From Christmas to Christmas


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"No sir," Jeff smiled, then got to the point of his visit.

Even though she was Baptist, a non-practicing Baptist, Sydnee accompanied Jeff and Jelly and Belly and Andrea to Midnight Mass at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church on Christmas Eve. She marveled at the celebration and sang along with the Children's' Choir. Jeff smiled, finding another imperfection in his gorgeous girlfriend. Sydnee could not carry a tune in a bucket. But she smiled happily as she sang.

As Jelly and Belly carried Andrea and diaper bag and stroller up the two flights of stairs to their third floor apartment, Jeff kissed Sydnee good bye. She was driving to her parents' home so that she could wake up Christmas morning at home.

"See you at lunch," Sydnee needlessly reminded Jeff as she got into her car.

In the morning, the only cloud on the crisp, cold Christmas morning was a tearful voice mail from Donna's new cell phone number. Belly had informed Jeff that there was a new Executive Assistant sitting in front of Ms. Hollister's desk in the bank downstairs. She did not know what had happened to Donna; one morning she was there, sitting at the desk. Donna even gave Belly a small smile and a wave as Belly entered the bank to deposit her paycheck. The next time Belly came through the bank's lobby, there was no one at the desk. Then a few days later, there was a new face sitting behind the desk.

Donna only managed to say 'Merry Chri...' thrice before breaking down into wailing sobs. Jeff deleted the remaining three minutes and fourteen seconds of the voice mail without listening to it. Then he blocked the new phone number.

"Yeah, Donna, Merry Christmas," Jeff thought, moving Sydnee's creams and lotions and hair clips and bands aside so he could find his can of shaving cream buried under the debris.

Sydnee had all of their gifts to Jelly and Belly and Andrea in the trunk of her car when she left for her parents' home at one forty eight in the morning. SO, Jeff was able to wear a hangdog expression when he told Jelly and Belly he had no gifts for them. He had a few gifts for Andrea; some very cute outfits. Jelly put a cute Christmas sweater on Andrea and pulled the matching slacks on over the baby's bulky diaper. Then the family trouped down the stairs; Jeff keeping a vigilant eye out for any potential trouble. His recent assault was still quite fresh on his mind.

Shirley and James had gone just a little overboard on gifts for Andrea. Lieutenant David Poor rubbed his wife's belly and asked if Shirley and James planned to spoil little Sarah when she came along.

"Maybe," James teased.

"Oh. I'm sure we'll get her something," Shirley sniffed and David and his wife Elizabeth smiled widely.

"Well, that's just about it," James said when the last present had been opened.

"Thank you so much for my new coat," Belly said.

"Yeah; they're beautiful," Jelly agreed, still fumbling with the buttons, running her hands over the soft faux fur lining of her knee length winter coat.

"And thank you for my French press coffee pot," James told Jeff.

"Watch, just watch. He's going to try it once, decide it's too much trouble and..." Shirley prophesized.

"Consuela will enjoy it, I'm sure," David offered.

"Yes," James sighed, looking at the seven boxes still underneath the tree.

The packages had Samuel's name printed in his mother's loving handwriting on the small tags. Jeff knew there was a story behind the colorfully wrapped presents but did not think it was his place to ask.

"Maybe he'll come..." Shirley tried to offer.

"Maybe," Elizabeth said, clutching her mother-in-law's hand.

"If it's all right," Jeff said after a long moment of silence.

"Yes?" Shirley asked, looking up from the floor.

"Sydnee," Jeff said, trying to wiggle the stubborn box from the pocket of his wool trousers.

"Oh my God yes," Sydnee said, kissing Jeff hotly.

"Now hang on," James smiled. "He hasn't even asked you anything yet. How do you know what he's about to say?"

"Because I asked Santa Claus for it," Sydnee said, giggling as she tried to help Jeff pull the resisting box from his uncooperative trousers' pocket.

"Sydnee, will you..." Jeff asked again as he finally managed to wrestle the box out of his pocket.

"I already said 'Yes,' Sweetheart," Sydnee said, kissing him again.

"Damn, that's a nice one," David approved, seeing the white gold band with two small diamonds flanking a sizeable diamond.

"Oh, Sydnee! It, it's beautiful!" Elizabeth gushed.

"Because you asked Santa Claus?" James smirked at his twenty two year old daughter.

"Yes. You, after all these years, you're not going to tell me Santa Claus isn't real, are you?" Sydnee said, wiping at her happy tears.

"No, I suppose not," James said.

Turning his head, James saw Shirley looking at the presents that remained under the tree. With a sigh, he stood up.

"Well, this, I do believe this calls for a toast," James said. "Shirley, is there any egg nog left?"

"Of course there is. Who always buys a gallon of the stuff every year?" Shirley said, also getting to her feet. "And every year..."

"Hush Woman," James smiled, playfully pinching her on her rear end.

The wedding was in May, on a beautiful Saturday. The minister of Redemption Baptist Church had been less than enthused to marry the two; Jeff was Catholic and the Poor family had not been in attendance in his church for several years. But a few dollars in is coffers did change the man's mind and he gave a truly lovely service.

Standing in as Jeff's best man, Patrick Turner did say that Sydnee managed very well for a blind woman. Jeff turned his attention from the back of the church and looked at Patrick.

"A... What? She's not blind," Jeff said as the music swelled and Sydnee, clutching onto her father's arm stepped onto the runner.

"Wait. You mean, she can see? And she's still willing to marry you?" Patrick asked, incredulous.

"You are a gigantic asshole," Jeff laughed.

"What? Do you have a nine inch cock?" Patrick asked, giving a soft whistle as the absolutely beaming Sydnee slowly approached.

"Yeah, like I would ever cut it in half," Jeff said.

"She got a sister? I don't care if they are crazy. Hell, crazy is good, crazy is good," Patrick said.

"Couple of cousins," Jeff nodded with his head to where Captain Al Begnelli and his wife, Francine Begnelli, formerly Francine Howard sat with their five daughters. "Of course, their daddy's a cop so you'll have to really clean up your act."

"Hmm; the tall one's pretty cute," Patrick offered.

"Those big tits wouldn't have anything to do with that, huh?" Jeff asked.

Two months after the wedding of Sydnee to Jeff, Sydnee, Shirley, Aunt Francine and three of her cousins, along with Jelly and Belly were enjoying a lunch at the Marble Country Club. Jeff, James, Uncle Al and David were riding around in golf carts, whacking small white balls. Andrea was with the men; she refused to leave Pop-Pop's side.

"This crab salad is delicious," Sydnee enthused, swallowing her mouthful of food.

"Sydnee, yesterday made it two months," Shirley said.

"I know," Sydnee gushed happily. "Can you believe it?"

"No, no I really can't believe that little paunch you're getting is just two months," Shirley said, fixing her daughter with a steady eye.

"Um, oops," Sydnee let a guilty giggle escape.

"So? How far along are you?" Cousin Debbi asked.

"About four months," Sydnee confessed. "We're thinking he or she will be a Christmas baby."

They heard a tremendous clatter. Jelly, Belly, and Sydnee turned to see their waitress staring at them, horrified expression on her haggard face. Jelly was the first one to recognize the gaunt woman.

"Donna?" Jelly asked.

The End


**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I sincerely thank you for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that take the time to leave comments, good and bad. I also thank those that take a moment to rate my work, those that 'Favorite' my words.

Angelle 'Jelly' Landry and Arabelle 'Belly' Hall are primary characters first introduced in 'Multiple Units #306' in the First Time category.

DeGarde Office Equipment Leasing & Maintenance, Jeff Landry's original place of employment is first introduced in 'Rummates Pt. 04' in the First Time category.

Donna's lover, Big Bill Carter and his wife, Minnie Carter are characters first introduced in 'Let Myself Believe' in the Loving Wives category.

Wally's Pizzeria and the Wally Harbanger pizza are first introduced in 'Last Days of Summer' in the Lesbian Sex category.

Sydnee Poor and Walden Donaldson, Sydnee's boss are introduced in 'Rummates Pt. 11' in the Loving Wives category.

Evelyn Proust, the receptionist is first introduced in 'Last Days of Summer' in the Lesbian Sex category.

Merry Christmas to all Literotica readers.

Samuel, come home. All is forgiven.

Have a swell day. And some of you, have a swollen day.

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ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver16 days ago

While I think cheating is one of the most cruel things one person can do to another, there are situations where I think a person is truly remorseful and forgiveness and possibly reconciliation is possible.

Donna seemed to fit the bill for that.

Out of all the characters, I felt sorrier for her than Jeff, and he was the one being cheated in.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Very good story, JB, thanks much for posting it here. You almost got me to feel sorry for Donna. Almost. I kind of picture her just drifting

through life for a few months, then washing half a bottle of trazodone, or maybe oxycodone down with a bottle of gin, and just giving up. It really is sad.

5 stars

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 1 month ago

Couldn't get past the 3rd page. I never really connected with Jeff and I felt like most of the characters were just cardboard cutouts. On top of that there was like zero dramatic tension or rising action with the plot. Sorry, but it was boring.

TeeceemcgTeeceemcg2 months ago

I must admit, as I started this tale, I had my doubts as to whether I might finish it. But, before I knew it, I got sucked in and was eagerly enjoying the ride! I too, was left with a great many questions about Donna. I wanted SO much more about her. JimBob44 says the Mr. Carter, Donna's lover, appears in "Let Myself Believe" so I hope there is more there, but, unfortunately, it doesn't sound like there will be. Maybe a Donna story is coming?

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit3 months ago

Couldn't understand a word of it! Perhaps one needs to be born into the particular sub-culture? Whatever, life's far too short to waste precious time! So thanks, but no, thanks!


onbothsidesonbothsides3 months ago

"So what about Donna? What happened? Why did she cheat? Why was a supposedly selfish arrogant whore so devastated getting caught be a cheating whore?"

I saw this in a comment by anon. I spent the last three pages wondering the same thing. Why did Donna fall apart?

I know the judge is a prick, but would he have gone to such lengths to punish Jeff if Donna hadn't been falling apart? (After the divorce, couldn't he have just declared victory over Jeff?)

Couldn't Deborah Buschold take care of her daughter, or did the judge lose everything?

SDN1955SDN19554 months ago

Absolutely love the interplay between Jeff and Patrick. Great story.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman5 months ago

Excellent, serious and funny. Really liked the marriage counseling part and Syndee knowing immediately and moving in.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades5 months ago

Enjoyed the story, nice read. Thanks for your writing.

Hiram325Hiram3255 months ago

Really, really good. JB44, you're one of my favorites here.

JusteenKJusteenK6 months ago

I really would love to see the spreadsheet that keeps all of your Universe together.

I'm not a fan of flawless heroes so this a pass for me but I love how you write and the lives you have created.

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