From A Man to a Woman


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As the early morning sun started to rise, she nervously shook him awake.

"It's time again," she said quietly to him. "Can I have my medicine please?" she asked, pleading.

Pete reached for her and pulled her to him. She quaked as he kissed her again and her stomach clenched as his hand sought her breast. He forced his tongue between her lips and chased hers around her mouth. She could feel his arousal rising as his fingers twirled her nipple and she felt the first pangs of pain as the hour ticked over past her injection schedule. He could feel her stomach clenching as he fondled her breast. She was starting to get frantic, as he seemed more than content to play with her breasts. She almost cried with relief when he kissed her nipple and said, "Ah look at the time, it's past time for your first injection."

Jamie was just starting to roll off him when she was stunned as he said, "Well, you might like to suck my cock before we go sis," as he rolled onto his back, hands behind his head, staring impassively at her.

She looked in disgust at his cock sticking obscenely up in the air as another pang of pain clenched her stomach. Fighting the bile rising in her throat she blinked back the hot tears welling behind her eyes.

"Feel it, feel the power waiting for you and play with my balls a bit. Ahhhh yeah, ooh that's good," he sighed as she stroked his cock and fondled his balls.

"Fancy seeing you, of all people, playing with a man's cock, especially mine, your nerdy brother. And now it's time to make love to it, take it in your mouth baby and give me a blow job." Tentatively, Jamie bent over him and nervously placed the head of his cock to her lips before opening her mouth slowly and letting the head slide into her mouth. She heard his gasp of pleasure as she fought against her own stomach revolting at the thought of what she was doing. She knew what to do so she slowly started to run her tongue around the sensitive head then a stab of pain in her body had the effect of forcing her head down on his cock until she had a mouthful. She kept bobbing as she fought the increasing stabs of pain and feelings of sickness. The hatred she felt for her brother was almost palpable as he moaned in pleasure as she sucked his cock.

The pains were coming stronger and faster as Pete took a handful of hair and pulled Jamie's head off him. Her mouth was still open where his cock had been, as she looked questioningly at him, desperate for some relief. "Argh," she cried out as he slapped her face hard and she toppled off the bed from the force of the blow.

"Ok bitch, that's for mom and Joan, they didn't deserve your disgusting treatment. I'm close to cumming so make sure you swallow it all cunt."

Jamie was humiliated but she simply crawled back to him and took his cock in her mouth. It took all her willpower to avoid being sick as she felt his cock spasm before filling her mouth with load after load of his cum.

"Oh God that was so fucking good baby," he said panting. "That was just to get you acquainted with my cock. The two of you are going to spend a lot of time together baby. Now get off your ass and come and get your medicine. Can't have you being sick over my cock, can we?" he said, laughing out loud. At that moment she didn't care, all she wanted was more medicine.

She couldn't look at him as they ate breakfast. Every time she glanced at him, he seemed to be smiling cynically at her. She struggled to contain her emotions, fighting the urge to cry. She hoped he didn't notice as she wiped a tear from her cheek. But, the contemptuous smirk told her that he had seen. After long moments of silence, he leaned forward. Although she knew it had to come, it was still a brutal shock.

"I feel like a fuck. Time to deflower my little virgin I think." However, he made no immediate move simply stared at her with a smirk on his face. "You are going to find this so hard aren't you? You're going to get fucked by your brother. See for me it's easy, you're different; you're a hot, sexy woman, I'm aroused just looking at you, so I'm in heaven. But for you ... you know that it's me, you're going to have to look at me. You will know it's your brother mounting you, climbing between your legs, your brother about to enter you, and with every thrust of my cock, you will know it's me fucking you. Then you are going to have my sperm swimming around in your body ... and there is nothing fucking at all you can do about it, is there? You're about to become my own little fuck slut, my fuck toy. Oh yeah, I'm going to enjoy this Jamie. Time and time again." Pete watched as tears trickled down her cheeks.

"Ha, I almost forgot, how forgetful of me. Did I mention that you are a real woman and a real virgin and in case you've wondered ... everything is intact. Sooooo, um, I guess that means you have a cunt, you've got ovaries, you've got a womb and you have everything a woman needs to breed. Just thought you would like to know before you service me."

By the horrified look on Jamie's face, he knew his comments had the desired effect.

Now the time was near, Pete was excited. As he stripped, his erection stood out proudly.

Pete was almost trembling with anticipation. Now uncertain, he pulled Jamie to him and kissed her. Fumbling he groped her breast and squeezed it before gaining some semblance of control. "Time to see if my theory worked," he said as he broke the kiss. "If I got the male arousal right, your cunt should be moist," he said as he slipped his hand down past her baldness and slipped a finger into her warm, moist sex. "Well, who would have guessed?" he said. "You are already aroused for me. Are you in love with me or do you just want my cock?" More confident now, he pushed Jamie to her back.

"I've always wanted to do this, so let's play with your mind first," he said as he kissed and licked his way down her body. First her nipples, then he tongued her pierced belly button before heading lower. He sucked her cunt lips into his mouth and Jamie was powerless to stop a gasp as he ran his tongue over the hard nub of her extremely sensitive clit. It was all Jamie could do to stop her hands from grasping his head as he slowly licked her swollen cunt lips before commencing a rhythmic sucking around her clit area, occasionally nipping the erect nub with his teeth. As her breathing became quicker and shallower, her legs opened of their own volition. Pete took his mouth from her cunt and slowly started circling her clit. He could feel her body clenching. Taking his time, he gently flicked his finger across the burning bud as Jamie moaned with each touch. Yet there was no way for her to stifle a cry as Peter assaulted her protruding clit with the point of his tongue. Her stomach started to clench as she could feel the fire between her legs until with a long slow moan that grew in intensity before her thighs grasped his head and she cried out in passion.

As she slowly came down, he leaned over her.

"It's just another way to show you how in control of your body I am, how I can humiliate you at any time," he said triumphantly. "And now it's my turn."

With that, he eased his body between her legs. "Remember your, oh so brave comments last week? 'You'll never put that thing in me' you said. Well baby, I'm going to do it and you're going to help. Here's what you are going to do. Reach down between our bodies and take hold of my cock."

He could feel the tremble in her hand as she reached between them then reluctantly wrapped her hand around his cock.

"Oh yeah, that's nice. Now place the head between your cunt lips. Guide me in, baby. Oh yes, oh that's so nice and smooth, so warm," he cooed as she positioned him in the warm folds of her sex. "Yeah, that's good, so good. Now rub the head up and down your slit. Ahhh yesss, that's so fucking nice. Yeah, coat the head of my cock with your love juice. Yeah, keep doing that," he said as he lapped up the pleasure for another minute.

"Look at me bitch," he said and she opened her eyes. "How does it feel now that you're on the other end of a cock? Knowing that you're going to get raped by your geeky little brother." Jamie recoiled, as Pete thrust his hips forward, the tip of his cock opening her slightly. "Feel good baby?" he said rocking his hips slowly back and forth.

"You're cunt is opening for me sis, it's stretching around the head of my cock, I'm nearly inside your body, oh baby, it's going to happen, I'm going to make you my lover," he said taunting her as he pushed the tip further. Her head turned to the side as he thrust again, pushing the head of his cock deeper inside of her. "I'm inside your cunt, how does it feel? I know how much you hate gays; it must sicken you to have my cock inside you."

"I guess technically you're still a virgin, I haven't broken your hymen yet. Remember Joan? Well you won't be a virgin for long either babe." Then Pete thrust his hips forward and buried the length of his cock in her. She cried out in surprise and pain, as her cunt stretched to take him and her hymen shredded. "Oh dear, you're not a virgin now baby. I'm sure you will never forget your first fuck though, hey. So now, you're just another slut, soiled goods. So join in, watch my pleasure baby, as I get my jollies at your expense. God you're so tight, oh this is so much fun," and with that he started thrusting his cock in and out until he felt his balls tighten and with a roar of satisfaction filled her cunt with his sperm.

They both cleaned themselves up and lay back down on the bed. Pete was enjoying himself playing with Jamie's breasts. "Jesus Christ, I'm stupid," Pete muttered, as he pulled his lips away from her nipple. "All the time I simply thought of you as my new sister. Stupid, stupid, what a waste that would have been. I've created the most beautiful woman I've known, where would a geek like me ever find anyone remotely as pretty and sexy? I'll be damned if I'm going to let anyone else have you. No, I think I will introduce you as my wife. You can wear mom's rings. No one here knows us, so there's nothing to stop us acting as passionate lovers in public, no one is going to mind if I grope your ass, we can go out together, we can dance and I don't have to worry about over sexed boys chasing your ass. The only thing up your ass will be me. No one gets suspicious when you don't have a boyfriend and your medicine is always at hand. And, I can fuck you as often as I like. Gee honey, you must be so thrilled having such a brilliant husband.

"Let's make this official. Do you take me for your husband? Say I do cunt."

"I do."

"Good, and I take you for my wife. I now pronounce us man and wife: congratulations honey. Jeez I guess that means we can have sort of legitimate kids, I think you will look good pregnant. Why don't we celebrate? Get on your knees now, I'm going to fuck your ass sweetheart."

"Don't do this, please don't do this," Jamie begged as Pete smeared some KY jelly over her ass hole. Pete rolled a condom on his cock, lubricated it then placed the head on her beautiful virgin rosebud. Initially there was resistance before her sphincter collapsed and the head of his cock pushed into her ass. Pete was momentarily stunned at the long, forlorn groan that escaped Jamie's lips as every muscle in her body collapsed. But, it didn't stop Pete as he ploughed her ass mercilessly, over and over.

Thereafter, the life seemed to go out of Jamie. Pete was suspicious of her behaviour as she initially was obedient then more and more becoming assertive in bed and in public was the loyal, loving wife. With no resistance Pete found it impossible to maintain any form of rage. Without him realising it they were slipping into a relationship.

Barely six weeks later, they were at a party and Pete watched in surprise as professor Schmidt rushed past him, his shirt soaked.

Moments later Jamie came to him, obviously agitated. She gave him a hug and submissively burrowed her head into the curve of his neck and shoulder. "Please honey, can we go home, now?" she said pleading with him to leave the party. Another student was just behind Jamie.

"I saw it all, he's a bum, you were justified in doing that," he said to Jamie.

Pete looked questioningly at her.

"Ok, we're going home," he said taking her hand and leading her outside. They only lived a short distance away and they travelled in silence.

"What was that about?" he queried as soon as they got in the door.

Jamie stood quietly in front of him, eyes cast down.

"Jamie, I think you owe me an explanation. What happened, what were you doing?"

Her words were almost a whisper as she answered. "I'm not sure you want to know," she said staring straight in front of her.

"What, what do you mean? What sort of answer is that? What happened? Tell me," he demanded softly.

"Please, don't make me," she said as she cast a furtive glance at him.

Pete's interest was tinged with uncertainty.

"Tell me," he demanded, but in a calm way that had no leeway.

"He propositioned me, had a grope," she answered quietly. "Look it's no big deal, you made me a gorgeous woman, in spite of being married guys chase me, I get propositioned all the time, and I can handle it. I do it all the time."

"Yes, but you don't throw a drink over everyone who propositions you either do you? So that's not all is it?" he asked.

"No ... he insulted you. I'm your wife, what am I supposed to do?" Jamie ran her hand through her hair and Pete could see the emotion wash over her. "What did you expect when you started this? Did you think it through or were you so blinded by hate that all you could see was getting back at your brother. Christ, if you could change him from a man to a woman with six injections what did you think would happen when you pumped another 20, 50, 100 into my body? Wasn't it reasonably foreseeable that my femininity would simply be re-enforced, become stronger."

Pete watched almost mesmerised as her breasts heaved with emotion.

"He's gone, been gone for ages. There's nothing left of him, just his memories. He gave up when you first raped his ass, he just couldn't handle it. The moment he lost his will to fight our DNA was all over him. He was overwhelmed and we simply consumed him.

"I'm a woman; I'm your woman, all of me. Look at me, I'm the perfect physical specimen, I'm absolutely gorgeous, you made me that way; I've got a raging sex drive and I'm never going to entertain any other guy. Words cannot go close to describing the sickness and pain I went through in that week of change so I know I'm tied to my medicine forever. I'm the perfect little wife aren't I? And I have to be. I'm a freak, with him gone I don't have a history, I have to develop a personality, a set of values, my femininity, everything that makes a girl a girl. So I decided to mould myself around you as much as possible and become the best little wife for your pleasure that I could; nice for you. Did I have any choice?" she said and he could see her struggling to control the water in her eyes.

"And I am your wife. If someone propositions me, I freeze them out of my circle of friends. If someone insults you to me, I throw my drink over them, or give them a bloody nose. I did that last week. It lets everyone know that you are my man, they can think what they want, but I'm not interested in anyone else. I've come to realise that you are a good man. I understand why you did what you did."

She moved closer in front of him and he could feel his arousal throbbing in his pants.

"You are my man you know; I want to be your wife. We've both changed. Early on, you were trying to hurt your brother. You would squeeze my ass so it hurt, now you caress it because you like to feel it; you used to pinch and pull my nipples to hurt him, now you play with them for ages just for pleasure; when you hold me now in public your arms always push up under my breasts like you're having a feel, everyone can see, I love it because I love you. Look, you're not the sort of person who can hang on to hate and I'm a beautiful woman; we have sex together every day, you were always going to fall in love with me, it was just a matter of when and when you realised that had happened.

"Girls talk, trust me, I'm the only girl on campus who has an orgasm every day before class, an orgasm after class and a few orgasms in between. I kinda like that," she said with a shy smile as she started to unbuckle his belt. "Actually, I kinda like that a lot."

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fredbrownfredbrown3 months ago

It's a 5 but the agony Jamie suffered precludes many volunteers. If Peter wants to make money on this stuff he'll have to put the Jethro's into a coma and let'em wake up a month later as EllyMay's. The line of patients would stretch from LA to NYC .......

mikeinoregonmikeinoregonabout 1 year ago

Nice job. If we get a chapter 2, I suggest that the “medicine” becomes Pete’s sperm, to be injected by cock. Fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Dan, I wish I knew someone who could change me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
LOVE it.

I am too lazy to sign in but this is Richmond2247.

Love this story. Rough around the edges but that is a part of the charm. Lets look here:

It took a second before she realised what he was doing then she exploded in action turning and slapping his hand away frantically. "Arrrgggghhhh, Christ no, Jamie what are you doing," she cried in shock and disbelief as she tried desperately to wriggle away from him. "Noooo," she cried desperately as she struggled to gain her composure.

She backed away, shocked, confused and frightened as Jamie, instead of backing away, advanced on her. Out of the corner of his eye Jamie saw Pete pull back from the balcony and hide in the background.

"Jamie, no, no, what do you think you are doing? You ... you can't do anything like that. I'm your mother. It's not right. Oh god, don't ever do that again ... or, or else ...."

Absolutely brilliant. Wonderful scene with tight dialogue. You can see it happen right in front of you so fast, it is over before you even knew it happened.

Love this work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Out with the old.

I am so happy with the way you ended the story. I was afraid that he was now what his brother was.

RegretsRegretsover 4 years ago
I found this accidentally

.... And loved it. So naughty and complete. I was surprised how a new fantasy-set was unveiled to me. The author has a merciless streak; Mom and Dad were so coldly despatched. Reminded me of stories in the books by Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Not normally the type of story I read, but I

enjoyed it. One quibble: while for purposes of plot you needed to get rid of the parents, I think you would have been better served by doing so more gently. I was jolted to find in a list of three things that happened that number two happened to be dead parents, especially because we felt sympathy for the mother after the rape scene with her son (although this being Literotica Land she ended up with an orgasm). You could have gotten the parents offstage in a gentler way, such as, for example, having them move to Singapore and be unable to take their sons.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Loved the story

Great story, I would love to see this morphed into a truly epic 15 page or so long novel. It's a great short story but I'd love to see Jaime explore her inner conflicts.

KoshachiyKoshachiyabout 9 years ago
Absolutely enthralling

Despite the few prominent grammatical and verbal errors in this piece of absolutely divine art, it was in my opinion, the best story I have read on this site since Asexual Reproduction, both stories in the series. This same subject needs a definite sequel, or at least a story in the same concept or realm so to speak. It was lacking just a bit in detail in a few portions, like perhaps the mall expedition could have used a bit of expansion. That scene particularly is off in continuity in terms of time, regarding the amount of detail you spent on the other scenes, but all in all, almost perfect. Very high expectations have been surpassed by this wonderful piece of writing. On a sexual standpoint, it was also appealing. Oh, my I wish it was longer than it is. It was such a nice ending, but so much had been left out that could have been used as arousing material. Take for instance the next to last scene, a complete transfer from male to female mindsets could have been that last cannonshot, sealing the fate, to abridge the concept. You seem to absolutely nail every aspect of sadomasochism for me, and I'm not much for bile in general, but you have a perfect grasp on writing for arousal. I was quite horny throughout the entire story. No cons to this however. A 5 most definitively. Keep producing. I love what you do.

ShAnnaMayShAnnaMayover 9 years ago

I love that it has a happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Oh My!

You are a sick little person; aren't you?

BigPeteHBigPeteHover 10 years ago
i was really suprised

when i started reading this i wasn't so sure it was gonna be that great, but i'm glad i gave it a chance because i really enjoyed it, it's refreshing to see something new, i'd enjoy seeing some more chapters including one set a few years later about them after they've had kids, anyway thanks for the great read, favoriting and rating a solid and well deserved 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Holy shit this was a good read. Hall of fame right here baby !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Nice story, just in the wrong category.

It belongs either into Science Fiction / Fantasy or into Transsexual with a strong inkling to Fantasy.

The story was a nice reading experience, though towards the end a bit to sweet, but just a bit. For a fantasy nice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I tried converting my brother the same way but the results were nowhere near what Pete's were. So if you see a butch she male on the loose, you will have seen the horror I have unleashed on this world. FYI he/she is a cock piranha

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