Gang-Banged Teen Virgins Ch. 01

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Horny frat bros ignite teen virgins' passions.
5.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/20/2022
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Note: This is a BISEXUAL story. It has male-male sex, as well as male-female sex.

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Eric's heart pounded as he unbuttoned Cindy's shirt. Unlike the first time, his fingers were steady.

He was a fairly ordinary looking 19-year-old, almost six feet tall and slender, with brown hair and dark eyes. He'd skipped the fifth and eighth grades and was a college sophomore.

Cindy was slender and almost as tall as Eric, with a pretty face, long legs, small breasts, bright brown eyes, and long straight dark brown hair. She was a 19-year-old freshman.

They'd met at the library, went for coffee, and decided they liked each other. A lot.

Since they'd started dating, they'd gone from chaste kisses to passionate tongue kissing. On the last several dates, he'd taken her shirt off and fondled her firm little breasts through her bra while they kissed.

Last time, she'd smiled as he'd removed her shirt and set it aside. As always, her smile had been warm but serious. He'd always wondered what she was hiding behind that mysterious smile.

Wordlessly, she'd sunk back on the bed. He'd gotten on top of her and kissed her. She'd kissed him back, first with shy tenderness but then with mounting intensity. He couldn't figure out how to take her bra off, so he'd lifted her bra cups and licked, kissed, and sucked her nipples. She'd moaned and rolled her hips, rubbing her vulva against his crotch bulge through their clothes. He'd been so excited he'd come in his boxer briefs.

It was a warm Sunday afternoon. They'd spread their blanket on the soft grass at the edge of the forest and eaten their picnic lunch. Then they'd started kissing. He'd stripped off his long-sleeved faded blue tee-shirt, then unbuttoned her green checked shirt and pulled it open.

Her bra was a pale mint green that matched her shirt. It revealed a hint of cleavage, covering her small breasts while still calling attention to her femininity. It was soft and clinging, like a sports bra, but definitely underwear instead of an outer garment.

"You're so pretty." He took her shirt off and dropped it on the blanket, then kissed her. She kissed him back, opening her mouth and darting her tongue against his.

"Um... hum...," she purred as he gripped the elastic band at the bottom of her bra and started to lift it.

"Well, aren't you two cute!" Eric jerked his hand away from Cindy's bra and twisted around to see who had spoken. It was a tall man with thick blond hair, piercing blue eyes, chiseled movie star features, and a muscular body.

Eric recognized him instantly. It was Adam. He was Chapter President of the Delta Iota Kappa Sigma fraternity. Non-frats called them "the DICKS" and they had a reputation for being hard partying assholes. He was wearing a tight-fitting black tank top and matching running shorts that showed off his muscular body and carrying a big bottle of Wild Turkey 101.

Adam gave Eric a dismissive glance, then spent a long time looking Cindy over, letting his gaze linger on her nearly flat chest and modest cleavage. He lifted the bottle and took a long drink, then said, "You're really pretty."

Cindy blushed and put her hands over her breasts. Adam drank more whisky and moved so close that Eric could see the blond stubble on his chin and cheeks. "I bet you'd rather have a man than a boy."

"Uh... No!" She tried to shrink away while keeping her eyes on the big powerful man. "I just want you to leave me..." She glanced over at Eric, who was frozen in shock. "... us... alone."

"Really?" Adam smiled like a shark. "You look like a girl who really needs it." He caught her wrists and pulled her to her feet.

Eric scrambled to his feet and balled his fists. "You heard her. Leave her alone."

Adam laughed, then grabbed Cindy and kissed her roughly while running his hands over her back and kneading her buttocks. Eric tried to pull him away from Cindy, but the big man was as immobile as a statue. He held her in place with one hand while fondling her breasts with the other. "You're a hot little piece." He slid his hand down between her legs and rubbed her vulva through her tight fitting forest green yoga pants. "You need a good hard cock."

Cindy tore herself away. She looked terrified, but was breathing hard as she stared at the big bulge in Adam's shorts. "No! Just go away."

Eric threw himself at Adam, throwing wild punches. Adam blocked them easily. "Get out of here!" Eric yelled at Cindy. She stood frozen for a second, then took off running up the trail.

Adam stood still, watching her running butt and ignoring Eric's ineffectual blows. When she'd disappeared into the forest, he turned and punched Eric in the stomach.

Eric doubled over in pain, trying to breathe and fighting to keep from throwing up. He managed to stay on his feet, summoned his strength, and swung again.

Adam laughed and dodged the punch, then spun Eric around and grabbed him from behind. "If I can't have her, I'll just have to fuck you."

He yanked Eric's khaki hiking shorts down around his knees, hobbling him and revealing his tight red boxer briefs with a black band and white lettering. "Cute panties," he growled, rubbing Eric's crotch bulge through the clinging cloth.

"Stop!" Eric tried to turn around and was almost tripped by the hiking shorts around his knees.

"Make me." Adam pulled Eric's boxers down, freeing his hard-on. He laughed and curled his hand around Eric's stiff rod. "You want my big hard cock!"

"No!" Eric tried to twist away. Adam grabbed him and pushed him down onto his knees, then pulled his running shorts down and knelt behind him.

Eric gasped as something big and round pressed into his anus. It hurt. He struggled, but couldn't escape. At least, he'd saved Cindy...

Two college-age men came out of the woods. Each was holding one of Cindy's hands.

One was short and heavy, with limp shoulder length brown hair, a scraggly mustache, and a ragged goatee. He was wearing a Delta Iota Kappa Sigma tee-shirt, camo pants, and heavy black Doc Martin boots.

The other was tall, thin, and super athletic, with a black buzz cut and two days of beard stubble. He was dressed in a gray ROTC tee-shirt, olive drab hiking shorts, and low-cut hiking boots.

Eric knew them. They were in some of his sophomore classes. The fat kid was Tommy and the ROTC guy was Warren. They were both Delts. "We got her," Tommy said.

Adam laughed and patted Eric's ass. "Looks like you're spared." Then, he pushed a finger between Eric's butt cheeks. It hurt going into his anus, but also made his cock jerk. "At least for now."

* * *

The Delts took Eric and Cindy through the woods, leaving their shirts and picnic stuff behind.

"Where are we going?" Cindy asked as they followed a narrow trail deeper into the forest.

"Don't worry." Adam patted her ass possessively. "You'll find out soon enough."

The trail opened into a clearing which held a small wood house. A hand-carved plaque over the front door was inscribed with the Greek letters "Delta Iota Kappa Sigma."

"Our home away from home." Adam opened the door and gestured for Eric and Cindy to go inside. "We're going to have some fun."

Most of the cabin was a combined living room, dining room, and kitchen. Doors along a side wall led to bedrooms and a bathroom. The room was littered with empty beer cans and a couple of empty whisky bottles. A heavy smell of pot hung in the air.

"Wake up, guys!" Adam called. "We've got a surprise for you." Two sleepy-looking guys stumbled out of the bedrooms. One was Adam's age. The other looked like a freshman.

The older guy's hairy body made him look like a heavily-tattooed bear. He was short and built like a weightlifter, with a black stubble beard and a buzz cut. He was barefoot and dressed only in worn black satin boxing shorts.

The freshman was almost as short as the Bear, but so skinny it looked like a strong wind could blow him away. His black hair was rumpled and he had a sparse teenage mustache. He was dressed in a white sleeveless undershirt and tight white briefs. He popped an instant boner as he stared at Cindy's bra and skin-tight yoga pants.

"Well!" the Bear said. Eric looked at the bulge in the tattooed man's loose boxers with alarm. "I thought you were just going swimming."

"Change of plans," Adam said. "We were on our way to the lake and we saw this wimp." He put a possessive hand on Eric's butt, giving him a sudden erection. "And his girl." He grinned lewdly at Cindy. "He was fooling around with her bra and we decided she needed a real man." He looked at his companions. "Or five."

He stepped behind Eric, gripped his hips to hold him in place, and ground his crotch bulge between Eric's butt cheeks. "She's way overdressed," he told the Delts. "Take her pants off."

"All right." Bear grabbed cushions from the big leather sofa and threw them on the floor in front of Eric. Tommy and Warren pushed her down onto the cushions. She kicked and screamed as Bear removed her black sneakers and then peeled her yoga pants off.

Vic reached for her bra, but Adam shook his head. "Not yet. I want to admire her underwear."

Cindy scrambled to her feet and faced Adam, naked except for her mint green bra and matching panties. Her breasts were heaving and her face and body were flushed. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because you're here," Adam answered. "And because we've been partying all weekend and we're horny as fuck..."

"No." Cindy put her hands over her little breasts and backed toward the door. Bear stopped her. "Please don't."

"Oh Baby. Don't be that way." Bear pushed her up against the wall. "We're going to have a lot of fun." He put his hands on her breasts. She tried to push him away, but he was too strong.

Adam made a gesture. Tommy and Warren restrained Eric while Bear moved behind Cindy and frog marched her forward. They stopped in front of Eric with Bear holding her from behind.

Adam joined Cindy and Bear. "You're so pretty in those undies." He put his hands on her hips and then slid them up to her breasts. She tried to shrink away, but Bear held her motionless.

"Your little tits..." Adam traced her discreet cleavage with his index finger. "... look so good in that bra." He looked at Eric and grinned, then turned back to Cindy. "Let's see them."

He gripped the elastic band at the bottom of the bra and pulled it up over Cindy's head. "Oh yeah!" Adam tossed the filmy scrap of fabric toward Eric. It hit him in the face and then fell to the floor at his feet. "You've got beautiful breasts. They match your body so well."

Cindy tried to cover her breasts, but Bear held her hands at her sides. "No." Her voice was barely a whisper. "Don't."

"Who's going to stop me?" Adam asked. "Your boyfriend?" Eric tried to lunge at Adam, but Tommy and Warren held him in place. "He's no match for a real man." She struggled as he kissed her roughly, but couldn't escape. When he pulled away, she stood still, staring at him with wide eyes. Her breathing was ragged and her nipples were swollen.

Adam laughed. "You liked that." She shook her head vigorously. He laughed again, then bent forward. She closed her eyes and moaned as he kissed, licked, and sucked her nipples.

"Damn! You are one hot little minx." As Eric watched in horror, Adam put his hand between Cindy's legs and rubbed her slit through her panties.

She gasped and arched her back as he pushed his finger in deeper. "No," she whispered, rolling her pelvis in time with his sliding finger. "Stop." It didn't sound like she meant it.

"Fucking Jesus! I'm so hard!" Adam stepped away from Cindy with an immense tent in his running shorts. "You're such a fox!"

Bear turned Cindy so she was facing Eric. Her panties were soaking wet. Eric thought she'd peed herself until Adam pressed his dripping finger into his mouth. Some primal sense told Eric that it smelled and tasted like raw overheated woman. His already hard cock grew stiffer, straining against his boxers.

Adam grinned at the giant bulge in Eric's hiking shorts. "Yeah. I've got her that hot." He turned to Bear and pointed to the cushions at Eric's feet. "Put her there. On her back."

Cindy struggled helplessly as Bear laid her on the cushions. "We're going to show your foxy little girlfriend what a MAN is like," Adam told Eric. "If you're a good BOY we might let you take a turn... After we've finished."

He kicked his black sneakers off, then removed his black tank top, revealing his muscular chest. As Eric stared, he pushed his tight black running shorts down around his ankles and kicked them away. His cock was already rock hard. It was a LOT longer and thicker than Eric's average-sized penis and towered over his big balls.

Adam put his hand on Eric's crotch and rubbed his hard dick through his hiking shorts and boxers. "You like looking at a REAL MAN, don't you." Eric shook his head, embarrassed by his erection.

"Oh, I think you do." Adam curled a fist around his shaft and pointed his hard-on directly at Eric. "Take a good look at my cock. I'm going to fuck your girlfriend with it."

Bear held Cindy's shoulders as Adam knelt between her spread legs. She kicked and struggled, but couldn't get away.

"Relax. You're going to enjoy this." Adam took Cindy's panties off and tossed them away.

Eric tried to look away, but couldn't help staring at the lewdly exposed area between Cindy's legs. He'd fantasized about seeing her naked, but not like THIS. Her puffy pussy lips peeked teasingly out of her thick dark brown pubic thatch.

"Ready?" Adam gripped his stiff rod and aimed it between Cindy's legs.

"Leave her alone!" Eric broke free from Tommy and Warren and lunged for Adam. Frozen in surprise, they stood still for a second before chasing him. They caught him at the edge of the cushions.

"You want a closer look?" Adam asked smugly. "All right." He positioned his cock head between Cindy's engorged pussy lips. "Watch this." He started to push forward.

"Don't do that," Eric said. "Fuck me instead."

Adam twisted around to look up at Eric and his hard-on slipped away from Cindy's pussy mouth. "For real?"

Eric's heart was pounding and he was painfully aware of the raging boner trapped in his boxers. "Yeah."

Adam rose to his feet and put his hand on the bulge in Eric's hiking shorts. "So, you're offering me your butt?" Eric nodded grimly. "Your VIRGIN butt?"

Eric nodded again. Adam looked at him thoughtfully and then said, "Okay. That'll be different." The blond man's long thick cock was harder than ever. The thin trickle of precum leaking from his slit was running over his broad plow-head, down his rigid shaft, and over his balls. The sight was terrifying, but also arousing.

Adam said, "Strip."

Eric felt super self-conscious taking his clothes off in front of a bunch of clothed men, plus naked and erect Adam. And especially Cindy, who'd stopped struggling and was kneeling naked on the cushions, staring at him with wide-eyed... lust?

He took off his hiking boots, socks, and hiking shorts, then froze with his hands on the black waistband of his red boxer briefs. He didn't want these men to see his hard-on. Even more, he didn't want Cindy to see it. Not like this...

"Let's see the rest." Adam yanked Eric's boxers down, freeing his stiff pole from the tightly stretched fabric. "Oh yeah!" Adam pointed to the drop of precum gleaming at Eric's tip. "You want it all right."

"What now?" Eric tried to keep his voice steady, despite his terror and embarrassment.

Adam put his hands on Eric's shoulders and pushed him to his knees. "Suck my cock."

Eric felt like he was dreaming. It was one of those dreams that ended with him waking up with his boxers full of cum. But this was no dream. Everything from the pressure of his knees on the hard wood floor to the tension in his cock and balls had a hard-edged reality that could never be mistaken for a dream.

"Come on, kid," Adam growled. "If you don't suck my cock, your girlfriend is going to do it."

Eric heard Cindy sob behind him. He wanted to twist around to see what was happening to her, but he couldn't stop staring at the giant rod rising from Adam's crotch. It was like a thick pale snake preparing to strike. He reached out and gripped Adam's shaft. His fingers didn't quite close around its girth.

He squeezed Adam's hard dick gently. It was warm and firm but slightly yielding, like Eric's own stiff pole but felt completely different. He'd masturbated as much as any other teenage boy, but he'd never expected to be holding another man's stiff cock. It felt really weird. And more sexy than anything he'd ever done.

Eric took Adam's cock-head and the upper part of his shaft into his mouth. It tasted like hot sweaty skin and something else. Almost like the taste when he sucked Cindy's nipples, but more raw and male.

He'd never gone down on a girl and certainly hadn't sucked a cock, but instinct showed him what to do. He slowly bobbed over Adam's rod, sucking it hard as his closed lips slid over the thick shaft.

"Yeah," Adam growled. "You like my cock..." He gasped as Eric stroked his swollen shaft while swirling his tongue over the tightly-stretched skin of his cock-head. "Fuck! You're good!"

Eric's cock had never been so hard. He clamped his lips around the deep furrow between Adam's cock-head and shaft, then pressed the tip of his tongue into Adam's cum-slit, savoring the tart super-male taste of his precum.

Adam groaned and kneaded Eric's shoulders as Eric sucked his cock hard and fast, bobbing over his dick-head while stroking his shaft and kneading his balls.

"Oh my God!" Cindy gasped. Eric could hear her ragged breathing and a soft rhythmic squishing noise coming from the cushions. He heard another sound. Deep bass male grunts. What was happening to Cindy?

Eric forgot about that when Adam grabbed the back of his head and rolled his hips, fucking his face hard and fast. He held on, squeezing Adam's balls roughly and jacking his shaft, eager for a blast of hot cum filling his mouth and running down his throat.

He was disappointed when Adam pulled his throbbing cock out of his mouth. "Fuckin' A!" he gasped. "You're a fine cocksucker!" He shocked Eric by pulling him to his feet and violently kissing him with a hot super-dirty tongue, that was nothing like Cindy's passionate kisses.

Eric kissed Adam back, just as fiercely. "What now?" He knew the answer, but wanted to hear the big blond stud say it.

"I'm going to fuck your sexy butt." Adam bent Eric over with his hands braced against the back of the couch.

Eric looked over at Cindy. She was on her knees with her legs spread, rolling her pelvis and working two fingers in and out of her dripping pussy. Bear had removed his boxing shorts and was kneeling naked behind her, fondling her breasts and humping her butt crack.

Cindy pulled away from Bear and jumped to her feet. "I want to watch." Her eyes were wild and Eric wondered what had happened to the shy girl he thought he knew.

Bear got up and went into the bedroom. He came back a few seconds later carrying a little plastic squeeze bottle. He handed the bottle to Adam, then embraced Cindy from behind. "Adam and your boyfriend are gonna give you a show."

"Go on," Cindy told Adam. "Fuck his ass." She bent forward with her hands on her knees, watching Adam and Eric closely. Bear slipped his hard-on between her open legs. She brought her spread legs together, trapping his rod between her thighs.

"Oh man!" The voice startled Eric. He'd forgotten about Tommy, Warren, and Vic.

The three Delts were standing in a rough line beside them, swigging Wild Turkey and stroking their stiff cocks while they watched Adam, Eric, Cindy, and Bear.

Tommy and Warren were naked. Tommy looked better covered by his Delta Iota Kappa Sigma shirt and camo pants. His body was hairless, with budding man-breasts and a belly that made his average-sized penis look tiny.