Friends with Benefits Pt. 03

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I am so absolutely over my ex. Completely. Totally. 100%...
12.5k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/24/2020
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"Ughhh, you hot little whore." Dylan moaned as he pushed into me. "Fuck I've missed this."

He'd been away for the longest two weeks of my life and now he was back he was doing his absolute best to completely destroy me. We'd already had sex twice and, unusually for him, he didn't want to flip fuck today.

I was already ruined. I was a whimpering, sobbing, absolute and utter mess but my dick was still hard and dripping because he hadn't let me cum all night. I don't know what had gotten into him but I loved it.

"Please, Dyl..."

"What is it, little hole? You wanna cum?" He teased me.

"No, I want a fucking four course dinner." He slapped me and I moaned against him.

"Say that again bitch."

"Dylan please..."

"Not if you're gonna be a back chatting little bitch. I could always use a fleshlight, at least they behave." He slowed down his thrusts, knowing how close I was.

"You fucking cunt..." I sobbed.

"Horny little hole."


"No." He slapped my hand away as I reached for my dick. "Cumming is a privilege, not a right. And you are so far from earning that baby."

"Oh fuck you!" I whined.

"You wish. Can't even feel your tiny little dick." He said. Ouch. I frowned at him and he laughed. "Oh now you're mad huh? Stupid little slut." I moaned as he said that.

"Yesyesyes... oh Dyl I'm sorry please... please..."

"That's better baby."

"Please let me cum."

"Good boy." He grunted and stared fucking me hard again... hard and deep and I was so close... he leant in in pressed his lips to my ear.

"You want me to touch that tiny little dick and let you finish?"

"Please..." I whimpered... the fight totally fucked from me.

"Good boy." He said. He wrapped his hand around my cock and teased the slit with his thumb as he ground into me. "Shoot your little load baby, that's it..."

I came so hard, panting into his neck and I felt him release into me, his dick throbbing as he bred me for the third time. He held my dick firmly as I lay back- glassy eyed in total bliss.

Fuck. He was almost as good as Eric.

I blushed as I heard my own thoughts and tried to push it away, focusing on the sweaty guy cradling me, softly touching me and pressing his head of hair into my chest.

"You alright Gus?" He muttered.

"You're fucking lucky it's Friday, I don't think I can walk." He laughed.

"Don't blame me for this, I'm only doing what you like." I blushed as he sat up and tucked my hair behind my ears. "Needy little power bottom."

"Missed you." I blinked up at him. He pressed his lips to my forehead gently.

"Missed you more." He pulled out with a groan and I could feel his load dripping down my ass and totally ruining his sheets. Ugh I felt so empty. He lay down and pulled me on top. He bit his lip and stroked my hair, watching me closely. "You know I..." I groaned and stopped him, my head falling to his chest.

"You love my dick, it's not that small, blah blah blah..." I turned my head to look at him so he could see me rolling my eyes.

"Yeah." He smiled, ignoring my passive aggressive exasperation and holding me close.

"Be nice to have sex without you apologising every time." I muttered. He shrugged.

"It's my aftercare." He said. "For me." He clarified. "I know you can take it. I just can't dish it out."

"You dished it out pretty fucking well tonight." I laughed. He grinned at me.

"Well I gotta treat my baby right." He said. He glanced at his phone. "Speaking of which, you promised I could take you to dinner."

"Now?!" I groaned. God. if I could walk after that. "Fine. Carry me." He laughed as he helped me to stand. He bit his lips as he took me in.

"Shower." He said, his eyes drifting to my sweaty, cum covered chest. I laughed.

"No shit."


He had to support me in the shower, I was totally exhausted. He ran his hands over my body and held me close as he scrubbed me down.

"New jobs treating you well." He admired me.

"Mmm." I moaned and pressed myself into him. I'd been poached about a month ago- a smaller team in Karori had their eyes on me and offered me an apprenticeship that I'd have been stupid to say no to. Even though I'd jumped in mid build and was mostly moving piles of shit and insulating the walls it was a huge leg up from labouring on apartment buildings for the rest of my life. And it meant I could get my arse away from the site and away from Eric.

Eric who never acted on it anymore but looked at me all the goddamn time. Eric who was wherever I was somehow- in the lift, in the bar, leaving work at the same time... Eric who silently helped me gather all my shit when my toolbag broke. He passed me my Estwing hammer with a sigh and I didn't look up at him. He got me that hammer. Old fashioned leather handle and all. Very Eric.

Leaving site was bittersweet. But god almighty I did not miss him.



"Where are we going for dinner?" I asked Dylan as I towelled myself off. Nowhere nice, I hoped. But everywhere Dylan went was nice. He looked at me.

"You choose." I rolled my eyes. Ugh. Maybe this is why Eric and I rarely went out. I didn't like decisions.

"Rosie's Cantina." I said. Dylan nodded.

"Ok." Huh. I'd actually been joking. I didn't think ten dollar margaritas and piles of nachos were his thing. He caught my eye and smiled.

"Don't give me that look! I'm not as posh as you think I am." I laughed at him as he tossed me a dressing gown and we returned to his room. I sat on his bed, watching him get dressed. Dylan took an inordinate amount of care getting dressed. He used a package free deodorant that smelled like old spice, then a cologne that smelled like smoke and apples. He usually stared at his closet for like ten minutes before he committed to anything, but once he'd plucked something out he was dressed within a few minutes. Silk shirts, nice trousers that hugged him in ways my dickies never would... scarves and rings... he glanced at me watching him.

"You have to wear clothes too." He said. "That dressing gown is a hard no." I laughed.

"Well go on then." I stretched out. Dylan looked at me softly and bit his lip. I shrugged as he turned back to his wardrobe. We never actually spoke about it but I was becoming Dyl's personal Ken doll.

It was something I noticed pretty early on- he had all sorts of clothes tucked away, often in my size even which didn't make sense because I was half the size of him. I don't know if they were his exes or what the story was. All I know is he got a kick out of making me look good for him.

"This might fit." He said casually, handing me a pair of jeans and a white shirt with a mandarin collar. I pulled them on and looked at him.

"Or is the hi-vis better?" I asked. Dylan started fussing with me a bit, rolling up the cuffs of the jeans and tucking the shirt in on one side.

"Hmmmm if I had it my way they'd make you work in a hi-vis jock every day."

"You really want to share me with all the guys on site?" Dylan held me tightly and kissed my neck.

"They can look." He growled. "Everyone can look." He worked his fingers into my hair and jerked my head back to look at him. "They just can't touch unless I say so." I grinned at him. I knew he had a little bit of a uh... hot boyfriend thing. Not that he ever said it. But it was all part of it... dressing me up, showing me off...

I tucked myself into his arm and checked for my phone, keys and wallet before nodding to the door.

"After you." Dylan led the way, reaching behind him for my hand. I squeezed it as I followed him.

Dylan was so like Eric in every way- only soft where Eric was hard. Nice where Eric was an arsehole. Good at conflict resolution where Eric would clam up and we would hit each other. On paper he was the right guy. And I did love him. In a way I never loved Eric. Deep and safe and warm and all that...

Only sometimes you just want a guy who kind of hates your guts to slap you in the face and piss in your mouth, you know what I mean?

Just me?


A new site meant I was faced, to my annoyance, with coming out AGAIN. Ugh. I'd been avoiding that my whole life and now karma had caught up with me and it seemed like there was an endless stream of people I had to tell.

The new site was a nice small team, with two girls on it even. I did get a fair bit of shit from everyone for the usual crap- I'm short, my hair's too long... I was the baby on site even though I was pretty sure I wasn't the youngest and I was tasked with all the most bullshit jobs you could think of. I didn't really mind. I was getting paid $4 more an hour than my last gig so I would happily rake leaves all day if they kept paying.

I managed to get a nickname on my very first day when my boss introduced me.

"Alright everyone, this is Gus, he's the lad from the Brandon St site they warned us about." Blake slapped me hard on the back, trying to make me stumble. As if I haven't got that all my life. I raised my eyebrows at him. He grinned. "Built like a fucking tank." He said with a whistle.

"Yeah maybe Thomas. Right, little man?" One of the guys muttered. Everyone snickered. Dammit. Way too early to have a demeaning nickname. Way too late to fix that.

Of course you can't show weakness. You can't let anyone know what you hate. They'll use it against you. So a month and a half on and -little man- it was. I doubt they even remembered where it came from.

"How are you finding it?" Max, the girl one- that sometimes got confusing, asked over smoko one day. She frowned, looking concerned. "We can put some more ladders in if you're finding it hard to reach the bins?" Everyone cracked up and I rolled my eyes as I lit a cigarette.

"It's ok, you should probably save the budget for a tape measure, Max. I mean, I assume you don't have one- that's why you fucked up the east side wall framing?" She grinned good naturedly.

"So what's all that about?" Frank waved his hand at the general direction of my head. "Do girls like something to pull on?" I pushed my hair off my face. I hadn't cut it in a while. I mean... yeah. Dylan did like something to pull on. So had Eric. My heart started to beat faster. Well, I didn't need to share that, I just needed to correct them on the girls part of that. I'd done this before. Easier now rather than later.

"Dunno." I said. "Max?" She laughed and ran her fingers through her own short hair.

"Well I like something to pull on." She joked. "But I don't think you've got the right equipment for me."

"Well lucky for you the feeling's mutual or I might be offended." I said quickly. She laughed and sat back.

"Max A. You owe me $10." She said triumphantly. The boy Max, the dick who started calling me 'little man' frowned at me.

"You don't look gay." I sighed.

"Yeah it's weird, eh. You do." Everyone laughed. I glanced around, but they seemed pretty relaxed. Well. Max A didn't, but I hated him already. I exhaled. It was fine. It would be fine.


"So when do we meet him?" Frank was going on about meeting Dylan. I shrugged him off.

"Dyl's always busy." I said. Which was at least half as true as the real reason I was putting that off. Frank looked at me and pulled me aside for a second.

"Hey Gus." He said. "You think we're gonna be jerks? We like you. We're a small team, we look out for each other." I blushed and nodded and tried to duck under his arm to keep working. He grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and pulled me back. I glared at him. "Invite him on Friday." He said.

"He won't come." I warned. "He works." Frank sighed as he looked at me.

"Well. If you're gonna be a pussy about it, little man..."

"I'm not!" I almost hit him.

"Just ask him."

I grumbled and walked away. I asked Dylan that night and he beamed and said he could wrangle the night off. I smiled and pretended to be happy.

I'm not ashamed... Jesus, Dylan looks like a well groomed Thor- no one would be ashamed! Just.

He's so gay.

I know, I know. I'm the worst. Toxic masculinity blah blah blah. I love Dylan for who he is- I just- didn't know if I could live it down on site when they realised I get dicked down by such a fairy... oh my God I needed to stop. I needed to take some sensitivity training.

"What are you thinking about?" Chris interrupted me. I glanced at him.


"You've been staring at that beer can for 20 minutes." He pointed out. I blinked and sat back in my chair.

"So it didn't move at all?" I sighed. "Dammit, maybe I don't have the Force." Chris laughed and sat opposite me.

"What's on your mind buddy?" I bit my lip and looked at him.

"Dylan's meeting the guys tomorrow." I said. Chris nodded.

"Ahhhh." He said. "And I guess the team are all expecting another little Rowdy Roddy Piper not Legolas?" I laughed.

"Am I awful?" Chris shrugged. "Oh I am." I sighed. "God, why am I like this?"

"Because you've been closeted most of your life and work in construction, duh." He laughed as he caught my eye. "Hey." He said quietly. I flinched. "No one overthinks things as much as you do. Dylan likes you, you like him. Hell, I like him. What do you think is going to happen?"

"Uh... " I mean. I couldn't say it out loud.

"You think they'll think less of you because you take it up-"

"Chris!" I interrupted him. He laughed.

"Gus. Your guys are straight. Trust me, they won't even know the difference between a super masc guy like you and someone a bit more... like Dylan. Its all men fucking men for them." I glanced at him. He might be right. Which made me feel even shittier.


The team was grilling me hard about Dylan over our first round.

"You guys know I like him right? You aren't going to... scare him off?" I swallowed. David laughed and slapped me on the back.

"Only if we need to." Great. I took a deep breath.

"Uh, look... he's... I mean he's not like me..." They looked at me, eyebrows raised. "He's gay- I mean well, obviously we're both gay- but he's like..." I trailed off and hung my head. "Just please don't be dicks." I begged. Frank laughed.

"It's ok Gus. We aren't dicks to Max or Katie are we?" I glanced over at the girls, who were buying the next round. Well- they weren't dicks to them, but then again Katie and Max weren't half as girly as Dylan was. I internally groaned as I heard my own thoughts. I deserved to be dumped, honestly. I perked up as I saw him though, all my dumb thoughts tumbling out of my brain as he strode towards the bar. He was wearing a white t-shirt with his tattoos on full display and some relatively inconspicuous jeans. I felt a twinge of guilt that he'd obviously tried to tone it down. Although maybe that wasn't entirely on my account- maybe it was meeting a whole bunch of lads in construction that did it. I waved him over and he approached us.

"Dyl- this is David, Gary, Frank, and Max A."

"Hey." He shook everyone's hand, and then again when the other Max and Katie returned with the beer. Frank started grilling him about his tattoos and it turned out they had a shared love of comics. They got swept up in that and Katie leaned into me.

"He's gorgeous." She said. She was the only one who could say that and I'd believe it. "I think he might be out of your league." She teased me. I rolled my eyes.

"You haven't seen me shirtless."

We hung out for a couple of hours, and to my relief everyone loved Dylan. Of course they did, the guy was in customer service- he was good at making people feel comfortable. Eventually Frank had to go home to the wife and kids, and Max and Katie had to get home too. Gary caught a lift with them because he was headed in the same direction. Dylan gave me a look. He looked exhausted. My cue to get us home. I called us an uber.

"You ok?" I asked as we travelled home. He grinned.


"Anything in particular?"

"God I dunno. Curry?"

Lucky I was a great cook, because I was super low on cash for take out after a few rounds of beer. Dylan ate with relish- while I picked at the chicken in it.

"So spill. How come you've never heard of an ironing board but you cook like a hatted chef?" Dylan asked as he helped himself to my plate, correctly guessing I wasn't gonna finish it.

"I love cooking. Reminds me of hanging out with Mum." I said absentmindedly. Dylan tensed up a little. I guess he noticed I never talked about Mum. "It's ok." I squeezed his hand. "She died when I was 15. I've had a bit of time to process." Dylan squeezed my hand back.

"She would have been proud of you." He said. I snorted. That I doubted. When she died I thought I was going to Law School, or at the very least University... Dylan moved closer to me and stroked my thigh as he ate. I wondered if I should have brought it up. I wasn't looking for sympathy. I always found myself oversharing with Dylan. I didn't talk to Eric about my mum for years- it only came up because he was whining at me to come out to my folks, and I had to explain that my mum was dead and my dad was an ex minister and although I didn't know his views on it now, he had made some very public statements in the past regarding homosexuality. Dylan smiled at me as we sat in silence and I felt my chest grow warm.

He insisted on helping me clean up. Actually he tried to get me to sit down so he could do it himself but we found a compromise.

"You have no concept of what's fair." He sighed as I passed him a plate to dry.

"You're a guest." He snorted.

"Maybe the first 20 times but I think you could let me do my bit now." I shrugged. We finished up and headed to my room where I immediately fell to my knees and blinked up at him.

"Gus, you fucking slut." He laughed. "You ever just want to fucking cuddle for a bit?" I looked up at him.

"Sure, if you want..." He stroked my head and I moaned into his touch, resting my head against his thigh. I could feel him getting hard in spite of himself. He sat on the bed and I knelt between his legs, keeping my head on his thigh, waiting for instructions. He stroked my head slowly.

"Mmmm. Go on then slut." As if it was such a big favour. I grinned at him as I reached for his crotch, and he helped me shuffle his trousers off. I peeled his shoes and socks off as well and kissed his feet. He moaned and I began to massage them in earnest- it was pretty rare that we didn't skip straight to fucking and I loved to worship him properly. He let me slobber all over him, french kissing his toes and rubbing his heels. I slowly made my way up his legs and paused at his balls. I looked up at him.

"Please." I whimpered. Dylan looked at me and laughed. As if I needed to beg, he was already leaking precum like a fucking tap. He nodded and I pressed my nose into his crack as I sucked on his balls. He shuddered. I started to kiss the underside of his dick and he moaned.

"Suck it, Gus." He demanded. I was happy to oblige, deepthroating him until tears streamed down my face. He sighed with pleasure. "You want to get fucked tonight?" He asked. I didn't reply. "I'm gonna cum soon. If you want me to fuck you, you have to say something." I pulled myself off his dick for a second and swapped to my hands.

"Whatever you want, Dyl." He sighed. I bent over again and he pulled away from me.

"Fine." He grunted. "Get your ass on the bed." I scrambled up and pushed said ass out, waiting for him to help me out of my shorts. He didn't. He lay down and pulled out his phone. I glanced at him.

"Babe?" He glanced at me and looked back to his phone, frowning at it. I sat back. "Dyl?" He grunted and turned away from me. My stomach twisted. "Hey, what did I do?"

"Nothing. I decided I don't want you tonight. That's fine with you right? Since you don't give a shit no matter what?" I didn't have anything to say to that. My mouth fell open and I sat silently for a minute.