Fresh Sample of Mom's Orgasm

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Mom spreads her pussy & squirts for son's job.
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As a 42 year old professional soccer player, Natalie thought the new rules and procedures for drug testing were comically insane. Several of the proposals were a complete invasion of privacy. Every athlete in the industry agreed, but the frequent cheating and doping scandals made the stringent rules a necessity.

It couldn't all be true.

Could it?

There were murmurs and whispers during locker room discussions that some of the new regulations were just scare tactics. After all, the testing Agency never uses all of its tools; they pick and choose what they want to do, and who they do it to.

Natalie's turn was on a Monday morning, just as the rest of the soccer team was arriving. As usual, banter was light and laughter was constant. It was a tight-knit group of high energy women.

Being the oldest woman on the team meant she always had to lead by example. For the most part, that meant always showing up early, working hard, and maintaining discipline.

She was already in her soccer jersey and running shoes when two men appeared just outside the locker area; one of them held a container bag.

Natalie laughed while speaking to a friend, unaware of the new arrivals.

"Is that Leo?" a midfield player asked while completely topless. "I mean, is that your Leo?"

Natalie smiled at her son's direction. "He's been doing this for months now. It's part of his new job."

"Yeah, with the enemy."

"At least the Agency pays well," she replied, defending her son.

"Your son is kinda hot. Whoever's getting tested today should consider herself lucky."

Natalie winked at her friend. "You think my son is hot? I can tell. Your nipples are rock fucking hard."

"My nipples? Yours are like small erasers, lady."

"I don't flaunt them around when they're erect," Natalie quipped.

The midfield player shrugged. "My testosterone is high from all those calisthenics. Plus, Leo has good genetics. Just like mom."

"Ugh, don't remind me that my son is here to drug test someone. I better go find out what's happening. I'll see you on the field. And make sure you wear a bra or else everyone will be distracted by your chest pokies."

The woman pinched her own left nipple. "I've never heard anyone complain about them. They're our good luck charms!"

Natalie patted her friend on the butt and walked towards the two men, who were speaking with the coach.


Dressed in her soccer uniform, she interrupted the trio as they conversed. Suddenly, there was silence as she stood in between them, eager to find out more about her son's plans.

"Well this is awkward," the Coach said.

Natalie laughed. "You're telling me."

"In all my years on the job, I've never had this happen before. The thought never even crossed my mind."

"That a player's son will be testing someone?"

"Actually, that you'll be the one tested," the Coach smiled. "By your son."

Leo tried not to blush. "Rules are rules."

"You've got to be kidding me," Natalie replied.

He gestured to his storage bag. "This looks pretty real, doesn't it?"

"That better be a lunch for me," she teased.

He smiled, "I definitely have some containers with your name on it."

"Hmmm... nothing refuels me like a steak sandwich and a salad, with a cup of freshly squeezed juice. But I'm sure that isn't the case. Is it?"

He held up the storage bag to show its lightness. "Sadly, these containers are empty. Which means you'll have to fill them."

"Ah, so they've actually sent my own son to do their bidding. Just when I thought the Agency couldn't get any lower."

"Oh, come on. You know everything is done on a random basis. Look on the bright side, you know a lot of the Agency testers are rigid assholes. At least with me, you'll have some flexibility."

She jokingly glared at him. "Let's get this over with. Practice starts in half an hour."

"We'll be done way before that."

"We better be."

Together they walked across the locker room area. What made this especially awkward was that Natalie had shown her son around this place countless times in the past. She used to bring him to the gym and soccer field all the time when he was younger.

Now, this visit was purely professional, as they walked past all the women preparing for their workout.

"Drug test, bitches!" the young and exuberant goalie shouted. "Quick, everyone hide your gear!"

The other players laughed, realizing that Natalie's son was collecting her samples. Over the past several months, they had teased her about the possibility and some had even mentioned that they would love to be tested by him.

"Hey Natalie, go easy on your son!" joked a forward player.

A defender chimed in. "Aren't mothers supposed to teach their sons about potty training? Not the other way around!"

Giggles and snickers echoed in the locker room. Natalie loved the camaraderie of these fantastic women. They were all like sisters to her, even while she displayed her middle finger to them.

"Very funny, ladies," Natalie taunted her teammates. "With the new rules, your day is coming soon. And for the record, I have nothing to hide from anyone. 42 years old and all-natural."

She lifted a sleeve of her soccer jersey and proudly flexed a bicep. Women in their 30's applauded Natalie's statement, while the women in their 20's laughed it off.


They made their way to a private bathroom and locked the door. Once Leo put the storage bag on the counter, they were face to face, and Natalie couldn't help but find humor in the situation. Surely this had the making of a great comedy movie.

With one hand defiantly on her hip, Natalie held out her other palm and arched an eyebrow, as if to challenge her son's authority.

"Alright, hand me the cup," she said like a scolding mother. "Turn around and I'll give you a sample. I don't mind if you listen. Rules are rules, aren't they?"

Leo gently blushed. "I'm sorry, mom. The rules have changed. Did you read the new guidelines that were sent to you?"

"Of course I did."

"Did you read them all... carefully?"

Natalie knew something was wrong. Although she was a demanding and totalitarian mother, their relationship had always been loving and playful. That was what made them so close, living together all those years.

The fact that her son was so serious at a moment like this was disconcerting. She fully expected Leo to make immature jokes about how awkward this situation was for them, just like her teammates had.

"What are you saying?" she asked. "That those new guidelines are actually official?"

"Starting today. You're the first on this team to be tested under the new, rigorous standards. There are several other of these surprise tests being administered around the country as well."

Natalie shook her head. "You realize that a lot of these standards might not hold up in court, right? They seem grossly unconstitutional."

"I understand," he replied. "But someone has to file a lawsuit first."

"What if I refuse to take this new test? I've heard rumors that some women are moving forward with litigation. I'd like to wait until after a court gives a ruling."

"Then your refusal will be regarded as a failure of the examination and you will receive an automatic 2-year suspension."

Natalie gasped. "Don't talk to me like a bureaucrat. Talk to me like I'm your mother."

"Okay, this new test is bullshit, but it works. It's super intrusive, but statistically accurate. That's why they moved forward with the rollout. I mean, you saw those hearings in Congress about drug abuse in sports. So, who should the agency fear more? Angry players or the Federal government?"

She knew her son was right. This was not the time to make a stand. The Agency was a heavily bureaucratic entity and was known for being merciless.

Trying to fight this was useless. At her age, sitting on the sidelines during a legal battle would effectively end her career. She had maybe two good years left before younger players would outclass her. Soccer was her passion. She had already won championships and earned medals, but she wanted to retire on top. When she'd leave, it would be on her terms, not mired in a legal dispute.

She had to do this. Even if it meant submitting to her son.

"Fine," she said, her chin up. "I'm willing to sacrifice our boundaries. It'll only be a few minutes, right?"

He nodded, hesitantly. "Depending on how everything goes."

"Okay, I can live with that. What do you need me to do today?"

"I'll need a urine sample, obviously. And, ummm, I'll need to watch it happen, of course."

Natalie rolled her eyes. "So you're going to watch me pee?"

"Yes," he gulped. "I'll have to watch and provide a sworn statement to the Agency that I observed the whole process to make sure the urine belongs to you."

"And? What else? Go on, say it."

She knew the answer - everybody did - but she just wanted to torment her son a bit more. After all, her son would be seeing a lot. She needed to make him earn it.

Leo's voice dropped to a whisper. "I need a sample of... your O."

"My... O? This is your first full-time job, Leonardo. You'll have to be a man and clearly state what you need. Tell me, what does my 'O' mean?"

He sucked in a deep breath. "I'll need a sample of your orgasm fluids. New research shows that orgasm samples can detect almost every illegal substance at much higher rates than other methods."

"My goodness," she gasped. "Well, okay, let's just take things one step at a time. Urine sample. We'll begin with that."

"I'll have to watch. Does that bother you?"

"I don't know. Does that freak you out?"

He shrugged. "I've done this a few times for men and women. I don't have a problem collecting a urine sample."

"Then I don't have a problem either. We're both professionals and adults."

"Good, let's begin," he said in a slightly squeaky voice.

While looking each other in the eyes as if this were a staring contest, Natalie was giving her son that quintessential motherly look, as if Leo had done something wrong here.

"This is the part where I undress," she said. "From the waist down only."

He sheepishly nodded. "I know."

There was something endearing about her son's timid reaction. She found it to be adorable in a strange way. She knew her son was all business when it came to doing these tests on other athletes. But it was her pussy that was making him squeamish.

If she were honest with herself, this was kind of exciting and arousing, but she had to quell those thoughts or else Leo would be seeing her wet pussy.

Typically, she'd pee in the most discreet manner possible in front of a drug tester.

For her son, she decided on something special. She wasn't sure why. Maybe she wanted to punish him for this. Maybe she wanted to push his boundaries to strengthen his nerves. Or maybe, deep down, she was aroused by this exhibitionist thrill towards her son.

She pulled her shorts and panties down. After stepping out of them, she placed them neatly on the bathroom counter. Standing naked from the waist down was something she had never, ever expected to do for her son. She had never done this for a drug test.

As expected, Leo's eyes were wide and he tried not to look. But he did.

"What's the matter?" she asked, hands on her hips. "See something you like?"

"I'm just doing my job," he said after clearing his throat.

"Well, consider this a bonus."

Slowly, and with a sultry attitude, she turned around to approach the toilet, knowing she'd flash her ass to her son. Natalie had a fantastically shaped ass. Partly genetics, partly age, and tons of squats.

Her only regret was that she couldn't see Leo's reaction to showing off her bare butt to him. She could feel her son's eyes all over her backside.

After putting a seat cover on the toilet, Natalie got the cup from her son. Over the years, she had peed in front of teammates on an almost daily basis. And for plenty of drug testers too. But never, in all her years, had she ever envisioned having to sit on a toilet in front of her adult son... and urinate. It was completely humiliating!

She sat down. Thankfully her bladder needed to be emptied, so it wouldn't take long to produce a sample. Taking a deep breath, she decided to treat Leo to a naughty sho

She held her chin high, with pride. Then she purposefully spread her legs as wide as she possibly could, so Leo could see it all. This was almost like being at the ob/gyn. Her clitoris was nearly hard. Her labia was open and her pink insides were showing. Her wetness was exposed.

"Keep looking," she said confidently. "Anyone working for the Agency should have nerves of steel, right?"

He nodded. "Right."

After holding the cup inside the toilet bowl, in between her legs, Natalie gave a gentle push. A stream of urine flowed from her pussy and she clenched slightly to control the flow. She kept her eyes focused on her pussy to avoid spillage, but the whole time, she wondered what her son must have thought. She wondered if her son was actually staring at this, or if he was hard.

When the cup nearly filled, she felt the warmth of it on her fingertips. She clenched her pussy all the way to stop the flow. She lifted the cup by her waist and looked at her son. Leo was mystified by the sight.

Giving another push and letting the rest of her urine flow, Natalie looked her son straight in the eyes. Leo was too timid to make eye contact, it seemed. There was silence between them, and the only noise in the bathroom was the stream of her urine flowing into the toilet water. She waited until every last drop was relieved.

When finished, she used two sheets of toilet paper, folded it with one hand, and wiped her pussy dry.

She stood up, pushed the seat covers into the toilet, and flushed. At that point, she had almost gotten comfortable with her pussy and ass showing. It had all become very exciting to her.

"Here you go," she said, handing her son the container of her urine while the toilet finished flushing.

She handed it over as confidently as possible, almost teasing him with it. Once Leo put the sample on the counter and closed the lid, the stakes became even higher.

"Now for the O sample," he said with a small voice.

She crossed her arms. "No."

Natalie's defiant side was coming out again. After showing so much to her son, she had to make things a bit more difficult for him. She had to preserve whatever dignity was left in their mother/son relationship.

"Huh? What do you mean?" he asked. "It's part of the test."

"You just watched me pee. Now you want to see me masturbate?"

"It's part of the new rules," he explained again. "I know you're torn, but we've got to get this done."

"If you're such a big shot Agency employee, you can go ahead and get the sample yourself."

Completely fed up with this degrading situation, Natalie faced the mirror and lifted her right leg, putting her foot on the counter. Her thighs were spread apart as a result, showing off her crazy flexibility. That meant that her butt was spread too. And her pussy was even wider.

She looked in the mirror and saw her son's stunned reaction. In all their years of living together, Leo had only caught mere glimpses of her body. Now after watching her piss, she was giving him an in-depth look at both of her holes.

"Mom, I..." Leo could barely finish that sentence.

She reached down and spread herself. "What's the matter? Afraid of doing the dirty work for the Agency?"

"I... I could get fired if don't get the sample."

She wiggled her butt tauntingly. "Then come get it. What? Afraid of your mother all of a sudden? How many times did you use to jump on my back to scare me at home? You never had a problem putting your hands all over me before."

"This is different," he gulped. "This is my job now. Come on, mom. Let's be serious."

She wiggled her butt again and spanked it. "This is as serious as it gets. If the new policy is so great, then show me."

"I'm sure we can work out something reasonable," he gulped, looking down at her naked bottom. "I have to watch while you..."

"No. No watching. Either you get the sample yourself, or you can tell the Agency to go fuck themselves. This is a complete abuse of power. Think of this as my formal protest. Sending my own son to do this, how despicable can these people get?"

She looked at her son's face in the mirror. She knew he was breaking. As humiliating as this was, it was also amusing to see her son torn like this. In many ways, this was her big 'fuck you' to the testing agency and all the bullshit they put players through over the years.

"I need this job," he said softly. "The pay is great and it'll be tough to find another job if I get fired."

She reached down and spread her pussy wide. "Ever make a woman cum before?"

"Well, yeah."

"Then be a man and make your mother cum. Go ahead. If you're so adamant about your job, then you should be man enough to do whatever it takes. Go on. You have my permission. Isn't this every young man's fantasy? To screw their own mother?"

Satisfied with the flustered look on Leo's face, Natalie was prepared to put her leg down and masturbate on the toilet. Sure, she felt bad for putting Leo in this tough position. He was only doing his job. But she was making a point, and this was mostly about her protest to the Agency.

To her utter disbelief, she saw her son unzip his pants!

"I'll try to make this quick," he said in a deflated voice. "But only because you've taught me about the importance of a strong work ethic."

Natalie's eyes venture downwards on the mirror and she saw her son's penis exposed. It was her first time seeing it in many years. Only this time, it was on purpose. And it was semi-hard. With each stroke, it only got harder.

"What are you doing?" she asked in confusion while still staring at it.

He stroked himself even faster. "Getting myself hard. Keep your leg up, like that. You're in the perfect position to orgasm really hard, and I'll be able to get a great sample for the lab. My boss will be pleased."

Holy shit! Natalie was perplexed. Was her son serious?! She was a split second away from stopping this, but then she realized that maybe getting fucked by her son would produce a much stronger cum sample than simply masturbating. For her entire career, she had prided herself on being a clean athlete, and she was eager to prove that under these new guidelines.

Plus she had become genuinely curious what it would feel like to be fucked by her son. As a mother, she wanted to know what her son's sexual prowess was. And the very sight of Leo's hard dick was making her wetter.

"Are you really going to fuck me?" she asked, with her wet hole still exposed.

"It's...ummm... extraction. Hold still, mom. I know what to do."

She tensed. "Is this an official technique?"

"God no. Very unofficial. But I'm sure you won't tell anyone."

In a snap decision, Natalie came to her senses and was ready to put her leg down and cover her pussy. She was a split second away from surrendering and telling Leo that she'd do whatever he wanted. That she'd sit on the toilet again and masturbate all morning long until her cum filled the small container.

She was too slow by a fraction of a second.

Natalie gasped and her eyes widened when her son stood directly behind her, grabbing her hips to position them, then reaching down with one hand to spread her labia, and another hand to guide his cock inside.

Looking in the mirror, Natalie saw her own bewildered expression as the tip of Leo's rock hard penis went between her labia. She gasped loudly when her son pushed and went deeper inside, rushing to get a cum sample.

When her son's big cock had slowly inched all the way inside of her pussy, she was simply speechless. Not only was she being fucked by her own son, she was also enjoying it too! Her heart raced and she had never done anything so deviant in her entire sexual life. They both looked at her facial expression in the mirror as Leo clasped her hips once again, preparing for a hard fuck, then slowly pulled himself out before thrusting.