Futanari Notebook Ch. 02


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She stood easily over a foot over Carmen's above average height. Her hair was long and looked thick, strong and incredibly soft. It was a midnight black, almost seeming to blot out all light that surrounded it, a stark contrast to her pale skin. Carmen's eyes went to follow the straight, absurdly long locks down the 'Seikogami's' body, only to be enraptured by her face. Large, demonically red eyes surrounded pupils akin to a cat's, and were framed by thick lashes. The sclera was a faint yellow colour.

Ryuka's nose was perfectly shaped, sized and positioned on her face. It didn't intrude on her high cheekbones or her juicy, ruby red lips that practically begged to be admired. Rather, every facet of her being seemed designed for admiration. Carmen confirmed this as she tore her equally fascinated and horrified gaze away.

Whatever a Seikogami was, they seemed like a quintessential succubus. That was the only comparison Carmen could make at that moment, as she stared at the single, most perfect pair of breasts she had seen in her life. They were immaculate. Not a hint of bias to one side or the other as they sat high on her chest, yet sagged under gravity just enough to further entice the eye. There was no mistaking their authenticity as Ryuka shifted her weight and set the deliciously oversized mounds jiggling.

Carmen licked her lips without thought. She almost wanted to simply stand there and take in this supernaturally gorgeous creature. A sharp gust of icy air froze her stream of consciousness, allowing her to move her eyes to Ryuka's wings. They were enormous, clearly suited to give her flight, with an all too familiarly captivating dark plumage. Carmen's mind darted to the feathers in her bag and immediately deduced their origins.

Ryuka, apparently more than used to being ogled, then shook her hips from side to side, drawing Carmen's attention away from her daunting wingspan. The human swallowed a mouthful of saliva, however it quickly refilled her maw as she helplessly lusted for this creature. Her eyes nevertheless continued their journey across Ryuka's body.

Her breasts tapered down into her slender waist. It wasn't rail thin like the ridiculous proportions of a Barbie doll and she wielded the faintest hint of abs. Carmen quickly glanced at the Seikogami's arms, noting how soft yet strong they looked. She tensed at the sight, suddenly aware of how puny her own body was by comparison, and resumed her study of this thing's body.

Directly following her trim middle, Ryuka's hips flared out provocatively. They easily outmatched her shoulders in width, yet didn't look outplace as her body almost seemed to pour into the outrageous curves, and tapered down into her proportionally thick thighs. Carmen found her mind at a loss as she finally drew her gaze to Ryuka's crotch. Her lips fell open in a wordless statement of her sheer awe and in fear at the heat that swept through her.

Ryuka was a futanari. There was no mistaking the blunt tool of sexual destruction that hung from her groin like a third leg, its seemingly circumcised, purple head dangling between her knees. And it was completely flaccid. That much Carmen could tell from a single glimpse. The... thing - for it couldn't possibly be a penis, not at that absurdly monstrous size - rested atop a scrotum that was similarly sized. No, Carmen corrected herself, it was bigger than what seemed proportionate. Each testicle, if the giant orbs could be called such, had to be the size of beach balls. Perhaps even yoga balls.

"N-no way," Carmen mumbled and stepped back.

"What? Oh, you didn't see the whole picture," Ryuka giggled again, the sound somehow even richer with her sexual prowess than before, and turned around. Her hair fell to the top of her ass, which, just like the rest of her, seemed to go beyond the notion of 'too big' and settled on ridiculous. And, also just like the rest of her, impossibly looked right on Ryuka's overly sexual body. Carmen barely managed to catch herself before she could start drooling.

Ryuka then bent forward and pulled her cheeks apart. Carmen's breath hitched in her throat and her body burned hotter than ever, as if someone had placed her into a scalding hot bath of desires. How could anything like this exist? She dimly wondered as she took in Ryuka's anus. The ring of muscle was spread wide apart as if an invisible arm were inside. Beneath it, however, was something that captivated Carmen; Ryuka's pussy. Just like everything else about her, it was big. The lips were swollen and smooth, almost virginal in appearance. Carmen could see the juices glistening on its outer folds, though.

"W... what are you?" Carmen managed to squeak, despite her body begging her to fall to her hands and knees and beg for this impossibly gorgeous entity to show her more.

"My, my," Ryuka murmured amusedly without moving, leaving her apparently ruined anus on display, "Still resisting. That's quite impressive. Most humans I reveal myself to are licking every inch of me by now. Oh, but you want to do that don't you, human?" Ryuka teased.

Her voice seemed to take on physical form as it reached out to Carmen and pulled on her. The honour student clenched her hands into tight fists and averted her gaze, digging her nails into her palms to distract from her inane yearning.

"A-answer me," Carmen demanded with as much strength as she could muster.

"So determined," Ryuka laughed and straightened up, smirking as she saw the disappointment in Carmen's eyes, "I already told you what I am; I am a Seikogami, the owner of the Futa Note, which is now in your possession if I'm not mistaken."

"What is a Seikogami?" Carmen managed to embolden her tone without such a tantalising view to distract her, however she still couldn't raise her voice above a strong whisper with Ryuka's unfathomable breasts staring at her.

"We are the epitome of human desire. Gods of sex if you will," Ryuka exposited, running a deft hand along her body to accentuate her extravagant features, "We were born out of your species' rampant lusts, or so the story goes. Regardless, my kind have existed for as long as humanity has."

"That all?" Carmen managed to focus solely on her eyes to try and gleam if she was lying or not.

"Maybe, maybe not. I might tell you more if I stick around long enough."

"Great," Carmen grumbled, her annoyance dampening her arousal and allowing her enough freedom of mind to turn away from the striking visage. She adjusted her bag to comfortably sit on her shoulder and briskly headed home, noticing that the sky had darkened considerably. After her mind settled somewhat, she noticed the uncomfortable sensation in her crotch, "Shit," Carmen muttered, realising that she was still turned-on from the meeting.

"You should just follow your body's desires," said a familiarly husky voice. Carmen jumped and looked to her side, seeing Ryuka floating right along with her every step.

"What the fuck? Why're you following me?"

"As a Seikogami I'm basically bound to whoever has my notebook. Until you die or give it up at least," Ryuka explained with an unhappy sigh and shrug.

"Great," Carmen groaned and hurried up in the hopes of ditching the creature. Ryuka kept pace, however, grinning mockingly the entire time, "Just great." The heat from her arousal was only growing greater, as each step seemed to rub her thighs against her tender pussy.

"I can sense it," Ryuka said with a long inhale, "Your desire. Just FYI, human, it won't go away. In fact, you'll just keep getting hotter and hotter until you basically rip your clothes off."

"I just need a few minutes," Carmen growled as she spied the dilapidated apartment complex she called home.

"Oh, you won't have that long," Ryuka assured her with a knowing laugh, hovering slightly closer, "Part of being a Seikogami is having this effect on people. It's our aura. They can't help themselves. I give you another forty seconds before you're a wreck."

Carmen didn't answer and simply sped up, taking strides as long as her legs would allow. She would get inside, lock herself in the bathroom and deal with this. Then she could forget about the day, the Futa Note and Ryuka by playing with Melody. Her determined face broke into a grin at the memories of her little sister.

They were rarely apart in the eight years since Melody had been born and their father had passed. Carmen had essentially taken on all the role of her mother over the years, relieving her to focus on earning money. It was interesting to think of what kind of effects this had taken on them on. Carmen could almost say that her potent will-power came from her little sister, having spent years dealing with all the roles of her mother. She knew now that it took a special kind of patience to raise a child, making her all the more grateful to Alicia. Yet she was glad to have the experiences. Even changing Melody's diapers.

Carmen laughed to herself at the memories playing through her mind. Changing Melody's diaper for the first time. Burping her. Rocking her to sleep. Feeding her. Lying in bed with her sister wrapped up like an adorable burrito.

"I'm home!" Carmen announced, quickly kicking her shoes off and setting her bag down.

"Carmen! Carmen! Carmen!" Came that shrill, joyous voice which Carmen adored. Melody bounced toward Carmen and leapt into her outstretched arms, giggling as she was lifted high into the air.

"Hey, Supergirl. I missed you," Carmen told her with an affection nuzzle against her soft cheek.

"I missed you too," Melody said, hugging her sister.

"Did you eat yet?" Carmen asked as she set her down.

"Uh huh," Melody nodded excitedly, "I made myself my own sandwich!"

"Really? All on your own?"


"You didn't ask a neighbour to help?"

"'Course not. They're scary," Melody shuddered.

"Good girl," Carmen smiled and patted her on the head, ruffling her hair slightly, "After I'm done with the bathroom, I'll help you with your homework, okay?"

"Aww, but I wanna draw," Melody pouted.

"After your homework," Carmen said sternly, "I'll even pose for you." She added, knowing the incentive was irresistible to her creative sister.

"You promise?"

"Promise," Carmen extended her pinkie finger, which Melody quickly wrapped her own around, "I'll be right back," Carmen assured her and headed into their small bathroom. The sink stood barely half a foot away from the toilet, which, itself, almost pressed into the cracked, miniscule bathtub. It barely allowed Melody's tiny frame to lay down comfortably, let alone Carmen or her Mother.

Carmen couldn't care less about the cramped space, however, as she all but tore off her school's skirt. It was regulation all year for students at Saint Puella to wear the navy-blue skirt, regardless of the weather. They could wear whatever tops they liked and whatever undergarments, such as thick pantyhose, so long as the skirt was intact and visible. Carmen gladly discarded it as she sat on the toilet lid and spread her legs apart.

Her pussy felt like a furnace had been lit in her womb. Carmen moaned and sighed in stark relief as she finally touched her engorged mons, feeling pleasure strike through her in a bolt of delight. There were so many times she had wanted to stop in the street, slink into an alley and finger herself. But she resisted, even with Ryuka's constant goading and supposedly arousing aura. She tugged her saturated panties roughly to the side, cooing at the air that brushed against her. Her finger quickly replaced it and slid into her utterly drenched opening.

It had been months since Carmen had last masturbated. She preferred to focus her time on studying for the future or helping Melody, however there were occasions that her urges overwhelmed her. Though rare, she knew exactly what she liked. A slow build-up, teasing herself until she was at the precipice, then stopping to fondle her tits until she calmed down. Then she would jam two or, if she was particularly pent up, three fingers into her snatch and roughly thrust until she came hard.

This was completely opposite to the norm, however. Carmen sank a second and third finger into her pussy almost immediately after the first, stretching her canal wide and sending crushing tides of pleasure through her. A high, keening moan escaped her lips as she curled her probing digits to find her g-spot. Her nails raked across her sensitive walls, imparting both discomfort and pleasure upon her.

"So intense," Carmen moaned, struggling to keep herself from crying out each time she pushed in to her knuckles. Her palm came down upon her clit, manipulating it to release a wave of burgeoning ecstasy upon her frazzled nerves.

"Not surprising," Ryuka interjected, appearing almost from thin air to hover just in front of Carmen.

"R-Ryuka," Carmen groaned, unable to stop herself as she masturbated. Her ears filled with the sounds of her pounding heart and rising moans, though they were only an accoutrement to the wet slap of her hand against her snatch. There was only one time before that Carmen had felt so worked up, yet that had nothing to do with her own actions. It was her ex's. Carmen clenched up, thrusting her fingers to the hilt, as she recalled those sensations.

"You went almost three whole minutes in my presence without even touching yourself. That's the same as edging yourself for a week," Ryuka stated, watching the teen intently.

"Sh-shut up," Carmen grunted, working herself to a climax in spite of her blatant voyeur.

Ryuka chuckled, "Feisty. Here, let me help," the Seikogami drifted nearer and grabbed Carmen's free hand, pulling it to her inhumanly endowed breast, "Squeeze."

Carmen couldn't hope to disobey in her lust-ridden state. She clamped down on the creature's breast, a part of her marvelling at its marshmallow like consistency despite its firm appearance, while the rest of her became lost in a sudden wave of irrefutable pleasure. Her lips fell open in a barely restrained cry of lewd delight, which Ryuka quickly took advantage of. The Seikogami crouched down and pushed her untouched breast against Carmen's mouth.

The teen didn't know what came over her as she latched onto the hard nipple that filled her maw. She had been so completely enamoured by the rest of Ryuka's impossible form that she had barely noticed them before, but now she could see nothing but the inhuman beauty's breast and taste only her plump tit. They were huge, Carmen realised as she found the other with her hand. Each of them were easily as big as Melody's fists.

"Here you go," Ryuka sighed happily.

Carmen glanced up at her to demand an explanation, however she quickly received it as her mouth was filled with a thick, creamy substance. It's milk, she realised as she instinctively gulped it down to avoid choking. She practically felt it gush down her oesophagus and into her stomach, before an inferno blazed into existence. Mere pleasure was eradicated and replaced by an absolute ecstasy, sending her careening into an orgasm so sudden and potent that she couldn't control herself.

Carmen's head flew back, mouth agape, as stray drops of rich milk sprayed from the freed nipple. Droplets landed on her face, neck and sweater, somehow pushing her pleasure to even greater heights. A sharp cry of bliss clawed its way through her throat as her body turned rigid. Her fingers became completely enveloped in her pussy, the soft, tender walls conforming around her digits as they gripped them like a car compactor. Carmen felt her juices squirt from around her hand.

"Carmen?" Melody knocked on the bathroom door with a worried frown, "You okay?"

"I-I-I'm f-fine... Melody. Just... just stubbed my toe," Carmen panted, struggling with all of her considerable will-power to keep from crumbling to the floor in an orgasmic heap. She barely managed to stay seated while leaning against the basin, as her legs trembled and her pussy continued to convulse with the aftermath.

"Really?" Melody asked, doubtful.

"O-okay," Carmen laughed breathlessly, "I saw a really big spider." She heard the rapid patter of her sister's small feet as she fled the vicinity and grinned, then turned her attention to Ryuka, who smirked down at her.

"Did you enjoy your first experience with a Seikogami, Carmen?" Ryuka ran a finger up a breast and gathered as large a helping of milk as she could, before licking it clean.

"Shut up," Carmen gasped as she tried to stand up on her quivering legs. She would have had an easier time standing on jelly.

"No need to be rude," Ryuka sniffled. Carmen shot her a weary glare and dried her panties as best she could, then struggled with her skirt.

"How is it that I've known you for less than an hour and you're already on my last nerve?" Carmen groaned as she smoothed out her clothes.

"Everyone reacts differently to my kind," Ryuka shrugged.

"When Melody goes to sleep, you're telling everything you can about the Futa Note," Carmen declared, fixing a stare on the deity that offered no quarter for disagreement. A day without answers was a day too long for Carmen.

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