Friday Night Crush Pt. 01


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As he listened to her low voice and stared at her half-exposed breasts, Dan felt a familiar presence rising beneath the tabletop. "If anything does happen between the two of you..." he began uncertainly. "Do you want me to be there?"

"Never mind if I want you there, I'm gonna need you there. I'd never have the guts to go through with it without you backing me up." Tina moved closer to him, brushing his hand against her cheek. "Of course I want you. We're a team. I'm not a greedy girl, I'm willing to share. If that interests you." Dan saw the corners of her mouth curl knowingly as she glanced down at the table, and wondered if she had X-ray vision.

"That sounds pretty good to me."

"Thought you'd say that." She held out a warning finger. "So long as you promise not to get shy on me again, OK?"

"You mean, if I get you and Kelly to myself for a whole night, to do what I want?" Dan sucked air in through his teeth. "Well, that'll be a tough job. But I will put up with it, for you." Tina giggled and threw her arms round his neck, giving him the most electrifying kiss he could remember.

It took a long time for Tuesday night to crawl round, and if it was hard for Dan he couldn't imagine what Tina was feeling. The tension in her body had returned but this time it was different, a state of nervous anticipation. She moved around the house doing all the normal chores, but as though working on autopilot. They spent a long, awkward Monday night in bed, both hardly able to sleep, and when Dan said goodbye to her the next morning he held her in his arms for an eternity before she slipped reluctantly away.

He made sure not to contact her for the rest of the day, as he felt she didn't need any more reminders. On his way home from work he got a text from her saying, 'Off to the bar!', and nothing else. As the hours passed he wondered if she was stringing it out, trying to put it off for as long as possible; or if she was halfway through a long confession at this very moment. The thought even briefly occurred to him that she had said it straight away and they were currently making mad passionate love somewhere, but that thought had come from the lower reaches of his brain and he quickly dismissed it.

It was approaching nine o'clock when he heard Tina's car pull up outside. He rushed out into the hall and stood there, heart pulsing, wondering whether he should prepare for both the best and the worst. It was almost an anti-climax when Tina came drifting in through the door, a faint alcoholic glow on her face. She caught sight of Dan and laughed. "I've not got the winning lottery numbers, sorry."

"Well... how did it go? Was it OK?"

"I think so," she said a little hazily, brushing her hair back as she put her keys down. "We had more to drink than I was expecting." Realising that this wasn't the intimate story he wanted to hear, she beckoned him to follow her into the living room. "C'mon."

She sat down with a heavy sigh on the couch, patting the space beside her, and Dan duly took it. "We went in, had a couple of drinks, we chatted, all normal stuff. I worked my way up to it, and when I felt brave enough... yeah, I told her. Don't ask me to remember exactly what I said, but I was honest with her. I said she was very special to me, and I cared about her a lot. But I'm not sure she totally got my drift."

"What, she thought you were kidding or something?"

"No, not exactly." Tina took a deep breath, staring down at her lap. "But, she might have figured it was just the beer talking. You know, we all say things we don't really mean when we've had a few. She was taken aback, but she kind of laughed it off."

"Ah, I getcha." Dan shrugged. "Well, if you were both wasted..."

"Dan," she said sharply. "I know I'm a little tipsy, but I'm not plastered. I knew what I was doing. I'm sorry, OK? I guess I can't say something this important to someone I care about without a little help."

"Yeah, yeah of course. Sorry." He huddled closer to her and took her hand. "How do you feel now? And after you said it?"

"A lot better. It felt like getting a big weight off me. And I said Kelly laughed it off, but I don't think she was sure. She had a hunch that I meant it. When we said goodbye, I..." Tina paused, acting the motion with her hand, then put it to her head in faint embarrassment. "I gave her a big hug, and I kissed her on the cheek. Nothing racy, but it was way more than normal for us. God, those few seconds felt so good." She rubbed her eyes. "Now that definitely surprised her."

"Well, that's probably a good sign," reasoned Dan, although he knew full well it could just as easily be the reverse. "When you see her tomorrow, that's when you'll know if things are different."

"I hope so!" Tina flopped back on the head of the couch, her messy bob of auburn hair spreading out around her. "Geez, I'm so tired. And I know it's not the booze, 'cos I can put back a lot more than that, no problem." She stared sideways at Dan for a few seconds. "I'm going to try and talk to her again. But I'm not going to push it. Either it happens, or it doesn't."

"Fair enough," Dan agreed quietly. "But I don't think you've anything to worry about. You're a very persuasive girl."

"That's sweet of you honey but – no offence – women are a lot harder to persuade than men. With you I could be nice and obvious. Pick you up, flirt with you, parade all the goods in front of you like a slut..." She saw him forming the punch line, and beat him to it. "Yeah, just be myself. Not so easy with another woman."

"That's not exactly a fair comparison. You must have hooked up with..." He saw her warning glance, and added, "...a few men, whereas you've only tried it with one woman so far, right?"

"Two." Tina held up her fingers to emphasise her point. "Two. So far." She gave Dan a little wink and then heaved herself up off the couch. "I gotta go to bed. Come and tuck me in, will you?" He stood up and led her out into the hallway, where she shrugged off her jacket and hung it up. They moved towards the stairs, and Dan suddenly felt Tina's lips brushing against his neck, followed by a quick squeeze of his hand. She said nothing to him, but when he laid her down in bed she looked up at him through drowsy, admiring eyes before she fell asleep.

The next day there was no game plan to follow; they were both just hoping for the best, not knowing what was going to happen. Dan headed off to work wondering when, or if, Tina was going to make her move. As the day wore on and he became distracted by other things, he started to convince himself that she had abandoned the whole idea. The more sensible part of him thought that it was maybe for the best. Perhaps she didn't want to risk what she already had, and he could hardly argue with that.

Then at some point after two o'clock, he got a text from her which contained no words at all; just two smilies, back to back. He was right on the verge of texting back with a couple of question marks, when he decided to leave well alone. Whatever Tina had said to Kelly, she'd done it face to face, and he should follow her example. He put the phone down and ground out the last few hours of the day, his mind racing at the possibility of what had happened. His office was closer to home than hers, and he was back in the space of a few minutes, waiting even more eagerly for her return than he had the night before.

This time it was light outside, and when Tina's car pulled up he studied her carefully as she got out. Her face was red and blotchy and it was obvious she had been crying, but there was a smile breaking through as well. She looked down the path to the front door, and took a deep breath before she moved. When she came in there was no little quip waiting. The moment she saw Dan her face broke into a grin, and she rushed forward and hugged him as hard as she could.

"So, that's a thumbs-up, then?" he asked, as they stood locked together.

Tina broke off and nodded in excitement, the words spilling out of her. "Uh-hmm. We went out to lunch and I was wondering how I was going to bring it up and I was getting really worried, and then she asked me first. You see, I told you she knew. I told you I wasn't that drunk. She knew I was serious."

"Did she know how you felt about her?"

"She had a pretty good idea. But she was so worried that she'd got it wrong and she was going to embarrass herself by asking me. I could see it, so I just looked at her, straight in the eye, and I said..." Tina stopped and waved a hand loosely in the air, her voice faltering. "I said, 'Yeah, you got it. I've had a crush on you for a long time.' God, that was so terrifying. But I said it! Didn't back down or anything."

Dan held her loosely by the arms as she stood in front of him, a ball of nervous energy. "How did she take it?"

"Well, she was uh, surprised. She hadn't picked up on my signals. Maybe I should have left a note on her desk, sent her some flowers or something." Tina took a deep breath and calmed down, her head drooping, as though even she was fed up with her own sarcasm. "I thought for a moment that I'd done something terrible. She looked so hurt. I took her hand, just gently, and I looked at her and said I would never, ever do anything to make her feel bad. It was just too hard... to keep going on..." She paused, rubbing a fresh wave of tears out of her stinging eyes. Dan let her head drop on his shoulder, and she was quiet for a moment in his arms.

"Anyway," she said eventually, "I gave her a long hug. I just held onto her, and she didn't pull away from me. She looked at me again and she was still surprised, but not in a bad way. Least, I don't think so. She asked me how long I'd felt like that about her, so I told her. Neither of us could really think of anything else to say. She said we ought to be getting back. Then she added that it was a different lunchtime than she normally had. I didn't know how to take that."

"What was it like the rest of the day?"

"It was OK. We were working on different things, which was good. She didn't really say much to me. But I looked over at her once, just by accident, and she smiled at me. I mean, it wasn't like, 'Come to bed, my darling'... but it was good. It was like she was saying, it's all right."

Tina took a deep breath and stepped away from Dan, into the living room. She sat down on the couch and stared ahead, her hands clasped between her knees. "God, this is even harder than I thought!" Dan came in behind her and she looked up at him, seeing his concern for her. "I'm getting there," she added in quiet determination.

Over the following week, as Tina came back in from work, Dan figured out that it was best not to keep pressing her for updates. He let her sit down and relax and tell him something now and then, when she felt like it. She didn't have that much to say, but as each day passed he could see a gradual relaxation in her body language. It was as though a great tension was lifting off her, as though she had learnt more about herself as well as Kelly. He felt like mentioning it to her, but he didn't want to upset her equilibrium.

One day she got home and sprawled on the couch in a mass of arms and legs, her eyes fixed beadily on Dan. "You know I said I was going to tell her about how you put me up to it? How I've got your blessing?"

Dan looked back at her, eyebrows raised. "Ye-eees...?"

"Well, I told her today. I know I should have said it before, I'm sorry, but... kinda had a lot going on! Anyway, we were having lunch again and I dropped it in there. She didn't seem too upset about that. Or too surprised."

That last remark made Dan pull up a little. "Really?"

"Oh, you're worried now aren't you?" she teased him. "She's got your number, hon. I told you she was a lot sharper than people think." Sensing that he was a little alarmed, she pulled herself upright. "I didn't really say that you put me up to it. She's not that dumb. I just told her the truth." She got up, moved over to Dan's chair and sat on his lap, her arms round his neck. "That I would never have been able to tell her how I felt, if it hadn't been for my lovely hubby supporting me."

"I guess she must have been worried... I mean, that you were going behind my back."

"I don't think so. I think she kind of had a hunch already that you were in on it. Don't ask me how. Anyway, forget about that," she sighed. "The important thing is... I reckon I'm close. She looks at me differently, I can tell. She wants to know how far I'm willing to go."

"And how far are you willing to go, honey?"

Tina looked at him coolly for a moment, then seized his face in her hands and kissed him hard, enough to send his heart surging and his cock leaping uncontrollably upwards. "A bit further than that," she finally whispered, licking her saliva off his lips. She nuzzled round his neck and kissed him below the ear. "Just give me a little more time, OK?"

Even as he sat there, trying to contain his excitement at the bundle of passion on top of him, a cautioning thought occurred to Dan. "Will she be happy with me being there, though? Me sitting there and watching?"

"Oh, I shouldn't think so," Tina smiled slyly. "Not in a million years." She kissed him again, and could tell from his response that he had got her drift.

She turned out to be as good as her word. It was only two days later, when Dan had finally torn his mind away from the subject, that he heard her car pull up outside and glanced out of the window. The moment Tina emerged he could see her grinning from ear to ear, a grin she was going to keep permanently unless someone dislodged it. She closed the door behind her in triumph, leaning back against it coyly.

"So?" Dan asked, when he already knew the answer.

"So..." She tapped her knuckles buoyantly against the doorframe, then walked slowly towards him. "You doing anything special this Friday night? 'Cos if you can spare an evening, I know a couple of ladies who are free."

"Well, I was planning to go out for a couple of beers with Terry – you know we love our nights out – but if you insist..." He took her in his arms, even she as gave him a scolding little slap. He kissed her and she positively seethed with anticipation, stepping up on tiptoes in her shoes to meet him. "So she went for it, huh?" he whispered.

"She did," Tina declared, breathing fast. "She's as nervous as hell about it, but... she knows I am too. I'm not very good at hiding it." She placed her hand flat against Dan's cock and looked at him directly. "But you are going to have to bring this, OK? I'm serious. I think that was what convinced her in the end – that you're going to be there, and you're not going to let us all do the work, right?"

"You try and stop me," Dan muttered, flinging her against the wall and kissing her down her neck and chest. Tina arched her back and writhed against him, her legs entwined around his. They ravaged each other for a minute or so before she pulled his head off her breasts and looked him square in the eye.

"So tell me," she purred, "what are you most looking forward to about having two women at once, huh? What's really keeping your cock awake at night?"

As Dan stared at her pouting lips and her beautiful, curvaceous figure, any one of a thousand thoughts occurred to him. But he figured that if she really wanted to know, he should give the honest answer. "OK," he replied, giving a firm little nod. "What I am most looking forward to, is being able to get you and Kelly on the bed in front of me, on all fours, with your legs spread nice and wide. And then putting a finger inside you both and playing a sweet little tune."

Tina tilted her head to one side and gave him a wry look. "I always knew you were a kinky fucker," she said eventually. "I hope you're not disappointed with my pussy, that's all. Compared to hers, it'll be like sticking your hand inside a freeway tunnel."

"Now what makes you say that? It's not like I've had much chance to try it lately."

"I've been busy. But if you want to give it a good test right now..." She pressed her crotch against his, wrapping her arms round his back. Dan was sorely tempted to take her up on her offer, but he thought better of it.

"Let's leave it till Friday, shall we?" he suggested, pulling her arms gently away. That was enough to remove the grin from her face.

"What?" she protested, looking like a kid who'd been denied a treat. "Oh, c'mon..."

"Good things come to those who wait, Tina," he reminded her, lacing his hand through her fingers. "Besides, if we're going to have Kelly there watching a pair of old timers like us, we need to keep our bodies fresh for her, don't we?"

Tina took a deep breath and stared up at him, her eyes dripping with desire. Her muscles were clenched for action, as though she were going to tear the clothes off him any second and take him right there, in the hallway. But finally she relented, and nodded. "OK, Scout Leader. Have it your way." She held up a warning finger. "But you'd better be ready on Friday."

"I will," he promised her, kissing her on the throat. "What about Joe?"

"Mom and Dad can take him for the night. It's all right, I checked with them first before I asked Kelly. They've done it before on Fridays, they know we need some alone time now and then. It's not like I had to lie to them." She smiled as a thought occurred to her. "Just play down the numbers a little."

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AthlantianAthlantianover 6 years ago
Good start

I like this... The persons are believable, nobody's cheating and it's a loving couple :)

Keep it going.

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