Going Feet First Ch. 03


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"I expected more," the three-star Drow stated with a clear tone of disappointment.

This Drow had a powerful edge to her voice, her red, venomous eyes pumping frozen spikes through the Private's heart. At the moment, her lethal glare made him think of his Drill Sergeant from basic training, how he could out-scream a banshee and stop your heart cold by just glancing in your direction. It made Galen begin to think about what would happen if he had met with the Drow standing before him now. What kind of Hell would be unleashed.

"You won't be disappointed, Jrastra," Dreek stated. "Galen, stop the light. We see better where there is none."

Without a word in objection, Galen relaxed his magic to cut the white light emanating from his hand. Something in the room was still amplifying his arcane strength, though, and it showed as his whole left arm still maintained a dim glow.

He could hear the Drow move about the room, circling around him as they scanned over his body. He nearly jumped when a hand abruptly grabbed hold of his arm, squeezing down to test his muscle mass. Another hand prodded his belly, moving up to his chest while the Elves began hissing in Drow.

Watching the shift from disappointment to curiosity in her elder brought a smile to Dreek's face. How quickly their opinions in her potential pet changed to where they may actually allow him to live. He didn't seem to fail the tests made by their prodding of his physical form; both of Dreek's two fellow elders had heard the reports on his efficiency in dispatching Redding's forces, and his indifference to their race was clear as crystal. Most other surfacers treated Drow with immediate hostility, whereas he showed no reluctance to assist them in a battle far out of their favor.

"Is he docile?" Aufryn'uit, the second commandant, inquired.

"You see yourself, he is not objecting," Dreek answered.

"That is odd. I never met a demon in human form. Ignoring that, I never met anyone, being demon, human, or otherwise, that would tolerate such probing from us," Jrastra said aloud as her second commandant's aid twisted his arm about to closely inspect his glowing fingers.

"I wonder how much he would tolerate before he snaps," Aufryn'uit wondered aloud. "Jrastra, do you object a crude test?"

"Not at all, sister. I am curious myself. Dreek?"

"I advise against attempting to hurt him, but carry on if you wish. It is at your own expense," the third commandant answered.

"Very well. Sapril, strike him."

The second's aid drew a dark simper across her obsidian face as she backhanded the unsuspecting Galen right across the cheek, hard enough to make him stumble.

"Oww, dammit! What the Hell! What was that for!"

Right when he regained his stance, one hand covering the offended cheek, Sapril brought her hand back the other way to strike to other side of his head. "Dammit! What the Hell?! Who's hittin' me?!"


"Come, Galen," Dreek chuckled. "Will you just accept this?"


"I grew up-"



"No," Sapril grinned.


"Can you tell her to stop?!"


"Why won't you make her stop? Hit her back," Aufryn'uit chuckled.

"My mom taught me to respect women... to not lay a hand on one for whatever reason."

"For whatever reason?" Sapril echoed. "Perhaps you will feel different when your nose breaks and you are blinded in one eye."


"Please. Stop. Now. I don't want to hurt anyone I don't have to. And I refuse to hurt a woman."

Dreek rolled her eyes while crossing her arms, "You must learn anew, and quickly, Galen. With Redding, any hesitation is like the shackles on your wrists, holding you back from your goal. You will adapt, or you will die, and this, 'Pretayus' will forever have his hands upon your Celia."

The mere mention of those names flared up a flaming desire on Galen's face as Sapril drove a fist into his gut. The soldier hunched over, nearly dropping to his knees as the air fled from his lungs. Sapril's hand grasped one of his ears, peeling his head back to look him in the eye.

"You are pathetic, Galen. I do not know how-"


A knock-out blow threw Sapril back into her commandant's arms, Aufryn'uit stumbling over her own feet as she barely caught her now unconscious aid mid-fall. A moderately surprised Jrastra moved her eyes from her slumping sister to the soldier as he now forced heavy breaths in and out his nose. She caught the trickle of blood beginning to run down from his brow and along his nose before dripping down from his chin.

Both Keetle and her commandant gave an approving nod as he raised his still-cuffed hands up to his face, his palms lighting up in a white glow as he chanted under his breath. The cut on his brow sealed shut, the blood on his face vaporising without so much as a trace left behind.

With a new smile upon her face, Jrastra said, "Impressive, Galen. Vasuit, help Aufryn'uit drag Sapril to her quarters. Keetle, ensure none outside draw false conclusions."

"Yes, commandant," both Jrastra's and Dreek's aids replied in unison, the former taking Sapril's legs to haul her from the room after Keetle waved open the door. The four Drow were quick to leave the room, Keetle waving her arm around to shut the door behind them.

When the lock clicked into place, Galen was left alone in the presence of the third and first commandant.

"Now that we're alone, Galen, can you tell me why you lied about your race?" Jrastra asked, Dreek following with, "We know you are not a demon, Human. You may fool our sisters, but not us."

Letting out an exasperated chuckle, Galen answered, "And I was worried I would have to keep that goin'. Bein' a demon seemed to be the best choice at the time, seemin's how I had just helped a squad of eight elite Drow warriors slaughter a whole band of human Knights."

In the darkness Dreek and Jrastra glanced over at one another to trade deliberate glances.

"Elite..." Dreek repeated. "That is an interesting word to hear. Normally your kind uses 'evil,' or 'damned,' or 'fiends' when finding an adjective."

"Sorry that my kind treats yours like that."

Another silence followed as Jrastra noticed a visible annoyance bear down on Dreek's face, the commandant had a dark hiss to her voice as she said, "Galen, if you apologize in the presence of the Drow again, do not expect my hand to stay idle. Only the weak do so, and we will prey upon it. Besides, I find the names they call us laughable. It means they are scared at the thought of us."

Kind of reminding me of Ra'zorlichs here... Galen thought.

"So, now that your lie has run its course," Jrastra started as she began to pace. "I am going to ask questions of you. I expect answers. Please me, and you will have Sun-Kissed assistance in your path. Lie, and the next time you see the surface will be when body gatherers bring you to the vultures to feed. Am I understood?"

He swallowed at the thought. None of his weapons were at hand, he was surrounded by dozens of armed and experienced fighters, Jrastra did not seem the type to easily falter in unarmed combat, and for all he knew, Celia was still in grave danger.

Raising his chin up a bit, he replied, "Yeah. Understood, ma'am."

"Good. Now what is the purpose you have in Redding? What mission do you have?"

"To find and kill a slaver named Pretayus," Galen answered.

"Who was the feline that was with you?"

"A Neko named Petra."

"What is she to you?" Dreek jut in.

"A servant, bound to me for life by her laws."

"Explain," Jrastra ordered. "Actually, completely explain this 'Petra,' and this 'Pretayus,' to us, as well as where you obtained that magic of yours. Tricks as powerful as yours are not natural to even powerful human mages."

Chuckling under his breath, Galen smiled as he said, "Ya might wanna take a seat then. It's quite the tale."


Half way through Galen's tale, Jrastra had lit a candle on her desk after fetching a book from her shelves. Though she did begin to flip through its chapters, she still showed interest in the Private as she constantly glanced up toward him whenever he came to an important part. At the same time, Dreek had sat down upon her desk with a rapt gaze upon him as he freely spoke without interruption. Not a single word from his mouth escaped her ears.

He had begun with his first trip into Ra'zorlich territory, continuing to his elven trials, giving a full explanation about Petra and Necela, the mission he was given and his means to complete it. Though, rather than revealing that there may be more American weapons somewhere within Atzla, he had claimed he wiped out Pretayus's camp with his rifle and Petra's assistance.

Fortunately neither commandant seemed to spot the lie as he continued to the details of his capture and what followed after, his emotions becoming ever clearer with every word he spoke.

"It was then that Pretayus struck me in the face again, knocking me down to the ground and putting me into a daze. With my nose bleeding, head aching, he leaned down over me, saying, 'I would have loved to have broken you, but she will...'" he paused as a stray tear ran his cheek, gut wrenching as the fires of Hell and its fury raged within his belly. "'But she will be even better.'"

"Here it is; do pause a moment and calm yourself while I read this, Galen," Jrastra announced as she flipped to a page in her book. "Studies of the Tree Elves... Passive race of pure heart with a love of lustful sin... Will flee if threatened... will not hesitate to kill if no other option presents itself... Highly dangerous defensive attacks... loyal and worry-free allies... what is this? Ooohh, What. Is. This?"

A wide, devilish grin crossed Jrastra's face as she looked up at Galen, Dreek coming over to her side. "What have you found?"

"It seems your potential pet was quite the 'pure of heart' once," Jrastra hummed with an emphasis on "once."

"It says here, 'Only the Pure and Noble can pass the Tree Elves' trials. Those who fail disappear. Those who pass get treated to a night in a harem filled with dozens of Elves in heat, fornicating with them until the lucky male can go no more. It is also rumored that only those who greatly impress a Tree Elf, or show themselves virtuous enough, are granted the heart of one who becomes a companion for life.'"

Dreek smiled in an equally devilish manner, her violet eyes gleaming at Galen. "So we have a human male with a love for the Elven race, experienced in war and in bed, and hates Redding. With his Celia as motivation, he could nearly be unstoppable. The final piece to our plan."

"That he could be. It still makes me wonder how 'love' drives surfacers to act recklessly. Though it is useful in how easily it can be turned upon them. You have two weeks to test Galen's skill and train him. After he kills that Knight downstairs, of course," Jrastra said with a smile.

"He already did. Was not in the cell more than five zetras before he smashed in his skull."

This made Jrastra chuckle, "He will fit in down here better than I thought... Once we take care of those annoying restrictions he puts on himself."

"And what about afterward? If the mission goes well? What should we do with him?"

Jrastra paused a moment as she eyed Galen up and down while he waited for them to speak English again. For the first time she found herself at a crossroads over what decision to propose with her fellow commandant. "I shall have to debate on this a bit longer. His current worth is without question, but afterward... I will have to see."

"Very well. Can we trust him with his weapons?" Dreek asked aloud in English.

"I believe we may. You shall not be as foolish as to attempt to harm our kind, would you, Galen?" Jrastra said; her soul-wrenching eyes making him shiver.

"I'm in your home and under your rules. Only reason I'd have to hurt someone is if they attacked me first," he answered.

"As we would expect," the first commandant agreed. "But do refrain from killing any of ours. The Sun-Kissed are few, so we cannot afford unnecessary losses."

"Understood, ma'am. When do I go back to the surface?"

"Fifteen days," Dreek chimed, an answer that made an alarm go off in Galen's mind.

"Fifteen days?! What about Celia?!"

Jrastra calmly rose from her seat, returning her book to its place on her shelf as Dreek licked her fingers and extinguished the candle. Feeling her watchful eyes piercing through the darkness to gauge his every reaction, Galen forced himself to quell the emotion flaring up in his gut. There were still cuffs on his wrists, he was in the middle of their home, and they were to only force around that could help him take Celia back. He needed to remain calm.

"You said yourself, Galen, Pretayus wishes to wait on her to find out if your seed took root. If it has, you have a year. If not, then you had better hope that she has a strong will. Either way, we have time to make sure that when you go to the surface with us, you will be ready."

"Ready for what?" he growled, fists clenched as he stared down in the general direction Dreek.

"You were nearly killed at the Redding outpost by a weak, lone mage. Had the Siks and Bli'yaird squads not been there, you would have been incinerated or pierced with arrows and your servant would not have made it to Redding."

So Petra made it there alright... he thought, sighing as he let loose his fists. "So what are you going to ready me with? More magic? Sword play? Hand signals?"

Dreek was taken back a moment, perhaps a bit impressed. "Not bad ideas to think on. We will see what you can do, then we work on what we must. Come, let us collect your belongings."

"Where are they?" Galen asked as he heard Dreek begin to move past him toward the door.

It came as a surprise to Galen when she brushed against him, something cold slipping into his hands.

"In the wizards' overlook."

"Where and what is that and why are they there?" he asked as he began to use his hands to inspect what she had slipped him.

"The wizards' overlook is an area where the wizards go to study and further their arts. Your gear, your weapons especially, were sent there for us to learn more of what they are. Now unlock your cuffs and follow."

Just as she had said that, Galen realized it was a key in his hands. He wasted no time in bending his hands around, pushing the key into his cuffs and giving it a twist. The steel bracers clanged against the floor, the Private rubbing his wrists as he turned toward Jrastra. For that moment he felt her gaze, it was as though scorpion's stinger rammed through his gut, pumping venom through his frozen veins.

"Get going, Galen. Do not give me regrets," she said before he heard her sit in her chair.

"I won't let you down," he said with a sharp tone of confidence.

"I know. Now go."

With a nod he turned for the door, which had almost slid shut behind Dreek. Ignoring the commandants Dark Vision eyes bearing down on him, he pulled the doorway back open and stepped out into the living area to shut the door behind him. At once the glares of the Sun-Kissed were upon him again.

"Let's go," Keetle ordered as she grabbed hold of his arm, dragging him alongside her toward Dreek, who was nearly at the reinforced doors at the side of the room.

Galen brushed shoulders with several Drow who refused to step aside as Keetle dragged him through. All around he could hear them hissing and whispering about him. Then from the crowd, one Drow stated very clearly for all to hear, "Pathetic male."

"What?" Galen mumbled as he turned in the direction of the voice, one of his brows drawn upward in his confusion.

"Come," Keetle said as they finally reached Dreek, who thrust open the doors behind her into a long, dark hallway.

Though he sighed at once again entering a pitch-black environment, he was a bit relieved to leave the hostile room behind. As the doors slammed shut behind him, walking blind led only by Keetle's grip on his arm, he opened his mouth to speak only to have Dreek cut him off.

"You will learn that things are different in our culture, Galen. You will find that only I and few others of the Sun-Kissed will tolerate you being here as there are only a few of us that sacrificed parts of our lives to live among you surfacers. But do not confuse this with kindness or infatuation. No mercy shall be granted if you step out of line."

Right back into basic, Galen thought.

Suddenly Keetle stopped, keeping a firm grasp on his arm to make him stop as well. Less than a few feet in front of him Dreek continued to rant.

"Also, do not expect respect from others unless you earn it, and earn it you should if you intend to stay alive. Do not show your soft side unless you intend to have it gnawed upon. Do not lower your guard, do not get comfy, and do not be weak."

"Should I grow eyes out the back of my head?"

Blind in the darkness, Galen did not see Keetle hand start to draw back, only for Dreek to quickly hiss at her in Drow. The mage lowered her hand, though Galen could feel her burning gaze as well as her tightening grip around his arm.

"If your magic allows that, then, yes. But do not use sarcasm or backtalk. As Keetle nearly done, women here will strike you and you will not be permitted to strike back as it had been with Sapril. With males, yes. Kill them if you feel the need to do so. But if you harm a female, do not expect mercy of any kind."

So there are male Elves, Tree Elves must just be unique, Galen thought.

"Why the difference? Between men and women, I mean."

"Hmmm... How can I put this in your terms... Males have a place, and it is at our boots. They are the weaker sex here. Their bodies commonly smaller than ours and their roles subservient to us... Imagine them like the women of a surface society, only they are allowed to seek professions and places in the military to make themselves useful rather than remaining at home to raise children."

"I will guess that would put me at the bottom of the ladder," Galen said, wondering if all Elven males, not just Drow, were submissive to the opposite sex.

"You learn quickly," Dreek responded. "You will be at 'the bottom of the ladder' not only for being male, but for not being Drow. Things shall be difficult for you down here and you must never drop your guard or disrespect anyone of importance."

"So keep my head down and mah eyes open at all times?"

"Yes. If you encounter trouble, mention 'Wanre'Siks-tsossus' and hope for the best."

"Wanre'Siks-tsossus... what's that? Drow for 'Sun-Kissed'?"

"Servant of the Sun-Kissed. It may be the difference between surviving a harsh beating, or becoming a feast for the Driders."

"Driders, Pretayus talked of feedin' me to one. What are they?"

"Pray you never find out."

A tense silence past as Galen fought the shiver that ran down his spine.

"So why are we stopped?"

"There is a door here."

"What's beyond it?"

"Our home." Dreek smiled as she turned the iron handle beside her. "You may lay eyes on Faerssune."

The commandant opened the door and stepped out onto the landing of a tall set of stone steps. In the immediate area were fortified walls forming a compound around what seemed to be a small village. There were several stone buildings with various signs hanging above their doors. But again, their only inhabitants were more Drow wearing Sun-Kissed uniforms, armors, or casual clothing that had at least some sun or star symbol found somewhere on their person.

What truly took Galen's breath away was what lay beyond the compound walls. This home of the Sun-Kissed was at the edge of a vast, circular chasm at least a mile and a half wide in diameter and at least seven hundred feet between the floor and the ceiling. Right in the middle of this large chasm was a gigantic pillar of stone saturated with a glowing cyan metal that was no less than a thousand feet across.