Game Set and Match Pt. 06


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"Good thing you're not a lady then," Sarah sniggered.

"OK sweet thing," Daphne agreed. "I promise I won't say 'cunt' anymore," she laughed.

She climbed off the bed, leaving her discarded bath robe behind, and knelt naked at the foot, staring close at Katie's open crotch, currently still being probed by her lithe blonde partner's two middle fingers.

"Open up for me darling, there's a good little girl," she purred, as she pulled Sarah's hand away.

"Oh my goodness!" Daphne exclaimed. "Why... there's no beaver here at all," she joked in mock surprise. Just a sweet little pussy. Mmmm meeeyooowww," she teased, as Sarah raised her hand to her mouth to suck her fingers clean.

Daphne caressed the tops of the thighs, reaching out toward the knees and pushing them wider as she enthused, "Oh My God. Sarah, have you seen how pretty this girl is?" then she laughed. "Hah! What a stupid question. Of course you have."

She rested the heel of her hand against the joint at the top of Katie's thigh, and stroked the mons Venus lovingly with her fingertips, her thumb teasing the fleshy labia open and rubbing the clitoris gently.

"My God, she exclaimed. She honestly looks like she's never been touched. You look just like a little child, girl," she told her. "I don't think I've ever seen anything quite as pretty."

She looked up and smiled at Katie from down between the parted thighs. "Sarah knows how I love to suck on a sweet young pussy," she went on, "but I don't think I've ever seen anyone as sweet and fresh and young looking as you."

She began lapping at the bare flesh at the tops of Katie's thighs, pushing the legs wide.

"Oh God. My God she's so sweet."

"Haven't I told you about talking while you're eating," Sarah joked.

"Bite her tits for me," Daphne said to Sarah. "Get her really wet for me."

"No!" Sarah objected. "I'm not going to hurt her just for your sordid pleasure!"

"It's OK," Katie whispered. "You know I like it. Just be gentle."

"I want to fuck you, you sweet, juicy little cunt," Daphne whispered, low enough so that Katie wouldn't hear. "I'm going to rape you with my tongue," she purred, speaking more to the girl's pussy than the girl herself.

"Katie, I'm so sorry," Sarah whispered in her ear. "If I'd had any idea she would come back early, I would never have brought you here."

"It's OK," Katie moaned softly. "Bite them for me baby."

Katie spread her arms out to the sides as Sarah cradled the girl in her arms, leaning over her to take one plump little breast in her mouth, pinching the nipple between her lips, then gently in her teeth as Katie's delicious little body began to writhe around in her arms. "Oh yes! Oh Yes!" the girl cried out, as Sarah turned her attention to the other. Both of them were loving it.

"Ooohh baby," Daphne purred. "I've never wanted to fuck any girl more than I want to fuck you right now pretty thing. I'm going to give you better than you've ever had. I'm going to make you beg me for more."

She began lapping, slowly and sensually, all around the tops of the girl's thighs as Katie writhed, up into the crevice of the joint and down around the buttocks, savouring the sweet, salty flavour and the tangy juices that had seeped and spread from the pussy during the earlier fingering and probing. She kissed the mound and the sweet, soft slit, dragging the flat of her tongue over the tender groove, closing her mouth over the bald, shaved mons and sucking on it gently.

Katie moaned with pleasure, delighted by the woman's tenderness and oddly surprised at how gentle she could be. Now she was properly at ease with the situation and able to relax, at last able to enjoy the attention the two women were affording her. It was far more amiable than she had expected.

Sarah smiled and kissed her gently, running her fingers back and forth across one stiff little nipple as Katie moaned softly in response to Daphne sliding the tip of her tongue into the top of the vaginal opening, teasing the stiffening clitoris forward.

"My God I'd like to do such wicked things with you..." Daphne moaned, reaching down between her own thighs and stimulating herself.

"Stop it Daph, you'll scare her," Sarah reasoned, softly.

"I'm sorry baby, but you are such a sweet little thing. I just want to give you everything," the lusty brunette told her. Daphne closed her mouth over the sweet young girl once more, and began making "Mmmnn, Yummm," gobbling sounds, and Katie turned to look at Sarah with wide, surprised eyes.

"Does it feel nice baby?" Sarah breathed softly, their lips almost touching. Katie just stared at her with wide eyes, her mouth opening but emitting no sound other than an occasional sharp intake of breath as her head repeatedly jerked back into the pillow.

"It 'is' nice, isn't it my love. I can tell you like it," Sarah smiled lovingly at the girl, dipping her head down to curl her tongue around a nearby nipple, then suckling gently on it.

Katie began panting quickly, her breathing short and shallow as she emitted a string of almost inaudible moans in time with Daphne's tongue flicking against her stiff little clitoris. Soon she was making a series of high-pitched "Ohhh" whimpers, each followed by a rapid, shallow gasp, then repeated in quick succession, gradually increasing in speed and intensity, until she was crying out in abject pleasure.

The more Katie moaned, the deeper Daphne reached into her, and Sarah smiled, encouragingly as she watched the range of pleasured expressions sweep across Katie's face, changing from wide-eyed, open mouthed surprise, then disbelief as this uniquely talented woman buried more and more of her oral appendage into the speechless girl on her back.

Sarah teased the nipples with her fingertips and smiled down at her. "Now do you see why all the girls like her?" she smiled.

"Oh, you are so sweet, pretty baby..." Daphne enthused, "and so tight! My God you're a tight one. I'm going to make you scream little girl," she laughed.

"Don't scare her, Daph," Sarah reasoned, sympathetically, but Katie was already crying out, the stinging in her groin reminding her of that very first time with Julie in the showers. 'It's only supposed to hurt once,' Katie thought. 'Julie promised me. It only hurts just the once.'

Daphne looked up at the girl, clearly puzzled. Katie appeared fearful as she lay in her blonde partners arms, her legs still spread wide, held there by the wicked brunette. Daphne licked her lips. There was a rich, darkly sweet flavour that she knew but couldn't quite place for a second; just for a second, then she realised.

'Of course' she thought. She looked down at the open vulva, the moisture from her saliva mingled with the translucent juice from Katie's pussy glistening in the afternoon sun. There was a trace of red; tiny streaks of red, and at once she knew.

"My God," Daphne exclaimed. "You're a virgin." A faint smile spread slowly across her face.

"No! No I'm not!" Katie objected.

"Well, no! I agree, you're not. Not now, leastways," she laughed.

"I'm not! I'm not!" Katie half sobbed, clearly distraught.

"Wow. I've popped a virgin with my tongue," Daphne said delightedly to herself. "I've never had a virgin before," she told them, obviously quite pleased.

"I'm not!" Katie cried again.

"Ooohh baby. You're my first virgin," she laughed. "I'm going to give you such a fucking now baby. Like you've never known before."

"Daph. Don't you hurt her now," Sarah warned.

"Who? Me?" Daphne replied in mock innocence. "Nooo, never," she smiled, returning her attention to lapping up the sweet, tainted juices from the exposed pussy.

"How can this be?" Sarah asked of Katie. "You 'have' done this before haven't you? We did it this afternoon," she reasoned.

"Yes," the girl replied, "but... It's just that... well... I've never felt anything quite that big before."

"Ooohh, this is going to be sooo goood," Daphne grinned, lustfully.

She wrapped her right arm over and around Katie's left thigh, gripping her tight and holding her by the other hip with her free hand, and Sarah watched the shocked expression on Katie's face as the lust crazed brunette began tongue-fucking her in earnest.

Katie began humping and jerking frantically in response to the colossal tongue incessantly plunging into her, harder and faster than she would have thought possible. She began screaming out, her eyes and mouth wide open as Sarah cradled the girl's upper body in her arms to comfort her, a worried look on her face, but half a smile there too. Partly she was concerned for the girl, but also she was excited by the pure intensity of her pleasure.

"It's a good thing this is a detached house," Sarah joked, trying to alleviate Katie's fears.

Katie just stared past her up at the ceiling, her eyes wide and her mouth open, her head occasionally nodding and jerking involuntarily as she gulped, unable to believe the depth to which Daphne's tongue could reach.

"Ooohh... Sweet juicy little cunt for lunch," Daphne purred delightedly as she came up for air. "This has to be the best lunch ever," she laughed, pressing her mouth back over and plunging her tongue deep, again and again.

"Don't use... that word," Katie gasped. "You promised... you wouldn't... say it... anymore."

"Ha! You're a strange one," Daphne laughed. "You don't mind me sucking and tonguing your cunt, but you don't want me to call it what it is."

"I just... don't like... OH!... that word. Aaahh!" Katie cried, between thrusts.

"Well, don't you worry sweet thing. Mmmnn. Mmmnn. I'm going to give you what you do like. Mmmnn. Mmmnn," Daphne purred.

She pressed her palms against the backs of Katie's knees and forced the legs wide, holding Katie's lower back tight down on the end of the bed as she closed her mouth over the open crotch and consumed the girl.

Katie's body bucked and lurched again, as yet another orgasm flooded through her, making her cry out. She tried to push Daphne away, fearful for the way it was making her feel, but Sarah clung tightly to her, holding her arms still, and she gushed again, very little this time, but directly into Daphne's open mouth, the brunette woman consuming every drop.

"Let her finish baby," the blonde woman said softly to Katie. "It will be good for you... You'll see."

"Oh I do love the taste of freshly fucked young cunt," Daphne whispered, still lapping at the exposed pussy. "You really are a delicious little treat," she said, sucking on the tender shaved mound.

It was as if Katie hadn't cum at all; she didn't let her rest.

She wriggled the tip of her tongue into the tiny slit between those tender fleshy lips, tracing the groove up and down, and marvelling at the response as Katie's hips continued to buck, pushing up to meet her each time as it slipped out to flick the stiff little clitoris, peeking out to see what all the fuss was about.

"Thank you Sarah, Thank you so much," Daphne smiled. "I never expected that when I went out this morning, you would have a sweet, hot little cunt like this waiting for me here."

Sarah gave her a disapproving look. "Please make her stop saying that?" Katie moaned.

"It's only words darling," Sarah soothed, stroking the girl's face lovingly as she kissed her.

"I just don't like it," she reasoned, but Sarah didn't rebuke her partner and although Daphne relented for a while, she didn't stop altogether.

"Mmmm... I always fancied having a sweet little thing like you for lunch."

Katie was now shaking, almost trembling, and she wondered how much longer this delicious assault on senses could possibly continue. Sarah cradled the girl in her arms, caressing and kissing her lovingly, while Daphne resumed her lust crazed ravishment, hurriedly bringing her to yet another mind shattering orgasm.

By the time Katie was recovering from her latest explosive orgasm of the day, Daphne seemed satisfied, at least for the moment. Katie lay in Sarah's arms, emitting a series of low "Ooohh, Ooohh," sounds, as Daphne's tongue soothed her, stroking all around the now relaxed area. The girl reached up to kiss Sarah, and she smiled, relaxing as the lovely tall blonde played with her breasts and teased her nipples, not really arousing her this time; she felt she was past that.

It was getting late. The digital clock on the bedside table read 4:22pm. Katie knew her mam would be expecting her home. As Daphne climbed up to rejoin the pair on the bed, Katie turned to face Sarah again, and the pair cuddled together, once more only leaving Daphne Katie's bare back to cuddle up to.

"Are you OK my love?" Sarah breathed softly, kissing the girl's face as she stroked her cheek and held her close. Katie nodded.

Daphne couldn't help feeling a definite pang of jealousy on seeing the girl that way with Sarah, despite having just given her the best tonguing she had ever known. She snuggled up behind Katie, spooning the girl as her hands began to explore once more.

"Oh no, no, no," Katie laughed softly, shaking her head, "Ireally have to go," she said, excusing herself with a reluctantly resistant smile as she tried to sit up.

"Did you enjoy what we did?" Daphne asked. Katie turned to look at her. Despite the woman's underlying dominant character, there seemed to be a pleading in her face, a strangely inherent sense of longing behind her eyes. 'She just wants to be loved, the same as everyone,' Katie thought to herself.

"Of course," Katie told her with a kindly smile. "It was beautiful."

"Really?" Daphne asked, appearing hopefully reassured.

"Of course," Katie said softly, and leaned over to kiss the woman, whispering in her ear, "Best I've ever known."

Daphne turned her onto her back and began kissing and caressing her body again.

"Oh no! Oh no no no," Katie laughed, shaking her head. "I can't. There's no time. I have to be going," she reasoned.

"Oh no," Daphne whined, feigning her sobs as she begged the girl to stay. "If you really did enjoy it, do you think you could do just one little thing for me?" she asked.

Katie gave her a puzzled, exasperated sigh. "Oh, what is it?" she joked, cocking her head to one side and smiling quizzically.

"You may think it's a bit weird," Daphne warned her. "I've never asked this of anyone before. You would be the first."

Katie was intrigued. 'Oh my God. What on earth is coming?' she thought. "It's not something disgusting is it? I'm not doing anything disgusting," she insisted.

Daphne gave her a sideways look. "I've just given you one hell of an orgasm with my tongue, she reasoned. Just hear me out, would you?"

"Sorry," Katie apologised, sheepishly.

"It's just that... I like the feel of muscles moving under the skin."

"You mean my arms?" Daphne didn't respond. "My legs?" she suggested. Daphne shook her head slowly, smiling. Sarah just looked at her partner in stunned surprise.


"Your back," Daphne said softly, with an abashed smile.

Sarah wondered about this. She thought about how sometimes in bed, particularly after they had been making love, she would lie on her face hugging the pillow, and Daphne would lie sideways across her, resting her cheek on the back of her shoulder. Daphne would cuddle her that way, with one hand under her tummy and the other up between Sarah's parted thighs from behind, just running her finger up and down along the opening, not intending it sexually, although it was extremely sensual. She just did it in a loving, caring way, and Sarah would move her body and Daphne would kiss her back. Sarah always thought that was a bit odd, but she quite liked the peculiar intimacy of it all.

"You want to feel the muscles in my back?"

Daphne nodded, her manner oddly diffident. "I want to feel them moving under my fingers and against my lips. Is that weird?"

Katie smiled, thinking 'Yes it is, fairly,' but she shook her head. "I like some strange things too," she said softly, "so no, I don't think it's all that weird. Not really."

Daphne smiled. "Do you think you have time to indulge me then, pretty baby?"

"What, now?" Katie reasoned, sounding surprised. "I really need to get home," she explained. "My mam will wonder where I am."

"Oh please sweet thing." She seemed so abnormally humble. "It won't take long. Come on pretty baby. I just want to feel your muscles move as I kiss the back of your shoulder."

"You want me to sit here with my tits out, waving my arms around, so you can grope my back?"

"It's OK baby. I won't look," Daphne giggled, giving the girl a mischievous wink.

"Well I will," Sarah joked, although Katie realised it wasn't really a joke. Even so, she thought she'd feel quite comfortable with Sarah looking.

"Anyway," Daphne laughed, "it's not as if we haven't both seen them before." Katie gave her a scowl.

She looked to the lithe blonde for support, but Sarah just shrugged and smiled. "Like I said before my love, I can't decide for you. It has to be what you want."

"Come on baby," Daphne cajoled her, sitting the girl up and sliding sideways behind her as she manoeuvred her into position, almost pushing her into it. She slid one arm around the semi-reluctant girl's tummy, pressing her free hand against the back of one shoulder, and kissing the other.

"I just want you to move your arms while I touch the back of your shoulder. I want to feel the muscles moving under your skin. I find it so... sensual."

Katie did as she was asked for a while, and Daphne moaned in delight as her fingers and lips enjoyed the sensation of the muscular movement. "Oh baby, that feels so good. It makes me so... excited," she squealed.

She slid both arms around Katie's tummy from behind, hugging the girl as she pressed her lips to the sinewy flesh at the back of her shoulder.

"Kiss her for me Sarah," Daphne said softly. "Give her a lovely deep French kiss. I want to see her take your tongue in her mouth. Keep moving your arms baby," she added to Katie. "Oh yes. Oh yes, yes. That feels so good."

She gingerly raised one hand slightly, caressing high on the girl's tummy, as the other arm hugged her, kissing the back of her shoulder as Katie complied with her request, moving her arms around and out to the sides. Daphne looked over the shoulder, watching Katie's face turned to one side, her lips locked together with Sarah's as the blonde woman's tongue probed her mouth, and Katie moaned, her mind drifting in heaven as Sarah's skilful fingertips teased and squeezed both nipples gently.

She began to wonder if this might have just been a ploy, despite what Daphne had said about it being a first for her. Soon Daphne's hand was pushing Sarah's away as it cupped over one small breast, pinching the nipple between her two middle fingers, the other hand caressing low on her tummy,

"Ohhh... Ohhh..." Katie began whimpering again, as Sarah's lips moved down to kiss the other plump, firm young breast.

"Come on baby," Daphne said, inspiring her. "Don't stop baby. This is so good," she whispered in Katie's ear. "That's it baby. raise your arm. Move it around for me. Oh my God that feels wonderful. Raise your arm baby. Oh yes. Right up high for me."

She kissed the bare shoulder, down Katie's back and dipped her head down around the side of the slender torso, then up under her arm. Katie let out an impassioned cry of pleasure, pulling her arms down instinctively, and neither woman could be sure if it was Sarah's nibbling at her nipple or Daphne biting the flesh under her arm, but they smiled excitedly at one another.

"Oh," the girl moaned softly. "Oh no. Oh no," she whimpered over and over as Daphne's kisses found their way around to her ripe little breast, both women now suckling on her stiff little nipples.