From Terra Ch. 04


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Besides, she had to admit to a certain amount of curiosity. For all that she'd now had sex several times, males' bodies were still unfamiliar to her. And she'd already learned that alien bodies came in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Now she was going to have the opportunity to study a human male up close.

So why not take advantage of it?

Tralik's smile turned smug as she lowered her arms and began to walk slowly towards him. It made her want to kick his shin. If she'd really thought she could get away with it, she would have.

"On your knees," he said, spreading his thighs and pointing to a spot on the floor just in front of him and between his legs. Even though Chryssa didn't particularly like him and wasn't particularly attracted to him, she couldn't help but feel a strange shiver of feminine awareness as she knelt down. After all, this was the first time in her life that she'd approached a man for sexual activity under her own willpower.

She was suddenly aware of her body in a way that she hadn't been before. The plug in her bottom shifted as she knelt, her bottom cheeks opening so that she had to clench around it as it felt like it might slide out, which also caused her pussy to clench. The silky material of her outfit slid against her hard nipples, which were still throbbing a bit from when Tralik had pinched them. And she felt vulnerable in a way that she hadn't before; he seemed much larger and much more intimidating now. But the look in his eyes had changed to something hot and hungry, which sent a shiver right down her spine.

It was unnerving to realize that she was becoming aroused. Maybe he hadn't lied about the drug.

For a moment, shame washed through her again - but wasn't it better that she at least enjoy what she had to do to survive? Maybe the village leaders wouldn't have seen it that way, but they weren't here.

"Undo my laces," Tralik said, his arms spread out casually along the table he was leaning on, so that the closest thing to her was his straining bulge.

Despite her curiosity, Chryssa felt another small spark of rebellion at his continuous orders.

"Why can't you do it?" she asked, scowling up at him.

"Because I want to watch you do it. And unlace them slowly. Part of your job is building the client's anticipation, seducing him."

"But if he's already paid, why do I need to seduce him?" she asked, somewhat exasperated. Her first client, Hrrak, certainly hadn't needed anything like this. She was starting to think she preferred just being tied up and letting someone have their way with her! Much less embarrassing than having to be party to the act.

"That's part of what he's paying for. You want repeat clientele, which means making your clients feel something more than just pleasure. House Exotica isn't just about sexual release, it's about the build-up, the enjoyment... something you can't get just anywhere."

Chryssa made a face, because Tralik was making too much sense again for her comfort. And she didn't want him to. Hopefully he couldn't see the tremor in her hands as she reached up and began to undo his laces. The sight of her hands, looking so small against his body, as she did so made her even more uncomfortable.

Although she didn't look up at him, she could feel his eyes on her, watching her every move as she freed his manhood. It was very big, and looked a lot like the Lickens' had, except human flesh colored. Nothing at all like Hrrak's wiggling appendage. The fat crown was like a big plum, with the long rigid shaft holding it aloft. It was the first male organ she'd seen this close and she was rather fascinated by the spongy texture of the head, the little slit that looked wet and had a pearly drop of liquid inside of it, and the way it bobbed and twitched in front of her on its long stalk.

She giggled and Tralik rolled his eyes, not at all affronted but not amused either.

"Take my cock in your hands, wrap your fingers all the way around it... good..." Tralik's hands came down around hers, showing her how tightly to grip. Much tighter than she would have done on her own. Where she had loosely encircled his cock with her fingers, his own grip made her squeeze him tightly and he let out a sigh of pleasure.

The expression on his face was nearly as interesting as the cock in her hands. There was a strange kind of power in holding a man's genitals, even though she was on her knees. She could hurt him or pleasure him - or both. Although Tralik was bigger and stronger than her, he wanted what she could give him.

It was fascinating.

"Good... now move your hands, like this..." As Tralik moved her hands for her, showing her how to slide them up and down his shaft, Chryssa felt the hot rod pulse against her palms. He was breathing faster and when he looked at her, the hunger in his eyes had increased tenfold.

Unthinkingly, Chryssa licked her lips and Tralik smiled. "Good. Lick your lips as often as you want, like you're hungry. Your clients will want to see that you're enjoying this too."

To her surprise, she kind of was. In a voyeuristic way. And also because of her curiosity. When Tralik let go of her hands, she kept up the pumping action, but she also began to play. Slowing her motions and then speeding them up, watching him for his reactions. Tralik spread his arms out on the table again, leaning back and letting her experiment.

When she released his shaft with one hand, to touch the soft sack hanging beneath them, he sighed with pleasure. "Good, but be much gentler with my balls. You can roll them between your fingers and tug on them a bit. Some males will like things rougher there, you'll have to watch their reactions to see how they like to be touched. Every client will be different."

The head of his cock was openly weeping fluid now, although so far Chryssa had avoided touching the large mushroom. She was too busy enjoying the soft, silky skin of his shaft, the interesting bumps and ridges just beneath the skin, and the squishy yet somewhat firm balls hidden away in his sack of flesh. And, also, she wasn't sure how she felt about the fluid. It didn't smell like anything really, although Tralik had a musty, masculine scent, but it didn't look like water or any liquid she was familiar with. She had a slight urge to stick out her tongue and taste it, but it was also an urge that was easily ignored.

Seeing the trepidation on her face, Tralik gave her a few more moments to play, to see if she would go further on her own. When she didn't, his cock bobbed in her hand and she gasped as it seemed to angle towards her face.

"The tip is the most sensitive part on almost every kind of male," he told her. "You can stroke my shaft all day long, but if you don't touch the tip at all most males probably won't orgasm. And I definitely won't - I'll just sit here and enjoy watching you stroke my dick."

Making a face, which Tralik didn't chide her for since he knew that she was new to all of this, Chryssa let her hand glide up and squeeze where the shaft joined the head. Moaning, Tralik let his head fall back. As a Trainer, it was his job to be very vocal and very open about exactly what she was making him feel. Somewhat emboldened, Chryssa released his balls and the fingers of that hand stroked over the spongy head, avoiding the fluid that was coming from the little slit. Tralik moaned again, his hips thrusting forward as she squeezed the tip slightly.

When she finally ran her fingers through the fluid, spreading it over his tip, Tralik moaned again, rolling his hips as his cock jerked. The fluid wasn't sticky exactly, but it clung to her fingertips and to his skin. She leaned in slightly, curious about it, her strokes on his shaft slowing as she watched more of it push out of the little slit.

"That's my pre-cum," Tralik said, his voice hazy with pleasure. He'd brought his head back up and was watching her again. "It means that you're doing well."

"Does this happen with all males?" she asked, not sure how she felt about it. It was a little gross.

"No. Mostly just Lickens and humans. I've been told theirs is sweeter," Tralik said, grinning. Chryssa made a face and he laughed at her again. "You'll get used to it, little girl. Go ahead and taste it. I want you to start licking my cock all over. Did you ever have an icicle?" He referenced the flavored ice treat that Terrans sometimes had in the winter. Chryssa nodded. "Good, treat my cock just like that."

Making another face, Chryssa tentatively leaned forward and swiped her tongue over the fluid. Salt and bitterness and something heavily musky that wasn't like anything she'd ever tasted before, exploded on her tongue.

"I don't like it."

"I don't care," Tralik said, sounding amused. "Lick."

For a long moment they glared at each other. It was like glaring at a brick wall; his expression didn't change one iota, in fact he looked more amused than anything else. For all his talk about her choices, she didn't really have one did she? Well, she supposed she did. She could try to get away, but he would easily overpower her. Before she even got up off of her knees, it would be easy for him to push her back down and force his cock into her mouth.

Or she could cooperate, learn something, and search for that strange power over him again.

Chryssa leaned forward and licked. Deliberately avoiding the head of his cock, she gripped his shaft in her hand to push it away from her face and she licked his balls.

"Good enough... keep that up," Tralik said, with another sigh of pleasure as he leaned back. The impressive muscles in his body relaxed again. He moaned as she lapped at his balls and the root of his shaft, exploring him with her tongue now.

Skin tasted like... well it tasted like the heavy, musky flavor that she hadn't been able to define. Just a bit salty. But not nearly as salty or as bitter as Tralik's pre-cum. If the Lickens were sweeter, that sounded preferable. Strange to think that another species might be preferable over her own. But for all that Tralik's cock interested her, she didn't like the Trainer himself very much.

Licking her way up the shaft, she watched his reactions. It was obvious that his shaft wasn't nearly as sensitive as his balls or the mushroom head of his cock, but he was more sensitive around the base, and there was a soft line from root to tip on the underside of his cock that gave way slightly under the pressure of her tongue and he seemed to like that too. But he really did have the most reaction to her tongue licking the crown.

She maneuvered her mouth all the way around the tip, lashing the bulging underside, before exploring the spongy top. Watching the big man moan and shudder as she licked him made her feel powerful, even as her jaw and knees began to ache.

With her hands wrapped around his shaft, she went to work on the crown, ignoring the taste of his pre-cum in order to daringly slide her tongue into the little slit. That definitely got a reaction. Tralik gasped, his hips lifting, as both of his hands came down onto her head.

"That's enough teasing," he growled, gripping her hair as he stared down at her. "Open up and take me into your mouth. Use your lips to help cover your teeth and don't you dare bite down unless you want to get your ass spanked."

Ooooo, so he was vulnerable? Interesting that he should be using her for his pleasure, but doing so would put him in such a vulnerable position. Still, Chryssa stored the knowledge away for later use. Right now she was kind of enjoying herself, so she was willing enough to let his tutelage continue. If she'd known men could be this much fun, maybe she'd have been more willing to go off with one of the men from her village back home. But no one had told her how very entertaining men could be during such activities. And, from her experience prior to Tralik, she certainly hadn't felt this way. Probably because she'd been being used, not an active participant. Maybe that's what made all the difference.

Opening her lips, Chryssa allowed him to push her head down onto his cock. The bitter, salty, musky taste had already filled her mouth while she'd been licking him, now it seemed even heavier on her tongue, the flavor intensifying as he immediately pushed deep. The thick girth made her jaw hurt even more; she wasn't used to this much exertion with her mouth.

As he pushed in, she automatically gagged, choking. She still had one hand on his cock and she used that to help push herself back up.

Tralik chuckled. "That's it, up and down little girl. You'll get used to it."

The blunt head pushed back deep and hit the back of her throat, making her gargle around his cock as he moaned with pleasure. Chryssa automatically started to sink her teeth in, trying to protect herself. Almost immediately she was yanked upwards and she found herself over his thighs. His cock pressed into her belly from the side, wet from her saliva, as he flipped up the fabric draped over her bottom.

"I was going to throw up!" she protested, struggling to get up.

Tralik held her so easily it was almost insulting, as his hand came down on her bottom. Just as hard as Matron's had, although since her skin was dry it actually stung a little bit less, but her bottom clenched painfully around the plug inside of it and her skin was already sensitive from the spanking she'd gotten from Matron. Shrieking, Chryssa kicked her legs, to no avail as-


"I warned you about your teeth."


Howling, Chryssa struggled and squirmed on his lap, feeling his cock jerk against her with every slap of his hand against her stinging rear. Her bottom burned like fury, although even more infuriating was how helpless she was against him. Tears, more of humiliation than pain, filled her eyes as she tried to blink them away.

Once the spanking stopped, Tralik still held her in place over his lap, his big hand rubbing her bottom in a soothing manner. It made her skin feel like little sparks were trickling over it, but at the same time, it kindled a warmth deep in her belly. One that she didn't entirely appreciate.

"You weren't about to throw up. Trust me. I have no interest in being vomited on, but you ARE going to have to learn how to deal with your gag reflex. That's part of what your training will be. That and learning how to be good at sucking cock. You had a good beginning, now if you behave then I can teach you a lot more." Tralik's hand rubbed and rubbed throughout his speech, before tapping against her butt plug which made her clench her jaw in reaction. Then his fingers slid down and into the soft folds of her pussy, finding a hint of wetness and spreading it around. It felt ridiculously good. Shame and need flushed through her. "Now if you do a good job with the rest of your lesson, I'll make you feel good at the end of it. But you only have a half an hour more to make me cum before it's time for your meal with Matron."

Chryssa found herself back on her knees, with a roasted bottom, more shamefully aroused than before. The little reprieve for her jaw had helped a bit though, as she took his cock back into his mouth. The urge to bite down again was strong, but she had no desire to go back over his lap for another spanking. And she didn't doubt that he could really hurt her if he wanted to.

This time she was more careful, although her teeth did graze him a few times as she bobbed her head up and down, paying attention to his reactions. But he didn't seem to mind a few grazes, as long as she didn't try to sink them in. Under his instruction she did her best to move her tongue along his shaft as she sucked on him, and to take more of him into her mouth.

When he put his hands on her head again, pressing down, she did her best not to fight it. Her stomach seemed to spasm, her gag reflex making her nauseous as the blunt head pressed against it, but before it could become overwhelming, Tralik drew back, thrusting more shallowly. Relieved, Chryssa sucked hard, swallowing the saliva that had pooled in her mouth, using her tongue on his shaft, hoping that would keep him from wanting to try and shove his cock down her throat again.

His fingers massaged her scalp, which felt surprisingly good, and as he eased forward again, she found that it was easier to take him a little deeper before she gagged again. The more she relaxed, the easier it became, although she still ended up gagging again eventually. Unfortunately, the longer it took, the more sore her jaw became as well, and she could tell from his reactions that she wasn't doing as good a job as her efforts became more painful.

Releasing her head, Tralik reached down and unclipped the clasps on her shoulders. No longer held together, the two pieces of cloth dropped down, hanging over her belt, so that her breasts were completely exposed to him.

"You're out of time, little girl," he said, shaking his head as he withdrew from her mouth. "No pleasure for you today. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it and you'll be able to do this for longer and it won't be as difficult. Now cup your breasts and hold them up for me."

"Why?" Chryssa asked, even as she did as he asked. Her breasts felt heavy and swollen in her hands and she squeezed them, trying to relieve some of the ache in her body. As she'd sucked his cock, the burn from her spanking had lessened and the swaying of soft fabric against her sensitive skin had started to feel good. Even the plug in her bottom felt kind of interesting in an exciting way. Watching her, Tralik's eyes were trained on her breasts, his hand gripping his cock hard.

"Because I like the way it looks, like you're offering up your tits for me. Males tend to be very visually stimulated." He worked his hand over his slick cock, hard and fast, his breathing getting heavier.

Watching him, Chryssa's own breathing picked up in sympathetic excitement, her hands squeezing her breasts even harder. Without even really being aware of it, she began pinching her nipples, her body craving more pleasure, more sensation. A hunger had been awakened inside of her that she didn't fully understand yet.

"FUCK..." Tralik shouted, and streams of white cum erupted from the tip of his cock, arching through the air and landing on her body.

Chryssa gasped, both at the shocking display and also at the hot spatter across her breasts and stomach. Another spurt, aimed higher, shot liquid into her open mouth and across her shoulders. More dripped down to the floor as he pumped the last few spurts of his pleasure out, sighing with relief.

Looking down at the trails of liquid across her body, Chryssa made a face. It was rapidly cooling, and as she trailed her fingers through it, the liquid clung even more than his pre-cum had.

"Now put it in your mouth."

She looked up to see Tralik watching her, avidly, still interested in the show despite the fact that he had just spent himself. Although she considered protesting, she'd already gotten a bit in her mouth and swallowed that. Wondering, she gave him a wide eyed look as she put her fingers into her mouth, mimicking the way she'd sucked his cock.

Tralik let out a little groan, half laughing. "You're definitely a natural, little girl. Now come on, let's get you something real to eat." As she moved to wipe the liquid from her body, he knocked her hand away. "No, leave my cum where it is. That'll let everyone see that you failed your lesson today." Chryssa scowled at him and he laughed again. "Embarrassment is a good motivator."

If she hadn't been so hungry, she might have argued, but Chryssa was more interested in getting food than anything else. She was starving. Pragmatically, she shrugged her shoulders and stood. It wasn't like she'd seen very many other people in the halls. Trying to ignore the way her pussy was aching between her legs, she took small mincing steps as she followed Tralik, trying to keep the plug in her bottom from jostling too much.

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Well done

This is a very neat series, I love that her trainer is human. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
More, please. . .

Can hardly wait for Ch. 05 ;-)

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