that she might not respond at all. She was likely still in bed.

"Come on, let's go to breakfast."


"If you don't open the door I'm gonna call the front desk and have them send up housekeeping." That was a trick he used on her when they'd gone to Maryland one summer with a group of friends. He heard the door click open. He cracked the door and she dove back in bed wrapped up in the sheet.

"You hungry?" She shook her head, her face turned away from him.

"I missed you, Georgie. I haven't seen you in almost seven hours." She turned her head to look at him.

"You should have stayed like you were supposed to." He smiled.

"You know we can't be smoochin' all night. Brothers and sisters ain't s'posed to be kissin'." He said it in a perfect southern twang, she giggled, sat up. Her hair was adorably lopsided from her pillow.

"I just wanted to kiss a's nice to kiss a little, whether it's girls, boys, or brothers."

"You kiss too good, George, that's the problem... Let's get ready and go down." She got up off the bed walked to the bathroom and was ready to go forty minutes later. They went down and had a light breakfast. It was late in the morning so the dining area was pretty much just them.

"It's not like anything would have happened, Stephen..." He choked a little on his melon.

"It's better that we don't venture near the borderline of 'anything', G.G."

"You're a little bit of a prude, Stephen. We love each other, we can do whatever we want. I can kiss my brother if I want...with tongue!" Stephen frowned.

"You didn't like kissing me, Stevie?"

"I think we already went over this. Georgianna kisses too good to share her kisses with her brother."

"No one knows us, we can do whatever we want. I'm not talking about anything serious. I just like pretending that we're boyfriend and girlfriend a little. It's safe and fun."

"It's not safe, that's the problem, G. I really wish you'd direct these other-than-sisterly feelings toward a guy that's not your brother." That hurt her, she was being honest and he didn't even want to talk to her about it.

"I can't help that I love you a little special." She poked him, but he wasn't having any of it.

"We can't keep joking about this. For all I know I could get thrown in jail just for having this conversation with you." She stood up, arms folded and stared him down.

"I thought we were good friends, that we could talk about real stuff. Now you just seem pretty phony..." She marched off. He got up and caught her, grabbed her arm and pulled her behind a door.

"Look at me. I care about you more than anyone else on this planet. So, we're not going to talk about this anymore. Let's go get changed and lay out in the sun." She didn't respond, just went up to her room and changed into her bikini and shorts.

When he came back from his room she was already headed down to the beach. He jogged to catch up with her but she wouldn't turn her head and recognize his existence. He already knew what her reaction would be when he told her to stop talking to him about how she felt.

"Okay, cool, we'll just chill here, G." She set her chair down and turned toward him.

"Stephen, I don't really want to hang out with you today." He was surprised, she was being exceptionally cold toward him. He backed away, gave her space.

"Okay, I'll put my stuff way over here. Please, Georgia, just relax today, you're on vacation and this place is gorgeous." He turned and walked away, sat out of earshot from her, applied his own lotion and watched her as she read her favorite book.

Stephen knew a gorgeous, bikini-clad female sitting alone on a beach wouldn't go unnoticed for long. He watched the first few guys jog and walk past, some greeted her, some stopped and lingered for a few seconds before her majesty. The first to gather enough courage to stop and converse was probably in his late thirties, obviously vacationing alone. He didn't look that bad, but he was balding. Stephen knew George hated that ring of hair around a balding guy's head. It was either a full head of hair or bald, nothing in between.

"...Maybe later." He caught the tail end of her blow-off. He figured it would be a day of Georgia deflecting guy after guy, which would be entertaining in itself. Stephen sat content to lightly sleep in the sun and watch a few females, he spoke to a few who were tanning nearby. He noticed one guy he'd seen jog by and linger earlier was now talking to Georgia. He wanted to hear how she'd respond but couldn't quite make out the conversation. He was surprised when she got up and went to the bar with him.

There were a lot of umbrellas and people in the way, but he could make her out sitting with the guy at the bar. He gave it some time, figured she'd be back in twenty minutes at the most, but time passed and he was getting bored. He decided to go over and get a good look at the guy, maybe irritate George enough so she'd talk to him and then they could go get lunch.

He sat at the end of the bar, she saw him come over but she wasn't looking toward him from her perch, and he sat far enough away where he really couldn't hear their conversation. The guy was probably in his mid to late forties, graying at the temples, physically fit. Stephen noticed George giggling and smiling at the man, touching his knee and arm.

This went on for way too long in his estimation, he was a few beers deep and was ready to get up and drag his sister away from the man. But the guy got up before he did, she hugged him and he left. Stephen was relieved, he knew Georgia would've been super pissed if he marched over and tried to break up her conversation.

"Quit spying on me!" She came over and slapped him on his sun burnt shoulder.

"Ouch! I just wanted to see if you were hungry." She smiled.

"Fine, buy me a sandwich." They went to a table on the deck behind the bar and ordered sandwiches.

"Yuck, you put your hand on that guy's moldy old chest and let his gnarly old man fingers touch your leg!" She faux frowned. She knew he was a little jealous that she had gotten attention and he had to sit by himself all afternoon like a loser.

"Paul isn't that old, and yesterday you would've called him the sort of silver fox I should be letting touch my leg when I'm on vacation." She smiled, sure of herself. He grimaced.

"God, what did you talk about? His new Lexus and golf handicap?"

"No, we talked about our jobs -- he works in finance too. He has two daughters in high school and he's single. Since I'm not seeing anybody, it's just harmless fun. I even agreed to dinner with him tonight." She smiled as her brother's jaw dropped.

"I know you're mad at me, but you don't have to go out with this guy to prove a point. I'm sorry for before...we can talk about it if you want."

"You're right, I play things too safe. I shouldn't be directing my feelings toward my own sibling. I plan on living life a little on vacation, maybe even expand my boundaries." Stephen was getting worried.

"George, I was joking yesterday when I said you should be making some guy's vacation. Random sex isn't about stepping outside your comfort zone, it's dangerous in terms of health and disease, and it's not really the sort of thing you're about."

"I'm an adult, I don't make decisions based on you teasing me."

"Promise me you won't sleep with him? We don't know anything about this guy, he could be some dude who gets off on beating girls up, comes here so he can have anonymity and then disappear."

"I'm a big girl, I don't need you telling me what I need to worry about. I live and work in the city, no one's holding my hand back to my apartment at night -- the one I share with another girl."

"Okay, I'm not talking about it anymore, let's just enjoy lunch, the serene setting and all that. We still have another two days. You think we'll be cool again by the time we leave?"

"It really just depends on whether or not you're going to accept me as a grown up." He smiled at her.

"You're my little Georgie, I took you to Smurfs On Ice... But I understand and intend to comply." She looked furious at the start of his statement, but was placid by its end. The rest of the afternoon was better, they went in the water for a while, read in the shade under the umbrellas; Georgia even let her brother move his chair back next to hers.


Stephen watched his sister get ready for her date that night. He didn't say much to discourage her from going, but he was there precisely because he didn't want her to go. He told himself he had to stop her from going because it simply wasn't safe, that she would regret it.

"So, you don't want to kick it with your big brother tonight? Maybe walk on the beach, get a little room service, sit in the jacuzzi for way too long?" She smiled lightly, applied her lipstick. She looked stunning, was wearing a long blue dress and sexy earrings that dangled just about down to her naked shoulders.

"Nope, not really. Hmm, tough decision... Hang out with my brother or go on a hot date with a sexy guy?" She giggled at the frown she put on his face. She knew he was getting jealous, but he'd never admit to it.

"Listen, I'm worried. I don't know what I'd do if someone hurt you...or you just disappeared. Stuff like that happens, you could always have lunch with the guy tomorrow." She had her clutch in her hand, was standing before her brother before she went down to the lobby to meet her date.

"We've already gone over this, Stevie. I already know where he's taking me, the concierge knows him too, so don't you worry...and if that's all, tell me goodnight so I can go." He was going to say something, she saw that he hesitated and turned for the door.

"...Goodnight, Georgia. I love you."

"'Night, Stephen. I love you too." She smiled sweetly back at him as the door shut tight behind her.

He didn't bother going to his room or anywhere else. He wanted to feel the absence of her presence, had to feel her missing weight and warmth next to him in that bed. TV was a distraction for a little while, but he really just wanted to try and sleep it off. Why was he so hung up on the thought of his sister enjoying herself -- maybe getting a little action?

He knew he would have been all for it if Chrissy was around. He mentioned Georgia's date to her on the phone earlier in the night. Chrissy was happy for her, didn't think anything bad of it. Maybe he was just jealous, for once he was going to bed alone while seemingly everyone else on the planet was having fun. The thought of his own self-centered conceit consoled him when he turned the lights out and tried to sleep. He told himself he'd have to work on his narcissism.

When he finally started to drift off he was startled awake by the thought of his Georgia naked on her back beneath some forty-something financial adviser. Some random guy on top of her, enjoying her body, rutting into her while she gasped in pleasure beneath him. In Stephen's mind the guy was so pompous, so proud that he had scored some hot twenty-three year-old piece of ass on his island vacation -- just something to brag about back at the office. The guy would never know how special Georgia was, how lucky he was just to be on the same planet as her.

Stephen began weeping, lewd images of his sister and the man he never actually met ran through his head. Would he pull her hair, spank her, bite her? He knew Georgia and she was not the sort of girl who liked being treated roughly. He hoped the man was gentle with her, actually took the time and considered how she felt.

He was sleeping when he felt a rustling near the bed, immediately he thought of how he would defend himself from an attack. He had to assume the intruder was at least armed with a knife or small baton. Before he could make out the shape of a figure, he smelt perfume. He immediately recognized the scent of his sister. She was taking off her earrings in the dark, had already tossed her shoes by the door.

"Georgia?" She came closer to the bed, she knew he was there when she opened the door and saw his sandals and shirt lying in the middle of the floor.

"Stephen, why are you in my bed? Where's the light switch?" He grabbed her hand and pulled her down to the bed to prevent her from turning the light on. She sat next to him and ran her hand over his forehead and cheek.

"Stephen, you're burning up -- are you sick? I'll get the light."

"No, leave the light off." Click. She lit a small lamp on the nightstand. She studied him, bit her lower lip. He thought how radiant she looked, glowing with her tan, her hair still perfectly ordered.

"What's wrong? Do you have a fever?" She could see the red around his eyes, thought he might have been crying.

"I'm fine, just a little out of it... What time is it?" She giggled.

"10:30." He was embarrassed. He knew she could tell he'd been crying, she wouldn't ask him outright and wound his pride.

"Oh, okay." He sat up.

"Are you drunk, Stephen?" He shook his head. Maybe he should of went with drunk, he might look a little less foolish if he was drunk crying in his sister's bed when prime time television was still on.

"I guess I'll go to my room now. Goodnight, Georgia." She grabbed his wrist before he could get up from the bed.

"Not so fast... At lunch you said we could talk about things." He nodded.

"Well, I'd like for you to tell me why you're here."

"I was waiting for you."

"Why? You think you have to wait up for me? You think you're Daddy?" She was a little miffed, but he smiled and eased the tension in her question.

"I missed you, Georgie." She melted a little, just by the way he said it so sweet.

"I missed you too. I felt bad for going out tonight without you. I knocked on your door but you didn't answer... Maybe I wanted to make you worry, miss me a little."

"I was jealous, Georgia. That some guy would get to spend time with you, have you all to himself." She was surprised he was being so honest.

"He wanted me all to himself, tried to get me to go to his room because the view was so spectacular and all that. It was pretty uneventful, dinner that is, he knew he wasn't going to get me and sort of gave up before dessert. Now, back to you being jealous -- why were you upset that a man might want to sleep with me?" She was going to get everything out of him, now that he seemed forthcoming.

"You deserve someone who'll treat you right, someone closer to your own age who's into everything that Georgianna entails."

"Hmm... And you were jealous because I wasn't with someone closer to my own age?? Now, that doesn't really make sense, does it, Stephen?" She poked him in the chest. He grabbed her hand and held it in his.

"No, I was jealous because you're my favorite and I don't want to share you with anyone else." She leaned over and pecked his cheek.

"So, are you just a jealous and possessive big brother or something entirely more fantastic? Like a centaur or something..." He laughed and pulled her onto his naked chest so they were eye to eye. He could feel her lungs expanding and contracting over him, the warmth of her crotch beneath her dress pressing against his hip.

"I don't know how you can joke about's so unnatural, unbelievable."

"I want you to say it out loud, Stephen." His heart was pounding in his chest, could he actually tell his sister he wanted to make love to her? How could he feel such a thing about his own flesh and blood? He could churn over the why and how in his head, but all the biological evidence he'd need was tenting his shorts.

"I want you, Georgia. I need you." She pressed her mouth to his, let him slip his tongue over hers. His kiss was wet and electric to her. Nothing gross about kissing her brother, it seemed the most natural kiss she'd ever had. He ran his hands down her body, over her dress pulling up the material below her butt. He wanted to feel skin.

"I love you, Stephen." She was frightened by his need now that he had unleashed his desire for her. He sucked on her lips and neck passionately. She clawed at his chest when he pulled her dress up to her waist and pawed at her ass cheeks. She slipped the dress over her head before he tore it off her. It was immediacy, she had to reveal all of her naked skin to him as soon as possible so he wouldn't hurt her in the process of tearing off her clothes.

Once the dress was in a ball on the floor, all she wore was the cross she received when she graduated from her Catholic High School, and a tiny red thong. She straddled his hips to give him an unimpeded view and full access to her fantastic breasts. She wanted to keep him busy so she could remove her thong safely. He groped and massaged her breasts, she leaned into him so he could suckle while she ran her thong down her legs and off. He pulled her forward so he could get at both of her breasts with his mouth, suck each fat nipple and nibble gently.

"God yes, Stephen...don't stop." She moaned his name about a dozen times as he kissed her over her breasts. Eventually his attention was drawn elsewhere, he could smell her arousal. He sat up with her straddling him, flipped her onto her back and removed his shorts with one quick tug.

She stared down between their bodies at his penis resting on her hip, not quite believing she was finally seeing the thing she'd thought about incessantly since Chrissy casually mentioned he was larger than anyone she'd ever been with. Her hand went to it, held the hot warm flesh, rolled it in her fingers as it throbbed for her. He in turn brought his fingers to her pussy and she arched her back into his hand as he rubbed her labia between his fingers, covering them with her fragrant musk.

Georgia gasped when he put a finger inside her. He was gentle, rubbed her clitoris skillfully as he fingered her, would bend down and kiss her mouth, her breast, her belly when she got too worked up. She was tight. When he placed a second finger inside her she practically came. She forgot about his penis until he took his fingers out of her. When she was empty she wanted more, more than a few fingers... He smelt his hand and placed his fingers in his mouth to taste her.

"I like the taste...I need to be in you now." He wasn't exactly coherent, but she knew he was going to put his cock in her. She pulled her legs back, he pushed them up and spread them wider as he got between her thighs.

"Slow, please, Stevie..." He nodded, brushed her slit with the head of his cock, bumped her clit and made her gasp. Her puss was shaved for daily bikini wearing, lightly furred around the lips. His mouth watered at the sight of his cock at her entrance. He slowly pushed into her, wetting the tip of his cock with her juices, he paused and pushed in again. She gave way, he had an inch in, then two inches.

He worked himself into her in a light rhythm, she was already delirious. It hurt a little at first, because he was big, filled her -- although he wasn't so big he couldn't bury himself in her after a couple minutes of trying. When his balls were resting against her ass he leaned down on top of her so her boobs were crushed against his chest and kissed her gently.

"I love you, Georgia." He looked into her flush face, those brilliant green eyes. She was lost, cumming, a thousand points of light just behind her eyes. He pumped into her, a nice tempo, not too hard or fast, wiggled his hips now and then to hit different patches of nerves inside her body. She lay rigid after cumming, he fucked her gently, gave her time to recover.