GG's, Like in Maggie Ch. 03


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'Just think. Someday, you're gonna be all up in there, rimming my butthole.'

And while Andrew wasn't the kind of guy into that type of thing, he couldn't deny that this level of blatant filth in her words turned him on.

That was the struggle. Even though he kept trying to ignore her, to deny her, every message she sent turned him on. Every time she sent a text, despite his outward rejection of her tempting wares, he couldn't deny the small surge of excitement that went through him. Every teasing statement made that animal inside him almost stir awake. It reached the point that every time his phone pinged, a jolt went through his cock.

Clearly, despite his rejection of her, Maggie Hewitt would not be denied.


Sweat dripped along Maggie's golden tan skin. She was panting for breath, taking in heated gasps of air. Her huge breasts were bouncing lewdly, the luscious, heavy jugs jiggling like crazy.

Maggie was on her morning run, her feet gliding over the pavement. Clad in tight black shorts and a hot orange sports bra, she looked incredible. Her tight, stretchy shorts clung to her round, juicy ass, each meaty cheek being properly showcased. Her long, lithe legs were also being well-displayed, the golden skin shimmering in the sun. Her feet were clad in nice, sporty running shoes, grey in color with tinges of pink. Her taut, fit midriff was completely exposed, coated with a sheen of sweat, her sexy navel displayed for all the world to see.

And her big, fake tits... good lord, they looked enormous, even bigger than usual. The tight orange sports bra gamely tried to contain those massive suckers, but it was struggling. It clung to her huge, round titties, showcasing their immaculate shape and immense size. The indentations caused by her stiff, rubbery nipples was clearly evident. The bra did it's best to cover them, but their large size meant that a healthy amount of cleavage was left exposed. The bra was supposed to keep them in place, but it fought to do so, solely due to their colossal size. The way they bounced as she jogged was nearly obscene.

Maggie turned some heads as she jogged through the neighborhood, obviously. Some older people standing in their yards gave her unhappy looks as she sauntered by. Some people stared right at her as they drove by. One or two cars even swerved in the road, funnily enough, but who could blame them. You don't see women like Maggie often, even in this neck of the woods.

Finally taking a break, Maggie leaned over, putting her hands on her knees, gasping for breath. This position made her breasts hang down, showcasing the chasm of sweat-covered cleavage to anyone lucky enough to be looking. She stood up straight and ran her arm against her brow, wiping off the perspiration. That was one thing that she hadn't fully gotten used to since moving here. The sticky, oppressive heat, the humidity weighing down on her. It could get pretty hot back home, but not like this.

Looking up, she spied a security guard sitting in a booth at a gate, staring right at her. Maggie flashed him a small smile and a wave before returning to her jog, her ponytail bouncing as she ran, as did other things. Making her way back to the edge of the neighborhood, she returned to her car, wiping herself down with a towel before getting in and driving across town, back to her apartment.


"So... what brings you in, Tracy?" Kathleen asked the prospective patient sitting across the desk from her.

Immediately, Kathleen could tell that Tracy wasn't like a lot of the other women who came into her clinic. The slim Asian woman was well dressed and her eyes bristled with intelligence. And upon their initial chats, she came across as warm and friendly and very well spoken. Sure, plenty of very intelligent, successful women got boob jobs. But, her standard fare were one of four types. Women whose jobs dictated they looked good, like models, strippers, and porn stars. Older women who felt that getting implants would offset their age and add to their appeal. Women with self-esteem issues. Or women who maybe weren't crazy about it but did it to make their partner happy. Most of her patients seemed to fit one of these four types. Some even fit more than one of these types. But upon their first meeting, Tracy really didn't seem to check any of those boxes. She seemed like a professional woman. She was young, in her early twenties, and very pretty, stunning even. Plus, she seemed very self-confident. And, there was no ring on her finger.

"Well, I would like two implants, please," she joked, as if ordering food at a restaurant. Kathleen smiled as she waited for an answer. "But to be honest, it was actually my boss's idea." Tracy noticed the odd look the doctor gave her at this and laughed. "No. No! Nothing like that, haha! It's not like I work with some lecherous old man who's, like, pressuring me into this. No," she said, shaking her head. "My boss... she's an amazing woman. She's brilliant, just, incredibly smart and clever and beautiful. I thought the job with her would be, like... just boring and administrative, but... it's been life changing. I've learned so much from her. And one of the biggest lessons I've learned is just the power of women, and how strong, powerful women can, like, truly rule this world. It's incredible." She spoke quickly but passionately, unable to contain her smile as she spoke glowingly of her boss. As she did so, she looked at Kathleen, and realized she hadn't yet answered the doctor's question.

"But, uh, anyway, the point is, one of the things she taught was how powerful a large pair of breasts can be. Big breasts command attention, even from the truest of men. Even the best of men can't stop staring..." she said with a delighted purr, biting her lower lip. "Women can't help but look too. They might fucking hate a girl for having large breasts, but... they'll still have a grudging respect for her. You know... if you got it, flaunt it, that kinda thing? But anyway, my boss made me realize that large breasts give you an almost instant power over just about anyone. Big boobs open doors that you otherwise wouldn't be able to open. Men like to pretend a girl's cup size doesn't matter, but from what my boss has shown me, it totally does. A man will do almost anything for a girl with huge breasts. So, for my life... for my career, as well... it would only make logical sense to get implants."

Kathleen looked away, taking her words in. This was certainly an interesting way to look at the matter, and one she hadn't really heard before. Getting implants based on logic. Now, Kathleen couldn't speak for Tracy's experiences. Kathleen had a more utilitarian view. In the end, breasts were just that. Breasts. Tracy spoke as if they had some magic power over people. That having big breasts put you among the elites in terms of appeal. Now, while breasts certainly had their appeal to some, they only had as much power as people gave them. All big boobs could do was win over people who had already been sold. The type of guys who could be cowed into submission by a big pair of breasts were always that way. It was not something magically instilled in them by the power of boobies. However, it wasn't really Kathleen's place to dissuade her. Tracy had her view of things, and she seemed intelligent, and she wasn't being coerced into something she didn't want, so who was Kathleen to judge?

"So, Miss Zhang, what size were you looking for?" Kathleen asked.

"I want, like, really fucking big tits!" she said excitedly, her intelligent demeanor momentarily displaced. Kathleen smiled sadly.

Another day in paradise.


Maggie's feet were hitting the pavement as she jogged again, working up to a good pace. When it reached the point where the sweat was burning her eyes, she stopped, catching her breath. It happened to be the same spot she stopped before, and sure enough, that same security guard was staring at her. Giving him another small wave, she got moving, walking at a relaxed pace as she made her way back to her car.

Now, you might ask why she would go across town just for a simple jog. You might ask what made this neighborhood special, when there were others just like it closer to her place. Well, to be honest, she had spent a lot of time lately in this specific neighborhood, and she was doing it for a very specific reason.

Andrew lived here.

That first time they met, Maggie had followed behind Andrew and the doc as they went home, and that had led her to this very neighborhood. She had spent a fair amount of time here lately, first in her car, where she would simply park and watch, scoping out Andrew's place the best she could. Unfortunately, he lived beyond that big, strong gate, so she could only look at his place from afar. Plus, she didn't want to attract any unwanted attention, so she had to park a healthy distance away.

Nothing too exciting happened here, admittedly. The gated off community was small, a set of nice, expensive looking houses right near the beach. The people who lived there seemed very, VERY rich, at least judging by the cars they drove, and that they lived in these big, nice houses in a gated community. But, the community was small enough that Maggie began to recognize the people that lived there. She even gave them little nicknames. Tall Guy. Mr. Angry Face. Gertrude. Miss Pepperoni. Old, Fat Walter. Sir Livingston. Bitchy Miss Thang. Principal Whitley. The Reverend. Surfer Dude. Dreadlock Girl. Maggie had a lot of time to think and build little stories for each of them while waiting for Andrew or the doc to return. The only thing relatively exciting that happened was the one time when one of the house's security alarms went off, causing the sweaty guy at the gate to dig out a key from a locked safe in his booth and run towards the house with the blaring alarm and check it out. But sitting here, watching the neighborhood, it became her daily routine.

She would get up early, grab a cup of coffee, and drive over, arriving before either Kathleen or Andrew would leave for work. This allowed her to get a good idea of the happy couple's schedule. Kathleen's schedule was pretty consistent, leaving for work at almost the same time every morning, and getting home at relatively the same time every night, give or take the occasional errand. Andrew's schedule was a little more flexible, as sometimes he would leave early, and other times, he would leave a little later in the morning. Following him as he drove, she realized that on the days he went to the woodshop, he would leave early, but on days he would drive around and indulge his photographic pursuits, he would leave at a more relaxed pace, going whenever he was ready.

Obviously, putting in all this work and, like... legit stalking this couple, it seemed crazy. And... yeah, it was. Maggie knew she had gone full-on, crazy stalker girl, and she embraced that role. It seemed irrational, and it was truly a waste of time as she could be spending time booking gigs or the like, but it was worth it. Andrew was worth it.

She just liked watching him. He looked so delicious, and following him around only reinforced her desire for him. He looked so handsome... so thoughtful... so fit and firm. And he had a great butt. And that bulge... mmm, mmm. She could see it from a block away! Having him so close after not having spent any time together since the, uh, incident... it was hard to restrain herself. She just wanted to run after him and jump into his arms.

She pestered him with texts, sending all sorts of naughty pictures to the married man, making sure she was always top of mind. Sometimes, she would send texts to him while she was watching him, just to see how he reacted. And even though he never replied, he always looked at the pictures she sent. That knowledge made her smile.

Although most of Maggie's time was spent spying on her future lover, she also watched the doc quite a bit. And while she started off this whole thing with warm feelings for the doc, those feelings were quickly fading. The more she studied her as a woman, the less she understood why Andrew had chosen her as his wife. Sure, she was smart, and she probably made serious money doing what she did, but that kinda thing didn't exactly rattle a man's sabre. And her body probably didn't get the job done either. Like... she was SO flat-chested. It was almost funny how pathetic her little, itty, bitty boobies were. And her butt was nothing special either. And frankly, she wasn't that pretty either.

How could Andrew choose Kathleen when Maggie has her beat in so many ways? Maggie was better looking, and had a much more luscious and sexy body, and with all that taken into account, she was bound to be a world-famous model. Wouldn't Andrew rather attach himself to a bright, shining star like herself, instead of dull, boring Kathleen? UGHH! It was infuriating! Wouldn't any man choose to stuff a hot-bodied slag like Maggie over a slim, curveless bitch like the doc?

Eventually, Maggie had to stop watching Kathleen. It was too frustrating. The longer Maggie watched the doc, the more this annoyance boiled inside her. It was getting harder and harder for Maggie to feel any sort of warmth towards Kathleen. She could appreciate what the doctor did for her, but that flat-chested bitch was the only thing in her way from landing the man of her dreams, and if she didn't get out of the way soon, Maggie would ruin her. Maggie was finding herself having dark fantasies of leaving that bitch a crying, pathetic mess as the little British slut fucked her man right in front of her. Those thoughts always made the scheming slut cum hardest.

Even though Maggie was generally friendly, when it came to men, she was cutthroat. She could be the fun, peppy, charismatic little tease, but she would destroy a bitch if she got in the way of a man she wanted. There were many broken girls left in Maggie's wake, left sobbing and alone while Maggie used their men for sex. But this wasn't just any man. No, this was different. This was a husband. A good husband. A loyal husband, not like some that might be looking to stray. This was a guy that was fully devoted to his wife, for some reason. And to make him hers, she knew she'd have to put in some real work. Maggie would have to step it up.

She spent a good few weeks just spying on them. Maggie worked out a good idea of the married couple's schedule, knowing when they'd be away and when they'd be home.

It was time to take full advantage of that knowledge.


Maggie sauntered with purpose towards the booth at the front gate of Andrew's neighborhood. Wearing some tight jeans, black, high-heeled sandals, a tight, clingy pink tank top, and a fashionable black coat, she marched her way towards the booth, a large paper shopping bag in her hand. Approaching the glass, she walked right up to it, looking through it at the man seated inside, his head down.

"Hi!" she chirped, announcing her presence. The seated guard was startled, looking up, and when he saw who was standing in front of him his eyes went wide.

"Oh, uh... what?" he stammered. Maggie smiled at him. The seated man looked to be about 40, a little chubby, wearing a dark blue uniform. His head was shaved, and also shined with sweat caused by the sticky heat of the late morning.

"Hi!" she repeated. "I was wondering if you could help me?" she asked, really emphasizing her accent.

"Um, oh, uh... what... what do you need?" the guard asked, nervous by her very presence. You couldn't blame him. He didn't see women like Maggie often. He couldn't help but glance at her huge breasts, which were practically spilling from her low-cut top.

"What's your name?" Maggie asked.

"Oh... um... Raymond," he stated, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Hi Raymond!" Maggie chirped. "I wanted to ask... I'm really close friends with the Schaeffers. Andrew and Kathleen. I'm helping throw a surprise party for their anniversary, and they've got, like, the biggest house out of all of us, so we figured we'd do the party there. But none of us have the key. So... I was hoping maybe you could let me in?" she asked, holding up her bag.

"Oh, um..." Raymond said nervously. "I, uh... I can't really do that. Uh, not really allowed to let anyone in without them letting me know first."

"Oh, come on, Ray, I won't tell," Maggie purred. "And besides, it's a surprise. The whole point is that they don't know!"

"Um, I can't... you know... I can't really do that," he stammered.

"Are you sure about that?" Maggie whispered, leaning forward, showing off her mile-long cleavage to the security guard. The guard couldn't help but stare, his eyes going wide as his breath caught in his throat. Maggie titled her head and chewed on her bottom lip, letting him stare, letting him fall under her spell.

Ten minutes later, Maggie was sauntering along the road beyond the gate, housekeys in her pocket, a smile crossing her plump lips. As she walked, she noticed a sprinkler going in Principal Whitley's front lawn. Seeing a solution to a current problem, Maggie stepped over and leaned down, running her hand through the water, cleaning off the evidence of the handjob she had just given Raymond. Why couldn't all men be that easy? Why couldn't Andrew be that easy? You know what... no. This wouldn't be so much fun if Andrew had just given in right at the start. The thrill was in the hunt. And the hunt was on.

A few minutes later, Maggie walked right up to the front door of Andrew's house. Pausing for a instant to relish the moment, she unlocked the front door and pushed it open. Knowing the house was empty, and knowing Raymond had disabled the alarm, she didn't hesitate to step inside.

As she set her bag down, Maggie's eyes went wide with awe. This house was fucking perfect! So big and so open, a far cry from her tiny little apartment. Taking a few tentative steps inside, every sight she took in impressed her. The house was well-furnished, with nice, fancy looking furniture, a nice big TV, and great decorations. The walls were adorned with framed nature pictures that she had no doubt Andrew had taken himself. God, he was so talented. There were a few bits of recognition on the wall for Kathleen for all her doctorly pursuits, but she didn't pay those too much mind.

Maggie's eyes widened as she stepped into the kitchen, her heels clicking on the floor. It was so big, with a nice stove, a big oven, a fancy fridge. Maggie could just tell Andrew was a good cook. He was so talented at everything else there was no question he would be good at that too. Maggie opened the fridge and scanned it, before reaching forward and grabbing an apple, taking a big bite out of it. Scanning around, she found a jar of peanut butter. Looking to complement the apple in her mouth, she opened the jar and jammed a finger into the jar disobediently, gathering a thick dollop of peanut butter onto her finger before licking it off.

Maggie casually walked over to the big windows along the back of the house. Beams of sunlight shined through as she looked outward, looking over the beach, the ocean's waves rolling on the sand. God, what a great view. She could get used to this. The beach was pretty empty and peaceful, the only interruption there being the small pier a little ways down the beach, past another fence, with people walking up and down it.

Down right in front of her, on the other side of the glass doors near her, was the nice, fancy looking pool. Another great place for a girl like her to prance around in her bikini and work on her tan. God, this place was perfect! It even smelled good, she realized, taking a few deep breaths.

Knowing she had work to do, she turned and retrieved her bag before making her way upstairs, her huge boobs bouncing as she ascended. Glancing around once she made her way to the second floor, she found her goal. Walking slowly, she stepped forward into the room she was looking for. The room she'd been dreaming about.
