Games of Deceit


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Kate continued to suckle on my manhood, debating between what her mind wanted and her body desired. Moments passed before she finally decided, "Fuck me." She scooted to her right, still sitting on her haunches. She was staring at her mother's pussy, the place where she was birthed, with trepidation. Her desperate for cock cunt was forcing her into a bisexual incestual relationship with her mother. I positioned myself behind her, waiting. I reached between her legs to pet her clit for encouragement. She shuddered and then glanced back at me. I smiled. She took a deep breath and bent forward causing her moisture riddled love box to come into my view. After seeing what Lillian became, but more importantly witnessing the losing battle Kate just incurred, I was more than ready. In an instant, my cock was embedded through her folds in one incursion. She moaned before her head lowered. Lillian went nuts at contact. The orgasm I allowed her was only a precursor to what had been building inside her all day. I pounded Kate's sweet pussy. No subtleties. No niceties. Just me, thrust after thrust taking my pleasure just as the tattoo demanded. Kate's body defended itself by having multiple mini orgasms. Her cunt kept needing more lubrication due to the friction, as I didn't allow her to truly ride her ecstasy to completion. I was ruthless and soon her body gave up the fight. She went rigid as she cried into her mother's pussy. It seemed to echo into one drawn out wail before her body fell limp. I laid her to the side and looked up to Lillian.

Our eyes locked. The look in Lillian's was that of lust and need as if to say Kate was a nice appetizer but now it's time for the main course. I nodded to where I wanted her on the floor and she dove to it. I threw her legs over my shoulders and slammed into her. The noise from around the ball gag was one of relief; her pussy had been pleading for attention since this morning and at last, it was receiving it. I drove hard and deep, my eyes hypnotically watching the letters S-L-U-T being frantically shaken by the force I was applying. The poor hoops in her nipples didn't know if they were coming or going. Tonight was the first time in a long time I really tried holding out. It was too much fun. But that was also my problem. Too much fun led to my crying out, "Holy fuck!" I buried myself completely inside her quim and let loose a torrent of my cum. I seesawed into Lillian a few more times before I was forced to stop. I hate rug burns on my knees. I collapsed next to Lillian. She was crying. "Happy?" It was all I could say and I barely breathed that out.

Lillian nodded and embraced me tightly. Kate must have awoken because she slid in on my other side and did the same. We stayed in that position until my back told me otherwise. The girls collected their toy boxes and we went upstairs, with me in the lead. I headed straight to Lillian's bedchambers. I heard her giggle excitedly. I was halfway down the hall when I glanced back. Kate was frozen. My and her bedrooms were down the other hallway. I smiled inwardly at her reaction.

"You to Babe. This is all of ours new bedroom."

Kate ran, covering the distance lost like a marathon runner. She slowed when she was next to Lillian and smiled at her. Her mother reciprocated. At least she tried to. We went to sleep; I in the middle, Kate on my left, and Lillian on my right. Both cuddled up to me as if I was the air they needed to breath. I was enjoying this and liked the depths of depravity these two were willing to go to satisfy me. I wonder if that meant I was going soft? 'Hell no,' I laughed quietly.

The three of us fell into a routine. Weekdays, it was Kate and I fucking in the day. As much as we could. At night, it was Lillian and I fucking while we discussed her day. We would sip some wine and then she would ride me while we finished. Well, we finished our fucking and not necessarily our conversations. I was impressed at how well she hid her transformation while she was at work. Turtlenecks do wonders for hiding dog collars. On weekends, we went out. We were gawked, stared, looked, glanced, ogled, and given loads of attention either out of jealousy, mostly from men, or out of disgust, mostly from women. We did everything we could those days and then our nightcap was the three of us all together, somewhere. It could be anywhere in the house, or at the restaurant, or the club, or even us stopping to visit my favorite security guard at the mall parking lot. Kate and Lillian's relationship also flourished. I was certain that they were doing something on the side with each other. It was unfathomable how horny those two were. But inevitably, the phone call came.

"Hello, Cleary residence," I always try to sound professional over the phone. You never know when you can con a solicitor.

"Hey brother," Adrian called a few times a week but this time he was as chipper as ever. "How are things working out for you? How are the girls?"

"All of us are doing great." I tried to act interested as I slumped further into my chair. "Listen, I got to run and Lillian's not here right now. Can I take a message?" I lied. I wasn't going anywhere but I was going to cum soon. Lillian was in between my legs doing a marvelous job at giving me a titty fuck.

"All right if you got to go," Adrian sighed. Despite the fact that every time I brush him off when we speak, Adrian still has not gotten it through his thick head that I don't give a shit. "Just let everyone know that I won my case and I'll be back home tomorrow. Plane lands at five so about six I'll be there. Try to have everyone ready because I want to go out and celebrate!"

"No problem brother," He always gets a kick when I call him that. "Will do. Talk to you later." I hung up without giving him a chance to respond, having no intention of delivering that message.

My head tilted back as I returned the cordless to the charging station. "Ugh," I grunted as Lillian took her facial with a smile. I petted her head as she pulled my pants back up. "Slut, I need you home from work by five o'clock tomorrow. No excuses."

Lillian nodded as she put her ball gag back into her mouth. She never speaks to me unless it's during our nightly chat and that's usually her praising God as I fuck her senseless. She is a very good pet.

The next day, there was a change in the routine. Kate didn't even question it, not even when I told her to wear one of her old outfits. She gave me a sour playful face but obliged me. We went to the Russell's home. It was a nice day for early spring, so we sat on the elderly couple's back deck. George and I caught up before we moved into our standard political debate while Edith was more than happy to have a female companion to whom she could converse. Kate made the best of it, though she was clearly disinterested. The only thing that occupied her mind was curiosity.

"I'll go fetch us some more lemonade," Edith stood and took hold of the empty pitcher. "It's been very nice talking to you young lady."

"Glad to be here," Kate replied in kind.

"Well, while she's going to do that, I'm going to hit the head." George stood with a smile, "And don't think for one minute we're done talking about foreign policy."

I watched him hobble from the table, "Of course you need a break," I laughed. "You need to figure out a different argument!"

He chuckled as he went out of sight. I immediately turned to Kate. "You saw the large oil painting in the living room?" I referred to the couple's wedding portrait.

"Yes," Kate looked at me quizzically.

My eyes narrowed, "Behind that painting is a safe, combination 38-72-65-4. Empty everything you see in there into your bag." This was her final test.

"That's why you told me to use my large hand bag instead of my purse and threw in those first aid gloves," Kate whispered.

"Yes," I responded swiftly as Edith was opening the sliding door. Kate still hadn't said if she would do it. If she wouldn't, I would but then she wouldn't pass her test. The test she didn't know she was taking.

"Here we go," Edith sat with a smile and she refilled all four of our glasses.

"Enough of this foreign policy crap," George returned to the deck. "Let's get into healthcare."

I laughed, "I take it you concede that my views are better in terms to foreign policy?"

"Hell no," George guffawed. "I just concede I won't be able to convince you that I'm right."

"Excuse me," Kate stood. "I think I need to use the bathroom." She clutched her bag.

"Be our guest," Edith sweetly replied. "You can leave your bag. We promise not to steal anything from it."

I was in the middle of taking a drink and coughed on it at her remark. I recovered in time to add, "Don't listen to her. This one," I pointed at George, "thinks America has the right to barge in to any foreign government and demand payment for ridding the world of Bin Laden. He calls it 'for services rendered' and we drank their lemonade."

Everyone laughed but Kate replied, "No, it's not that. I just need to you, it's a female thing." One thing I really liked about Kate was her acting. Her face was one that was slightly embarrassed.

"Not a problem dear," Edith patted Kate's arm. "I remember when that used to be a problem for me though we didn't have all the choices you kids have now days."

Kate nodded and then vanished in the house.

"Such a sweet girl that one," Edith smiled to me.

"Yes. I'm very proud of my niece," I briefly held up my glass before taking a drink. "She's a good kid."

"Enough of this sappy crap," George interrupted. "On to healthcare."

I slung my typical bullshit for a few minutes before a soft voice came from behind. "Uncle Patrick, I'm going to head back home. It's worse than I thought and I'm starting to really cramp up."

"I'll be along in a minute," I answered over my shoulder.

"Here, let me show you out," Edith began to stand.

"That's okay," Kate turned around for the front door. "It's bad so I'm kind of in a hurry."

Edith slumped back into her chair. "Sweet child," she shook her head while she smiled.

I made one final point before standing, "I suppose I need to go be a good uncle and see how the squirt is doing."

"You can't leave yet," George smacked the table with his hand with all he could muster, which wasn't much.

"Sorry George, we'll have to finish next time."

"And bring your niece again," Edith added as I left.

I got back to the house and Kate was waiting for me in the kitchen, already changed into a more provocative ensemble. I was waiting for the question of why I had her do it. She didn't say anything so I started, "How much?" The Russell's were from a different era. They didn't trust banks and had all their money in that safe. I suppose it's better than under their mattress or on second thought, maybe not because I never would have seen that.

"I didn't count it," Kate smiled as she handed me the bag. "It's yours."

I was still waiting for the question I knew was coming. I took the bag and counted the contents as I emptied it. I kept glancing at Kate and every time she would either smile back or blow me a kiss or give me a little hand wave. I whistled when I finished, "$1,876,491. The Russell's were prepared for their retirement." Still no question. I eyed her curiously. "Aren't you going to ask? Don't you want to know? I won't reprimand you I'm the one asking."

Kate stood and sauntered a flaunting hip swaying walk in the four steps it took to get to me. "You have your reasons," Kate pecked at my lips. "I'm just happy you love me enough to include me." She kissed me a little more lovingly. "You are my entirety and I want to be that for you. I'm your Babe and I'll do anything you ask without question because I know you have our best interests at heart. I will never doubt you." This time she kissed me and didn't stop. It was passionate and full of love.

I glanced at the clock and it was a quarter till five. "I would love more than anything to bend you over this table and fuck you senseless..." Kate bent over at my words with a playful giggle. "But you need to go pack. Take only the essentials, and it better fit into two suitcases. You stay in your room until six-fifteen. That's when you will come to Slut's room with your suitcases. And hold onto this as well," I handed her the bag full of money.

Kate hustled to her room and I waited on Lillian. At 4:59, she arrived, panting as she ran from the car to the door so she wouldn't be late. She took a deep breath and as was her custom, she stripped right when the door shut and got into her uniform. I smiled, "Our bedroom. Now."

I walked with purpose up the stairs, Lillian right behind me. When we entered her bedchambers, she immediately grabbed her toy box while I stripped. I placed her on her stomach in the middle of the bed facing the door and removed the Ben Wa balls. I then placed as many toys as I could on and in her. Nipple clamps to go with her piercings, I strapped a vibrating egg to her so it was directly hitting her clit, anal beads, shoved a fat dildo in her pussy, and finally I bound together her hands and handcuffed her feet. When I was finished, her body was jerking spastically and she was in tears, crying her need. This was going to be so much fun. I looked at the clock and realized I had to hurry. I spent too much time getting her prepared.

I removed the dildo with force and entered her wet pussy easily. She moaned in ecstasy. I pushed hard and fast, I needed a quick release. I slammed brutally into her quim and she loved every moment of it. I was doing all I could to build myself up and suddenly I was almost there. Too early, damn. I kept a steady pace going and concentrated on Lillian. With one hand, I began playing with her clit, angling the vibrating egg where I desired and with the other, I found an opposite rhythm pushing and pulling on the anal beads. I got into a groove and soon after Lillian was thrashing about.

"Oh my God!" Adrian yelled, as he stood frozen at the entrance to the room. I smiled at his arrival. I can only imagine his thoughts at the sight of his wife being fucked while wearing a ball gag, dog collar, and had the tattoo Slut on her jiggling tits right before his eyes. Then he noticed the restraints. "Oh my God," he repeated the words only it had a very different connotation this time. The first one was of shock. This one was full of anger. "You Bastard, you're raping my wife."

I kept thrusting but removed the ball gag.

"Fuck me," Lillian screamed. She seemed impervious to the fact her husband was right in front of her. "Don't stop fucking me with that glorious cock!"

If there was an added bonus to the ball gag, this was it. Lillian was forced to be silent by it but when I removed it as I fucked her, it seemed she was making up for all that time lost by shouting so loud that the roof would come down. It was awesome.

Adrian's anger dissipated at her words. "Lillian?" He fell to his knees. "That can't be you," he muttered. His face showed his heartache, his disbelief, his anguish.

"She's got a great cunt, brother," I laughed as I rammed into his wife one final time, unloading a tsunami of my semen.

"Oh yes!" Lillian shrieked. "Fill my slutty pussy with that divine essence!" That was a new one. "Fuck!" She wailed one final time as her climax drove her to new heights.

"It's six-fifteen," Kate announced her presence from the doorway. "Is it time to go Darling?"

"Yes it is." I pushed Lillian to the side and got dressed. Lillian was still panting when she finally noticed I grabbed a suitcase from the closet.

"Kate?" Adrian exasperated. "Not you too?"

I leaned in to Adrian, "Your daughter's pussy was fucking tight when I took her cherry. Still is." I mussed his hair as I used to do when we were younger and he started to cry.

"Wait, what about me?" Lillian called in the most distressed voice I ever heard. She actually was able to stand but walking was futile. "I want to come," She whined and was on the verge of tears.

"What about you?" I countered as I started for the door. I noticed Kate had a huge smile at this development. At that moment, she understood her rival for me was gone. She didn't care about how close they had become because deep down she still was scared I would choose Lillian over her.

"You can't leave me. Please don't leave me. I need you Master," Lillian pleaded. It was the first time she called me that. It was tempting.

"You're still married to this worthless piece of shit," I kicked Adrian in the side. I like adding injury to insult. "I can't take you with me. Now if you would've divorced him..."

"I'm sorry. I'll do it. I'll divorce him. Today, right now," Lillian was beyond frantic.

"Too late."

"But I'm pregnant," Lillian hopped toward us.

I wasn't expecting that. I knew Kate was on birth control because her periods were irregular or something like that. I wasn't really paying attention but we had talked about it in the very beginning. I don't know why but I just assumed Lillian was protected as well. "If you remember whose property you are, I might be back," I said coldly. This time Lillian slumped to her knees and began sobbing. I looked down at Adrian with a sinister glare. I grabbed him by the hair and forcefully made him meet my eyes. "Take care of my Slut and kid for me." His eyes were glazed over. "Do it and I'll let you see your daughter again, you know, the one you call your angel," I lied.

Adrian's eyes focused on Kate and she smiled at him. His tears were still cascading down his cheeks but his eyes expressed hope as he nodded. Barely but he nodded. I released his head. "Let's go Babe."

Kate and I packed our suitcases into her rusty Camry. I would have loved to take the BMW but Adrian could have called in a stolen vehicle and we wouldn't have gotten far. Kate owned this car and I owned Kate. I am still surprised that I found someone who might be as equally conniving and just as manipulative as I am. And so we left to find our first adventure. Together. I wonder how long it will be before I get bored of Kate and leave her stranded somewhere? It will happen. And her reaction will create my happy ending. Hey, I told you I was the bad guy.

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shadrachtshadracht8 months ago

Disappointing from a usually spectacular author. It's written fine, it's just not a story that needed to be written, full of horrible people who win.

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFireabout 1 year ago

Haven’t hated hated many stories on here but goddamn this one actually made me sick to my stomach. Not even bothering with the other one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
really good

I really enjoyed this story I kinda wish Patrick made Kate fuck another man to test her loyalty

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A big fan.

This series is a strange one. It stands differently from other sex stories on this site as its focus in on the villain. This change in perspective is refreshing. Making for one heck of a read. Kate's slow deterioration to slut is extremely exciting and well written. I would love to see the series continued.


A Fan

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Just amazing I have read everyone of your stories and there all fucking amazing

ramonbrookramonbrookover 8 years ago
Yea the main character is an asshole....

And I wanted to see him get his ass kicked. But you were very clear about this up front so how can anyone complain. And my complaint isn't with uncle Patrick! It is with the so called loving wife and daughter! They are bigger assholes than Patrick! They pretty much shit in Aidan's face and they are the ones, in my opinion, that need to be torn down to size for who they really are! Maybe Alana was right about Katie being a loser! And Lillian is a degenerate who must have always been a sick bitch. Good riddens! All three of them need to feel some scorched earth!

crystal_fancrystal_fanover 10 years ago

Good work! I can't say I like your main char, but I suppose that's the point. Ignore the haters; 8 pages and someone complains about a typo, especially after you opening "no editor" comment? His complaint isn't worth the paper it isn't written on. Please keep on with the writing.

fgmntfmgnshnfgmntfmgnshnover 10 years agoAuthor
Difference between a series and a chaptered story:

I didnt think I had to do this, and I hate responding to unconstructive feedback, but after the hateful email I just recieved, here it goes: The reason there is not a Ch. 1 listed in the title is because this is going to be a series and not a continuing story. Each submission is going to be its own book if you will with no need to read any of the prior installments. The only constant will be the main character. That will make each narrative unique and therefore its own story. Thanks to the anonymous idiot who reemed me through an email despite not knowing the difference.

Also, for those who want to complain about grammar - I warned you - and you are preaching to the choir. I reread my work ten times (seriously) before submitting. If you dont like it, then do something about it and email me to be my editor. Us authors are not paid. We dont have a big book company with a myriad of paid editors to fix our mistakes. We do what we can for your enjoyment. If it bugs you, go read 'Fifty Shades of Grey.'

To all who have favorited or rated this story or any of my others highly, thanks. I know its crap to give two paragraphs to Anonymous idiots and you readers only one sentence, but I cannot stress this enough, thank you. It is my great honor to continue writing for all of you. Any (non anonymous) email will be answered and have no problems discussing current or future submissions. Thank you.

Damn that was therapeutic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
"Naval" is nothing to do with navel.

One extra point off for not knowing the difference between the two.

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