From Terra Ch. 06


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What on Terra...?

"Noooo, stop..." she said, trying to squirm away again. How could the painful fire in her bottom have made her feel like this?

A masculine chuckle, sounding entirely too pleased, filled her ears as his fingers stroked and then massaged, making her shudder and clench. Chryssa moaned again, as embarrassed as she was aroused by her odd reaction. She definitely hadn't responded like this when Matron had spanked her - had she? Would she have even known? She'd been all wet because of the bath water anyway, and she hadn't known she was wet now until he'd gone sliding his fingers through her pussy.

"Why would I stop when you obviously like this, little Terran?" The wicked amusement in her voice made her want to bite him. Or, at least, it would if his fingers didn't feel so darned good. He was right, blast him, she didn't really want him to stop. Already she was getting a good idea of why the women in House Exotica fought for his attention; his fingers were frigging magic. He knew exactly how to touch and caress her pussy, dragging moisture from her folds down to her clit and teasing the little bud as he lubricated it with her own juices.

Then his hand lifted away and he proved that he'd been talking about more than just his caresses.


Chryssa howled, her bottom feeling all the more sensitive after the short break from his assault. Even worse, she was now aware of her slick folds in between her kicking legs, and the clenching of her pussy as each blow landed.

Then he started to squeeze in between each slap.

SMACK! squeeze.

SMACK! squeeze...

Her burning bottom protested, but at the same time it felt almost good as his fingers dug into the tenderized flesh. She was becoming more and more aware of the rest of her body too, especially her breasts as they bounced and rubbed against the silky fabric of her top, her nipples starting to ache with the need for more pressure. Chryssa moaned and squirmed, feeling her sense of sensation becoming lost in the assault. She was starting to have trouble deciphering what was pleasurable and what was painful because it was all starting to feel really, really good.

This time when he stopped, and his fingers searched out her dripping cunt, she canted her hips up to allow him better access, practically whimpering for his touch. She was so needy that she didn't even take offense to his knowing chuckle as her hips wagged, her legs spreading wide for his touch.

"You're quite the little hedonist, aren't you?" he said, sliding one longer finger into her, pumping it back and forth in a way that made her clench around the invading digit. She didn't know what he'd just called her, but if it had something to do with an overwhelming desire to orgasm, then she wasn't going to argue. With the plug in her bottom, she felt so deliciously full as he swirled his finger in her other channel, sending shivers up and down her spine. "So hot and wet for me... I love seeing my skin against all this pretty pink." His other hand moved down from her back to her bottom, squeezing the tender cheeks.

Chryssa groaned, tightening around his thrusting finger, as the fiery pain and pleasure mingled. She'd never experienced anything like this, not even when she'd been drugged by her original Licken captors. Although she hadn't known it at the time, her senses had almost been dulled by the drugs, keeping her hazy and clouded. Now she could tell the difference, as every sensation was sharply defined, every touch, every caress swamping her with new experience. The perverse imagery of his greenish skin against all her pink and cream flesh just made her even hotter.

She wanted to cum, badly, and she moved her hips to increase the stimulation, greedy for the pleasure.

"Please, please, oh please," she begged, her voice getting breathier and higher as his finger pumped, taking her closer and closer to bliss.

To her horror, he slid his finger out of her clenching pussy just before she could reach her apex. She almost screamed in frustration, her insides shuddering as she pressed her legs together, her body reaching for her denied release.

Lord Plath pushed her off of his lap, holding onto her upper body so that she ended up on her knees. He grabbed her hands, pressing them down onto his thighs, so that she couldn't touch herself. Chryssa glared up at him, half-beseechingly, in her sexual frustration. Her ass was practically sucking on the plug, her pussy was swollen and slick between her thighs, and if she could, she'd rub herself all over his foot to get off if he provided her no other means.

"Do you think you've been aptly punished for your attitude and impudence?" he asked, his voice infuriatingly even.

"Yes!" Chryssa exclaimed, practically wailing. She meant it too. The denial of her orgasm was probably the meanest punishment he could have come up with, especially because it had been so unexpected. At least when Tralik had denied her during training, she'd known what was coming, she'd been able to prepare herself mentally. This had been a thousand times worse.

"Good. Then you can show your penance now." Grasping both of her wrists in one large hand, he used his free hand to undo the front of his pants.

Even through her needy sexual heat, Chryssa's curiosity was aroused by what his cock might look like. So far, no two aliens had been alike... and she wasn't disappointed. His cock was a long, thick rod with a plump bulb on the end, similar to Tralik's but more rounded. Every two inches or so, there were bumps that created a ring around the shaft, and her pussy quivered as if her body was wondering how those bumpy rings might feel moving in and out of her sensitive channel. The color of his cock was a slightly darker green than his regular skin, with the bumps and the bulbous head an even darker shade. There was a hole at the very tip of his cock, which was already leaking a silverly fluid.

"Do you know how to suck?"

"A little..." she said, feeling a bit hesitant since he wasn't quite the same shape as Tralik. Not to mention, that fat head was much bigger than Tralik's, she wasn't sure it would fit in her mouth.

Not that he gave her the opportunity to think about it. As soon as she answered, his hand was in her hair, pulling her head forward. She opened her mouth automatically and groaned, her voice muffled as the fat head of his cock pushed between her lips, making her jaw ache. Getting the bulbous crown into her mouth was the hardest part; once that was in, she could close her mouth a little more around the slightly thinner shaft.

Still holding her wrists in one hand, the Licken lord used his other to force her head down further, groaning with pleasure as she tried to lick at him. Even though her pussy was burning with the need for attention, she found a strange kind of satisfaction in sucking on him. He tasted sweet and slightly salty, a hot musky scent filling her nose as she moved her head under his guidance, taking him a little deeper every time.

The bumps on his cock were strange against her tongue and she couldn't help but explore them, which made his fingers clamp down as he shuddered. Apparently they were very sensitive.

The fat head hit the back of her throat and Chryssa tried to surge back, her gag reflex protesting. His pleasure interrupted, Lord Plath frowned at her. "Not very much training, I see... well, there is something appealing about inexperience as well. Use your hands."

He released her wrists, and Chryssa actually felt a momentary surge of gratitude before she realized how stupid that was. If he'd just let her have some control from the beginning, she wouldn't have choked. Still, she didn't want him to regret giving her use of her hands back, so she immediately wrapped one hand around his cock. That was when she suddenly realized what was the most different about him body - he didn't have balls.

So she used her other hand to stroke and toy with the bumps on his cock as her mouth bobbed up and down. Apparently pleased with her enthusiasm, the lord leaned back against his seat, eyes half-closed as he watched her practice her oral skills. Chryssa felt a strange need to please him, possibly in hopes that he would return the favor. It didn't even occur to her to try and touch herself, she instinctively knew that he would never allow it.

Her best chance at getting off was doing so at his whim, and so she would do her best to make him want to.

Sucking him was no hardship. He tasted good and she liked to hear his groans and feel his shudders, knowing that it gave her at least a little bit of power over him. The thick, meaty feel of him moving inside of her mouth turned her on, even if it wasn't as pleasurable as having her pussy played with.

It shocked her when the bumps on his cock began to vibrate, his groans increasing as his hips began thrusting. He placed his hands on her head, gently but firmly, holding her in place as he fucked her mouth. Chryssa sucked hard, her fingers and tongue playing with the vibrating nubs, utterly fascinated by this strange alien reaction. Her pussy thrummed with empty eagerness to feel this cock inside of her, wondering what the sensations would be. She didn't remember this at all from the other Lickens - was he different? Or had she just been too wrapped up in drugs and anger to notice?

She was reminded of watching the black-haired woman do this to him, while Tralik fucked her, and her pussy got even wetter. Today it would be her that he took to another room, once she was done pleasuring him orally.

Sucking harder, she tried to remember all the advice Tralik had given her, trying to relax her throat enough to accommodate the huge head of his cock. It seemed to be working. The noises he was making were more and more wild, his fingers digging into the back of her skull, his thrusts rougher.

Caught up in the moment of it, Chryssa was almost unprepared when the head suddenly swelled and then began to gush fluid into her mouth. It didn't come out in the spurts that Tralik's had, it was more like a steady stream. True to Tralik's description, it was also much sweeter than his cum had been. She knew, because she couldn't swallow it fast enough; it filled her belly, her cheeks, and spilled out of her mouth.

How had that other woman contained it all?

The heat of it pooled in her belly as Lord Plath's fingers slowly loosened in her hair, turning caressing, almost petting. Feeling only the slightest bit resentful towards him, she looked up at him like an eager pet as his cock began to soften between her lips, hopeful that he might pleasure her now. The amused expression on his face should have made her want to hurt him, but she was too far gone in need.

"Such a needy little thing, aren't you?" he murmured, pushing her hair off of her face with gentle fingers. The amusement and interest in his voice confused her. "All you want is to come, isn't it?"

"Yes please," she said, pulling her head up off of his cock and wiping the cum from her chin, looking at him pleadingly. He chuckled and her eyes flashed with momentary anger, which only made him chuckle again.

The sound of the door opening behind them made Chryssa jump.

"Your room is prepared." Matron's heavy tones didn't sound disapproving, but she didn't sound happy either. It was obvious she didn't think that Chryssa was good enough to be servicing the Licken lord yet.

Oh well. Chryssa didn't care. She just needed him to finish what he'd started.

Standing up, Lord Plath held out his hand, helping Chryssa to her feet. Later, when she wasn't feeling so sexually desperate, she would remember the small courtesies that he'd shown her and be impressed. After all, it wasn't like he had to be polite or helpful towards her.

"Come, little pleasure-seeker," he murmured, his eyes flashing silver, which she was starting to realize indicated sexual arousal. "I want to see what else you can do."

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DoctimeDoctimeover 9 years ago

Magical Plug? Your editor should have caught that. I would have.

I really like this series

I noticed that the plug was removed and appeared magically. I think that removal sentence was meant to be deleted.

ny_girl14ny_girl14about 10 years ago

Enjoyed the story, but unless I'm missing something, the plug was taken out and wasn't supposed to be used again until the next day. Yet during her encounter with the lord, you repeatedly refer to the plug in her bottom - I didn't see any point at which it was reinserted.

paperpoetpaperpoetabout 10 years ago
Loved this!

Please keep writing! Can't wait for the next installment!

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 10 years ago
I'm so glad you came back to this story!

Looking forward to more.

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