Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 18

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Lenore thinks she is ready to confront Sherrie.
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Part 19 of the 44 part series

Updated 07/25/2024
Created 10/26/2021
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Friday morning, I felt like staying in bed until the girls went on their way. Lenore cajoled me into getting my butt up and at least have my morning coffee while I see the girls off. Sherrie went to work with Lenore. I was pleased to see a very professionally dressed woman waiting for her first full day of work. "Do a good job for Wanda." I said. Sherrie grinned back.

"I'm stoked. I always wanted to work for Waddsworth. They do so much more than mere accounting. I got a glimpse yesterday. I hate my entry had to be my enslavement and being owned by you and Lenore." Sherrie confessed. Sherrie caught herself. I could tell she wanted to take back the statement Lenore owned her. Hr reddened face and compressed lips told the story. I acted like I did not catch on.

Sonya took Beth and Charlene to work in her company's warehouse. She mentioned she could put a few of the other girls to work as fill-in if I wanted to keep the girls busy or let them earn a little money. I told her I was going to keep them working for Richard. I was looking forward to having a new and expanded garden. Plus it was a good experience for the boy to supervise the girls. I laughed when I remembered the idiom 'herding cats'. Keeping all these girls busy might be difficult for him. Certainly a learning experience in supervision. We had other tasks around the property to take care of but what they did was up to him. I was not going to give him any help. I decided to disappear. Driving out to the Hacienda and see what Derek would fit the bill nicely.

Derek laughed when I told him what I was doing. "Yep let the others take up the slack and keep control or rather try to control. Your job as boss is to sit back and relax and act like the king of your realm. Do what you like. Write a program, reload some ammo. Whatever you want. You can always step in and kick some ass if they mess up. Until then let them handle things. We got some hogs to nail so those big loads of yours are gonna be put to use soon. Have you tried any of that ham we made or the sausage?"

I told him the sausage was great. I planned to cook a ham at Christmas along with a turkey. I personally did not care for ham except on sandwiches. It was one of my favorite sandwich meats. He said he preferred the sausage and only cured the hams because the others said it would be good. He needed to have alternate meats for his women. I joked about him keeping his slaves happy with food like I did.

"Shit. I know you heard that old adage, 'Happy wife, happy life.' Well keeping slaves happy makes the whole enterprise run that much easier. I know guys who whip butt and feed their slaves that slave show slop. But I found that when you treat a girl well, she will try her best to please you. Free or slave. Treat them right and they will do their damnedest to take care of you. Feeding is just part of it. They eat what I eat." We sat, drank beer and talked about maintaining household needs.

"You haven't had Clarice's crew come out to set up your turbines yet, have you?" he asked. I told him honestly I had not thought about it. "Well, it is something to consider. And SOON. We might be in for some bad weather before spring. We got two things we gotta have electricity for. The first is keeping the freezers running. But that is secondary to keeping the slave collars charged." I had a generator in case of the grid going down and said so. "So do I, but I hate to be dependent on fuel. Like you I have solar, but those turbines are even more reliable. That ice storm last year had me worried they'd freeze up, but they performed for me. We had no power from the grid for six days. I heard others had some serious problems dealing with the outage."

Derek and I talked mostly about other, non-slave, shared interests like gardening and shooting. He wanted to show me how his crawfish ponds were doing. "I've done some test traps. The mudbugs are already close to being big enough to boil. Another few months and I'll have select size bugs in the cooking pot." I was looking forward to bringing the girls out to help with the harvest.

I felt relaxed emotionally when I left the Hacienda. I had tasks to see got accomplished, but the interpersonal drama was no longer as important. Even Lenore's problem with Sherrie was not weighing on me. Derek's philosophy was to let nature take its course. I should get back to what I enjoyed like making precision reloads and then shooting them. Writing programs. Derek had his pet projects and encouraged me to indulge myself with my own.

I decided I was going to follow his lead and let the household run without my direct input. "Ahh to be young." Derek had said. "I get worn out just trying to handle my wife, and occasionally Lou and Sarah," he laughed. "I'd have a heart attack trying to keep up with all these girls if they were not bisexual. It is that or do without sex for them. This way they can take care of each other for the most part." Sage advice but like he said, I was young enough to make the rounds. Or at least try my best. I grinned as I told myself part of my job was to bed all the women on occasion. A challenge I was happy to accept.

Richard saw me drive up and reported he had girls working all over the property, clipping hedges and whatever to keep them busy. I grinned and told him he was doing a great job and to keep doing it. I had no idea what he had done and really did not care. He was working the girls, keeping them occupied.

I took a page out of Derek's book and went inside, got myself a beer and came out to watch the show. I felt only a slight twinge when my OCD told me to look closely and critique each job, maybe even take over. An uneven hedge line bothered me. I was proud of myself when I managed to repress the feeling. I was Derek 2.0.

I greeted Lenore with a big kiss when she got home, Sherrie in tow. "What have you been doing?" she asked, frowning. "Other than drinking beer? I hope you only had a couple before you drove home. I'd hate to have to buy your ass at auction after you get nailed for a DUI."

"Talking with Derek and thinking about a unique emblem to tattoo on all the girls' asses. Including yours." I replied. "They use the fleur de lis. I need something for us." Lenore looked at me trying to determine if I was joking. "I also thought about ringing all the slave girls like Gretchen thought about for Sherrie. That would be unique too. I'm gonna bring it up at dinner tonight." Lenore did not seem enthused. She made a comment that I should should tattooed as well. I called over my shoulder that Derek's ass was not marked but all the women's were and walked away, chuckling quietly.

True to my word, I brought up the subject of having each girl's buttock tattooed with some kind of distinctive family emblem like the Hacienda. Only Richard thought it funny or even a remotely good idea. He loudly proclaimed it 'brilliant'. Every female frowned. I mentioned hanging rings from their nipples instead. The frowns deepened.

Sonya winked at me and then started telling the girls how I had described to her my idea they could have different toned bells and learn to shake them in sequence to play music. "The boss was telling me we could go caroling." she offered. I tried to keep a straight face. The women all looked at me in dismay. I smiled and shrugged. Richard was the sole person at the table announce his full approval.

After supper Richard approached me. "That WAS a joke wasn't it? I mean both the butt tattoo and the bells." he asked. I asked him why he thought I was kidding. "Just not you, Uncle Bas. I went along to support your idea in front of the girls, of course." I asked him if he did not think Marianne's butt might not look cute with a family crest of some sort adorning her flesh. He stammered and I told him we had to come up with the right emblem first. I wanted to use him to keep the girls busy, but I was not going to confide in him too closely. Marianne had his ear if not his cock in her grip and I wanted to keep them all guessing.

None of this would have been possible a few months ago. My syndrome would have shut me down. Derek was a great influence. I knew whether I decided on the tattoo or piercings or nothing at all, the girls would all be kept on edge looking to me for what might happen. I felt in control.

That night, we were almost finished with our dinner when Lenore said, "Okay, who has not got the implant to stop her period?" Sherrie, Sonya, and Marianne raised their hands. Sonya and Marianne had been due to start their period within a couple days and the implant was contra-indicted for some reason. Sherrie had been incarcerated. "Okay you three will get one next Tuesday. I've already set an appointment with Dr. Marge. Only Sherrie did not go to the spa this week to get all hair from the neck down removed and inhibited, right?" All the slaves nodded.

She turned to Sherrie and asked her how much hair she still grew. "Uhh, only on my head and the part above my pussy. I took the rest off because of the body-building competitions. I used that inhibitor stuff from the neck down except for that one patch."

"Well, you will lose the part over your pussy tonight." Lenore announced. "It's been a week since you took it off for slave camp, right?" Sherrie nodded hesitantly. "Well, then your bush will be starting to grow. Is it too short to wax?" Sherrie nodded again and frowned. "A small patch is not worth an appointment at the salon. We'll use tweezers and when it is all smooth, I'll apply the inhibitor. I want you as hairless and smooth as the other girls."

Sherrie opened her mouth to protest. Her face turned visibly red. At first I thought it was embarrassment, but her countenance looked more like anger. That was the way I read it anyway. I glanced around the table and several of the others were staring at the one sided confrontation. I could tell every girl knew of the conflict.

Joanne and Robin's mouths were open as if they were going to warn Sherrie about reacting and speaking disrespectfully. They knew from personal experience how Lenore would respond to that and they wanted Sherrie to come out on top. A well strapped and blistered butt is not conducive to a dominant attitude. Sherrie regained some control but still huffed indignantly. "Fine. I'll pluck them myself if you insist it can't wait until the wax would do the job. Actually the inhibitor itself would probably work as well and make the stubble fall out in a couple days. That's what I did on my legs and they are smooth as silk." The tone of her voice suggested she was not happy. Everyone knew the lotion was a combination depilatory and hair growth inhibitor that would ensure no hair grew back for months. Repeated usage was almost as good as electrolysis.

Lenore smiled. "But I want your pussy 'smooth as silk' tonight, not wait days."

"I said, I'd pluck them, MA'AM." Sherrie said tersely. She was embarrassed having her pubes discussed in front of the others. I thought that funny as this was one of the least problematic or personal discussions we have had lately. I was not the only one to realize Sherrie was upset and her attitude was about to get her in trouble. One of the girls down the table gasped audibly.

Lenore smiled. Her left hand patted me on the thigh to let me know she had this as she said in a controlled voice. "Sherrie, I do not care for that tone. Stand up and pull down your jeans and panties. Robin, since you are sitting next to her, I want you to run a finger over her pussy and tell me if you can feel any stubble." Sherrie was unable to control her facial expression She glared at Lenore as she complied with Lenore's order. Robin rubbed her index finger over the blonde woman's mons. Robin nodded. "I can see a shadow of light brown hair from here." Lenore announced. Sherrie bushed and barely concealed her initial glare.

"Okay. It will be removed after dinner. Well, after the kitchen cleanup is finished, the pussy cleanup will commence." Lenore decided. A few chuckles around the table could be heard. "I'm sure you girls all heard the story of how I had not removed my pubes the night I presented myself to the group at the Hacienda. I've heard it be retold a few times. Tonight, Sherrie will endure something similar."

Now there was some looks of surprise around the table. Sherrie looked horrified. "Do I have any volunteers to help Sherrie denude her pussy? Or should I assign her helpers?" Sherrie immediately said she could do it herself. "I do not like how you acted a few minutes ago. It will be done FOR you, not BY you." Nobody raised a hand to volunteer. "Alright, Joanne, you and Robin will pluck her. You both did a good job on each other and managed to pass inspection at slave camp. Bring in the desk lamp from your room and do it here on the dining room table. I want her not only bald but smooth as silk. I will inspect your work when you finish and you don't want me displeased."

"Please Lenore, not here in the open!" Sherrie begged. "Can't we do it in private?" Lenore shook her head and repeated her earlier statement about attitude and tone of her voice. Sherrie closed her mouth as her face turned red and her eyes filled with tears. She was no longer angry. Now she was completely humiliated.

"Cover the table with a sheet before you start." Sonya ordered. " And make sure to wipe down the table afterward. I don't want little hairs scattered around my kitchen."

I took Lenore back to my bedroom. "So this is how you are going to stop Sherrie and take back control? Why not pluck her yourself?" I asked.

"This is only the start. I thought about doing her myself but then she opened her mouth and I had the excuse to have it done publicly which is better. All the girls are watching and waiting to see which one of us comes out on top." Lenore said. "Joanne and Robin are Sherrie's main supporters so assigning them to pluck her is icing on the cake. And they already envision the consequences of displeasing me if they don't do a good job. I know Sherrie's pussy is gonna be TOTALLY smooth when they are finished.I have some ideas on how to conduct the actual inspection. Oh for your information, I am thinking of bringing Sherrie in here tomorrow. I plan to take her down. But I don't want anybody disturbing us, so if you can maybe be somewhere else, I'd appreciate it."

I told Lenore I'd like to watch. She asked how I could do that without interfering. I confessed I had bugged most of the house with hidden cameras. "I wondered if you had gone ahead and done that. You mentioned wanting to know what went on behind closed doors. You haven't bugged this room I hope. I like my privacy." Lenore stated with a frown.

I assured her this was the only room that was not bugged. I had two extra cameras in my gun safe. I asked her if I could install them and record her time with Sherrie. She grinned, "I can't stop you, Master. If I lose, I will be another slave girl so my right to privacy will be void anyway. But if I come out on top like I plan, I'll want the files deleted after we watch them together. I just hope knowing I am being watched won't distract me."

I got the cameras and set them up, like Darren instructed. Lenore made a short movie as a test. We went to my office to hear us talking and then playing around. The quality was not porn video grade but it would be good enough for me know each detail.

An hour after they started plucking Sherrie's pubes, Robin summoned Lenore. Lenore rubbed her forefinger over Sherrie's whole pubic area. "It feels pretty smooth," Lenore announced. "Let's try the tongue test. Robin, you do the honors and lick Sherrie. I want you to feel her whole belly, between her legs all the way to her asshole. Make sure it is completely smooth. Joanne you will give me your opinion next." Robin frowned but knew better than to say a word of protest.Lenore and I watched as both girls comprehensively checked for errant stubble. I saw Sonya watching from across the kitchen and grinning.

When both girls pronounced the area smooth, Lenore pulled out her bottle of hair growth inhibitor and daubed a heavy coat of the brown lotion across Sherrie's entire pubis. "Aren't you going to check her also?" robin asked Lenore.

"Nope. I trust your word she is smooth as silk." Lenore answered grinning. "We'll let this lotion work its magic and she'll stay smooth." Thirty minutes later Sherrie began to ask when she might wash it off as the sensation had gone from a mild tingling to burn. Lenore deliberately looked at her watch and announced time. Sherrie scampered to shower.

Back in our bedroom, Lenore grinned as she said, "Now she is primed for our little tete te tete. I talked with my cousin Marge this afternoon when I scheduled the implants. She knows Sherrie fairly well."

"Marge told me Sherrie has asked about me several times over the past several years. Especially after she saw me at one of the garden parties. She did her best to find out as much as possible about my private life. Marge says she did not tell her anything 'everybody did not know already'. Her words. Sherrie was seeking confirmation and already knew a lot of detail. Sherrie told Marge a little about our encounter in New Orleans. No details, just that we had run into each other and hung out together. Sherrie said she hoped it would have worked out better. Marge said she knew exactly what Sherrie meant. She was amused and teased me, mildly."

I asked Lenore how Marge's teasing made her feel. "A little pissed off. Marge knows how submissive I am."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wishing you a safe and happy sabbatical. I look forward to more of this series upon your return.

Just another fan of your writing…

LeifsonLeifsonover 2 years ago

Yes, that's exactly the attitude I would expect from Derek with his prepper background. Sure I have a backup generator, but then what about fuel?

Interesting that Lenore didn't want to take advantage of Slave Camp, but is using the same subjugation techniques (like shaving pubes). I guess the difference is that she wants to feel like she is the one "doing" the subjugation. Even though she is delegating some of the actions to the other slaves.

Enjoy your sabbatical, looking forward to the continued story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why're you on Chapter 18 pf a SlaveFic series if you don't like reading SlaveFic?

servant111servant111over 2 years ago

This series makes me sad. You are an excellent author who has chosen to focus your exceptional skill to effectively normalize institutional slavery, a subject of such depravity that we endured the worst war in American history to end that “institution.”

Yes you can continue to pursue authoring this series, but what a waste..:!

1 star.

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