Gene Therapy - Dose 05


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The girls' attention suddenly jerked away from the table with my semen on it to my ponderous testicles hanging in a sack with the volume of a grapefruit. "Okay ladies. As you see, there are doses of my fresh and fertile semen on the table over there. In this sack are a set of tokens."

I handed each girl a 3D-printed token, each bearing a relief of a spermatozoa on one side, and a pregnant woman in profile on the other. A rather elegant touch, I thought. "Each one of these tokens represents a single vial of semen. Near the end of this session, for each token you possess you will have one vial filled with potently fertile sperm injected into your womb. You can trade tokens if you want, give them away, but none can be discarded. Understood?"

Each girl was reverently holding her token. "Yes" was the general response.

"Finally, the girl with the most tokens will get an injection directly from this." I grasped my cock for emphasis. A couple girls cooed. "If all the tokens for the vials are used up, I'll have to reward new tokens with this as well."

The girls started grinning then, hoping to exhaust the supply of tokens to earn a fucking with my massive tool. There were wet stains on the carpet between their legs, and even their nipples seemed both tersely hard and overly engorged at once; fighting between being puffy and being squeezed into raisins.

"First question ladies: Who here wants to be a mother and why? Be honest with your answers, and you'll get tokens as a reward. Answer in order. 'A', you're first."

'A' followed instructions and answered. "Honestly, until now, I never wanted to have kids at all, ever." It seems she might be a big part of the anti-pregnancy bullying.

'B' followed suit. "Well, I thought it might be nice to get pregnant so my breasts would grow bigger."

'C' answered. "I know I want to have kids at some point, but I never really thought about it much."

'D' was a bit awkward "I always thought I'd know when I was ready to have kids when I met the man who made me want them." It seems she's the romantic type.

'E' looked a bit nervous, conscious of her friend's opinions. "Since I was little, I knew that being a mother, having babies, was what I wanted to do. It's my dream." She became bolder. "I'm only here in college to help me find a man that can support me while I have lots of children!" This girl showed a lot of promise.

'F' Looked at 'E' with a mixture of awe and respect. "I have always wanted to have a family, a husband and a bunch of kids, but not as much as 'E' I think."

I handed out the sperm tokens, skipping over A and handing the other girls one. Busty 'E' got three for the excellent answer, while 'F' got two.

"Next question ladies. Who here would ever get an abortion?"

Only C raised her hand. "Most of you are correct, you should never get an abortion." I handed all the girls but 'C' a token.

'C' realized her loss. "I changed my mind!"

I shook my head sadly at her. "I'm sorry, but there's no second chances."

I sized up the girls. "So, now a chance to earn two tokens." That got their attention, their eyes snapped back to watch my face rather than my genitals. "Which of you is on birth control?"

All the girls but the big-breasted 'E' raised their hands. It wasn't surprising that most of them were on birth control, based on their earlier distaste for pregnancy. "Okay. Each one of you that brings all of your birth control here to destroy will get a token." I handed 'E' two tokens. "You can stay here. Good girl!" She was definitely showing promise.

All the girls but F ran toward their rooms as if it was a race. 'F' stopped to peel off the patch she was wearing, tossing it to the floor before she raced off to join them. They left a wet trail of droplets that wouldn't take a bloodhound to follow.

When the girls returned with their birth control, mostly the ubiquitous pill, I rewarded each with a single token. "Giving up birth control is good, but please remember that you shouldn't ever take it again. After all, you want lots of babies, right?"

That got a surprising cheer of "Right!" from the excited girls.

"Last question. Now that you all understand pregnancy better, what would you do to convince your sorority sisters to take part as well?" I held up my hand for a pause as I had a thought. "Assume I left some vials of semen with you, what would you do?"

'F' Answered first this time. "I would talk to them and tell them how wonderful it is. If any of them were interested, I'd help squirt some semen in them."

'E' was next in line. "I think the only way these girls would know how amazing pregnancy is would be if they got pregnant themselves. I'd wait till they're asleep after drinking tonight, and inseminate as many as I could." She was hefting both tits and teasing her nipples as she answered.

'D' was playing with herself as she imagined her answer. "I suppose I'd talk to the girls, and try to convince them... But if you left semen with me I'd save it and squirt it inside me later tonight to make sure I get pregnant."

I chuckled. "There's no need to worry about that dear, I guarantee you'll be pregnant after the first insemination."

'C' was looking to score more semen for herself. "I agree with E, the only way they'd know is to be pregnant. I would trick them into squirting it into their pussies themselves, tell them it's a tightening douche."

'B' was distracted while fingering herself viciously. "I think I'd like to taste the semen you left, but after that... I'd try to convince my roommates to get pregnant too, and use what was left."

'A' stayed true to her personality. "First of all, I'd mess up all the girls birth control. Start replacing it with placebos, steal it, whatever it took. They'd get pregnant soon enough. And I'd give em some of your semen to help speed up the process until the whole sorority was pregnant."

I smiled warmly at them. "Good answers girls. Here are your final tokens." I handed two to A, C, and E, and gave only one to each of the rest. "I have some good news, or bad news, depending on how you look at it. It seems that there's some vials left over, so while I'm only going to cum inside one of you, you'll have some extra vials for later."

That provoked a mixed reaction, but it was to be expected. "Don't worry, I'm going to stick this inside each of your pussies, I just won't be cumming in all of them."

It was time to tally up the tokens, and the vials they represented.

A: 5 – 10oz.

B: 6 – 12oz.

C: 5 – 10oz.

D: 6 – 12oz.

E: 10 – 20oz.

F: 8 – 16oz.

The girls were going to get nearly a whole soda can's worth of semen in their wombs; some considerably more. "Congratulations 'E', you're going to get a fresh load inside you!"

She jumped up and down in celebration, causing her tits to bounce wildly with a slapping sound while droplets of her juices sprinkled to the floor. "Yes! I'm sooo happy!"

"Okay 'A', you're up first. Let's get you ready over here." I pointed to the couch.

She pranced over, and I pulled a thick cushion off a settee and put it on the floor. Slowly, I positioned her so that her head and shoulders were on the cushion, with her ass resting against the seat of the couch. Her legs were spread wide, and I could see down her canal to her open cervix and the dark womb beyond. As I watched, her fluids built up with nowhere to go, obscuring her cervix beneath the viscous fluid.

I motioned to Haley. "The tube, please."

Haley retrieved it and handed it to me. "Okay 'A', you need to suck up your pussy lubricant with this, it's going to get in the way of the sperm." I handed her one end of the tube, and she immediately put it in her mouth. I lowered the other end into the shimmering fluid. She started sucking before it was deep enough, making a slurping noise that was silenced as she started rapidly drawing the liquid out.

She cleared enough fluid out, and started swallowing as the liquid reached her mouth. I removed the tube and once again gestured to Haley, who was prepared with the five vials of semen. Each had a bottom that could be used as a plunger of sorts, and one by one I emptied all ten ounces of semen into her waiting pussy. The fluid nearly filled her gaping vagina, and I wasted no time positioning myself over her. Once I had aligned my cock, I pushed it in like a plunger, forcing the cum deep inside her. It took only moments for the semen to take effect and send her skyrocketing on the most powerful orgasm of her young life.

Once I was half-way to her cervix I started rocking back and forth, thrusting in and out as her orgasming pussy clenched hard against me. Each thrust moved a little deeper, slowly forcing the semen into her womb and stretching it as it was forced to accommodate the prodigious volume.

When I finally bottomed out against her already-tightening cervix, the bulge her now-swollen uterus made was visible. The intense orgasm combined with the new pressure to cause her to release her bladder, much of the urine splashing against me before running down her body or splashing onto her face.

Now that her uterus was good and stretched, I pulled out. I reached to the special plug we had made out of something similar to ballistics gel. It was similar in design to a butt plug, but longer and designed to hold my semen inside a woman's womb. The tool quickly took my member's place, and we urged 'B' to help us move the pee-soaked and still-orgasming girl. It didn't matter how she laid, the plug would keep the semen in place.

'B' quickly took 'A's place next to the couch, completely ignoring the urine and spreading her legs wide for her turn.

The next few girls followed the same procedure: get them in position, have them suck out as much lubricant as possible, empty in several vials of semen, and fuck them until their womb was stretched full. Finally, plug them up with a new gel plug, and move to the next girl.

When four girls had bulging tummies and I finally got to the second-to-last girl 'F', it was time for a change in procedure. She was getting sixteen ounces of fluid, and there was no way it would fit in only one dose. Twelve ounces was already precariously close to full on the other girls.

After 'F' got into position like the previous girls, we followed a similar procedure. I had her suck out her lubricant using the tubing, and when she was mostly empty, I emptied four vials of semen into her. She had room for more, but I quickly went to work with my dick, ramming the fluid down into her womb as her orgasm kicked off.

As soon as I bottomed out against her cervix, I quickly withdrew and emptied the remaining four vials into her writhing pussy. With Haley's help, I managed to get it all in there without spilling, though it was a close call. I entered her again, and this time the going was much harder as I forced the cum deep into her womb.

It took several minutes, and I was getting dangerously close to cumming from the intense contractions of her vagina, but I managed to get all sixteen ounces into her womb. Her bulge was definitely noticeable, though it was far from large enough for anyone to assume she was pregnant. As I rammed the last of the sperm into her, she let out a loud scream of pleasure before passing out. She awoke once we had the plug inside her, and continued her orgasm as we moved her out of the way.

Next came 'E', with a massive 20 ounces of semen she was dying to have inside her. When you considered the close to 8 ounces I was likely to spray fresh, it was a ludicrous amount of semen. I motioned for Rachel, otherwise known as 'E', to assume the position next to the couch. Before she laid her head on the urine-soaked cushion, she bounced up and gave me a kiss on the lips. "Thank you so much professor." That was when I decided that I was going to keep this one.

Rachel was waiting for me tube-in-mouth, staring intently at my glistening member. I helped her with the tube, allowing her to suck out the prodigious amount of lubricant she had produced while she waited. I emptied six vials of semen into her pussy, and quickly started the work of ramming it deeper inside her. Her core muscles were well toned, and I savored the lavish undulating contractions as her vagina attempted to pull me deeper inside.

Once I reached bottom, bumping her plump cervix, I pulled out as quickly as I dared. In a rush, we managed to get most of the remaining four vials into her pussy before I rammed my member home. It sent a shockwave through her core, intensifying her orgasm to an almost unbearable level. Some of the semen ran past her clit to collect in her neatly trimmed strip of pubic hair. Without being told, she reached up and collected as much as she could on her fingers before shoving them in her mouth.

As she savored the taste of the semen, I worked in smooth pumping motions to inflate her uterus with semen. It took a couple minutes, but her cervix was still open when I reached it. Her tight contractions were making it hard to maintain control, so once I reached the goal of nestling against her cervix I immediately started my own orgasm.

All the fucking with no release led to a ludicrous orgasm, and I squirted ounce after ounce of fertile semen into her already-full womb. By the time I finished, her belly had swollen considerably, and she looked like she could be entering her second trimester of pregnancy. It wouldn't last, of course, her body would absorb the water and the many chemicals in my semen, leaving my sperm to populate her vas deferens and interstitial spaces.

Before Rachel passed out from pleasure, she managed to whisper "please take me with you."

I did.

I gave careful commands to the other girls to protect both them and myself, and left with Haley and Rachel a while later. As I had five vials of semen left, I gave each of the girls staying behind one and encouraged them to follow the earlier plans they recounted. All in all, 13 sorority girls found themselves pregnant that month. The large number wasn't a problem, with my firm control over the college and house mother no suspicion was ever raised. The sweet 'F' Even managed to convince two of her sorority sisters that hadn't already fallen victim to faulty birth control to get pregnant. It was a task in which I happily participated.

As for Rachel, she dropped out of school and joined my harem. She knew what she wanted from her life; namely being the mother to a dozen kids. I could make her dream into reality, and so I did.


[LOG 05 – Pseudo Incest]

I had been careful to avoid my sister, keeping my distance and never relenting to her demands that I impregnate her. When she finally seemed to give up on the idea I was relieved. I should have been suspicious.

I awoke to the warm sensation of a pussy engulfing my cock. This wasn't something terribly unusual, and so I didn't bother to open my eyes, instead reaching up to grasp the warm body riding me. It was then that I noticed the breasts were far smaller than the members of my harem, the only ones allowed to do something like this.

My eyes snapped open. I saw Polly in a state of ecstasy, furiously riding my cock. "What the fuck!"

Polly opened one eye. "Good morning bro. Don't get so bent out of shape, just focus on how good this feels so you can cum inside me."

She had a point, she was insanely tight. Her earlier ministrations before I awoke left me far to close to orgasm for comfort. "Please Polly, you don't want to do this."

She sneered playfully at me. "You're right. I wanted you to fuck me like a man and knock me up, but this is going to have to do." She went back to moaning and picked up her pace.

It was too much, and it sent me over the edge. Once Polly felt the first spurt spray inside her she dropped down hard, instinctively getting my cock as close to her womb as possible. I knew it was too late, so I just went with it, filling her with ounce after ounce of potent cum.

We didn't speak another word, and after her orgasm wound down enough so that she could walk, she left my bedroom.


Closing comments from the doctor:

This will be my last entry for a while. As you can imagine, it takes a good amount of time to write these tales, time better spent impregnating someone. I'll probably come back to it, there's a lot more to tell, but unless there's a big response from this chapter it'll probably be some time before I get around to writing dose 6.

If you really, really want more, please leave feedback in the comments section. Your support makes it worthwhile to put my life aside long enough to tell you some of these stories about myself.

Otherwise, you'll hear from me again sometime in 2017.

Dr. Zephyr

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RuckinLguardRuckinLguardover 2 years ago

Disappointed you bailed on the step-sister branch. Work up, work up, work up, she raped me, the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Mind control through Pheromones

Would I be tempted to do something like the Doctor does in this story if I too had abilities and needs like his? Quite likely I am sorry to say, at least until I was caught and disected. Ouchie! David had better keep zig-zagging and covering his tracks or he could really end up in deep doo-doo ( sorry to get so profane )! More Dr. David and his ever growing harem of lovelies, please!

charliebillcharliebillover 7 years ago
Wow, sperm hungry women.

Great story, would make a good movie!!!

barepussloverbarepussloverover 7 years ago

Intense Fantasy!! Wanting even more soon. :-)

notsooldpervertnotsooldpervertover 7 years ago
More, please

I really liked how he left sperm samples with the sorority girls to impregnate their friends. Maybe he should set up a system where his baby-mammas try to talk all of their friends into letting Doc knock them up, and he can provide lots of vacume packed cum for them to use on the ones that say no. I wouldn't mind seeing a cut away seen where they strip and fill any girls that pass out at their parties, or even better, it becomes a hazing ritual where all the prospective new girls get video taped as they beg to get filled and plugged after handing over their birthcontrol.

wet_specialwet_specialover 7 years ago

Best one yet, loved the double D sisters and the creative way you handled them. Loved Olivia and Laura. This all really was interesting and intense. Doc, have you ever given an experimental treatment to a girl that wanted a penis, to help her grow one, and if so, was she able to produce fertile semen? How did things turn out?

Anyways thanks for sharing your amazing adventures and congrats on the son.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

i read all of these i can't wait for the next ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
This one was gold.

Eleven out of ten

Mobydick66Mobydick66over 7 years ago
Don't delay write away

I have really enjoyed your stories keep writing.

It seems a shame you don't use a ghost writer to get more done as you are obviously busy sowing your seeds.

Dr_ZephyrDr_Zephyrover 7 years agoAuthor
Thank you for your kind feedback

I have started working on Dose 06 (Prognosis) It focuses more on story this time, as opposed to the mostly-sex Dose 05.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

YOU CANNOT LEAVE ME WAITING TILL 2017!! I HAVE BEEN READING SINCE DOSE 1 AND BEEN WAITING FOR A NEW CHAPTER FOR 2 MONTHS. Dont do a brother like this. Just hook up the next chapter right quick for the end of the month and one Christmas special ;-). Please leave those two and we will all be pleased. Please please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Keep it up!

Great stories! Check every day looking for the newest installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

The sister should definitely become a member of the harem. And ideally any other female relatives too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This is an amazing story. One of the best, cant wait for more.

Wizard1983Wizard1983over 7 years ago
Well Written

I read all of the Doses in one sitting and I want to thank you. A very good read and well thought out from a technical perspective. Keep addding Doses.

Thank you

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