Ӕgir's Captive Pt. 06

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Mikael's Demons.
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Part 6 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/11/2012
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Mikael stared at the woman. Why the hell did she have to look so fucking beautiful without any make-up, her hair in a simple braid and wearing nothing but Bjorn's shirt? "Take off the shirt," if she wearing anything this night, it would be his.

The girl clutched the shirt about her neck tightly and stared at him, "What is it with you guys and clothes? Is that all you know? Are you naturists or something?"

He watched as she shuffled about the room. He would have asked why him, but he knew. The woman had sensed that he was the weak link, that he wanted this the least of them all. And she had thought she could use that to manipulate the situation. Manipulate him. But he had had enough of women manipulating him to last a life time.

And as much as it pained him to admit, Mama was right...he might not want this, but he needed it. More even than his baby brother. His child's very future depended upon binding this woman to them...to him and ultimately to Monika. He was not going to fail his daughter...not again. He might have been unable to stop her own mother from abandoning her, but he would not allow his own 'issues' to stop them now.

She inched towards the closed door. He chuckled, "Where do you think you can go, Kirsty? We are on a boat in the middle of the ocean. It is dark and cold out there." He stood to his full height of six foot six and used it to tower over her. She was not a small girl like Greta had been, she would not be used to such displays of dominance from men. He would use that surprise to his advantage.

"And did you forget that my brothers are just down the hall? Do you think they are just going to let you walk right past them?" Almost to make his point he turned and fumbled through the trunk that sat against the wall behind the door to the bathroom.

It was their toy box. Big boy toys that they used when any of them entertained guests. He knew that she preferred rope and from the looks of marks on her wrists, Sven had given her a taste of that. For once though he was not going to get into a contest of one-up-manship with his brother. He reached for a different set of toys and the clink of cold metal filled the room.

When he turned back to her, she had inched closer to the door. But prudence perhaps had kept her from testing his theories. He smiled as he lifted his prizes in his hands. "Do you know what these are?"

Mikael had to admit he enjoyed the surge of power that rushed straight to his cock at the look of shock in those expressive eyes. "I will not ask if you have tried them. We both know you have not." He shrugged his broad shoulders as he stepped closer to her, "And I really do not give a damn if you want to or not."

He stood within inches of her then. He bent his head so that he could whisper in her ear, "You thought you could top from the bottom with me, didn't you?"

Her braid hit the side of his face as she shook her head so violently, trying to deny what they both knew was true. "I just thought..." she stammered as she held up her hands. She started to back away like he known she would. He had positioned them so that only brought her closer to the bed...where he wanted her. Though perhaps not as she thought. Not as his brothers did. But wanted her nonetheless.

When the back of her legs hit the edge of the bed, when he knew that he had her cornered, exactly as he wanted her, his hand captured her wrist as it came up to push at his chest. He smiled with satisfaction at the clank of metal against metal as the handcuff tightened around her wrist. They were surprisingly small for a girl of her size but he adjusted them until they fit just right. Not too tight so that he would need to constantly check for circulation. But not loose enough that she could wiggle away.

She was going nowhere this night. She might have thought she had chosen the weakest link but she would soon discover that even then their resolve was stronger than she was.

He had to lift her other hand from where she had tried to hide it behind her back as the first cuff closed around the other wrist. His body brushed against hers and his cock hardened inside of his jeans. He cursed under his breathe. At her, but more so at the betrayal of his own body. He did not want to want her. He never wanted to want another woman at all...ever.

But this one was not one of the hookers that he paid in the Red Light district of whatever port they called upon. Then only when he could no longer deny his physical appetites or satisfy them himself. This one he could not simply walk away from without a backward glance by tossing a few extra bills upon the bed.

This one was his wife. Their wife, he corrected himself. His wife had left him. Had hated him so much that she did not even want to take their daughter with her...because she reminded her of him. He froze. For a moment, he feared that the woman had been right. That he was so weak that he could not go through with this. Could not do what he knew he must to bind her closer to them. Closer to him as much as that frightened and disgusted him.

It was his little girl's face in his mind as he closed his eyes that ultimately gave him that courage. Mama was right, she needed a mother. But if what he feared was true proved right, she needed more than that. She needed this woman's skills.

When they had started to talking with her, they had done a bit of research into many facets of her life. Google had told them much about the people she called parents. But what it had not told them, niggled at the back of his mind. There was not a single mention anywhere of the brilliant couple's only child. Their careers most definitely. Their charity work. Their presence in high society. But not her. Not Kirsty. This he did not understand.

But that was not all they had investigated. They had learned more about her work too. He in particular had spent hours investigating what it was that she did with these children. It was this that had given him hope that perhaps if she loved her work so very much and her messages indicated that she did, then perhaps she could, would come to love Monika.

The thing was that the more Mikael read and learned of autism...the more he saw his own little girl. At times, he had had to force himself to keep reading through eyes that were clouded with unshed tears. So much of it all finally made sense. His daughter's withdrawal, the way that she could never look any of them in the eyes...well rarely. Her sometimes almost violent outbursts that seemed to come out of nowhere and have no cause. Even the fact that at almost five she spoke less than a handful of words and then only rarely. It all made sense to him...

And that was why he needed this woman. This woman above all others might hold the key for reaching his child. And he would do whatever it took to keep her...to bind her to them. To him. His daughter was counting on him not to let her down...not this time.

He opened his eyes and stared into hers as he lowered her to the bed. He re-arranged her long legs that he was delighted to see was covered with the light brown freckles that ran across her nose. Was her whole body, he wondered. He would discover for himself soon enough.

He clicked the other handcuff into place around the other wrists and then tugged her hands above her head, securing them to the hook above his brother's bed. But he was not done yet.

He stood up and walked back to that trunk. It was not hard to find what he was looking for, it was one of the larger items in it. He felt the weight of it in his hand as he lifted it high into the air. He watched her eyes as the faint light from the overhead bulb caught on the metal bar. "I don't need to ask if you know what this is. I can see in those beautiful eyes that you know exactly what a spreader bar is used for," he chuckled as he took the single step between the open box and the foot of the bed.

"I don't think this made your fetish list on the site," he bent and unbuckled one of the straps, slipping it around her ankle even though she fought, tried to keep him from buckling it firmly into place. "But it makes mine," he replied as he turned to attention to the other ankle. Without the momentum of both legs this one was easier still to capture. He had the restraints secured around both ankles in less than two minutes despite her protests and fighting.

He looked up at her. Stared her down for several long moments without saying or doing anything at all. It was a battle of wills. A game of chicken. Who would look away first? And he was determined to win this primitive game of domination that even beasts of the field knew and practiced.

Though she did not see it, he nodded his head in satisfaction when she looked away, staring at the wall. "Why me?" she whispered.

Her simple words froze Mikael and melted something inside of him. He wished he could give her an answer, but the one which he had to give would only make matters worse. It was self-serving and probably nothing more than a father's desperate attempt to save his only child. So he simply ignored her plea though something about it ate at his soul.

But he pushed it all aside and focused upon doing what had to be done at this moment. He adjusted the bar, loosening it until it was almost its full length. The girl really did have the most amazing long legs. And the spreader bar only emphasized that.

Her pale skin with its light smattering of freckles almost blended with the white duvet. The only color was the deep blue of his brother's shirt and the striking red of hair. Neither one of which was to his liking at the moment.

He knelt at the foot of the bed and bent over her. There was barely a foot between their bodies as he leaned all of his weight upon one hand near her head. The other hand he used to rip open his little brother's damned shirt. Was it some perverse reminder from Bjorn that this woman had been his choice? It did not matter really, because in the end she was their choice. Their woman. Their wife.

He smiled as he noticed the freckles that covered her neck and shoulders, they continued down her chest. They called to him like stars in the night sky. He wondered if he stared at them long enough, could he find patterns among them as the ancients had in the skies. Would those patterns and stars led him home as his forefathers had once followed the stars to navigate the seas?

He doubted it. There was no home for him, no peace to be found. His hope had walked out the door, out of his life, out of his little girl's life three years ago. It was too late for him. But not for his daughter. Not for his brothers. So he would go through the motions. Do what he knew needed to be done to bind this woman to him. To them all. He would not be the weakest link. He would not fail them. Never again.

"Bjorn will have to find another favorite shirt," he said as he drew the knife from his back pocket. He had meant only to cut the shirt from her. These games...knife play was much too advanced for a novice. But the look of fear...and excitement in those Odin damned eyes did something to his gut, his mind and damn it that Judas...his cock.

"Be very still, Kirsty," he whispered as he stared into the depths of those green fields. "Do you understand me?"

The girl only nodded her head against the white pillow. It was a reminder of the other thing that he did not like. He rose up and shifted the knife to his other hand. He noticed the look of relief...and disappointment as he bent back over her. He smiled as he used his long fingers to tug and pull her hair free of the braid. Maybe he should have been more gentle but he was in too much of a hurry to see those thick curls spread like a hallo of orange tulips around her. It took him just a moment to complete the task and return to his earlier one as he shifted the knife back to his other hand.

He stared directly into those eyes as he brought the point of the blade to her cheek. He told himself that this game, one of his favorites was much too much advanced for them. It required a degree of trust that was built up over time. But that was just it, he did not have time. Three days at best before they reached port. Three days before she had the chance to run...not that any of them was going to let her do that. Not physically anyway.

But Mikael of all them knew how easy it would be for her to withdraw from them all. He knew exactly what it felt like to live with and sleep next to a stranger. On the small island that they called home, with acres and acres of fields and trees, a house that had been added to time and time again as their family grew over the centuries, it was easy to find places to hide. He should know...he was expert at it.

So he did what he must, he forced her deeper into a level of trust than perhaps he ought. Deeper than either was ready to go as he ran the tip of the blade along the bottom of her prominent cheek bone from her ear to the corner of her mouth. The line that the sharp blade left in its wake was red and raised, but as he knew he would not, the skin remained unbroken. That line would disappear quickly, but this lesson would remain deep in her submissive brain.

He hated the way that his cock hardened and throbbed painfully inside the coarse denim of his jeans, but he loved the way he could almost hear the rapid beating of her heart in the tiny room. He loved the look of surrender in those eyes even more as he bent towards her full lips. Her mouth was open and his blade remained at the corner of it.

His eyes never left hers as he captured that pouty bottom lip between his teeth and bit into the succulent flesh. She held perfectly still no matter how deep his teeth sank into the tender skin until he tasted the coopery sweetness of her blood on his tongue. "Good girl," he whispered as he released the swollen flesh and straightened a bit.

He used the knife to cut away the rest of his brother's sign of possession on her body. Until she lay completely naked on the bed beneath him. The spreader bar held her legs open almost obscenely. He sat back on his heels and began to toy with her. He stared into those eyes as he used the knife to draw delicate patterns of raised welts down her neck.

He paused for a long moment alongside the point where they both knew that her jugular vein and carotid artery pumped blood to and from that brilliant brain. He held her very life at the tip of his knife and they both knew it. It was a head rush that he had rarely indulged in with any partner. And never with the same intimacy that he shared with this woman...for they both knew that it was not just symbolic. They truly did hold her life in their hands...he and his brothers.

He smiled secretively. Of course, what she did not realize was just how much she held theirs in her hands and heart too. And it was better that she did not. He had learned the hard way not to give that type of power to any woman...even this one.

He continued the trail down her neck and across her chest as it heaved to suck air into her lungs where fear and excitement melted together into a powerful brew that demanded more oxygen than if she were running a race. She was of course but this was a marathon and not a sprint...and he intended to show her that...in some very intimate ways.

When he came to her tits, he added his marks to Sven's. He traced the outline of his brother's teeth on her pale flesh. The bruises were a deep purple now so he added the deep lines of his knife to accent each one. He knew that the pressure of the blade against the tender flesh would be painful and her quick intake of breathe a couple of times when he applied a deeper pressure only confirmed that.

Then he came to her nipples. They were hard, standing like pinkish brown summits against the white hillocks of her breasts. They reminded him of snowcapped mountains in reverse. They captivated him. Breasts always did. This uniquely womanly feature to the ability to nurture life and provide comfort.

Greta had refused to nurse Monika calling breastfeeding disgusting, she would not risk her perky tits merely to feed a child. But now was not the time to ruminate upon past mistakes. Now was about bonding with the future. He trailed the sharp tip of the knife in ever tightening circles around her areola until the point buried into the tender flesh of her nipple. He held her gaze as he sink the point as deep as he dared.

A soft whimper escaped her throat but he could not tell if it was pain or pleasure. He smiled triumphantly and bent once more to taste her blood on that swollen lip. His tongue invaded the recesses of her mouth and licked at the wound as it retreated. He returned to repeat the game upon her other nipple.

These games were more fun than he remembered, but he was tiring of toying with his prey. The point of the hunt was the kill of course. And he zoomed in for it as he scooted back to the foot of the bed and began to run his knife along the soles of her feet.

He chuckled as he watched her writhe against her bonds. Her own teeth biting into her swollen lower lip until she gasped out at the pain...and the unique torment unlike all others. "Ticklish are we? I shall remember this," he said as he drug the point of his knife slowly up the inside of her calf towards her thighs.

Without the impediment of his brother's offensive shirt she was fully open to him and he could clearly see her cunt glistening in the dim light. He knew that these games were exciting her as much or even more than they frightened her. And he was just getting started. Soon...very soon...he would see just how sweet she tasted. He would feast on her...until he was satisfied.

It was no accident when his blade sank a little deeper into the sensitive and tender flesh of her inner thigh just an inch from her mound. He held her gaze as he allowed the blade to slice through her skin, to mark her. He smiled like one of his ancient forefathers as he corned a polar bear and went in for the kill as he watched the trail of red blood against creamy white flesh.

Then he did what he had been waiting to do. He bent his artic blonde head that was almost as white as her skin and he tasted her. Tasted her blood once more as he lapped the trail away. Then he placed his mouth directly over the open wound and sucked until the warm coppery taste of her life force filled his mouth and ignited something ultimately primal inside of him.

Then and only thing did he allow himself to turn towards his true focus. That morsel of sensitive flesh that was peaking between the glistening folds of her slightly spread pussy lips. He was glad that she was freshly shaven although maybe in the future they would extend these games a bit. He hardened and thickened at the thought of her immobilized like this as he took his straight razor to this most delicate of flowers...oh yes...he looked forward to shaving her cunt one day soon...very soon.

But for now, this game was about tasting her sweetness...and tormenting her. Until she broke...for him. Just for him as he sank his teeth around the throbbing flesh of her clitoris.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Agree with Tess below. But this is a very dangerous kink and the author through the man projects that the woman is fearful but is excited to be marked by a knife by a stranger who has to fight to put the cuffs on her and over the hook and the same with the spreader bar and opened to maximum, that he wants to shave her genitals with a straight razor to see the fear ( she did say to Sven "No" 3 times and he bites her on her breast causing bruising and teeth marks which dear brother put a knife through to make his mark over his brothers and knows he is causing her pain!!) And cuts and marks her right by her labia and sucks the blood off, now Bites her clit!! I would wait till he trusts me and tie him up, doing exactly the same, I would bite his breast and stick the knife in and right by his balls to suck the blood off then give him a shave around his meat and 2 veg with the straight razor and then bite him on his cock and glands as payback for the clit. But I think she will be like that bint in 50 shades and heal him with her love cause I love his daughter and I can heal broken dangerous men......pass the vomit bowl!! And a warning ⚠️ would be good about the knife 🔪 play/ fear....you went there and some comments were this is hot, or I love knife 🔪 play while others and I am 1 of them, you have gone too far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

When you write about extreme kinks you’re going to get extreme viewpoints in commentary from readers.

It’s not my kink but that’s irrelevant. What’s relevant is that it’s included in the story and the reactions of the characters. It’s clear that it’s his kink, his logical brain knows he’s pushing too hard but he’s on a deadline. The story is very much still in the realms of rape and abuse, she knows she has kinks but doesn’t know her limits yet. All three are physically attractive and it appears she’s had great sex.

Your intent as the author seems clear, all 3 men will fall for her (despite the intentions of no.2) and after some problems she’s going to fall for them. It’s a fantasy so providing it doesn’t go down the road of “magic cock” as much as it pains me - I’m still in for now (despite the rape and abuse). I can skip content that I personally don’t like unless it’s the main focus of the story. There is a lot of erotic content BUT I’m a die hard advocate for consent, all sex should be consensual that includes sex between people in a relationship. Free will matters. The will to live is a powerful motivator but if someone is pushed too much and doesn’t see a way out they still have the choice of their own life or death. There’s no chance I would stay in a situation long term facing rape and abuse everyday, I rather exit on my own terms.

To head off the tired mantras of “well if you don’t like it don’t read it” or “oh typical read non con and then complain” this category consists of two parts it’s : Non Consensual/ RELUCTANCE if you enjoy the second type of story sometimes you have to wade through shit to find a good story. No offence intended because I honestly don’t think it’s a bad story.

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Same old shit...

Assholes coming to non-con and getting butt-hurt about lack of consent. I'd say you get what you pay for, but lets be honest - you didn't pay for shit. If Tara put this in fetish you know damn well people would bitch about it not being here, so how exactly is she supposed to win? Also what level of stupid do you have to be to think this is real...do you not understand how fiction works? Do you also think that people who watch horror movies are compelled to chop off heads?

@Tara I'd honestly be surprised if you read this far. I'm hella biased because knife/fear play is my fetish...but I like your writing style. No one particular thing. Your story flows well, the characters are well rounded and interesting (whether they're likeable or not), and I'd probably read the whole bloody thing with or without the kinky bits. Basically, keep rocking on with your bad self.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Lost me

I'll read on, but this isn't BDSM, this is Fetish. Blood play is way beyond bondage and submission, 2 stars, one for the writing, one for the plot. The rest is washed away by the disgust that killed any arousal. Perhaps a disclosure on this chapter might help?


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Please ensure comments are fit for purpose.

With the exception of Joodle, all I got from the other comments were; me, me, me, I, I, I. All opinionated with the view to sate personal urges. If she were to follow everyone's advise, the writing will have no direction.

Tara; you're writing this, so it's yours to do what you want with. I am enjoying this and it's been captivating from the very first chapter.

Your decision to post this as non-consensual was also spot on. Kirsty has not consented to anything at this point of the story, so the spiel about Kirsty not trusting Mikael; or posting this as fetish was totally irrelevant.

joodlejoodleabout 9 years ago
Of all chapters, I stopped to comment on this one...

"Knife play" is not at the top of my list of fetishes. BUT, it definitely is about as ballsy as it gets in BDSM. At least to me. And then, to have him actually intentionally cut her, and THEN to have him suck her blood...oh fuck that made my hips rise in a way few stories do. Even with the intensity of Sven, and the glimpse into Bjorn's true thoughts, there is nothing quite better than the "Grumpy" of the group. Oh hell yes. Very well done. I might suggest an editor, but thats it. The only creepy part about this story so far for me is that the mother actually helped with finding her, and was involved, however minimally, in the kink aspect of her capture. That was sick. But I will overlook it because of the romantic cutting scenes. LOL

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 9 years ago
This knife business is way too much.

Maybe this chapter was better suited to fetish? Disfiguring her and drinking her blood was so repulsive, I lost all sympathy for Mikael.

I do still find your story interesting but I don't think I'll enjoy reading about this brother any more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This is a very well written story and although there are elements of it that I really don't like, I also find it compelling.

Personally, I don't really understand the appeal of knife and blood play, but I do understand that it takes a lot of trust in a partner to take part in it. Kirsty has absolutely no reason to trust any of her abductors, and considering her treatment so far, (except for Bjorn), she has every reason to be afraid of them. With this in mind, what Mikael does to her here is little more than a quite terrifying assault by a stranger with a deadly weapon, while she is bound and helpless.

While Mikael is lost in the eroticism of his feelings, Kirsty is not. Even if she has somewhat darker sexual tastes, I seriously doubt she would enjoy this, and I wonder how the brothers expect to bind their 'wife' to them by brutalising her so violently.

I have enjoyed reading the story so far, the viewpoints of the characters are interesting, and it skirts the line of brutality, reluctance and erotic coercion. Kirsty seems to be capable of intelligent thought, and reason, and I really hope this is not going to turn into another 'magic dick' story, where the woman is suddenly sells herself out to become a brainless doormat willing to put up with any kind of rape and abuse for a series of extremely unlikely orgasms.

I am interested to see what happens next...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story!

...can't wait to read the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
love it

love the direction you're going with the series just wondering if she's going to have any aftercare? because of the handcuff and scratches also will there be a moment where she's going to want to "jump ship"?

thank you mm

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Loving this...

Please hurry with chapter 7. :)

bearsladybearsladyover 9 years ago

Wow, did you polarize people with this chapter! Obviously, so far, readers either love it or hate it. While I don't see the attraction with knife play, I can see the fascination some people have for it. To be on the receiving end would, I imagine, heighten the senses to the nth level and make the following pleasure that much more intense. And something tells me that sex with this brother would be very intense no matter what he did.

It would be a pretty boring story if all the brothers screwed in the same way. But you rightfully have them staying true to who they are and their own needs/pleasures. And you are staying true to the premise of the story. What they need from her as a wife and what she needs from each of them as her husbands, will be different. I picture Bjorn as being more of a sweet, playful partner. Only time will show if I guessed right.

Another well done chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Too short! This is so hot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
WHY :'''-(

Loved the earlier ones, but this one has gotten creepy and gross. please no more blood and way less of him thinking about his young daughter while he torturers his "wife". She started off way less submissive, please don't be so obvious and rush her into this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

They want her to bind to them through Stockholm Syndrome?! Well, I guess they are Nordic. If a guy cut me with a knife in my girl bits someday he would wake-up without his boys.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
hope this is a long one

Very hot, I would disagree with the comments that this story has gone over the edge. I would say it is teetering on the edge though and if you can maintain that dangerous balance this will continue to be one explosively hot story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Mentally deranged people don't make for a good read

This has taken a sickening turn. Way too much. No more for me. UGH!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Nope nope nope

I'm jumping ship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

It is right ...she do not trust them...this is rape and torture because she as not GIVEN permission for this. I read again the previous chapters, I don't see a strong cause enought to justify this behavior. I know this is not consent and is cristal clear she is not willing. But to talk about her submissive nature is stupid...BECAUSE SHE CANT MOVE...SHE DIDT NOT AGREE TO BE PUT IN THIS SITUATION...SHE DID NOT GAVE UP CONTROL...IT WAS TAKEN FROM HER....THERE FOR this is torture and rape. Just because a man can make you come doesnt make you willing or submissive or masochist. And futher more....drawing blood is a BIG BIGGGG "NO NO". I would only hope that you keep on the non consent part of this story being realistic and keep her non willing and not make another magic dick story. Her falling in love and live happily ever after just is not real...I was rape 22 years ago..I'm not traumatise sexually speaking...i dont have trust issues...i'm not scared of the dark...i dont even remember the rape all that well because i was out for most of it.....but even When I cant remember it ...still rape ..and I will hate that mother fucker 'till the day I die.... since it is free acces and you allow comments I assume you are open to different opinions. And i dont care about the opinion of any one else but the author.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimover 9 years ago

Just wow. Was that hot or what.!!

He is one sick motherfucker and definitely one who I would like to see on the business end of his own knife.

Excellent gripping and oh so descriptive writing

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