Getting Dragon Pics

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Janine is obsessed with taking photos of unusual wildlife.
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Janine climbed out of her sleeping bag and pulled on a pair of loose jeans. She had considered not dressing at all then remembered she had to walk into the bushes a little ways to take care of some natural urges and didn't want her legs scratched by the bushes. They weren't tall enough to bother her above the waist, though, so she passed on wearing a shirt. She'd been wearing less and less as time went on. She looked at her upper body, pleased with the light brown color it had developed.

Returning to the campsite, her feet a little worse for the venture barefoot, she wasn't too displeased. Stripping the jeans from her legs, she sat cross legged in the dirt beside the dead campfire and looked at the soles of her feet, shaking her head. It was amazing to her that no matter how much she abused her feet they never toughened up. Everyone else she knew of that went barefoot eventually grew a leathery feel to the bottom of their feet, and many had callouses on the heels and balls of their feet. Not hers. They insisted on staying as soft as a baby's. She pulled a thorn out of one and a small shard of some kind of crystal from the other. Massaging them both, she decided there was an upside to the softness. It felt really nice.

Making sure the fire was really out, she wandered out into the grassland opposite the wooded side of her camp with her binoculars. The tall grass sliding over her naked body felt good, although it made some of the more sensitive areas itchy at first. Those parts needed to be less sensitive, and exposure should help that. After several minutes she was noticing the touches less and relaxed more, aiming for a slight hill that would let her get a good view of the watering hole she'd been watching for the last month.

Lying in the grass she made a mental note to get up after a while to avoid sunburn on the parts of her that hadn't developed a tan yet. Looking at her waist she was pleased to note that the change from tanned to white was gradual, probably from wearing pants of varying waist heights. The shocking white didn't start until quite lower on her body than she'd thought and smirked at not realizing before how much of her she'd been exposing to the elements.

Studying her binoculars, she made sure the camera was properly attached and the battery fully charged, smirking again at the idea that she'd walked all the way out here without checking that back at the camp where she could have done something about it if she'd needed to. Fortunately, she didn't need to. Pulling off the lens caps, grinning ruefully at the memory of her first two days of shooting without doing that. If she'd been using film instead of electronic memory cards that could have been an expensive mistake. At least she hadn't missed any great shots those days, since nothing had come to the area.

Looking through the lenses she noticed more of the strange prints in the mud that she'd come up here to study. Whatever it was that made them always seemed to know when she would be around, no matter what time of day she chose to look. If she stayed all day, they only appeared overnight. If she stayed all night, they appeared while she was sleeping in the day. She really needed a partner, but no one she knew cared about strange prints in the mud of a valley no one had a reason to go to. Well, one guy had, but it became obvious before they'd even gotten into the planning that his interest was more in making prints of his own. On her. She wasn't interested in that and when she told him he lost interest in the trip. She grinned, thinking how upset he'd be to know she was walking around nude and he missed it.

Zooming in on the mudflat around the watering hole, Janine noticed that the newest set of prints seemed to appear in the middle of a flat area, with no tracks leading up to them, then a couple of meters closer to the water, and that was it. No trail to or from them. Either the thing was an incredible jumper or could fly, but they were too large for anything she knew of that flew. Without going down and comparing she couldn't be sure, but she was estimating them at twice the length of her foot, but with the shape of a lizard's.

She probably should have brought her laptop out with her so she could look up things like that, but it didn't have a satellite net connection so she'd left it back in the camp as only useful for seeing bigger images of what she snapped, forgetting the encyclopedia it had on its drive. She didn't really know that much about animals, she just liked taking pictures of them. Catching them doing what they do without people around was a big thrill for her. She snapped some pictures of a large turtle snapping at a leaf.

With nothing else moving down by the water, she rolled onto her back to let the sun get a new place before it ruined her bottom and the backs of her legs. Several very large birds of prey circled a few times and flew off, none even a tenth the size necessary to make the marks that had captured her interest. A smaller bird flew into view and she looked at it through the binoculars just in time to see one of the larger ones drop into view from above and snatch it out of the air. She caught several good frames of it before it was over.

Back at her camp, she pulled the memory card from the camera and put in a new one, then connected the whole thing to the solar charger she'd brought along. Not much battery had been used, but she didn't want to risk being caught with it low when the good shots came. She made herself some lunch and sat in the shadow of her awning to eat and ponder how long she would be able to stand the boredom of not finding what she wanted. She'd planned for three months but she was starting to doubt her ability to last that long. Not that she did much that was more interesting back home.

The lack of sunburn encouraged her to stay naked and she continued over the next few days, her legs gradually growing as dark as her upper body. She liked the color. Setting up the camera on a tripod she took some pictures she would never let anyone else see.

There were more prints in the mud. Many more. They were scattered all around the edges of the water, some of them in short trails as if the thing had been walking instead of jumping or flying. The trails wandered randomly, though, some even making circles that had no beginning or end. There were no turtles around any more. There didn't seem to be any animals larger than small rabbits anymore, and they didn't stay exposed for long, as if afraid of some new threat. She was used to rabbits that would hop around nibbling for hours at a time.

A shadow slid over the water. Looking up, all she saw was huge wings, looking like a bat's but with no body between them. She zoomed in but the thing flew away before she could get a picture of the little body between the giant wings. A bat with a long lizard-like tail. She giggled as she named it a dragon.

The next time she saw the creature it was flying on the opposite side of the watering hole. She zoomed in on it and snapped some pictures but she knew the detail wouldn't be good enough to tell her what it really looked like. After it flew away she hurried back to the camp to look at the blown up pictures, and they were as she had expected. She could see it had giant wings and a small body with a lizard-like tail, but no real details. She was going to have to move closer to the water to get a good picture if it was going to stay on the far side.

Crouching low in the grass, she moved to the edge of the muddy area, then stretched out to watch for her dragon again. It didn't show up, but since nothing else was moving around her area any more she decided it would be a good idea to keep returning to the closer spot.

It was another three days before she saw the creature again, after she'd taken to wading out into the mud itself to watch. The mud was thick and a bit oily feeling, not like the mud she was used to at home. The closest comparison she could come up with was thick pudding. Wading through it she'd sink up to her knees, but lying in it she would hardly sink at all unless she moved around. Being coated in mud didn't bother her at all once she saw the better pictures she'd gotten.

A lizard with giant bat wings. It's head was more rounded than a fantasy dragon, not quite so snout like, and it's front legs were more in proportion to its rear legs, not the tiny tyrannosaur-like stubs most artists made. The long finger-like appendages on its feet were tipped with claws, but they didn't look any worse than cat claws relative to the feet they were attached to. The tail was long and thin and waved around like a cat's when it was on the ground but when it was flying it stayed pretty straight out behind it. It rarely walked, merely landing and twisting its head about, lunging at anything nearby that moved, then leaping back into the air, clumsily flapping its wings until it gained some height.

Janine took to slithering through the mud to get closer, finding the feel of the slime a little erotic as her body slid through it easily. It gave her a new distraction during the waiting times, although it was a bit embarrassing at first. The feelings of self-consciousness faded over time and she eventually found herself spending more and more time in the mud, returning to her camp to eat and sleep for only short periods.

Easing through the mud to get closer, she found the slime thinning and realized she was getting to the edge of the water itself. She couldn't hide as well in the water, so stopped moving. Her body sank deeper, until only her head was above the surface, her toes finding just more slime and no place to support her. Lifting the binoculars out of the muck, she removed the lens caps and aimed at the creature.

Having had a chance to compare the claw marks to her own footprints, she was able to get a better idea of the thing's true size, and was surprised to find it wasn't much bigger than her, but with feet much larger in proportion to body size. A long forked tongue flashed out from between rather large jaws. When it opened its mouth to snap at things she guessed it's teeth ranged in size from finger to nearly a hand length, the largest ones as big around as two or three fingers at the base. A second, thicker and flatter, tongue hid within the large mouth.

The creature leaped suddenly, flapping its wings, and landed on the grass near the mud she was trying to hide in. It opened its mouth wide, as if roaring, and she felt a shock run through her body, all her muscles going limp as her mind fogged for a second. Control returned quickly, but she realized she was in a bad place for that to happen too many times - the risk of drowningwas too great. From the way the creature turned its head side to side and flicked its tongue in her direction she figured it already knew she was there. She headed into the water to try to get out of the range of whatever it was that it had done.

From out in the water she saw it open its mouth again, but felt only a tingle of the shock she'd felt the first time and didn't lose control of her muscles. Looking around she spotted a grassy finger of land sticking out into the water without the shelf of mud around it and decided that was her best chance of escape, where she wouldn't have to try to run through the muck. She swam toward it.

Standing at the edge of the grass, she watched the dragon try stepping toward her, but it went with a straight line approach and stepped into the mud. After starting to sink in it backed away and did the silent bellow again, tingling her body. Looking up the finger of land, she noticed it ran straight toward the wood, but if she headed that way there would be a short space where a direct line from the dragon to her would not cross mud. Seeing the dragon looking for a better way to move toward her she decided to take a chance and started running for the wood.

Her legs stopped working and she tumbled through the grass, feeling an odd thump that seemed to come from the air itself, crushing her from all sides. Ending the rolling on her stomach, she turned over to try to see where the creature was, and found herself looking up at it. She fell back, limp, as it opened its mouth again, a wave of bad breath doing almost as much damage as whatever it was that was causing the shocks and stunned feeling. Her arms wouldn't move when she tried to lift them to block the face coming at her.

The forked tips of its tongue slid over her face from her chin to her forehead, feeling like a mix between worms and fingers with sharp tips. Her hands moved again and she tried to block her face but the tongue had moved on, exploring the rest of her body. As the forks ran over her erect nipples, startling her as she hadn't realized they had stiffened, a jolt ran through them, making her body twitch. Getting her elbows underneath her she dug her heels into the grass and tried to propel herself toward the wood as the tongue tips traced more lines over her body, making more twitches, tingles, and jolts. When it slipped between her legs she blanked out for a small part of a second as a surge of too much feelings ran through her most private bits.

Lying on her back, gasping for air, she found herself getting used to the creature's breath, becoming aware that it was similar to her dog's when she fed it too much wet food without enough dry to scrape its teeth clean. The thought that it ate raw meat did nothing to quell her fears. Kicking her heels into the grass again, she inched away, toward the wood, as it explored her arms and legs with the probing tongue. When the tongue tips slid over the soles of her feet it tickled more than she'd ever been tickled before and she lost control of her bladder as she giggled.

The dragon stopped its tongue as she giggled, then licked her foot again, causing another giggle. Lifting its head, it sniffed with a sound like a giant cocaine user trying to get the last dust into its nose. Twisting its head to look at her first through one eye then the other, its tongue flicked around the air around her, then slipped between her legs again. The feeling wasn't as intense as the first time, but it still made her gasp. The tongue recoiled as if stung, then tried it again. Janine moaned and wished it would stop doing that while she was trying to panic.

Panting heavily, she lay on her back, her arms and legs loose and slightly spread. The dragon seemed to be confused about the taste of her urine, then licked over the rest of her body again. When the tongue tip returned to her face she watched the tips close together, then went cross-eyed as she tried to follow the spike when it pressed to her lips. It easily pushed between them and she found her mouth pried open by a leathery tentacle with more muscle power than she had.

Biting the thing seemed to have no effect as it pushed deeper into her mouth, filling it, then stretching her jaws wider as more pushed in. It tasted vaguely of steak, with a seafood hint, and something that reminded her of alcohol, before the end was in her throat. She couldn't breathe from either her nose or mouth as her reflexes tried to make her gag, but it was too late, the tongue was well past any part that could close and prevent its entrance. Some kinky part of her brain woke up and told her it was erotic to have her body penetrated so deeply through her mouth.

The tongue withdrew and the head lifted, tilting side to side for the two-eye look again. It sniffed again, then licked her face with its flat tongue, a raspy feeling similar to a cat's lick, but managing to get most of her face in a single swipe. Were it not for the smell, she thought she might have actually liked it. The dragon did it again, all over her body. When it reached her crotch she moaned loudly, her hips lifting without her thinking about it, and she blushed. Then laughed at herself for being embarrassed over a purely physical reaction with only a strange creature as witness.

The dragon's forked tongue went between her legs again, the tips closing together and forcing their way inside as she whimpered, trying to put her legs together to stop it. She squeaked as it entered the source of her urine leak, but it pulled back and went the more customary path for entering a woman and her squeak turned to a moan. The feeling of the long tongue squirming around inside her was more arousing than she could manage to resist and her hips started moving. She didn't try to tell herself any lies, she wanted to orgasm. She did.

As she lay gasping for breath, the tongue pulled back slowly, causing a second, smaller, orgasm. She vaguely remembered a pain deep inside and recalled that the vagina could only stretch so far before the pressure on the cervix would start to hurt, and judging from how much tongue pulled out of her she was pretty certain that limit had been exceeded. The human body was not made to accommodate things that long. The red leakage on the dragon's tongue attested to the validity of her thoughts.

Regaining a little composure, Janine tried to get up on her elbows again but fell down. She put her hands up as the head dropped down toward her face.

For the first time since she'd been watching it, the dragon sat back on its rear legs and raised its front ones like arms, the feet/hands grasping her wrists, and pushed her arms down to the grass. Leaning over her, her arms pinned to either side of her head, the dragon's head approached her face again. Whimpering softly, Janine watched the huge mouth open wide, then blacked out as it did whatever it did in place of roaring.

Her arms were stretched over her head, weight on her wrists keeping her from moving them. Opening her eyes she could see that the dragon was holding them with one hand/foot as the other hovered near her face, an extended claw between her teeth, prying her mouth open. Cooperating to avoid injury, she opened her mouth, her tongue instinctively trying to taste what entered it. The rough surface felt good, the tip not as sharp as she had expected. The finger, as she chose to think of it, filled her mouth as it probed much more gently than she had anticipated. Sucking gently, she found the taste to be similar to licking fresh leather, and the texture matched.

Squirming and tugging at her arms, Janine paused when the dragon's claws dug into the palms of her hands. She yanked a little to test and almost screamed as claws dug in deeper, her palms feeling as if they had been punctured. Waiting for the feel of a trickle of blood that didn't come, she was careful not to make any more moves that would seem to be an attempt to get away. The feel of clamps around her wrists was more erotic than painful, and knowing the clamps were just the leathery fingers of a mythical creature enhanced that feeling.

The finger leaving her mouth left her feeling disappointed and she tried to tell herself she was going nuts. Being held down in the grass by a giant lizard with even more giant wings should not lead to thoughts of licking leather as preferable to breathing freely.

The claw moved lightly over her chin, then traced the line of her jaw before moving down to scratch a line across her throat. Tipping her head back, she moaned softly. The claw stopped moving, pressing a little more firmly. She swallowed and felt the tip dig into her neck. She swallowed and moaned again as it dug in painfully then traced a line down the center of her chest.

Pausing, the dragon looked at her chest, then poked painfully at one of her erect nipples, causing her back to arch as she squirmed. The claw digging in and pulling at her nipple made her squirm. Janine lifted her soft feet and put them on the dragon's leathery thighs, feeling thick muscles rippling under the skin. Pushing, she lifted her hips toward him. She wondered if dragons had sex the same way humans do, and if he would fit.
