Global Warming, Does It Exist?

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What do you think? Does global warming really exist or not?
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This is a Earth Day contest story. Please vote.


What do you think? Does global warming really exist or is it just misinformation, scare tactics, and propaganda?

"Happy 41st Earth Day Everyone!"

Now that today is Earth Day, I was just wondering about global warming. With all the conservation and recycling that we all do to save the environment, the two are tied together. There are just as many people who think that global warming exist as there are who think that it doesn't exist. As polarized as hot and cold water and the ice age versus global warming, those who believe that global warming exists are Democrats, the party that cares more about people like me and you, versus the Republicans, the party that cares only about themselves and about big business, who believe that there's no such thing as global warming.

Strange that the fate of our planet should be separated by political parties. When the Democrats take office, they try to reverse the effects of global warming. Then, when the Republicans take office, they reverse everything that the Democrats did. Isn't that a complete waste of their time and our money?

I guess you already know what I think, but what do you think? Where do you stand on this issue? Forget about politics, what's the opinion of the rest of the world's scientific community? Surprisingly for those who believe there is no global warming and not surprising for those who believe there is global warming, those scientists throughout the world not prejudiced by and obligated to American politicians believe there is global warming.

Even still, in this age of profit and greed, is global warming just another scam like was the Cold War of old? Our government made us fear the Russians, when Russia didn't even have a modern day communications system. Every time they showed a high ranking Russian politician's office he had multiple telephones on his desk. He didn't even have that important red telephone. Having the most basic of communications systems, they didn't even have a multiline telephone.

Tell me, does anyone really believe the Warren Commission's findings over the assassination of President Kennedy? Does anyone know who was behind the assassinations of John Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy? Does anyone now care? You should because not only are the lies continuing but also the scams have gotten worse than just assassinating a President of the United States.

More recently, with our government's contention that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, as our justification to go to war with them, after a while, with all the lies our presidents have told the American public over the years, I have great difficulty believing anything our elected leaders say, when a disgraced President Nixon left Washington after lying about Watergate.

The greatest actor playing the greatest role for eight, long years, without even winning an Oscar, we are still uncovering the lies that our puppet President Ronald Reagan told surrounding the Iran-Contra scandal.

"Read my lips. No new taxes," said George H. W. Bush. Instead of fixing the economy he started the Gulf War, before taxing the shit out of the rest of us.

"I did not have sex with that woman," said Bill Clinton staring into the camera, when lying about having sex with Monica Lewinski. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I always thought that a blowjob constituted having sex, be it with a man or a woman.

"The war is officially over," said our Commander in Chief, George W. Bush, when standing on of all ships, the USS Abraham Lincoln, about the war in Iraq. Instead of fixing the economy, he bombed Iraq. No accident that he was aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, was that because we'd more readily believe the lies he so desperately hoped all of us would believe, when he was standing on a ship named after honest Abe?

Sadly and deeply disconcertingly, I find it difficult to believe my own government. Even long before most of us were born, there's still those who believe that our government knew long in advance that the Japanese planned to bomb Pearl Harbor. Most recently, there are those who firmly believe that our government knew about the plot to fly planes into the Twin Towers.

I can see the eggheads from Harvard and MIT sitting around a conference table in a Think Tank in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with advanced quantum mechanics and mathematic formulas computing human casualties, while weighing the advantages against the disadvantages of stopping the terrorists or not. Only, they miscalculated. They didn't know those towers would collapse and so many people, especially police, fire, and EMT's would die that fateful day. How dare they?

Then, there's the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson, opening the United States treasury vaults to bankrupt banks, insurance companies, and his buddies at Goldman Sachs to bail them out, while the rest of us lost our jobs and our homes. They didn't even properly account for which banks took how much money. Are you kidding me?

"C'mon in. No pushing. There's plenty of money for everyone. Take what you want. Take what you need. Yeah, that's right. Don't forget to take enough to cover those multi-million dollar bonuses that you need to pay at year end to those investment analysts who created and caused this recession."

Meanwhile, as if they were at a Security and Exchange casino gambling not with their own money, but with the futures of the rest of us, the big players of Wall Street became billionaires with derivatives and questionable, if not illegal, investments, at best. Even with our trusted watchdog embroiled in the scandal, the SEC, no one was watching the store. We've been robbed! We've been had!

Sorry, but if a black man stole a loaf of bread to feed his children, he'd get twenty years in jail. Why has none of these people, except for Madoff, gone to jail? Bush and Chaney should be executed for what they did to all of us. Sorry, but I don't believe anything my government tells me and I question everything they say.

Now, our government is picking the pockets of the poorest of the poor, our retired, those on a fixed income and collecting Social Security. With articles printed online telling people not to start collecting Social Security at 62-years-old, but to wait until they are 70-years-old, hoping they'll die and will never collect, the fund is bankrupt they say. There's not enough money to cover those that are working now, they say. Why is that?

I remember when the Republicans controlled the White House and the Senate and during a midnight session, when the rest of us were sleeping, they passed a law and opened the Social Security vault and took our retirement money to pay for the War in Iraq. I guess you didn't know that, huh? I guess they forgot about that, huh?

So, what does our presidents lying to us have to do with Global Warming? What does Wall Street have to do with Global Warming? Everything. It's all a big game to those top 1% of the population who have the money to manipulate popular thought by placing a few ads, stories, songs, books, and movies, along with star studded celebrity endorsements to change public perception, public opinion, and social conscience. Even our most educated and highly revered academicians are duped, especially when there's grant money involved and tied to scientist and professors forming their opinion about global warming.

My assessment is that we, the average Joe and Jane, cannot believe anyone. Unfortunately, it's up to us to find out the truth, so that we can form our own opinion without being led, lied to, confused, and confounded as to what to believe and what to think. If I believe anyone at all, I believe those scientist living on the polar ice cap that say, "The ice is melting."

Is our government lying to us yet, again about global warming? Just by throwing the fact that there may be or not be global warming, just by spinning the global warming scenarios will make Americans spend and waste their money, whether they believe one way or the other. Whatever anyone spends, those for global warming and those against global warming, it all goes into the government's tax coffers. Whether global warming exists or not, it's a win/win for our government. The rest of us just get to pay the bill.

Now that Earth Day is quickly approaching, the one day that we all stop and hold our planet in high regard, with our politicians on both sides of the aisle arguing for and arguing against global warming, what do you think? There are those Washington politicians who passionately believe there is global warming and there are those who vehemently believe there is no such thing as global warming. Just as there is evidence that the ice caps are melting, there's talk that we're coming into another ice age. Who do you believe?

Well, how can we have an ice age and global warming at the same time? It doesn't make any sense. Nonetheless, I'm leaning with those who believe there is global warming. In the way we have destroyed the planet, since humans first stepped on Earth with our huge carbon footprints, millions of cars, trucks, buses, and factories that pollute the air, the soil, and the water, one would have to be an idiot to think that we're not destroying the planet and that we're not responsible for causing global warming.

It seems to me, with so many who believe that global warming exist and with so many who believe that global warming doesn't exist, in yet another financial tug of war, our politicians can make believable arguments either way. Yet, when you remove the politicians with their personal and corporate agendas from the argument, when you just gather up all the egg headed scientists, the consensus of opinion is that there is global warming and unless we act now to reverse it, we're all doomed.

Whether there is global warming or not, I'm just tired of all the bullshit. Why do we elect these people to Congress in the first place? Aren't they suppose to represent us? There's the real problem. The Republicans represent big businesses, the rich people, and the Democrats represent the rest of us, kind of, a little bit, but not really, and definitely not all the time.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country," said President Kennedy.

Jesus Christ, how true was that gem? We were all too naive and dumb to understand the true meaning of that slogan. Truth be told, we've all done more than enough for our country, be it paying taxes or sacrificing our sons and daughters in money based wars. Now it's time our country did something for us. It's time our country stops starting wars, fix the economy, and cough all of us up some jobs, while making plans to take care of us in retirement. The rest of this stuff is all just bullshit to get more of our money that we don't have and no longer can afford to give.

"I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everyone knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under their counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV's while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen more homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad - worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living room. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.' Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, 'I'm a HUMAN BEING, God damn it! My life has VALUE!' So I want you to do is to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head your and yell, 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!' I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head your and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!... You've got to say, I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head your and yell, and say, it: 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!', said Peter Finch playing Howard Beale in Network.

That movie was made back in 1976, thirty-five years ago. You thought it was just a movie, didn't you? You thought it was just entertainment, didn't you? You weren't as mad as Hell then, as you are now. You were just starting to live the good life, the life your parents lived, when working for one company for thirty years, collecting a pension, and retiring to Florida. Now, look at you, out of a job, evicted from your home, out of money, and out of hope. ARE YOU FUCKING MAD NOW? If not, then you should be.

No matter if you believe there is global warming or don't believe there is global warming, when you wade through all the millions of words written about global warming, it's all about money, not for you, but for 'them'. I'm tired of these so call public servants, such an oxymoronic phrase, public servant my ass. How can they possibly serve the public by pushing their own personal agendas and leave public office richer than when they entered.

With all the big business interests, the lobbyists lobbying, the greed, the power, the influence, and the corruption that happens in Washington and everywhere else in America, why should the average Joe or Jane believe what any politician whether Republican or Democrat says? There is an enormous amount of money to be made on Wall Street, on the pretense of all of us doing the right thing to reverse the effects of global warming. For sure, global warming is a big business. With the average American recycling recyclables, conserving energy, walking with a smaller carbon footprint, trading in their big, gas guzzling cars to buy smaller fuel efficient ones to, supposedly, help save the planet from devastation, destruction and all things living from extinction, just answer me this one simple question. I really need to know.

Does global warming really exist or is it just another scheme for our politicians and the big businesses that they represent to get rich off the backs of all of us? With both sides making good arguments, those who are for and those who are against global warming, it's difficult to know if global warming exist or if it doesn't. I can't help but wonder if global warming and everything else that personally affect our lives isn't created by a bunch of really rich, really smart men and women locked away in private rooms in a Think Tank in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The truth is we may not know the truth, until it's too late. The truth is the average person doesn't care if there's global warming or not, as they are too busy working and too tired to care.

What do you think? What do you believe? Which side are you siding with and against? Do you believe there really is global warming or are you of the opinion that there is no global warming and that the Earth is going through a warming cycle before it goes through a cooling cycle?

There is as much evidence that the Earth is getting warmer, as that the Earth is getting cooler. Yet, then they show all those videos of the melting ice cap, glaciers, and icebergs. There are as many scientist who can name fauna and flora that have gone extinct, as there are scientists that can name new fauna and flora that they recently discovered. And what about those polar bears that we see trapped on a floating piece of ice without food and that are now too far away from shore to swim for safety or is that bullshit, too?

Who can we believe? Who can we trust? Does anyone have our best interest at heart?

Maybe we all should just sit back and do nothing. With the balance of nature and the strong will survive, if a plant or an animal goes extinct, maybe, beyond our understanding, it was meant to do that. Perhaps humans shouldn't be part of that equation. Yet, we are part of that equation in the way that we polluted the air, fouled the water, and poisoned the soil. We've already skewed nature by our unnatural interference. What are your thoughts?

Only, regarding Earth Day and, more specifically, global warming, I'd really like to know, if there is such a phenomena of global warming. What does our government know about global warming that they aren't telling us? Or is that classified information that we won't have available to us for 20 years, when we'd have to use the Freedom of Information Act to retrieve it and read it, after it's too late to reverse the mess they've created?

When did they know it? What are they not telling us? Who knew what, when, and where? 'Fess up, I'm tired of all the lies, mumbo jumbo, and half truths. We all want the truth. We don't want someone spinning lies to make it sound as if they are telling us the truth. Is there global warming or not? And if there is global warming, what can we do, if anything, about it?


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TonyKiwiTonyKiwiover 7 years ago

I agree with climate change, the facts are obvious but the why, is not. The El Nino southern oscillation has enormous effects on the weather and temperatures and the condition has been strongest when the global temperatures have risen the highest. Now that El Nino is fading and La Nina is taking over, the south ocean will cool. Lets see how world temperatures are effected by this and then we will see who is right and wrong. I would be more concerned about the pollution and poisonous chemicals we are putting into the air and waterways, cleaning up our industries and farming practices will always help our health. TK

sublockedsublockedabout 12 years ago
Follow the money.

Al Gore is now a very, very wealthy man. And so is the CEO of Exxon.

The truth lies some place in between.

Johnny1MJohnny1Mover 12 years ago
Water vapor is not only a greenhouse gas, it's the greenhouse gas.

In all the models they use to predict global warming they neglect water vapor. That's because they don't know how to model it. Clouds have a cooling effect while the water vapor itself provides a warming effect. And yet both sides of the debate agree that water vapor provides somewhere between 70% and 95% of the greenhouse effect. You can guess which side uses the 70% figure and which uses the 95% figure. Of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, man only puts about 5% there, the rest comes from the oceans, volcanoes, etc. One thing should be clear just from the above statements. That is if there is no agreed on figures on water vapors contribution, how can there be any thing concrete about CO2's effect? Seriously, all the man made global warming people are doing is guessing. They like the idea of man caused CO2 global warming because, if true, it would allow them to tax energy in an unprecedented way. There would be huge amounts of money flowing into the government and of course it would be used for many projects having nothing to do with the environment. Heck, Australia has passed a carbon tax, and yet it's abundantly clear that with it's insignificant population and consequent small energy use, what ever they do will have no effect on the planet. It's simply a ploy to have more revenue to play with.

claydoddclaydoddalmost 13 years ago
Yes, but...

The earth has undergone global warming throughout its existence. Is man a causitive factor now? Who knows. Some scientists who say man is causing global warming were proven to be lying to get grants.

As for the Kennedy conspiracy, give it up. People just want to believe that Kennedy was so good that only a conspiracy could account for his death. Not so. He was shot by a man who was a decent marksman with a rifle not using "magic bullets". If you believe otherwise you probably got your "facts" from Oliver Stone.

The was in Iraq was brought on by Sadam Hussein. You are too young to remember the Kennedy assassination, but you surely saw Sadam Hussein threaten legal weapons inspectors time after time. He wanted Iran to THINK he had weapons of mass destruction so the Iran would not attack him in his weakened condition. Too bad for him that the USA believed him. Further, a relative who saw action in Iraq said there were signs of such weapons, but they were not reported.

I agee with you that we have really been screwed over by the banks and the government when it comes to money. But that was Obama's government, my dear.

Your treatment of Bush and Cheney is really sophomoric.

But except to the above, I like you. You are a sexy woman. I love sexy women. You look very pretty, and your brain is very lusty. Keep writing those hot stories.

mark181mark181about 13 years ago
Do you believe in Global Warming?

This is in fact a ridiculous question. Because "Global Warming" or climate change is not like a religion where you either believe or don't believe in the existence of a omnipresent being...

It is a series of provable scientific questions that ultimately lead to a predicted outcome.

Is CO2 a gas that restricts the flow of heat from the earth's atmosphere and space? YES (as are other gasses such as Methane)

Is there a demonstrable increase in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere? YES (from 200 odd ppm to almost 400ppm)

How did this gas get into the atmosphere (and into the oceans)?. Doh! We humans have been burning oil & coal for about 100 years. Our current rate is 90,000,000 barrels PER DAY and 7,500,000 tonnes of coal PER YEAR.

If you listen to scientists, there is no doubt, no argument. The earth's chemistry is changing because of our actions. There are plenty of indicators from melting ice caps to droughts, hurricanes etc.

If you prefer to believe people who profit from continued consumption. There is doubt, there are other causes, it's not humans it's the sun or volcano's or the current orbital plane of the earth. or whatever other thing they can think of to create doubt in the minds of the general public.

So, for me, I tend to believe the scientists, I would prefer to act and pay higher costs for energy in order to wean ourselves off coal & oil. Not for me nor my kids but for my grand kids.

Next time you're outside look up! The majority of the atmosphere that the planet needs to sustain life is within 11km. About 10 minutes by car. It's pretty thin don't you think? Should we not give the earth the benefit of doubt?



ucleeboucleeboabout 13 years ago
Predictions Based on Mathematical Models

The scenarios of polar bears floating off into the sunset and the disappearance of the Florida coastline are all based on mathematical models that project happenings 75 to 100 years out. Weather models have a tough time predicting weather with any accuracy more than 5 days out. The fact is that you can pretty much tweak these models to predict anything you want them to.

The fact is that the trend of air and sea water temperatures over the recently recorded past are up; the amount of change that has occurred differs according to whatever souce is cited. Nobody can prove this trend will continue, by how much, or for how long. The only tools we have for that are the mathematical models - see the paragraph above.

Nor can anyone prove that these temperature increases are due to anthropological influences, in whole or in part. Increases in sunspot activity are much more likely to be responsible.

This has happened before. The Earth heated up during the Middle Ages, from about 1350 through 1650. Of course we don't have temperature records, but there are accounts of the retreat of the ice in Iceland and Greenland, and records of wine grapes being cultivated in far northern England. The Middle Age warming period was followed by the Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1650 and lasted until around 1800; during this period record cold temperatures were the norm. There is no evidence whatever that either of these events were anthropologically caused.

The idea that Democrats are all global warming believers while all Republicans have their heads in the sand is just plain nonsense. That implies that there are no intelligent, thinking persons who are also Republicans. What the idea does show is the abysmal prejudice of anyone who would entertain such a clear dichotomy in the first place.

Is global warming real? I don't know, nor, I think, does anyone else, but I also refuse to be marched off with the rest of the Chicken Littles proclaiming that the sky is falling.

theognistheognisabout 13 years ago

This hysteria over CO2 is what's silly. It not only is a basically harmless gas, it is generally beneficial to the planet and its life forms, especially plant life, and therefore beneficial to us. There has historically been much more CO2 in our atmosphere than exists today. For example, during the Jurassic Period (200 mya), average CO2 concentrations were about 1800 ppm or about 4.7 times higher than today. The highest concentrations of CO2 during the Paleozoic Era occurred in the Cambrian Period, at nearly 7000 ppm -- about 18 times higher than today.

The planet has also been much warmer in the past than it is now. An extra degree or so in the next century or two is nothing to worry about, if that even occurs, which is by no means certain. The planet has a way of balancing things out, naturally. For example, the balance between the airborne and the absorbed fraction of carbon dioxide has stayed approximately constant since 1850, despite emissions of carbon dioxide having risen.

Not only is the greatest greenhouse gas, water vapor, 99.999% natural, having nothing to do with man, CO2 as a greenhouse gas is 95% natural, having nothing to do with man.

I'm not losing any sleep over man's tiny contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere, which contribution has not been shown to be the cause of any global warming, at any rate. Historically, rises in atmospheric CO2 levels have lagged behind warming, not preceded it. 'Warmists' may be putting the cart before the horse.

13enster13ensterabout 13 years ago


Current levels of CO2 in the air are on the order of 390 ppm (by volume). Comparing CO2 to water vapor is silly. You are correct that water vapor is also a greenhouse gas, but the concentration of water in the atmosphere hasn't increased by 25% within the last 50 years. The atmospheric concentration of CO2 has. The bigger concern is that the rate of increase has also been increasing.

Maybe I'm just being conservative, but I don't like changes in the atmosphere that big or that fast.

PrincessErinPrincessErinabout 13 years ago

One big long rant but you do have some good points.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanabout 13 years ago
Some generalizations are weaker than other generalizations

"..... There are just as many people who think that global warming exist as there are who think that it doesn't exist...." <p>


The MAJORITY of people on EARTH have never heard of ---- much less KNOW any thing about --- global warming. So if you did/do a "Fox News" sort of idiotic surveys with people you randomy picked off from the street corner FROM AROUND THE WORLD, and SIMPLY ASK THEM: "Do you believe in global warming?", MOST would likely say "No." <p>

And if you asked them to explain themselves, explanations would range from pure bliss to pure ignorance to pure metaphysical to pure religious nonsense --- e.g.: "God/the Creator, who created the universe, created things to be this way and it will continue to be this way, until God says otherwise, duh!" <p>

The only people whose ideas, opinions, theories, and WORKING knowledge REALLY MATTER..... are those who have advanced degrees in mathematics (who could read and interprete to degrees beyond the average Americans, who understand things around the 8th-9th grade levels), in geophysics, in physics, in chemistry, in climatology, in biology, in chemistry, in computational sciences that allow them to look at complex data and make GENERALIZATIONS that have high/relevant statistical significance. <P>

Sure, even among these latter folks, out of 100, you'd find a few "Fox News" types --- with PhD level of education, too, yes --- who would still say, "God said" blah, blah.... and don't think HUMANS would/could do anything TO the earth, being so large.... NEVER mind that within the last 500 years, since "Columbus discovered the new world" (stupidity is bliss), HUMANS alone, as ONE SINGLE SPECIES ON EARTH, has <p>

(#1) cut down anywhere from 40% to 60% of the TREES on earth, polluted at least 80% of the world's LAKES, RIVERS, and coastal ocean waters to DEGREES where many animals, large and small, can't survive --- much less still good enough for us to USE it in our daily lives, something that mankind HAD BEEN ABLE TO DO since the dawn of humanity... <p>

(#2) reduced the populations of the great whales, the lions, the cheetahs, the elephants, the tigers, the bears, the wolves, the bison anywhere between 70% to 90%.... <p>

Extinction is A WAY OF LIFE, not an exception, in slow cycles of tens of thousands to tens of millions of years.... <p>

but the extinction the earth's largest animals, all of which needing vast, vast territories, tens of squaure miles to thousands of squaure miles?.... within 500 - 1,000 or so years?, when homo sapiens numbers HAPPEN to go from a few tens of millions to close to 10 BILLION?.... THAT's due MAINLY to humans taking over every square inche of fertile land, through shooting and poisoning and environmental degradation.... <p>

anyway, the POINT to all these general observations is: when the ABSOLUTE majority of people on earth DO NOT have enough basic information, on animals and plants and human activities, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE to gauge their knowledge of/on something as complex as global warming. <p>

when you don't have basic science, 1 or 2 or 3 particles or parts per billion and other such large numbers DO NOT seem very big or significant to you, especially if the contribution of their POSSIBLE permutational effects on the larger ecologies and earth atmospheres MAY take 50 to 200 years to solidify, to cross a certain statistical threshold that would then bring about a certain major set of cascading catastrophes.... <p>

rothltdoadrothltdoadabout 13 years ago
I pay attention

And I an pretty damn smart. A great number of respected scientists have concluded that ar planet is warming and have determined the causes. One of these causes is within our control. The predictions of these scientists universally if we reach and pass the tipping point is global disaster massive global disaster. Do you want to bet the human race cause thats what ur betting that they are wrong. I dont care if they are right or wrong the BET is not worth it. Its put the human race all of it up against short term gain for a few. No bet. I want everything done as quickly as we can to reverse this potential. Chicken Little My ASS. You wanna bet.


bigguy323bigguy323about 13 years ago
I don't think the question is whether there is Global Warming, but whether GW is significantly influenced by human actions.

With both sides pounding away it's hard to see through the bull shit that virtually SPRAYS from both sides.

My gut says that the earth's climate fluctuates in cycles within cycles. Ice Ages are definitive PROOF that the earth has been MUCH cooler. The fact that we are not currently IN an Ice Age is clear and incontrovertible evidence that the earth WARMED and melted the ice.

Volcano eruptions spew YEARS worth of carbon dioxide and other deadly gasses into the atmosphere every few years and once every 40 / 50 years there is a 'big' one that really lets a fart into the atmosphere.

My personal attitude is that we should not shit where we live. That means we should do the common sense things that we can economically do to keep our air, water and land clean of rubbish.

Does that mean we need to go back to the stone age and eliminate the use of carbon fuels? No, not in my opinion. We should use EVERY TECHNOLOGICAL safeguard we can to safely drill for oil, dig for coal and construct modern Nuclear electrical generating plants.

AND, we should pass laws that REQUIRE NEW homes, Condos, Apartments and such to be thoroughly insulated, have Solar panels and / or Wind generated power providing at least SOME of their power requirements. IF EVERYONE had a roof full of solar panels and / or Wind generators (or other alternative fuels) the amount of power generated would improve to about 25% (MY GUESS) from the current 2% - 3% that it currently provides. As far as I'm concerned we can finance 100% of this by taxes in a CRASH program. I'd consider it a national security issue, much like having a strong military.

For the next 100 years AT LEAST we will be dependent on fossil and Nuclear fuels and that is an undeniable fact. So, we need to get on with drilling and other fossil fuel / Nuclear programs and get AWAY from foreign sources of these INEVITABLE energy rich solutions.

Oil, today, this very day is running at $113.00 a barrel which is about 40 gallons of crude per barrel. It is a national emergency and when the gas we buy reaches $5.00 or even $10.00 per Gallon it will grind our economy to a halt. EVERYTHING we buy has to be moved by TRUCK or RAIL. Think about it...

Global Warming may or may not be significantly effected by human behavior. We need to deal with what we KNOW and not what MIGHT BE. INFLATION will consume us. A depression will destroy us as a modern nation.

There will be NO European Community to bail us out as they have done with Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Portugal and are about to do in Spain. We are TO BIG TO FAIL, but we will....if we don't start paying our way by drilling / solaring / Nukeing, and stop paying ruthless dictators our borrowed money for oil.

I'm just saying.........................

tukstertuksterabout 13 years ago
An impartial analysis of ALL the data.

I found this presentation, by arguably the most brilliant aeronautical engineer of the 20th century, to be the most honest, unbiased discussion of CO2 and global warming available.

RHinSCRHinSCabout 13 years ago

Could it be that we live on a big ball of molten metal? I would think that has allot to do with it.

SuperHeroRalphSuperHeroRalphabout 13 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read, vote, and/or comment on my story, Global Warming, Does it Exist?

The comments have been very informative.

KT5354KT5354about 13 years ago

There are two types of politician, those who are there to enrich themselves at the public trough, and those who are there to gratify their own egos. Sometimes those who are there to satisfy their egos may actually achieve something, their claim to immortal fame in the annals of history.

In democracies with electorates power can be achieved by telling the populace what they want to hear, which may or not be the truth. If the truth gets in the way of being re-elected guess what is sacrificed.

Money may not make the world go round but it sure pays for political campaigns, if big oil pays for your political campaign I guess it becomes impossible to avoid dancing to another's tune.

As to bailing out the banks, for the last half century or so the entire Western economic system has been a giant pyramid scheme. We are effectively borrowing money from our future selves, children and grand children to spend today. Before WWII this was mostly done for real investments, building canals, rail roads, factories and scientific research etc, the returns of which could be used to pay of the loan, to my mind good capitalism. However the current incarnation of capitalism is based on the personal level on consumerism and disposable consumerism at that, to generate endless demand which can only be satisfied on the one hand by raping the planet and on the other by being hock for all that the banks are willing. Nation states directed by politicians as they are do exactly the same thing with the money either going on bread and circuses to bribe the electorate or to enrich the corporations owned by friends and donors. Allowing the banks to fail would have brought that whole ediface tumbling down.

Oh yes you were asking if global warming exists? it does. Is it man made, probably, is it leading to global extinctions, yes. Is mankind on the endangered list, probably. Can we do anything about it? Well unless you are one of those who believe that its a great thing (google the combination: global warming+end of days+rapture) this is the one cause we dare not allow die.

theaquarianpentheaquarianpenabout 13 years ago
Republican greed

One thing is fot sure the attempt to slow global warming costs big business money which interfers with thier profits. So screw thier hiers let me get mine and the hell with everyone else. Our latest financial desaster is proof enough. As for all of us regular people as the song says "When Will They Ever Learn" Vote democratic or continue to be fleeced and endangered! Big Bill

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Global warming is real!

Seven of the hottest years on record globally have been in the last twenty. Flowers are blooming on average four days earlier than they were fifty years ago in UK. How much this is due to CO2 emissions is open to some debate but, in my humble opinion, not much. I have reached an age where unless the scientists aver massively over optimistic I won't see the worst of it and in some ways may even benefit as a bee keeper from longer seasons. I hope for the sake of the next generation we can start taking it a lot more seriously.

RHinSCRHinSCabout 13 years ago
The Light Bulb

When did the light bulb click on, you do not usually have this outlook. I am sure that humans are fucking up the planet,but global warming, I don't know. TheRealFATANG has a very good point. How do these people know it all with very little information? If a scientist was sitting on a polar ice cap during the last warming period, what would he blame it on then? Volcano's and dinosaur shit? Too much salt in the ocean? Are these scientists as smart as they think they are or do they get paid to come up with ideas? Some of it is a money making scam. We spend an astronomical amount on going green now, right down to product packaging, we pay for that. I don't remember the figure, but it is very big business, one of the biggest. One thing is for sure, they will lie about it to further their cause, whatever that might be. How many of the conspiracy theories about different subjects are true? Many I would guess. There are too many lies and cover-ups to think any differently. You forgot Obama. I suspect that in a few years we will be watching one of those educational shows that will tell us of all his dirty dealings and questionable associates. We will all ask, How the fuck did he get away with that? I think we will find out much about his associates, we won't like it. Our current president is a politicians politician. He could talk the fur off a cat when he is in campaign mode, there is something that makes me not trust the man. I think it is his eyes or his flippant attitude, he is hiding something. He will spend a billion on trying to get re-elected. There is something really wrong with that. Buying elections. I know it's more complicated than that, but money talks. Politicians need consequences, harsh ones. That won't happen. The only way to fix it is to show up on the White House lawn with pitchforks and torches. They have to know that we are serious. Get rid of the politicians and replace them with normal people who will try and do the right thing....for us.

StormbringerStormbringerabout 13 years ago

You dip a bit into kooky conspiracy nonsense and could use a dose of critcal thinking skills. I suggest going to skeptoid, com and listening to the podcasts. The global warming one is quite good.


Johnson and the Democrats took social security out of the lock box to hide the cost of the Vietnam war, not the Republicans for Iraq and it's been in the general budget ever since.

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