Futanari Notebook Ch. 18


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"I'll do it," Zoey said.

"Good," Carmen said and sighed, no doubt relieved. She glanced at her bag, slung over the back of the chair beside, and shook her head, "If she tries anything during the race, I'll step in. Also, don't know if it helps, but that reward I mentioned is still on the table."

"You never specified what that is," Zoey said, leaning forward to try and discern any further hints. A red hue spread across Carmen's cheeks and she looked at her cracked watch.

"Gotta go. Classes are starting," Carmen said and fled, though her expression had told Zoey everything she needed to know, and reinforced her drive to win. What could Michelle do in the face of Zoey's unfaltering libido? Once roused, her sex drive refused to be silenced without reward. Her cock remained dormant though, quelled by the promise and her uncertainty. She rubbed at the cheek Carmen had slapped and hushed her thoughts; nothing would be gained by thinking about it.

Those participating in the small event were omitted from classwork. As such, Zoey lingered in the library until it was time for the race. Without anyone to spark her growth, she remained tiny, no taller than a prepubescent. That would change. She exited the building and headed to the dilapidated field.

It was surrounded by small groups. Some were previous participants, most exhausted and laughing together while they relaxed, others were parents, friends or teachers come to observe. Only one group stood out. It was a pair of men with cameras, looking unimpressed. Ms. Blake was close to them, casting furtive glances around. She must've invited some media to watch and report the proceedings, likely promising that she had a star athlete amongst her otherwise mediocre students.

Zoey wasn't that star. Not yet. She caught several stares cast her way, most from Saint Puella students, others from the visiting schools. They all lorded superiority over her, some added disgust to the mix. Holly was amongst the visitors, whispering to them while sneering at her.

"Not today bitch," Zoey snapped under her breath and glared back, infusing every shred of anger, every second of her life she had spent despising Michelle and Gretchen into her gaze, fixed squarely on Holly. The girl's confidence crumbled and she sank back. Warmth surged at her reaction. Zoey glanced down at herself and beamed. She stifled a moan of delight as she regained some of her lost height. The rest would return soon. Once she beat Michelle.

She hadn't spent the past week just improving her confidence. With a cock like hers, one long enough that it nearly touched her knees when she was seven feet tall, her running technique needed to change. Wrong moves jostled or pinched her balls, or made them slap against her thighs as she pumped her legs. A sling of sorts, more akin to a bra, reduced the sway.

The other girls in the race were talking amongst themselves. Michelle was with her own school, surrounded by girls who flinched at the slightest move. Even their coach steered clear. It was obvious Michelle hadn't relinquished her old ways, worse, she had shared them amongst everyone in her track team. Only one person, Beth, seemed impervious. The two would glance at each other on occasion and, though it was faint or a trick of the light, Zoey saw affection there. It made sense. Michelle hadn't shown any interest in boys, even the feminine types who loved to be dominated.

"Runners! Gather!" Someone called. The referee, Zoey assumed and approached the starting line. She saw Michelle force her way beside her, but kept her gaze straight ahead.

"Thought you'd have chickened out, Zo-Zo," Michelle said.

"Shut up," Zoey snapped, heart palpitating. She shouldn't provoke her. But with so many people present, and some with eyes fixed attentively on the athletes, Michelle couldn't get away with much. Afterwards was another matter. That could wait. Winning was all that mattered, everything else was secondary for the meantime.

Michelle drew close, her hulking frame blocking all view of the twisted face she now wore, "I will fucking destroy you."

"Try it," Zoey said. Despite her fear, the embers of growth distributed around her frame, empowering and elongating it, "If you can catch me that is."

"Once I win," Michelle said and drew back. Her features contorted to a sinister grin, "I am going to snap off both your legs."

"You'd need the handicap."

"Oh? Someone's got a spine all of a sudden. What, did you stick your dick in some whore? Yeah, I know about it. Bet you've got a puny little twig. Like everything else."

"Still bigger than yours," Zoey said. Everyone in Saint Puella knew she had a cock, not only that, but anyone who believed Megan's picture knew it was quite the endowment. Why would she care if Michelle also knew? She glanced at her tormentor, who had fallen quiet. Shock and horror clouded her face, "Wait... you actually have one too?"

"Breathe a word and it'll be the last thing you see when I choke you to death," Michelle snarled.

"On the marks!"

Zoey assumed her position and fixed her eyes dead ahead. She could worry about Michelle later.

"Get set!"

A tall figure stepped into view. Zoey's heart leapt; it was Carmen.


Zoey didn't think. Her body moved the instant the announcer exhaled, bolting forward as if to capture Carmen and never let go. All else but the glorious girl faded from existence, as if she consumed it all. Warmth suffused Zoey's body, desire and growth mingling as she ran. Her muscles contracted and released in tandem, creating the perfect harmony within her. No one else could encroach on this space. This was Zoey's territory, her mind, her field of release. A realm pervaded by Carmen and herself alone.

Then a thick-bodied gorilla rampaged through the beauty. Michelle had caught up. Her body glistened already, veins spread across her form in a haphazard display of brute strength. She took the lead and Zoey saw, for a second, the keen bulge of masculinity. It was true.

Then why didn't she approach her earlier and relate? If they both had the same mutation, then why couldn't Michelle show sympathy. Someone had likely discovered Michelle's before and ostracised her for it, no doubt leading to her current personality, but there was no reason for her to be alone anymore. They could share each other's worries and pain. Instead, she chose to remain the same malicious bitch. She was the brute form of Gretchen.

Someone like that couldn't be allowed to win. Someone like her couldn't force Zoey back into the shadows. No one would stand between Zoey and Carmen. That's what this 'woman' was doing by pushing so hard.

Get back here, Zoey thought and pressed harder. Someone had almost caught up, but an enraged glance back forced them to stumble and retreat. The embers caught one another and ignited into an inferno. Her awareness retreated once more, focused on Michelle, who appeared as a blot on the world in her vision, an impious spot that needed to be erased or taken down several notches. Who better to do so than Zoey?

Michelle glanced back and stepped up the pace. It was futile. Fear still festered in Zoey's mind, eager to break free and consume her, yet the fire kept the whimpering creature at bay. Each attempt it made at controlling her that she foiled, the flame brightened and her body grew. Her strides lengthened into leaps and bounds, her arms pumped at her sides, her cock swelled and urged her on, while her curves returned. Vanity pushed her as much as her disdain for Michelle.

How could she lose like this? Her body was at its peak, infallible, and still improving. Michelle came into reach, then they were side by side, then... Zoey was falling. The ground found her face and slashed at it. Dirt snaked its way into the cuts, adrenaline ran rampant and dulled the pain. She came to a stop and looked up. Michelle crossed the finish line and was immediately approached by several people. Concern and guilt flashed across her face as they talked to her.

"Michelle Blitzkrieg is disqualified!" Someone announced. That didn't make it any better. Zoey still lost. She stood, her ankle stabbed at her nervous system, and limped forward with her fists and jaw clenched tight. Grazes lined her face and arms. Her cock had escaped the brunt of it, though her balls ached from the impact. Nausea rolled in her stomach. She pushed on, intent on Michelle.


Zoey turned and saw Carmen. Rage evaporated into a calm, which blew into the aether as tears welled up, borne from a mixture of pain and frustration. Arms were around her in moments and she returned the gesture. Any semblance of control had dissipated. What sense was there in stopping herself now? She caught Carmen by surprise and kissed her, but pulled apart an instant later, eyes downcast.

"Let's go. I'll look at your ankle," Carmen said. Zoey sniffled and nodded, afraid any verbal response would break down into sobs. She spared a final glance around and saw Rachel staring at her with a blank expression, as if unable to process the events that unfolded. It didn't matter.

Halting her advance hadn't been easy. Carmen felt more inclined to help than prevent, but it was better to keep Zoey away from trouble, especially with her injuries. The athlete limped along with her, slouched forward and trusting half her weight to Carmen. For mystical reasons she still hadn't deciphered, the burden was minimal to her, as if she was carrying her baby sister once more, rather than an Amazon. Though Zoey better embodied femininity better than most Amazons did in myth.

Power radiated from the runner's form. Muscles rippled under the surface of her skin, yet she was sleek and soft, endowed with a gorgeous set of breasts to boot. Carmen chided herself for letting her own preference interfere with her intentions for Zoey. The transformation was originally meant to alter her height - and penis - but nothing more, instead she'd included a sentence to bolster Zoey's curves as well.

She set her down in an unused locker room. Most of the lockers were hanging on by the hinges, the walls were cracked, and the benches were either broken or had mould growing on them. Only one was in suitable condition. Zoey leaned back and wiped at her tears. Open cuts marred her face.

"This is gonna sting," Carmen said. She had grabbed a first aid kit the second Zoey fell. Why? A medic was better trained to handle this. It was just practice, she reasoned. Doctors made an excellent living in the US. Perhaps med school was the way to go? Her grades were high enough that she could chance a scholarship with one. Though no college had made any offers yet, they were bound to come sooner or later.

Fresh tears boiled over as she cleaned Zoey's cuts and scrapes. Carmen paused as she moved to the arms, suddenly aware of the bulge in her ward's crotch. What kind of libido must futanari have to get horny while in pain? Or perhaps it was that large now, she hadn't written a limit so it was possible. Her gaze flitted between the injuries on Zoey's arm and her groin, certain the lump grew at each glance.

"Is everything alright? You know, aside from the obvious?" Carmen asked.

"Y-yeah," Zoey said, though she avoided looking at her. A dull hue had settled on her light bronze cheeks.

"Are you aroused?"

"What?! I... oh god," Zoey covered her crotch. The hue ripened into a bright crimson and covered her face from side to side, "Sorry."

"It's fine. Your endorphins are probably still going crazy, so you're more prone to random bouts of arousal. I'd assume at least, the reading isn't too clear on how one affects the other."

"Do you research everything?"

"If I can," Carmen said, silently cursing the Seikogami that hovered somewhere in the vicinity. She was never far.

"Then what about me? Why am I like this now?"

"Insufficient data," Carmen sighed, "There's no precedent for you, Zoey. This stuff just, sort of, happened. But... I'm glad it did."


"Don't pretend you weren't miserable around Gretchen. Besides, you're taller than you used to be. It's," Carmen cleared her throat, "It's kind of attractive, really." Tall girls weren't a major deal for Carmen, she preferred curves over anything, yet she'd be a liar if she claimed Zoey's height didn't add a level of assurance. And a hint of intimidation, but that made it intriguing.

"You think I'm attractive?"

"Yes," Carmen said.

"Even though I have a dick?"

"Everyone's got one nowadays," Carmen chuckled, "Maybe you, Mary and Dakota could start a support group?"

"Dakota has one?" Zoey asked.

"I thought you knew," Carmen said and chided herself for revealing it.

Zoey shook her head, "Everyone only knows about mine and Mary's. I'll keep it a secret though."


"You didn't answer my question though."

"It... complicates things," Carmen said. Phalli had never interested her beyond a casual level. She studied them for the sake of science and furthering her knowledge, but she hadn't thought of one sexually in her life. Rather, she hadn't until a few months ago. Now it was harder for her to believe she was a wholehearted lesbian. Even when she had observed Dakota's for that short time had been oddly endearing. Pussy was still where her core lust laid though.

"Okay," Zoey deflated, "What was that reward gonna be anyway?"

"I-I really can't say." Now Carmen also blushed.

"You're embarrassed? Really? I'm the one talking about their wiener."

"True. Well... truth is I... was going to... get you off," Carmen refused to bring her voice above a subtle whisper, drowned out by the violent throbbing of her heart. That wasn't what she'd meant to say. The reward was going to be a kiss, longer than what Zoey had given her earlier. Maybe a little touching too? She cast her eyes over Zoey and gnawed on her tongue.

There was no denying it. This girl... this futa was attractive. Lithe but powerful, soft yet firm and complete with a gorgeous tan and face. While Stacy was closer to Carmen's type, Zoey was a near second. Perhaps if her hips were fuller, and her breasts a couple sizes larger, then... What was she thinking? She'd changed Zoey to help her, not take advantage of the feelings that the Futa Note forced on her. Worse, she was contemplating cheating on Stacy. But she did say she wouldn't mind, unless that was Carmen's imagination?


"Huh?" She blinked and realised she'd frozen in place, with her eyes staring straight between Zoey's thighs. How horny was she that she was considering this?

"I can finish up," Zoey said, "I know you don't want to cheat on your girlfriend. It's fine."

"No, it's not... ugh, I don't know what the hell I'm thinking anymore," Carmen rubbed at her temples, hoping blood flow would solve the problem. It didn't. Worse, the sudden calm brought the heat between her thighs to attention. She wanted release so fucking bad.

"Like I said, it's fine. I'll just, fuck!" Zoey went to stand and stumbled, falling back to the bench, where she hunched over and clutched her swollen ankle. Carmen winced in sympathy and looked for some painkillers. Finding none, she nursed her bottom lip in contemplation. All humans, magically altered or not, had a built in painkiller so to speak.

"Relax," Carmen said and hooked her fingers into Zoey's shorts, eyes avoiding the bulge while she relinquished a sliver of self-control.

"What're you, oh?"

Carmen ignored her and brought the garment to her shins. The penis was in the open now, a blurred slab of meat in her peripheral vision. A twitch caught her gaze. Why hadn't she imposed a limit? She'd rectify that later, for now she was captivated. No cock had held her attention since Ryuka's, whose egregious endowment defied all realms of normalcy, though she'd only seen a couple others for mere seconds at a time. This was the first 'human' phallus she'd come so close to.

How did Zoey keep it inside her pants? It twitched and throbbed to life, swelling before her eyes as if summoned by her presence, reaching a monstrous size before calming. She forced her eyes away from it and took in the tan lines spread across Zoey's hips, formed after running and relaxing in her shorts. What about her top, did she have lines around her chest to highlight her full bust?

Zoey read her thoughts, or seemed to, as she removed her shirt. Lighter skin, indeed, surrounded her breasts in stark juxtaposition to the rest of her form. They were like trails that wanted to lead Carmen's fingers to the mounds, to sample the fruits of her unwanted power, and tease the cherry pink nipples as they extended into the open, begging to be kissed and suckled. A trickle of warmth flowed through Carmen's nether region. She sighed and returned her attention to the masculine side of Zoey, satisfied that she hadn't become wholly enamoured with phalli.

"So, uh... what's the plan?" Zoey asked, licking her lips as she sat there, naked with curves most women would kill for and a dick any woman would fall for. Except Carmen. This was to help Zoey, to soothe the pain of her ankle. It didn't matter that she wasn't complaining at the moment, this was... a matter of principle? Yes. If not for Michelle, Zoey would have won. No sense in depriving her of a reward for something outside her control.

"I guess, I'll just..." Carmen reached out and grabbed the phallus, gasped and let go. It leapt into her grasp, the skin blazing and sticky with sweat. Her hand hovered nearby. The heat wafted from Zoey's shaft, both warning and compelling her forward. She held it again. A rush of air left Zoey, as if relieved that they didn't explode, or was it a sigh of pleasure.

"It's, uh, big," Carmen said and stroked down the length. The skin rolled back from the head, revealing every square inch of the purple glans, which stared at her in imagined longing. A wide slit faced Carmen. It resembled a smile, though she hoped it was her imagination.

"Yeah, I can even suck it," Zoey said and giggled at Carmen's expression. It looked long enough, but the girth must pose a problem if her fingers couldn't meet around it, and the shaft still seemed to swell even now. A complex network of veins, usually found beneath the surface, were huge and throbbing. It couldn't get much larger, not without straining Zoey's heart. Although it was a cock formed by the Futa Note. Perhaps it defied all laws of nature?

"Hmm, that's nice."

Carmen blinked at the words and watched as her hand pumped the shaft, unaware that she had been moving. It was an awkward motion, stuttering at times, and the size made each circuit between base and tip a small marathon. Yet Zoey moaned, her heartbeat quickened and she hardened in Carmen's grasp. Inexperience should have made this a long and clumsy affair, but that didn't appear to be the case. Zoey was just sensitive, Carmen rationalised, unwilling to assume that she had some form of talent for this.

"How're you so good at this?" Zoey cooed, slouching lower to offer better access to her length. Carmen pressed a hand to the futa's thigh, steadying her, and received a moan in return. So she's sensitive, Carmen clarified. She ran her nails along the athlete's skin as she stroked, unable to resist a grin as Zoey moaned louder. Her smile faded as pre-cum poured from the tip.

It was thick and murky, more so than she expected. The slime touched her roaming fingers and sent a shudder through her, though not one of revulsion. It reminded her of when she was child and helped with baking, feeling the slime of the doughy mixture as it came together. Except it wouldn't solidify this time, and more kept pouring out, streaming down the bottom of the shaft and lubricating the path. She caught some on her palm and slathered it around the rest, certain more would make it better.

Zoey's moans crept higher as she pumped out more pre, which now covered Carmen's hand and dripped to the floor in its excess. Carmen ramped up the pace, spurred by the sound of pleasure, and her own curiosity at how much Zoey would cum. The balls were a perfect match for the cock after all, each the size of grapefruits or small melons. She released the thigh and fondled the massive orbs. They were heavy and coated in sweat, yet the skin was smooth.