Friends Forever?

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Long time friends find love.
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Lately I've been going through a really bad faze and when I say bad I mean horrific. Firstly, my boyfriend dumped me. I had no idea everything was not fine, I was totally convinced I had finally found love and then wham, he runs off with my sister. I guess I was wrong. Anyway, so there I am hart broken wondering how I'm going to get through the first family gathering when, I get fired. Why do I get fired? Is it because I'm bad at my job? Oh, no, it's because my boss's wife thinks I'm having an affair with her husband. As if, he's perfectly nice and everything but I like guys with hair and less fat. Then, as if I hadn't reached seventh heaven already, my father and mother decide they want a divorce. As a result of this my mother moves in with me. Don't get me wrong I love my mother, however I suddenly have been reduced to this, teenager going on toddler, again. Don't worry it doesn't stop here either; a multi-story building is being erected right next to my flat. Now this wouldn't normally bother me if, it wasn't going to block out the fantastic view I live in this dump for. Not only that, but its value has gone down so I can't sell and get an apartment I might like better. Ok, that's all, I hope.

"Hunny? Do you have a moment?"

"I guess, what do you want Mom?"

"Oh, dear, I didn't interrupt your writing in that secret diary, did I? You were always so secretive, even as a baby. You know I still remember, once when you were five or, was it six..."

"Mum, MUM! Not that I don't find this absolutely fascinating, however, what were you going to say when you, first, came into the room?"

"Oh, nothing much just that the painters are coming tomorrow so you might want to cover you're stuff. You know paint, it has a way of splashing all over the place. Now what was I saying? Oh, yes, you were five and oh, you were so cute who would have thought that you, well, anyway..."

"Painters? PAINTERS? Mum, what do you mean by painters?"

"Why darling, this apartment is so colorful it hurts my eyes. I can't live in a blue and green apartment. You know I just can't believe you didn't fix this when you moved in. It's absolutely hideous, darling. But then, you always were absent minded, almost to a fault."

"Ok, Mum, I'm going to say this once. THIS IS MY APARTMENT! You will not do anything to it unless you ask for my permission first. Get it? The apartment is blue and green because, guess what, I like it that way. I decorated my apartment according to my taste and it's going to stay this way."

"Now darling, don't be so stubborn. I always knew you had bad taste, but don't worry, we'll sort this out in no time. Darling? Darling, where are you going?"

"To phone Pa."

"What? You still talk to that man, after what he has done to me? I don't believe you're my daughter. I just don't get it, you were such a lovely child..."

Blah, blah, blah. Why didn't Pa get a divorce sooner? He must have been nuts, heck, she's been here one month and already she's driving me bonkers.


"Hey Pa, it's me."

"Hey Pumpkin, what's up?"

"I know this is kinda out of the blue, but, could I come and stay with you?"

"Your Mum getting to you?"

"Yeah, and you know, I was thinking it wouldn't be that bad, I could have my old room back..."

"Sweetie, you know the thing is that, well, Alicia's moved in. You know how it is; it would be difficult for all of us..."

"Alicia? Dad, you and Alicia? Oh, my I had no idea! Well good for you, don't worry I totally understand, you old dog you. Is it, you know, like serious and stuff?"

"It's too soon to say, but I think it has definite possibilities, yeah."

"Oh my, some good news at last. Now don't you worry about me, I'll just impose on somebody else. Um, just one thing, did Ma drive you nuts too? Because, I have this awful feeling, that, I'm not being a very sympathetic person and stuff."

"Hunny, you're mother drive's everyone nuts, it's one of her charms."

"Thank God, it's not just me. Few."

"Anyway, I've got to go. It sounds like Alicia's back."

"Ok, bye Dad, I love you lots. Have fun and do everything I wouldn't do."

"Thanks, love you, bye."

Ok, so I can't go home. Only one solution left. Hello hotel goodbye nest egg, unless, it's hello crappy hotel, tuff decision. Comfort and poverty or discomfort and eventual poverty. This calls for drastic counseling measures. Hmmm, I've never really been good at chatting on the phone, so I'll invite Josh over.


Shit I forgot the dracul-mom. How can I invite my best friend over for a dose of being fed vegetarian food with no salt in a strictly non-smoking area with the TV blaring Ma's favorite soaps in the background. I can't, I wouldn't even invite my worst enemy.

"There you are dear, as you're going to be in tonight I only thought it proper to inform you that I'm having a lady's bridge night. So, if you could possibly stick to your room? Good that's settled. Now, out I need to dust you're room."

"Mom, thanks for the offer but my room doesn't need dusting."

"Nonsense dear, now, out out out!"

"That's quite right Mom, OUT!"

"No need to shout I can get a hint. You know I've always said you were as stubborn as your father."

"Whatever Mom, I'm going out tonight. Now OUT!"


"Josh? You've got to save me. It's dreadful, I can't stay here another second. She's going to paint my walls a sickly pink color, she's continually cleaning my stuff, poking through my cupboards and I'm confined to my room for the evening. She's having a bridge night!"

"Wow, calm yourself Ash. I'll be right over, don't worry about a thing."

Ok, he'll fix everything. If there is one person in the world who is intimidating it's Josh, my knight in shining armor. He towers over me, so Ma's going to look like the evil dwarf reincarnated. I really like that picture, I guess that's not very nice of me but hey I can't help it so I might as well enjoy it. Oh, what if she sees through his tough-boy exterior to the soft teddy-bear beneath?

"Ashley! Who is this man? No you cannot come in, how dare you. No daughter of mine will receive a man in her apartment. How dare you come in without an invitation. I expect an explanation at once. Oh, no you're not going to get away with no answer, now you listen to me you rude, body building, red-haired giant..."

"Mum, mum, stop it. MUM. Mum, this is Josh my best friend, Josh this is my mother. Now, Josh let's go to my room and mother, do shut up."

"Why, I never, this is you're influence on my darling daughter, she never would have spoken to me like that..."

"Let me just lock and bolt the door and I'll be with you. You know I never thought I'd have use for this bolt."

"You're leaving?"

"Oh, yeah, I've given up, thrown in the towel. I can't take it, she's impossible, all the time. Oh, Josh I'm so glad you've come, I so needed to see a friendly face."

"Hey, cool it. It's going to be ok. Now I assume you're going to stay with you're father, right? So, you'll need all your clothes and books, you can come back for the rest later. Now, where are your suitcases, I mean apart from these two?"

"Um, Josh? Look, I'm not exactly going to stay with Pa, I was thinking of a hotel."

"Don't be silly Ash, I'm sure you're father will be more than pleased to put you up."

"Well, you see that's the thing. You remember Alicia right? Well she um, she sort of moved in with Pa and it would be an uncomfortable situation..."

"You already phoned didn't you?"


"Fine, let's get you packed."

"You're ok with this? Not to insult you or anything but you're usually, overprotective of me."

"You're a grown girl. Far be it for me to stop you from doing stupid dangerous things."

"Now look here, renting a room in a perfectly respectable hotel is not stupid or dangerous."

"Whatever you say, now help me pack."


Men! First my lover, then my mother (ok, she's not a man but ...) and finally when I need some support Josh gets all big macho protector on me. I could cut the silence with a knife and pepper it with disapproval and now he's insisted on driving me to my hotel. When we get there he'll probably insist on checking the locks, looking around for bugs, accuse the man next door of stalking me and be a thorough pane in my but. Wait a minute, this isn't the way...



"Don't pull that innocent face on me. You know perfectly well this isn't the way to the King George's. Now, what's going on in that diabolical mind of yours?"

"Look, you can't go to a hotel and before you blow a gasket let me explain. I would be worried sick about you and anyway my house has lots of rooms. It wouldn't be any trouble and anyway you don't have a choice."

"What do you mean I don't have a choice? You know I can't impose on you and Melissa. It just isn't right however many rooms you have in your spare pocket."

"Melissa won't mind, she adores you. You know that. Now stop making up stupid excuses and just get used to the fact that you are now officially my guest."

"Uhhh!!! That is it! I am officially moving planet in the morning. What did I do to deserve to be born on earth? You know if it wasn't for the fact that you have a swimming pool I would definitely never speak to you again."

"Now I'm wounded, I'm going to bleed to death if you don't apologize and tell me I'm forgiven on the power of my charms only."

"Oh, you're forgiven completely on the power of your charms only, after all a swimming pool the size of my flat is definitely a very nice charm."

"That's it? Those are the charms you see in me? Oh woe is me, my best friend love's my swimming pool more than me!"

"Josh, seriously now apart from the swimming pool you have one other great charm. Melissa."

"Now I'm really pissed off..."

"How is it possible that that little, cheeky, wicked, imp is an asset and I'm not?"


"Ohhh, Melly you get heavier by the day I swear. Now, tell me all about school, life the universe and everything."

"What no hug? Not only am I a poor bedraggled none asset but I don't even get a hug!"

"Oh Daddy, you know I love you. There, satisfied?"

"Not until I'm given the title of an asset."

"Ash, what's he on about?"

"Don't worry about it Melly, now go into the house while I take care of you're father's lack of self confidence and my suitcases."

"Ok Josh, have it you're way."


"I admit in front of the whole world that you do indeed have the same value as a swimming pool. There, satisfied?"

"But of course mon cherie."

"Dinner was wonderful, thank you Ash."

"My pleasure, after all you have been kind enough to give me a room and the most wonderful company a girl could wish for."

"Why thank you Ash."

"I was talking about Melly."

"You know I have this awful feeling I've just upped the number of imps in my house to two. Oh well, I resign my fate to the winds of time."

"Come my poet, let's do the dishes."

Hmm, I feel wonderful. I've even simmered down from my earlier boil at being abducted. I wish I could live here forever. I mean it's absolutely perfect, I've got Josh and Melly. Sometimes I wish she was mine, I even get all yearny inside thinking about it. Well no use getting sad, it would spoil this almost euphoric mood I'm in.

"It is so good to be away from Ma, I just can't tell you."

"Trust me, after today I can definitely make a good stab at imagining what it's like."

"You think she bought the story? Telling her I hate the mess and chaos of painting isn't to good a plan, considering I very nearly couldn't keep a straight face. You know I'm not a very tidy person, she must know it to, do you think she could suspect?"

"Nah, she was too busy planning the color scheme. How are you going to get her out of there? I mean, you are eventually going to have to face the problem. After all, you're not just renting, you own that place."

"I know, I know. Uhhh, look I can't really face it now. How about a swim?"

"Only if you let me skinny dip."

"Fine, as long as you leave the lights off and let me skinny as well. Mind you don't peek either."

"Peek at what, Ash? After all, you are a dog woman."

"Me a dog? Let me tell you something mister, I'm considered beautiful. A man's dream come true, long blond hair, long legs, perfect ass, tiny waist, c-cup tits, long neck, full lips, green eyes. I sound like an add for a porn star."

"You wish baby. Now let's go to that pool before my very own porn star has the neighborhood men smashing down my door."

"Humph, I have a very good mind to sulk now."

"Wouldn't you much rather have a swim?"

"Yeah, you do have a point."

Oh God the water feels good. So cool as it caresses my body, all around me, rubbing my nipples. I'm so hot, it's been weeks since I've had a man. Ok, stop you are at your best friends house, keep your hormones in check or you'll find yourself raping Josh, ok Ash? Mind you not that it would be bad, that gorgeous body of his, lightly peppered with sandy red hair, how I would just love to trail my tongue down that massive body. To feel his arms crushing me to his, oh so hard, chest as he devours my mouth, my hands in his hair. I bet he has silky hair.

"Hey Ash, you drifting? You haven't said a word in like ten minutes. What's on that mind of yours?"

Bad girl, give yourself a slap and for God's sake don't try to sneak a peek, he'll notice!

"Just the usual, lamenting over my numerous problems."

"You know Ash, I mean you're good at your job and everything but I always figured you would be happier at home with the kids. That guy of yours sure is an idiot; you'll make a lucky man a wonderful wife."

"If you tell anybody this I'll kill you but yeah, I would prefer to be at home with the kids. I would love to make romantic dinners for my love and massage his body after a he's had a ruff day at work, you know all the tender things you don't get to do when you just have a boyfriend."

"Hey you know where they make you're model, cause I sure would like to buy one."

"Hmm. You joker you, thanks though, it's nice to hear that at least I don't freak one guy out."

"Ash, come here, look at me. You're wonderful, any man in his right mind would die for a woman like you. I'm totally serious."

"Oh, Josh, thank you. I really don't know what I would do without you."

"Baby stop hugging me, I'm only human and this could get very embarrassing."

"Oh, dear, I'm so sorry Josh, I didn't think. Look I'd better go to bed anyway, it's been a long day."

"Yeah, I'm going to stay out a little longer, goodnight, I'll see you in the morning."

"Josh, one more thing, what time do you get up in the morning?"

"8 why?"


I'm so bad, I know I shouldn't have hugged him but the temptation was too much. There he was being all sincere and wonderful and all I could think of was feeling that chest against my nipples. It felt good, so good, the feel of him made my nipples go so hard they hurt and his hands resting just above my butt... I need to get off or I'm going to go out of my mind. Mmm, yes I'm sure Josh would rub my nipples just like that. His big hands would grab my tits as he lowered his head to suck gently on one and then the other. His hand would travel down my quivering stomach and slide my lips apart slowly. He would make me beg, while kissing his way up my neck. Beg for him to tease my clit, dip his thick fingers up my slit. Ohhhh, yes flick my clit, faster, faster, oh yes just like that. Josh, oh God Josh!!!

I don't know what got into me last night. I sure hope it was intense sexual frustration because otherwise I'm fried meat. Josh would never look at me like that; heck I never looked at Josh like that before last night. I mean I knew his wife, Maria, one of my best friends. The fact that she's gone still hurts but her death did bring Josh and me together so I guess some good came of it. And now what I want to do is fuck my best friend who was the husband of my last best friend. I'm sick, just sick. How can I even think like this. Lusting after one's best friend is a no no, so stop it, think daisies, think nice little cottage in the middle of the woods. Think ...

"Morning, I didn't expect you to be up so early."

Josh, he looks so good in that suit, it's not bad if I kiss him on the cheek, is it? God, he smells delicious, my panties are already soaked, please don't let him smell me...

"Morning. It's pancakes for my favorite guy. Want bacon and maple syrup or marmalade?"

"I'll have bacon and maple. You smell good, using a new perfume? Not that you're old one was bad."

"Uhh, no it must be my shampoo."

"Nah it's got more of a musky smell to it. Anyway, where's Melissa?"

"She said she had to meet someone on the way to school, so she left early."

"Oh, then it's just us two."


"Great, then I get to spin you round without Melissa getting jealous."

"What? Josh! Oh please put me down you know I can't stop laughing when you do that!"

"Laugh away, you have the nicest giggle. Ok, I better put you down before I strain something."

"Oh dear, the world's spinning. Josh..."

"Gotcha, look me in the eyes, there it'll soon stop."

"Wow, thanks."

"No problem, you know you really do smell good, fantastic actually. Come here and let me get a better whiff of it."

"Josh no."

"Mmmmm. What lotion do you use, cause I could swear it's coming from your skin."

"No, um, no lotion."

"Ash, what's up? Ash...? Cause baby, with the way you're looking at me now, I could swear... Ash? Oh, Ash."

Ohhh, I can't stop staring into those meltingly brown eyes. His hands are in my hair, oh please kiss me I don't think I can stand another second if you don't kiss me. Ohhhh, he's kissing me, mmmm, his lips are hard against mine oh, I'm melting.


"Oh, God, baby I don't have time to even think of finishing this. I have to go to work, we'll talk about this later. Just one more taste and then I'm gone."

He's going to kiss me again. Yes, oh he's rubbing his lips backwards and forward, he's teasing mine open... Mmmm, his tongue is so hot and ruff and wet, ohhh, his hair Is like silk. He's grabbed my ass in those huge hands of his, I can hardly think, ohh, his thigh is rubbing against me oh, ohhh, yes lift me up, lift me into you. Josh, oh my love you're so hard, so hard, I'm going to cum, uhhhhhhh, harder, oh yes, YES, YES! Oh God, I'm still so hot, I'm burning up, oh he's pushed me against the wall, oh yes rip my shirt out of my pants, yes...

"Yes! OH, Josh!! Oh, my darling lick my tits, yes oh, suck, suck, just like that... Oh, I'm going mad, ohhhhhhh...What, what's that? No, don't stop, don't..."

"It's my cell phone, I've got to answer baby. Paterson, hello? What is it James? What? Hold everything I'll be right there. Baby, I've got to go. We're going to have to continue this when I get back."

"Just one more kiss and then I'll let you go. Please."

"Fine, mmmmm... Shit, look I've got to go, shit."

Ohhhh, my God. That was amazing, I usually can't come without direct hands on, hands in stimulation, but with Josh... All he had to do was rub me through both our clothes and I had the best orgasm ever. Shit, what have I got myself into? I can't do this, he's my best friend, if it doesn't work out I stand to loose so much and yet, I need him. He's got me so worked up I've soaked my jeans. Oh, shit, what do we tell Melly? No this can't possibly work, I've got to get out of here. I just can't do this, the one man I can't have and I go and fall in love with him. In love? Since when have I been in love with him? Oh, no, bugger, bugger it. I've so fucked up. I've got to get out, I'll write him a letter, yes a letter. I'll explain rationally that I'm blowing off the love of my life and the best none sex I've ever had, that should be easy right? Ok, ok, move it slug you've got to get out of here before Melly comes back.