Geocatched Pt. 19

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Max extends his harem.
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Geocatched part 19

It occurs to me, as I sit on my deck, surrounded by 8 of my girls, all getting our tan on, that I've all but forgotten the inner turmoil and anxiety in my head, that I've carried throughout school. After these last months, I've pushed it all aside, and lived my life to the fullest.

You see, I was bullied for anything. I wasn't the smallest kid in class, and was rather athletic, but just didn't look like the rich kids. I didn't dress like them, but had discount store clothes. I didn't have their stylish haircuts, since my mom was the one that cut my hair. She decided on how I looked. I didn't have that many friends at all, in school, and so as a loner most of the time, I was picked on.

Always a flick to my ear by the kid behind me. Whispering around me, as they looked my way, looking over my outfits or some other bullshit. I got de-pantsed a few times. One time was outside playing four square with half of the class, and someone came up behind me, and grabbed my pants, and yanked. I froze for a second, since I was now just in my underwear in front of a few of my secret crushes, and the other time, was in class, in front of the teacher.

That time, they were able to grab onto my underwear as well, and I was naked from the waist down, cock waving at the teacher in front of me, and my ass facing the whole class. The kid that did it that time was sent to the principal.

As I said, I was teased all through elementary, and jr high. High school was a bit different, but my tormentors also followed me to the high school, but found better things to do than to bother me. I was fully a loner then, and loss of a few more friends. I finished off the year with other new friends though, that were also loners, or stragglers in my class.

After school was out, and it was time to work, I now barely hear from friends. They've got other things going on, and we never seem to keep up with each other. I do miss a few of them, but I'm fine without, as I've been the loner most of my life.

I reminisce about all of this, as I'm tanning with the girls, and receiving a slow blow job from Nikki. Since finding this necklace, I've found friends, lovers, and fallen in love, albeit with the help of the necklace. It has changed my life in so many ways.

I've also found roommates. Yes, Nikki, Krystal, and Moe have moved in to my place. It's helped with paying the mortgage, and giving me more cash in pocket as well, since we all split the living expenses. Luckily, none of the other girls are jealous of them since they're always around me, and besides, I still have the room on my bed. The 3 girls mostly share the big bed in the other room, and I have my typical nightly guests mixed in with the roommates once a week, in my bed.

I'd say that I've far surpassed what my other classmates have received in their life, and they probably all would want to get a piece of my harem if they had a chance. I can't, and won't complain about where I've turned out in life.

I needed to get my mind back in the moment, since I was about to blow a load down Nikki's throat. I grabbed at her light brown hair, and helped guide her head as I erupted. I first shot off a few volleys directly down her throat, and then pulled her head back so just the tip was inside her mouth, and she could taste my load before swallowing it.

"Mmmmm" she moaned through a nice orgasm after swallowing.

As Nikki got up and off of my lounge chair, I looked around at the others out sun bathing with me. Dani was in the next chair, with her hand down her skimpy blue with white dotted bikini bottoms. A few of the college girls were there. Sam, Jaime, and Michelle across from me, and Vivian was on Dani's other side. Missy and Emily were on my left side between myself and Sam on the end. The whole deck was full of very sexy bodies.

I turned to Dani, and spoke, as my cock was feeling cold with all the spittle on it, with the slight breeze.

"Care to warm me up, and sit on my lap?" I asked.

The nympho all but jumped out of her chair, and was straddling me, with her hand still down her small bottoms. She used her hand to brush aside the gusset of her bottoms, and lowering herself down enough, grabbed my head, guiding it inside her warm depths.

"Now that I'm not starving, I'm going to make a late lunch for everyone. Who else wants sloppy Joe's?" Nikki asked, and all hands went up.

"OK then, I'll make a few extras for Sir, and whoever wants one." She said, and walked inside to the kitchen.

I groaned as Dani still hadn't completely enveloped me inside her yet. She was taking her precious time, teasing me with her tight little cunt. Her hands were on my shoulders, and she kept creeping down at such a slow pace, I thought of thrusting up into her, but that would ruin her fun. She was probably just anticipating the orgasm coming up, just from taking me in all the way, and teasing herself as well.

I just latched onto her large breasts, and teased her nipples, pinching and pulling, between moments of just hefting the weight of each in my hands. Her breathing was already more erratic as she paused half way down my shaft. My teasing her only heightened her arousal. As she excruciatingly slowly lowered herself on me, movement caught my eye.

Emily stood up, and came up behind Dani, reaching down, and began to pull on Dani's butt plug. That shifted Dani enough, that she squatted down, in order to keep the plug inside her. This action she tried to hold off sent her into a shaking orgasm, after bottoming out on my cock. Her breasts wobbled beautifully in my hands, and her head fell back, mouth open, as if to scream to the heavens, but nothing came out.

Shaking in pleasure, Dani's limbs grew taught, and her hands on my shoulders started to press on me. When her fingers curled, her nails dug into my traps. Then she started to wiggle on me, as her orgasm subsided, rotating her hips side to side, forward to back, forcing my cock to hit every square inch of her insides, and my mushroom head rub across her cervix.

I leaned forward when her arms relaxed again, and took her left nipple into my mouth. I teased the nub with my tongue, and sucked on it, eliciting groans from her throat. I still manipulated both of her tits in my grasp, but squeezed the left tit, pressing it into my face, and trying to force feed more flesh into my mouth.

When I switched breasts to suck on, it was time for her to start riding me slowly at first, raising up to the tip of my cock, and then lowering herself down again. She quickly got into a rhythm, squeezing my shaft hard, milking me of any left over cum. She was, after all, the last of the 8 girls to take a load of my spunk in one orifice or another, yet I had a full load waiting for her.

"Mmmmyes!" she moaned, now cradling my head in both her hands, as I continued to suck on her titties.

Then she started changing things up. She'd slide up my shaft to the tip, then back down 3 or 4 times, and then rotate her hips, and wiggle on me, sliding my shaft around inside her, before starting over again. This also gave me the chance to keep dislodging her nipple still in my mouth, as she kept riding me.

When Dani began to speed up, and whimpering often, I knew she was on her way to bringing herself to her own natural orgasm. The other girls were all watching, and listening to us. Jaime, who was the mousy little girl, got up, came over to us, leaned down, and brought her hand to Nikki's button, where she began to rub in time with her movements.

This finally brought her over the edge, and she screamed out a "FUUUUUCKYESSSSS" for the whole neighborhood to hear around their supper time. Dani almost collapsed on me, but her breast did escape my mouth when she jerked back and forth, riding out her ecstasy on my shaft.

She quickly came back to earth, and kept a good pace on me, and I knew I wasn't far behind her, with her cunt squeezing me so tight. I kept my grip on both of her breasts, and leaned back to the chair. Her energy was outstanding, and in moments, she milked my cock of it's juices, which put her into the throws of another orgasm caused by my cum. This time, she did collapse into me, pinning my hands on her tits, and her arms around my neck.

"Wasn't THAT fun to watch? Lunch is ready!" Nikki said, as she came out the door with a tray stacked with sloppy joes for everyone.

I wasn't shrinking at all, and I was still buried in Dani's velvet glove of a pussy. She leaned back enough to acknowledge Nikki, and reached for a burger off the tray, as did I. She took a big bite, and of course, she spilled some out the side of her mouth, and the saucy meat dripped down onto her right breast.

"Ooopsies!" She said, and giggled, looking right at me.

I felt obliged to clean her up, so I leaned in, and licked up her mess off her breast. She moaned at that, but then giggled a bit.

The burgers were handed out, and there were a few left, presumably for me, or anyone else that wanted a second one. Nikki was a good cook, and the burgers tasted great. I noticed that there were a few girls that were licking up messes on other girls chests around the deck. It was erotic, and yet funny to watch this happening.

After I had eaten 3 of the burgers (I just fucked 8 girls in a row. Gimme a break), Nikki finally slowly pulled herself off of me, and stood up. This allowed my cock some air again, but wasn't needed, so I let it deflate to it's resting size. Nikki didn't help in that she bent over, and sucked me into her mouth to clean up hers and my juices off of my cock. I resisted the urge to hold her to my belly, and expand down her throat. It was time to wind down, finish our meals, and head inside to enjoy the air conditioning. I always enjoyed it, not only for the cool air, but for all the stiff nipples around the house.

When I was walking through the kitchen toward the living room, Erin was just closing the door behind her, and Melinda, both covered bellies sticking out a little bit for how pregnant they were. They're just 4 months along now. I saw another head of red curls still outside, and I took a sharp right and headed to the bedroom. Once there, I pulled on some shorts, and a white t-shirt, before walking back out to the living room.

"Hi girls. Glad you could both come over. Uhmm I worked up one hell of a thirst, and was hoping for something from the tap to drink." I said to them.

"Hahaha, you want to suck on our tits, don'tcha?" said Melinda.

"Always do, slut." I answered.

"Well, that can come later. My sister wants to meet the father of our children." Erin said.

All the other girls were flowing into the living room, and seeing someone outside, decided to cover up their breasts, and straighten out their bottoms. They were curious of who was outside, and didn't want them running off telling anyone who'd listen that they saw a house full of naked sluts and one guy.

"Your sister? I didn't know you had a sister." I inquired.

"Yeah, we never really talked about it, but she stopped by the condo, and saw the belly, and here we are. Will you talk with her?" Erin asked.

"Sure." I said, and then in a whisper in her ear, I said "Do you want me to talk to her, or.."

"Either way, Sir. She's a little angry that she hasn't been informed about any of this, and just wanted to see you for herself. You know how protective family can be." she said.

"Very well." I said, and walked to the screen door to open it, and looked at the lithe body currently facing the street.

I cleared my throat, and the curly red hair whipped around to face me, and I stuttered before I was able to get any words out. A twin? I was growing a semi hard on again.

"Uh hello there." I finally got out.

"Hi. I'm Rachel. Erin's twin, and I guess you're Max. I haven't heard much about you from her yet. I wanted to meet you myself." she said.

"What do you think so far?" I asked.

"I'm not so sure yet. I'll be direct here, if you don't mind, but how did you talk two lesbians into fucking you?" she said with a scowl on her beautiful face.

I had hoped that she wouldn't be quite so direct, and I could appease her in other ways, and just show her I'm not that bad. I already had a large harem of girls. I wasn't really looking for more to join me in bed. On the other side though, she was just as hot as her sister, and the body to match as well.

"Well, that is rather direct isn't it. I'll tell you a secret. I just showed them this." I said, as I pulled the chain of my necklace, until it popped out of the collar of my shirt, and fell to rest between my pecs.

She looked at me quizzically for a second, a temper ready to come to the fore, before she looked down at my chest, and gazed into the blue gem. Her hazel eyes went blank, as did her face, once her eyes caught the gem, and she was under it's influence. I guess my mind was made up for me. I was going to have to induct her into the group.

"Can you hear me, Rachel?" I asked the statue of perfection.

"Yes," I barely heard as she all but whispered her answer.

"Good. Now listen closely to me. I control your mind

I control your body

I control your soul

You are now obedient to me

It arouses you to be obedient to me

You are an obedient slut for me

You are very loyal to me

You are actually bisexual

Only one man arouses you sexually. Me.

You are attracted to me

You may have a girlfriend, but you belong to me.

Any time I'm around, or you think about me, you'll become wet and horny.

You must always be fully honest with me, and must do as I command.

When I've found other women to play with, you will not be jealous, but will want to join in

Mine is the only cock that you want. Mine is the only male cum you want. You love the taste

'Sleep slut' returns you to trance

You're going to start having very erotic dreams about me. Dreams where you submit to me.

Whenever you masturbate, I will be the one you fantasize about

The next time you masturbate, take, and send photos of yourself to xxx-xxx-xxxx. Any text you receive from that number will be the same as a command from me.

You will keep our relationships private outside of the harem

You cannot use the necklace on me without strict instruction first. That is forbidden."

"Now, wake up." I said, as my cock finally came to full mast.

Her eyes, which were glassy before, became alive, and she looked up at me, smiling. Her whole demeanor changed, and she became friendly to me.

"Won't you come inside with the rest of us? We can talk more inside." I asked innocently.

"Okay" she replied, and walked through the door that I held open for her.

"Just make yourself at home. May I take your clothes?" I asked with a smile.

"Of course. I seem to be overdressed in here." she said, as she looked around at everyone that was in bikini's.

I came up behind her, taking in her scent of strawberries, and laid my hands on her shoulders. I turned a bit, and looked at Erin.

"Sorry. I was hoping I'd not have to do what I did to her." I told her, and then turned back to the latest slut in the harem.

I let my hands slide down over her shoulders, and then toward her chest, where the first button of her black blouse was. As I undid each button down her chest, they became tighter, as they held on for dear life around her chest. I stopped unbuttoning the shirt between her breasts long enough run my hands over the massive orbs hidden beneath the cloth. This produced a moan from her, and I kept rubbing until her nipples became pronounced.

Getting back to the final buttons, I quickly undid them, and pulled her shirt off her shoulders, and pushed the garment down her arms, leaving her topless but for a deep blue lacy bra. I then slid my hands down her taught belly to her black slacks she wore, and undid the fastener at the front, and unzipped the zipper, allowing her pants to fall a few inches until her well formed ass held the pants still. A little shove, and the pants fell into a pool at her feet, and her panties, which were much more a thong than anything, were a blue lacy number that matched her bra.

"Very nice." I said into her ear, as I undid the clasp of her bra, and then pushed my hands under the underwire, taking hold of her massive jugs, as well as pushing the offending garment to the floor. I always love all the tit flesh. I slid my hands to her nipples, and pinched and pulled on them, until they stood out about a half inch. Then I went down to her panties, and slowly pushed them over her hips and ass, releasing them to the floor.

My hands wanted to be everywhere on her body. She was roughly standing in the center of the living room, and there were now 10 other girls standing around, watching me undress the newest slut of the group. Her sister, and Melinda had both moved to the couch under the open windows to watch, while getting the extra weight off their feet.

I told Rachel to step out of her clothes, and face her sister, and her partner. When she turned, I pushed her forward a bit, and she bent over, hands on both of their legs, and staring into her sister's eyes. Dani, came up beside me, and pulled down my shorts for me, as I held on to Rachel's hips, and then I knelt down behind her, smelling her arousal in my nose, as I came within inches of her swollen pussy lips.

I slid my hands from her hips down to her upper thighs, and spread them apart, as I dove in to have my first taste of her nectar. I began by licking up the drips hanging onto the sparse hair she had above her pussy, and then licked from clit, up to her asshole, and back down. Taking my thumbs, I spread her wide open, and stuck my tongue into the pink crevasse, licking every inch of her.

"Oooooh! GOD YESSSS!" she cried out, looking directly in her sisters eyes. who had a grin on her face.

I smashed my face between her folds, and sucked up any juices I could, and then plunged my tongue deep into her hole, wiggling the muscle around inside her. I stirred her up this way for a few minutes, before I went down to her clit, and licked circles around it. When she started bucking her hips, and pressing herself into my face, I sucked her hard little nub into my mouth, flicking back and forth with my tongue. Then I introduced her to 2 of my fingers, which I quickly inserted inside of her, twisting them around.

"Aaaahhhh! Aaahh! Fuckyes!" she cried out.

Above me, Dani stood behind and bent over me, while holding Rachel's ass spread wide, as I continued to attack her clit. She spit down onto Rachel's tiny rosebud of an asshole, and spread it around with a thumb. Rachel's hips jerked forward, and then back into my face as this was done.

"Whatthafuckooooh" she groaned as her hips jerked around.

I replaced Dani's thumb with my own on the other hand, and pressed it into her asshole nice and slow. While doing this, I continued fingering her, and attacking her clit with my mouth, before I pulled back, and let her clit pop out of my mouth. At the same time, I pressed quickly into her ass to the second knuckle, and her hips went wild again, but couldn't dislodge my thumb up her butt.

"I'm gonna coooome soon! Gonna come hard! Ooooh FUCK! COOOMMMING!!" she cried out, as her ass and cunt squeezed my fingers buried inside her.

I received a splash to the face and neck, as she squirted directly into me. I had my mouth open for some of it, and then buried my face into her cunt again, to lick up anything I could. She continued to shutter for over a minute before she could calm down enough to look behind her at me. When she saw me come up from kneeling, she could just smile. I just wiggled my thumb up her ass again, but took my fingers out of her pussy. Dani, still behind me, reached around and grabbed my hard rod, and jacked it a few times.

When she knew I was ready, she slapped it on Rachel's ass next to my thumb. I pulled back a little bit, so she could guide me toward the gaping hole left behind by my fingers. Once I was placed correctly, and my head was just holding on to the outside of her hole, I paused.