Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 05


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He looked down at the piece of paper in my hands.

"Oh wow! did she give you her number? Great job baby! She must have been really into you!" He laughed again "I can't say I blame her."

He leaned up and gave me a kiss. Partially on instinct and partially to help vent the passion I had built up, I found myself returning it much harder than I had intended.

"Baby," I said again as we broke away. I could feel my eyes starting to water up. "I'm sorry. I completely couldn't help myself. She was just so..." I gestured aimlessly with my hands "Wow. You know?"

The irony, of course, was that she wasn't even as hot as Evan. She was just... well, she knew how to use what she had.

"Baby, I've told you, it's okay. I understand." Evan smiled up at me sympathetically. "I mean, let's face it, this is hardly the first time you've turned into a total horn dog the moment a cute pair of tits bounced past, is it? And knowing you it's far from being the last. I've told you a million times, I don't care if you get hit on by cute girls."

"You don't?"

"No, I get it. You're into girls, and some of them are crazy hot, especially around here. I mean, come on, you don't think that that girl didn't get my pussy wet? You can't help yourself. I understand, that's just a part of who you are. What's important is that you try. And that, at the end of the night, I'm the one you're taking home. That's all I care about: that when it comes down to it that I matter to you more than any of them.

"Aww. Baby, you're so sweet." I really was lucky to have him. As strange as it was, there was just something so romantic about what he had just said.

"Besides," He laughed again, turning his attention to the girl's retreating form. "Did you see the ass on her?"

Yes. Yes I had. Looking over I could see that she was bent over a display, her hips swaying gently from side to side, dancing to some music only she could hear. I was impressed. Even now she was putting on a show. Her ass really was gorgeous. It was fuller than Evan's, but not quite as shapely. The way she was almost bursting out of her shorts though really sold the whole package.

Wait, hold on. Was this a thing that Evan and I did now? Bonding over hot girls? Evan and I had always been close enough that I'd been able to ask him if a girl was attractive without getting mad. I guess this was just a natural extension of that?

I mean, I know, deep down, that no matter who he finds attractive, at the end of the day, I'm the only one he has eyes for. I trust him completely. But if that's the case, why had I gotten so jealous when I saw that girl flirting with him? That wasn't like me at all. Was this more of the device's doing? Or was I just completely unprepared for the caliber of girl I was now competing against?

For what seemed like forever, we continued to stare at the girl's ass together. It was kind of weird, in retrospect, but it was a really touching moment.

It was funny. Watching the girl glide around in those heels had me thinking about the contrast between the way she moved and the way Evan moved. Evan still moved very much like a man. Even in his heels, he took these long purposeful steps that allowed his shoulders and chest to sway. That was probably why his tits bounced around so much, come to think of it. That girl, on the other hand, seemed to glide around like a ballerina. A slutty ballerina. She had a graceful and casual step that made it seem like she was in no rush and that she would very much like for you to notice her legs, hips and ass please.

I wondered what Evan would be like if he moved like that. I reached down for the device.

Hrmm. No. No. I better not. I had done enough damage today. Evan deserved better than to be treated like some kind of Frankenstein test subject. Had I not already made my mind up about this?

Still... I couldn't deny that I was curious. And horny. I could totally picture his ass wiggling like that as he walked. And I mean, it was really just taking the slutty clothes thing to its logical extreme, wasn't it?

No. That was stupid. I had to be good.

I spent several agonizing minutes trying to reassure myself that I wasn't going to do it. Then the girl got in line for the cashier and I panicked. I had always been a sucker for those 'supplies are running out' sales strategies. There were few things in life that compelled me to make terrible decisions quite like worrying I was going to miss an opportunity forever, and there I was, suddenly terrified I was going to miss my chance. I pulled out the device. By the time I had set the dials I was committed to my decision.

The zzzzttttt hit her midstride. She stumbled as her gait and bearing were suddenly very different. Luckily she managed to catch herself before she fell.

This time, the change was immediate and noticeable. Gone was her sexy-as-nails walk and aura, and in its place was that vibe of gentle amiability I had always gotten from Evan. She was still strutting, but now it seemed more like Evan's all-too-familiar swagger, adjusted for her smaller frame. She was puffing out her chest and her stance was wide open. No longer was she walking one heel delicately in front of the other. Her delicate glide was replaced with a kind of bobbing sway that, sure enough, sent her braless tits bouncing.

It was weird. The way she was walking really did remind me a lot of Evan. How could it not? It was that hyper-perception kicking in again. I wasn't even the sort of person who normally noticed overt body cues but right then, with the way she was moving, I was left half wondering if I'd somehow swapped them around entirely instead. Sure, it made sense that I'd find it familiar, but I wasn't expecting to find it that familiar. It made me feel as if Evan's old body had gone walking past.

I laughed. Oh man, Evan's old body. I'd forgotten about it entirely. I made a mental note that we should probably try to track it down. It probably wouldn't be too hard, one of the football players had it, probably, but still, I'd hate for anything bad to happen to it.

I turned back to Evan. He was primping in one of the store's mirrors, thrusting his boobs forward as he held another shirt up against his chest. The way he jiggled his cleavage -- just enough movement to draw attention to them, but not quite enough to be obvious about it -- was a perfect impression of what the girl had done when she'd approached me earlier.

Okay, I had to admit, that was pretty damn hot. God, Evan was so fucking sexy. Weird or not, this was okay for now. I reached down and touched the slip of paper in my bag. At least this time I had some way of finding the person I had swapped. I could always fix everything later if I wanted to, right?

Still, I couldn't help but feel kind of guilty. Here I had the ability to make myself the best person I could be, and I kept using it for... well... I should be focusing more on swaps to make myself better, or to try new things out, shouldn't I? Instead of just making my already perfect boyfriend even more fuckable?

Trying new things... that was something I hadn't really done much of. Sure, I was in a whole new body now, more or less, and I guess that had come with a whole host of new experiences, but it's not like I had set out to experience them when I had made the swaps.

And why not? I enjoyed being taller, didn't I? And I certainly enjoyed having this python slithering around my pants, even if it was a bit of a pain in the ass to keep under control.

What else was there to try though? Lots of stuff, I supposed. Anything really. But it was probably best to avoid anything too extreme for now, right? I didn't want to risk doing anything that I couldn't fix if something went horribly wrong.

Actually, there was one thing I was kind of curious about. That girl -- Emma I guess her name had been -- had had a tongue stud. And nipple piercings for that matter, yum. I'd always been curious about that sort of thing. I mean, I had hitherto thought of it as something that was, well, trashy and beneath me, but actually seeing a girl who had one made me realize just how primal and hot it was.

I looked down at the device in my hands. Luckily, the girl was still around. It looked like she was flirting with the cashier. I assumed she was flirting at least. That was the kind of girl who could ask about the weather and it would look like flirting. I started re-adjusting the dials.

There's an alarming suddenness when you swap yourself. It's like, your expectng something to be different, but your brain expects a transitional period and it doesn't get that. You're just suddenly very different and your brain can't keep up. The fact that you have new nerves doesn't help. Everything always feels so weird and foreign until your body catches up.

I had another girl's tongue in my mouth.

It was not as sexy as it sounds. I fiddled with it for a while, feeling it against my teeth and the roof of my mouth. I had expected it to be softer? I could feel it pushing down further in my throat. I guess it was much larger than I had expected. It had an unusual taste, but it was subtle, and I couldn't for the life of me describe it. Would food taste differently now?

I tried to just kind of relax to see how it felt, but I couldn't really get it to sit comfortably. I didn't know if that was because it didn't fit properly now, or if I was just doing that thing where you think about blinking or breathing or whatever and you suddenly find you can't help but do it manually until something distracts you from it.

The tongue stud was heavy and a little cold. I had imagined it to have a kind of coppery metallic taste, but I guess they don't really make them out of stuff that has flavor. Was it always this cold, or had the girl's mouth just been colder? Wait, ew, this had been in her mouth. Was that sanitary? Did the remote clean stuff when it swapped them? I guess organ rejection and all that wasn't a factor, so it must, but still.

I stuck my new tongue out. It was definitely longer than my old one. Much longer. Like, longer than a normal tongue should be. Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, I reached up and effortlessly touched my nose with it. Okay, that was a little weird.

Yeah, this was not working for me. The idea of having someone else's tongue was, I guess, just one step too far. I guess even I had my limits.

A moment later I had swapped back. It felt like I'd just spat out a wad of gum. Some of the taste seemed to linger in the back of my throat, and I still couldn't quite relax it comfortably, but at least the fit felt familiar and right.

Alright, so that was disappointing. It had been so hot when she had had it. She hadn't even had to do anything with it. Just knowing that stud was there was enough to get my motor running. I guess being hot was all well and good, but I wanted to be comfortable in the body I ended up with as well. Although with these tits I guess I had sacrificed a fair bit of comfort for my looks already, hadn't I?

Okay, this whole tongue thing was still something I wanted to play around with, just maybe it was better when I had a bit more time.

I swapped the girl's tongue with Evan's, right as she walked out of the door. He had complained about his short tongue in the past, even if he was pretty skilled with it, so this was something that I was pretty sure he'd have no complaint about. Now at least it would be around when it came time to experiment. In the meantime, if Evan should happen to find a use for it, well, that was just a nice little bonus, wasn't it?

I'd only had a few, but Evan's blowjobs were amazing. I was eager to see what he'd do with the new equipment.

With the girl gone and all that excitement over I was finally able to focus my attention on shopping. Evan already had a great big bundle of lacy stuff under one arm. I needed to catch up.

I'll admit, the clothes here looked like they'd fit a lot better than at the department store, though perhaps 'fit' was a bit of a misleading term. The stuff here was not only designed for a bustier clientele, but was designed to be worn tight as well. Evan and I would be bursting out of some of this stuff, but at least that was how they were intended to be worn. As far as I was concerned, Evan could burst out of these top any day of the week. I wouldn't mind one bit.

Of course, the problem I was now facing was the opposite of the one I'd faced in the department store. I wanted to show off, sure, but I didn't want to look like some kind of sex-starved bimbo in the process. Everything here just seemed so, well, slutty. It was clubwear, not daywear. Still, I had gathered up the more conservative offerings that I had come across. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try them on at least.

To my annoyance, I found myself catching people giving me weird looks whenever I picked up anything even remotely feminine. I had somehow once again forgotten that today, apparently, me dressing like a girl made me some kind of crossdresser. The cashier, a juicy little brunette with long hair and perky tits, seemed to be keeping an especially close eye on me. At first, I thought she was worried I'd steal something, but then I caught her blushing when I held a crop top up to the light. I guess she was into that sort of thing? At least she wasn't being judgmental.

I was starting to regret swapping wardrobes with Evan. It was great that he was dressing in a way that suited his figure -- damn was I ever grateful for that fact -- but this would have been a lot easier on me if I had swapped his wardrobe with literally any other girl on the planet instead. I'd endure it for now, but I wanted to find a way to set it right at some point. The judgemental looks I was getting even here were really starting to get to me.

I laughed. I was being awfully picky in what was probably one of those 'beggars can't be choosers kind of moments.' But hey, if weird looks were the cost of getting my boyfriend to dress sexy, then that was a small price to pay.

That was when, for the second time that day, all my prayers were answered.

There, sitting forgotten in the far corner of this otherwise well-populated shop, was a small rack of pre-ripped blue jeans. Pants, at long last. Sure, the style was tight -- hell, the damn things looked like yoga pants -- but they were still pants, damnit. And I could probably get away with wearing them without everyone giving me the stink eye, too. I mean, worse to worst, guys wearing women's jeans was fashionable, right?

That was my hope, at least.

What was better, I had even managed to find some pretty cute tops that I could probably get away with wearing too without complaint. They were kind of simple, actually, but they looked like they clung to all the right places and they had a certain boldness to them that I found quite charming. If nothing else, they'd be good for wearing around the house. If they didn't wind up discarded on the floor as soon as Evan and I walked in the door and started pawing at each others boobs first, that is.

I allowed myself the luxury of taking that fantasy a step further. Was it wrong that I sort of found the idea of Evan and I just grinding our enormous hard nipples together kind of romantic? Maybe I could just rub my dick along his pussy lips while we did so. No penetration, just closeness. The idea of not having anything between us just seemed so sweet. Two days ago, I'd have thought the idea crazy and perverse and now here I was finding it practically poetic.

"You ready go try everything on?" Evan asked, snapping me back to reality. I nodded dumbly as I looked down at the items I'd chosen.

You know what? I was worried earlier, but maybe this trip wasn't a total loss after all. There was enough here to get by for a little while at least. Even if none of the other stores we checked out today had anything that really worked, we had enough to at least leave the house dressed better than we were now. I'd just have to be careful that I didn't overuse the device or end up changing our proportions around too much in the meantime.

Of course, it was hard to focus on any of this as I tried to follow Evan back to the changerooms. His new walk was really something else. He had taken the girl's saunter and stepped it up to 11. The extra weight in his chest and ass, combined with what I presumed was the greater flexibility from his cheerleader body meant that every inch of him seemed to cry out for attention with every step he took.

I bit my lip as he stepped into one of the changing stalls. If he hadn't closed the door right when he did I'd have tackled him then and there and showed him just how much I appreciated the little show he was putting on.

Of course, lucky for me, the show was just getting started. Evan wanted to try on everything and was insistent that he show it all off.

We took turns, though of course he had picked out quite a bit more than me, so before long I was mostly just sitting back and enjoying. I was delighted to find that most of what I had picked out didn't just fit well, but was also surprisingly comfortable. The jeans were the biggest struggle, I had enough trouble trying to fit my ass in, but my dick just didn't want to cooperate. Eventually I had to sort of compromise and stuff the damn thing down one leg.

Between the jeans and the tops, I actually managed to do a remarkable job of showing off my body without making me feel naked. I had to hand it to Evan, he had been right about coming to this store. I would have never expected to find anything like this.

Evan's taste in clothing, which had changed so much over the course of the day, seemed to have arrived at its logical extreme. He still seemed to favor the more masculine lines and colors, but any hint of subtlety or decency had flown completely out the window.

Frankly a lot of his choices didn't actually look all that great, but he more than made up for it with his enthusiasm. It was like watching a kid who had just discovered that they could dress however they wanted, and who was now struggling to figure out what did and did not work together and what went too far.

Some of the stuff he came out in I had a hard time believing people even actually wore. There was this one light blue dress in particular that just burned itself into my memory. It was short and tight and was clearly intended to show off a massive amount of cleavage, yet nothing could have prepared it for the way Evan filled it out. He had removed his bra to try to make the thing fit better, but every time he tried to pull it down to cover up his ass, his big hard pencil eraser nipples would pop out the top instead. It would either cover his ass or his nipples, but not both. We had a good laugh at that. As sexy as it was, I felt bad for anyone who had to wear that all day, they'd probably have to micromanage it every time they moved.

Curiously, he seemed to have developed a penchant for long dangly things, which was reflected quite prominently in the rather gaudy set of accessories he had decided to try on. He had picked out several necklaces, all of which hung down well into his cleavage, as though my eyes weren't drawn to them enough.

He seemed quite fond of skirts as well. I don't think I saw a single pair of pants in the whole collection.

What stuck out for me the most however, was how Evan had moved away from the muscle-man poses he had been doing in front of the mirror in the previous few stores. Now, instead, he had adopted a bevy of alternatingly cute and sexy poses straight out of some kind of pseudo-porn fashion magazine. Each pose seemed precisely calibrated to provoke a response in my dick, and the way he moved between them was like some kind of exotic dancer going through a routine. If I hadn't already been hard this definitely would have done the trick. I even swooned a little when he leaned over and blew me a kiss.
